187 research outputs found

    Millora de la qualitat del senyal altern en convertidors PWM contínua‐alterna mitjançant l’eliminació selectiva d’harmònics utilitzant la transformada de Walsh

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    En aquest treball es presenta un mètode per al càlcul dels angles de commutació d’un senyal PWM mitjançant equacions lineals depenents de l’amplitud de la fonamental, que eliminen de manera selectiva una certa quantitat d’harmònics. Així, aquests angles es poden calcular d’una forma més senzilla que amb altres tècniques de generació PWM programada

    Iluminando con LEDs

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    En este trabajo se analizan las posibilidades de la tecnología de iluminación LED, comparándola con otras tecnologías como la lámpara halógena o la fluorescente. Se tratan aspectos clave como el rendimiento luminoso, el ahorro energético y la duración de las lámparas. Al mismo tiempo se introducen apuntes históricos del desarrollo de las tecnologías de iluminación que permiten una visión global y una reflexión sobre el futuro

    Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad para la sostenibilización curricular en el Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Educación Social. Diseño y creación de una herramienta para la acción tutorial

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    El proyecto pretende, mediante el diseño de tutoriales, contribuir a la mejora de los métodos, espacios y el seguimiento del aprendizaje en el TFG de Educación Social. La sostenibilización aparece como factor clave para el desarrollo académico

    Moodle en la enseñanza presencial y mixta del inglés en contextos universitarios

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    Since 2005-06 Moodle has been used institutionally as an open source e-learning platform both in a blended and face-to-face environment at the Universidad de Extremadura (Spain). It has become an essential tool for accessing material created by teachers. It is also an instrument to reach information and resources on the Internet. This article shows the conclusions obtained after analysing the effectiveness of Moodle in the context of the English language courses conducted at the Centro Universitario de Mérida in a face-to-face teaching environment (English in Computing, English in Land-Surveying and Technical English in Industrial Design) and in a blended-learning format (Information and Communication Technologies Applied to the Language Learning and English Online).Desde su implantación a lo largo del curso académico 2005-2006 la plataforma de aprendizaje y software libre Moodle ha servido como soporte para las asignaturas impartidas en las distintas titulaciones ofrecidas por la Universidad de Extremadura, convirtiéndose en una herramienta clave para el acceso del alumno tanto al material elaborado por el profesor como a los recursos contenidos en la red. Este trabajo pretende mostrar las conclusiones obtenidas de un estudio y análisis sobre la incidencia que Moodle ha tenido en las asignaturas de inglés impartidas en el Centro Universitario de Mérida, contrastando la efectividad de la plataforma en el contexto de un régimen presencial (Inglés Técnico Informático, Inglés Técnico en Topografía e Inglés Técnico en Diseño Industrial) y un entorno mixto de aprendizaje (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación Aplicadas al Aprendizaje de Idiomas -TICAI- e Inglés Online)

