917 research outputs found


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    BERLIN-KÖLLN Berlin-Kölln / Richter, Julius Wilhelm Otto (Public Domain) ( - ) Title page ( - ) Preface ( - ) Contents ( - ) 1. Pribislaws Tod (1) Abbildung: [Fischer und Krieger im GesprĂ€ch am Flussufer] ([5]) 2. Der Markgraf von Brandenburg ([8]) 3. Kölln-Berlin - deutsche StĂ€dte ([21]) Abbildung: Stralauer Straße (27) 4. Kölln-Berlins Vereinigung zu einer Bundesstadt ([40]) 5. Unter dem großen Waldemar ([52]) 6. Propst Nikolaus von Bernau ([73]) 7. Wie man unter dem ersten Wittelsbacher lebte ([87]) 8. Aus der Zeit des falschen Waldemar ([105]) 9. Wie die SpreestĂ€dte und die Marken an das Haus Luxemburg kamen ([123]) 10. Die großen Berliner BrĂ€nde ([141]) 11. Aus der Zeit der Duikows ([154]) ColorChart ( -

    A second study of blasting recorded in Southern California

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    Since the publication of our paper entitled "A Study of Blasting Recorded in Southern California" one further large blast has been set off in this region, and others moderate, to comparatively small, in magnitude. Two of these especially have afforded opportunity for further direct investigation. Others have yielded additional information

    Piezoelectricity in hafnia

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    Because of its compatibility with semiconductor-based technologies, hafnia (HfO2) is today’s most promising ferroelectric material for applications in electronics. Yet, knowledge on the ferroic and electromechanical response properties of this all-important compound is still lacking. Interestingly, HfO2 has recently been predicted to display a negative longitudinal piezoelectric effect, which sets it apart from classic ferroelectrics (e.g., perovskite oxides like PbTiO3) and is reminiscent of the behavior of some organic compounds. The present work corroborates this behavior, by first-principles calculations and an experimental investigation of HfO2 thin films using piezoresponse force microscopy. Further, the simulations show how the chemical coordination of the active oxygen atoms is responsible for the negative longitudinal piezoelectric effect. Building on these insights, it is predicted that, by controlling the environment of such active oxygens (e.g., by means of an epitaxial strain), it is possible to change the sign of the piezoelectric response of the material

    Piezoelectricity in hafnia

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    Because of its compatibility with semiconductor-based technologies, hafnia (HfO2) is today’s most promising ferroelectric material for applications in electronics. Yet, knowledge on the ferroic and electromechanical response properties of this all-important compound is still lacking. Interestingly, HfO2 has recently been predicted to display a negative longitudinal piezoelectric effect, which sets it apart from classic ferroelectrics (e.g., perovskite oxides like PbTiO3) and is reminiscent of the behavior of some organic compounds. The present work corroborates this behavior, by first-principles calculations and an experimental investigation of HfO2 thin films using piezoresponse force microscopy. Further, the simulations show how the chemical coordination of the active oxygen atoms is responsible for the negative longitudinal piezoelectric effect. Building on these insights, it is predicted that, by controlling the environment of such active oxygens (e.g., by means of an epitaxial strain), it is possible to change the sign of the piezoelectric response of the material

    A direct RT-qPCR approach to test large numbers of individuals for SARS-CoV-2

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    SARS-CoV-2 causes substantial morbidity and mortality in elderly and immunocompromised individuals, particularly in retirement homes, where transmission from asymptomatic staff and visitors may introduce the infection. Here we present a cheap and fast approach to detect SARSCoV-2 in single or pooled gargle lavages (“mouthwashes”). With this approach, we test all staff at a nursing home daily over a period of three weeks in order to reduce the risk that the infection penetrates the facility. This or similar approaches could be implemented to protect hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions in this and future viral epidemics

    Neutral Hydrogen and Star Formation in the Irregular Galaxy NGC 2366

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    We present UBVJHKHalpha and HI data of the irregular galaxy NGC 2366. It is a normal boxy-shaped disk seen at high inclination angle. We do not see any unambiguous observational signature of a bar. There is an asymmetrical extension of stars along one end of the major axis of the galaxy, and this is where the furthest star-forming regions are found, at 1.3R_Holmberg. The HI is normal in many respects but shows some anomalies: 1) The integrated HI shows two ridges running parallel to the major axis that deproject to a large ring. 2) The velocity field exhibits several large-scale anomalies superposed on a rotating disk. 3) The inclination and position angles derived from the kinematics differ from those dervied from the optical and HI mor- phology. 4) There are regions in the HI of unusually high velocity dispersion that correlate with deficits of HI emission in a manner suggestive of long-range, turbulent pressure equilibrium. Star-forming regions are found where the gas densities locally exceed 6 Msolar/pc^2. NGC 2366, like other irregulars, has low gas densities relative to the critical gas densities of gravitational instability models. Because of the lack of shear in the optical galaxy, there is little competition to the slow gravitational contraction that follows energy dissipation. However, the peak gas densities in the star-forming regions are equal to the local tidal densities for gravitational self-binding of a rotating cloud. Evidently the large scale gas concentrations are marginally bound against background galactic tidal forces. This condition for self-binding may be more fundamental than the instability condition because it is local, three-dimensional, and does not involve spiral arm generation as an intermediate step toward star formation.Comment: To be published in ApJ; better figures available ftp.lowell.edu, cd pub/dah/n2366pape

    Effects of Intronic and Exonic Polymorphisms of Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) Gene on Serum PON1 Activity in a Korean Population

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    Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) hydrolyzes a number of toxic organophosphorous compounds and reduces lipid peroxide accumulation, and PON1 genetic polymorphisms in the coding region modulate serum PON1 activity. In this study, we investigated the association between 3 polymorphisms of PON1 located in intron 5 (17899insdelTT and 17974CT) and exon 6 (192QR) and serum PON1 activity. The genetic polymorphisms and serum activity of PON1 were analyzed in 153 healthy Koreans by using a direct sequencing assay and spectrophotometric method, respectively. A significant linkage disequilibrium (LD) was observed between all tested single nucleotide polymorphisms, with the strongest LD observed between 17899insdelTT and 192QR (D' = 0.984). The 17899insdelTT, 17974CT and 192QR genetic polymorphisms were associated with significant differences in serum paraoxonase activity. In multiple regression analyses, smoking, triglyceride level, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level, and the 17899insdelTT and 192QR genetic polymorphisms were significant determinants of serum paraoxonase activity, while age, smoking, triglyceride level, HDL level, and the 192QR genetic polymorphism were significant determinants of serum arylesterase activity. These results suggest that although the 192QR genetic polymorphism in the coding region of PON1 is primarily associated with serum PON1 activity, the intronic polymorphisms are also involved in serum PON1 activity, and this association may be mediated by LD
