861 research outputs found

    Cultural Communication in Social Integration between Bawean Ethnic and Malay Sub-Ethnic in Malaysia

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    Cultural communication has obliquely shapes society relationships with another for the sake of togetherness prosperity. Diversity of norms and values from cultural symbols are able to be transferred as connecting elements in order to create interaction that is based on mutual comprehension of cultural norms. This study objective is to comprehend Bawean ethnic's cultural communication symbol. Employing qualitative methods, social construction paradigm is perceived through in-depth interview. This methodology adapted to realize the meaning of cultural communication between Bawaean and the other Malay sub-ethnicity. There are one main informant and ten other informant whom have been interviewed face-to-face. The result has shown that Bawean ethnic's cultural communication symbol such as language, cuisine, martial arts and religious rituals are the main elements in Bawean ethnic's cultural communication. In conclusion, cultural communication between Bawean ethnic and other ethnic has taken place according to the situations as either inside or outside the group. Cultural similarities has facilitate cultural communication tranquility. It creates social integration with relation to the ethnic relationship processes such as acculturation, accommodation and integration


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    This study aims to describe the local wisdom of the fishery tradition of Mandarese Tribe associated with Islamic value. Data was collected using interview and literature studies, then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The majority of the Mandarese people are Muslims who inhabit areas on the West coast of the Sulawesi Island. The primary profession of the Mandarese people is fishermen who have local wisdom in the form of belief in occult things at sea so that natural phenomena and supernatural powers become the driving force of spiritual energy. Some rituals need to be performed before and after sailing. This form of knowledge is known as the “paissangang posasiang” by the Mandarese people. Besides, some restrictions must not be violated (pemali). There is a combination of Islamic value and local wisdom within the Mandarese people, such as the belief in the figure of the Prophet Khidr, reading the Surah Yaasin when during a wind storm (laso anging), reading barzanji, praying for salvation based to Islamic value led by a kyai (annannguru)

    Perbedaan Tingkat Upah Pekerja di Sektor Manufaktur dan Jasa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbedaan upah di antara pekerja dan untukmenyelidiki faktor-faktor yang menentukan perbedaan upah tersebut di sektor manufaktur dan jasa diIndonesia. Model regresi berganda dengan dummy variable digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimanapengaruh karakteristik dan kualitas pekerja dalam menjelaskan perbedaan upah di pasar tenaga kerja diIndonesia. Faktor-faktor pekerja seperti pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, gender dan status perkawinanmenjelaskan sekitar 24,8 persen dari variasi tingkat upah pekerja. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkanpentingnya faktor karakteristik dan kualitas pekerja dalam menentukan perbedaan tingkat upah pekerja,baik di sektor manufaktur maupun di sektor jasa. Variabel-variabel bebas dalam model yaitu pendidikantinggi, pengalaman kerja, jenis kelamin dan status perkawinan secara signifikan berpengaruh positifterhadap perbedaan upah pekerja di sektor manufaktur dan sektor jasa. Dengan demikian, penelitian inimenyoroti pentingnya sumber daya manusia dalam meningkatkan tingkat pendapatan pekerja danmengungkapkan fakta bahwa kualitas sumber daya manusia tidak hanya penting untuk mereduksiperbedaan upah tetapi juga membantu dalam meningkatkan tingkat upah pekerja.This study aims to determine how wages differ among workers and to investigate the factors thatdetermine these wage differences in the manufacturing and service sectors in Indonesia. Multipleregression models with dummy variables are used to determine how the characteristics and quality ofworkers influence the difference in wages in the labor market in Indonesia. Worker factors such aseducation, work experience, gender and marital status explain around 24.8 percent of the variation inworkers' wages. The results of this study indicate the importance of the characteristics and quality ofworkers in determining the difference in the level of wages of workers, both in the manufacturing sectorand in the service sector. The independent variables in the model, namely higher education, workexperience, gender and marital status have a significant positive effect on the difference in wages ofworkers in the manufacturing and service sectors. Thus, this study highlights the importance of humanresources in increasing the income level of workers and reveals the fact that the quality of humanresources is not only important for reducing wage differentials but also helps in increasing the wage rateof workers

    The Petta Kalie’s Contribution in The Development of Islamic Law during The Kingdom of Bone