    Formación de profesionales para una ciudadanía planetaria. La educación para el desarrollo sostenible en los títulos de grado de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    This research work has been developed within the framework of the Project Detection of standards and quality criteria for sustainable development and its incorporation into internal systems Quality assurance in the Faculty of Education (Innova-Docencia Projects 2017/2018 de the Complutense University of Madrid) whose objective focuses on trying to answer the following questions: are graduates and graduates of the Faculty of Education of the UCM competent to respond to the different challenges, social and environmental needs that arise each day on our planet? Is education for sustainable development considered as a quality criterion? From a qualitative methodology, a mapping has been constructed based on a selection of educational records and ANECA memories of the different degrees taught in the Faculty of Education: Degree of Primary Teacher, Degree of Infant Teacher, Degree in Social Education and Degree in Pedagogy to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the formation of the different professional profiles. For the collection of data and subsequent analysis, a matrix was designed taking as reference the Sustainable Development Goals, the competences developed by UNECE and UNESCO as indicators of analysis. Although sustainable development is present in the competences, objectives, etc. of some of the subjects analyzed, the results point to the need to introduce improvements related to sustainability in the degrees taught at the Faculty of Education of the UCM in compliance with the objectives and goals of the 2030 Agenda, to incorporate the Education dimension for Sustainable Development in each of the professional profiles. Keywords: Sustainable Development Education, Sustainable Development Goals, curricular sustainability, planetary citizenshipResumen: El presente trabajo de investigación se ha desarrollado en el marco del Proyecto Detección de estándares y criterios de calidad para el desarrollo sostenible y su incorporación a los sistemas internos Garantía de calidad en la Facultad de Educación (Proyectos Innova-Docencia 2017/2018 de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) cuyo objetivo centra su foco en tratar de dar respuesta a las siguientes cuestiones: ¿son competentes los egresados y egresadas de la Facultad de Educación de la UCM para responder a los diferentes retos, necesidades sociales y ambientales que surgen cada día en nuestro planeta? ¿Desde la propia educación se considera la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible como criterio de calidad? Desde una metodología cualitativa, se ha realizado un mapeo en base a una selección de fichas docentes y memorias ANECA de las diferentes titulaciones impartidas en la Facultad de Educación: Grado de Maestro Primaria, Grado de Maestro Infantil, Grado de Educación Social y Grado de Pedagogía para identificar las fortalezas y debilidades en la formación de los distintos perfiles profesionales. Para la recogida de datos y posterior análisis se diseñó una matriz tomando como referencia los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, las competencias desarrolladas por la UNECE y la UNESCO como indicadores de análisis. Aunque el desarrollo sostenible se muestra presente en las competencias, objetivos, etc. de algunas de las asignaturas analizadas, los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de introducir mejoras relacionadas con la sostenibilidad en las titulaciones impartidas en la Facultad de Educación de la UCM en cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas de la Agenda 2030, para incorporar la dimensión Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible en cada uno de los perfiles profesionales. Palabras clave: Educación Desarrollo Sostenible, Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, Sostenibilización curricular, Ciudadanía planetaria Formation of professionals for a planetary citizenship. Education for sustainable development in the graduate degrees of the Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid Abstract: This research work has been developed within the framework of the Project Detection of standards and quality criteria for sustainable development and its incorporation into internal systems Quality assurance in the Faculty of Education (Innova-Docencia Projects 2017/2018 de the Complutense University of Madrid) whose objective focuses on trying to answer the following questions: are graduates and graduates of the Faculty of Education of the UCM competent to respond to the different challenges, social and environmental needs that arise each day on our planet? Is education for sustainable development considered as a quality criterion? From a qualitative methodology, a mapping has been constructed based on a selection of educational records and ANECA memories of the different degrees taught in the Faculty of Education: Degree of Primary Teacher, Degree of Infant Teacher, Degree in Social Education and Degree in Pedagogy to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the formation of the different professional profiles. For the collection of data and subsequent analysis, a matrix was designed taking as reference the Sustainable Development Goals, the competences developed by UNECE and UNESCO as indicators of analysis. Although sustainable development is present in the competences, objectives, etc. of some of the subjects analyzed, the results point to the need to introduce improvements related to sustainability in the degrees taught at the Faculty of Education of the UCM in compliance with the objectives and goals of the 2030 Agenda, to incorporate the Education dimension for Sustainable Development in each of the professional profiles. Keywords: Sustainable Development Education, Sustainable Development Goals, Curricular sustainability, Planetary citizenshi


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    Serrano, M.; Garcia-Testal, A.; Rico-Salvador, I.; Carrascosa López, C.; Ortiz Ramón, R.; Villalon Coca, J.; Royo-Maicas, P.... (2021). DOES LISTENING TO LIVE MUSIC DURING HEMODIALYSIS SESIONS AFFECT THE QUALITY OF LIFE?. Oxford University Press. 458-458. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/177492S45845

