1,068 research outputs found

    Towards relativistic quantum geometry

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    We obtain a gauge-invariant relativistic quantum geometry by using a Weylian-like manifold with a geometric scalar field which provides a gauge-invariant relativistic quantum theory in which the algebra of the Weylian-like field depends on observers. An example for a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black-hole is studied.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, improved versio

    Discrete Modes in Gravitational Waves from the Big-Bang

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    We develop a new approach to gravitational waves in which the Einstein equations are governed by the cosmological constant which is related to the existence of a manifold which is closed. We study an example in which the matter Lagrangian is described by the scalar (inflaton) field. There are only three dynamical solutions. In one of them the universe is initially static but begins to increase until an inflationary stage. We calculate the dynamics of GW in this primordial pre-inflationary stage of the universe. We found that there should be an infinite number of polarization modes in order to the fields can be quantized. Finally, we calculate the energy density due to the gravitational waves.Comment: Version accepted in Astrophysics Space Scienc

    The Dynamics of School and Work in Rural Bangladesh

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    This paper investigates the causes underlying the poor school performance of children in rural Bangladesh, while focusing on the effect of work on school progress. To this end, a dynamic switching model is presented for the sequence of school and work outcomes up to the end of secondary school, where the switching in each school level considered is determined by the endogenous work sequence up to that level. This approach allow us to characterize the full sequence of school and work choices of children, and to evaluate the dynamic effects of work on schooling. We find that work has a negative and sizable effect on school progress for the entire population, as well as for all the subpopulations considered, including the different groups of working children. We are also able to identify at each school level the observable and unobservable characteristics of working children relative to those of non-working children. This characterization and the magnitude of the estimated effects of work have important policy implications.dynamics of school and work, dynamic evaluation, selection

    Ser majoria peer tenir un estat

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    El municipalisme al segle XXI

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    Odi a la xarxa: on són els límits?

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    Fa uns dies el Tribunal Suprem va rebaixar les condemnes de presó imposades per l'Audiència Nacional a dos acusats d'haver enaltit el terrorisme i d'haver humiliat les seves víctimes a la xarxa. També va absoldre un exmilitar gallec acusat d'exalçar el jihadisme a Facebook i de vendre samarretes amb imatges d'execucions de l'Estat Islàmic. ¿És, potser, la mateixa sort que correrà aviat la tuitera Cassandra Vera, jutjada per haver publicat tretze acudits negres sobre l'atemptat de Carrero Blanco? No ho sabem. El que és segur és que, de moment, l'Audiència Nacional continua celebrant fins a sis judicis setmanals per casos similars i que la fiscalia, d'acord amb un determinat estat d'opinió, s'ha calçat fa temps les botes de perseguir tuiters, youtubers i facebookers

    A stochastic predictive control approach to project risk management

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    This work shows a control policy based on MPC and applied to project risk management. MPC has been applied due the properties that presents such as the easy constraint treatment or the extension to multivariable case. The control actions are the mitigation actions to execute in order to reduce the risk exposure. Stochastic variables have been introduced to model the uncertainties of risk impacts. Integer variables are involved in the optimization problem modelling the mitigation actions

    Application des origines de la pragmatique à un corpus de médiation laborale: les théories d’Austin et Searle

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    En este artículo nuestros objetivos se centran en demostrar el carácter práctico de las primeras aportaciones que se hicieron al campo de estudio de la pragmática, al tiempo que realizamos una revisión crítica de las mismas. Para ello, tras hacer un modesto acercamiento al origen del concepto pragmática y a las definiciones que se han establecido sobre esta disciplina, analizamos las teorías de los actos de habla ofrecidas por Austin y Searle. Tales propuestas son ejemplificadas con fragmentos extraídos de un corpus de mediaciones laborales, género discursivo basado en la negociación entre empresarios y trabajadores acerca de las condiciones laborales de los empleados. Como conclusión más importante destacamos la utilidad que tales teorías tienen para dar explicación a contextos comunicativos tan actuales como son las mediaciones

    El marco comunicativo en las resoluciones de conflictos: juicios, arbitrajes, conciliaciones y mediaciones

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    This paper focus on observing the similarities and the differences in the communicative framework of four discourse types of conflict resolutionss. It is argued that, if extreme relevance is conceded to feedback, dyadic communication schemes are suitable to describe any communicative act. It also reflects on the complexity –and thus mistakes– in encoding-decoding the message, since in the most interactions receiver fails to understand exactly the information that the speaker wanted to transmit.Los objetivos de este artículo se centran en observar los parecidos y las diferencias existentes en el marco comunicativo de cuatro géneros discursivos de resoluciones de conflictos: juicios, arbitrajes, conciliaciones y mediaciones. Se defiende que, si se le otorga suma relevancia al feedback, los esquemas comunicativos diádicos son apropiados para describir cualquier acto comunicativo. Igualmente, se reflexiona sobre la complejidad –y en consecuencia los fallos– en la codificación-descodificación del mensaje, habida cuenta de que en la mayoría de las interacciones el receptor no llega a entender exactamente la información que ha querido transmitir el emisor