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    This article examines Petta Kalie's contribution to the development of Islamic law in the Kingdom of Bone. Petta Kalieor qadhi has the same position as an advisor or counselor to the sultan. This was similar to the qadhi al-qudhat in Baghdad, syekh Islam in Turkey, sadar-i azam in India, qadhil malikul adil in Aceh or Wali Songo in Java. This study uses a historical approach to understanding the Islamic law as an analytical tool by looking at Petta Kalie as a collective history that contributes to the development of the Islamic law. The study concluded that there were four contributions of Petta Kalie in the development of Islamic law: affirming the integration of sara’ (Islamic law) and ade’ (adat), such as the sompa, mappacci, barzanji and meppanre tamme traditions. The internalization of the Islamic law with the style of Syafi’i school of thought  was carried out by Patte Kalie assisted by puang imang, katte’, bilal, doja and amil who are in charge of teaching and disseminating the Islamic laws such as marriage, divorce, reconciliation, inheritance distribution, and the management of zakat. In addition, Petta Kalie also promotes women’s equality in the Islamic law, supports female Sultanah to appear as kings and initiates education in studying Islamic sciences especially for women called makkamisi’. Finally, a legal fatwa related to resistance to the Netherlands and refusal to cooperate with them. Some of these arguments and findings are indisputable historical facts that Petta Kalie made a major contribution to the development of Islamic law in the Bugis Bone society


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    This study aimed to know the direct effect of service quality, on the satisfaction and trust of Muslim patients in Arafah Islamic hospital in Jambi city. The design of this study used a quantitative method with a survey approach to obtain primary data, namely by distributing questionnaires to 140 inpatients in Arafah Islamic hospital in Jambi city using the purposive sampling method. Then quantitative data was processed using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the application of SmartPLS 3. The results of this study indicated that service quality has a significant effect on satisfaction and trust, as well as satisfaction has a significant effect on trust. This research was expected to make a practical contribution to management of Islamic hospital for an effort to increase patient satisfaction and trust

    Performance and wake analysis of rotors in axial flight using computational fluid dynamics

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    Flow field around rotors in axial flight is known to be complex especially in steep descent where the rotor is operating inside its own wake. It is often reported that, in this flight condition, the rotor is susceptible to severe wake interactions causing unsteady blade load, severe vibration, loss of performance, as well as poor control and handling. So far, there is little data from experimental and numerical analysis available for rotors in axial flight. In this paper, the steady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Computational Fluid Dynamics solver Helicopter Multi-Block was used to predict the performance of rotors in axial flight. The main objective of this study was to improve the basic knowledge about the subject and to validate the flow solver used. The results obtained are presented in the form of surface pressure, rotor performance parameters, and vortex wake trajectories. The detailed velocity field of the tip vortex for a rotor in hover was also investigated, and a strong self-similarity of the swirl velocity profile was found. The predicted results obtained when compared with available experimental data showed a reasonably agreement for hover and descent rate, suggesting unsteady solution for rotors in vortex-ring state


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    IDENTIFIKASI PARASIT PADA IKAN KERAPU SUNU (Plecetropomusleopardus) YANG DIJUAL DI TPI LHOKNGA KABUPATEN ACEH BESAR ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis parasit yang menginfeksi ikan kerapu (Plecetropomus leopardus) di TPI Lhoknga, Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Sebanyak 5 ekor ikan kerapu sunu yang diambil di TPI Lhoknga, diperiksa diLaboratorium Parasitologi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah KualaBanda Aceh untuk melihat keberadaan ektoparasit dan endoparasit. Pemeriksaaanektoparasit dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan organ tubuh bagian luar dankemudian diperiksa di bawah mikroskop, sedangkan pemeriksaan endoparasitdilakukan dengan cara pengamatan pada permukaan dalam dari saluranpencernaan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan dua jenis parasit yangmenginfestasiikan kerapu sunu yaitu Gyrodactylus sp dan Trichodina sp di insang .Sebanyak 80% kerapu terinfestasi Gyrodactylus sp dan 20% Trichodina sp


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    Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Hilal Sigli merupakan suatu lembaga pendidikan tinggi dan pusat kajian strategis ilmu pengetahuan Agama Islam, membutuhkan tenaga dosen yang memiliki kemampuan dan kinerja yang handal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja dosen pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Hilal Sigli. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi, observasi dan wawancara, Subjek penelitian para ketua sekolah tinggi, ketua prodi, dosen, kepala tata usaha, dan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Kompetensi dosen dalam melaksanakan proses perkuliahan telah mengikuti prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran, hal ini dilihat dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi perkuliahan yang dilaksanakan oleh dosen. 2) Motivasi dosen dalam melaksanakan perkuliahan tercermin pada kemauan dan kesadaran dosen dalam melaksakan tugas-tugas yang diembankan kepadanya. 3) Sebagian dosen telah melaksanakan perkuliahan dengan baik dan disiplin, hal ini dilihat dari penggunaan waktu secara efisien dalam proses perkuliahan, dan usaha dosen dalam membantu dan membimbing mahasiswa 4). Komitmen dan tanggung jawab dosen dalam melaksanakan perkuliahan, telah dapat dilaksanakan sesuai prosedur yang berlaku. Kata kunci : Kompetensi, Motivasi, dan Komitmen dalam Kinerja Dose