    Polymerizable Materials for Diffractive Optical Elements Recording

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    The technologies based on holographic and photonic techniques related to the optical storage and optical processing of information are rapidly evolving. One of the key points of this evolution are the new recording materials able to perform under the most specific situations and applications. In this sense, the importance of the photopolymers is growing spectacularly. This is mainly due to their versatility in terms of composition and design together with other interesting properties such as self-processing capabilities. In this chapter, we introduce the diffractive optical elements (DOE) generation in these materials and some of the most important parameters involved in this process. The deep knowledge of the material is essential to model its behavior during and after the recording process and we present different techniques to characterize the recording materials. We also present a 3D theoretical diffusion model able to reproduce and predict the experimental behavior of the recording process of any kind of DOE onto the photopolymers. The theoretical results will be supported by experimental analysis using a hybrid optical-digital setup, which includes a liquid crystal on silicon display. Besides this analysis, we study a method to improve the conservation and characteristics of these materials, an index-matching system

    Holographic Data Storage Using Parallel-Aligned Liquid Crystal on Silicon Displays

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    The parallel-aligned liquid crystal on silicon (PA-LCoS) microdisplay has become a widely used device for the photonics community. It is a very versatile tool that can perform several tasks which transforms it into a key element in many different photonics applications. Since our group is interested in holography, in this chapter, we want to use these displays as the data entry point for a holographic data storage system (HDSS). Due to the novelty of this kind of device, we have done an intense work characterizing it. These efforts are reflected in this chapter where the reader will find two different characterization methods that will enable to predict the performance of the device in a specific application. Additionally, we present how a phase-only device can be used as a data pager using different modulation schemes and combined with a photopolymer as the holographic recording material

    Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in response to a changing environment in CHO cell batch culture

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    Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells have been the workhorse for industrial production of recombinant therapeutic proteins since 1987. Variations in cellular environment and phenotypes that occur throughout the bioprocess can bring about significant changes in productivity and quality of recombinant proteins. This can potentially lead to rejection of the production lot. Hence, there is interest in an in-depth understanding of cell-line behavior and control to achieve more predictable and reliable process performance. Biological systems undergo dynamic changes over time, where individual genes are turned “on”, “off” or “paused” as and when required. So far, there is very little information available for CHO cell lines, that elucidates the effect of dynamic epigenetic regulation on temporal expression of genes in response to altered substrate availability and culture conditions. While DNA methylation levels around TSS induce either expression or silencing of genes, transcriptional regulation is primarily considered to be an interplay of transcription factors and chromatin modifiers. On top of these, there is a rapid increase in indications that connects phase-specific long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation. Unfortunately, the mechanism of interaction of these lncRNAs with coding genes have not been studied extensively. In this study, the gene transcription dynamics throughout a batch culture of CHO cells was examined by analyzing expression profiles and histone modifications in regular 12-24 hour intervals. Chromatin states and differential methylation profiles were used to understand the role of epigenetic modifiers in the regulation of gene expression. A good correlation between expression level and absence of DNA-methylation in the promoter regions was observed. Genes having all essential active chromatin marks - specific for promoter activity, genic enhancer and active transcription, also showed significantly high positive correlation between the changes in expression levels and histone marks. Both transcription and chromatin modifications during different growth phases were found to be highly dynamic. Clusters of genes showing similar trends of expression depict gradual and continuous adaptation to the changing substrate concentrations. Less narrowly spaced temporal analyses would have prevented detection of critical regulators involved in transient changes during the batch culture. Here, we also report a plausible mode of interaction of lncRNAs with the coding genes mediated by RNA-DNA-DNA triplex formations. Based on the identified interactions, we could predict possible gene targets and the target sites for the expressed lncRNAs and show high level of correlation of expression levels between interacting pairs. To the best of our knowledge this is the first and most comprehensive report of genome wide transcriptional regulation by epigenetic modifiers for CHO. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract