1,079 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management Goals Revisited – A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Social Software Adoption in Corporate Environments

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    When it comes to tools serving as knowledge management instruments, social software has gained increasing importance. Whereas corporate social software is almost unanimously recognised to have enabled a fundamental shift in the ways of interacting and communicating within a company, the implementation approaches taken vary a lot from company to company and have not yet been examined in detail. This is also true for the goals set when introducing such tools, as well as for the implementation strategy as a whole. Against this background, we have studied and analysed social software adoption in 23 companies and derived six main goals of corporate social software adoption. These were consequently compared with the goals of knowledge management projects and initiatives, as identified in a series of well-known knowledge management studies. While some of the goals set for the introduction of corporate social software seem to coincide with those resulting from knowledge management studies, some others appear to be new and specific for corporate social software

    Carbon and water vapor balance in a subtropical pine plantation

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    Afforestation has been proposed as an effective tool for protecting primary and/or secondary forests and for mitigating atmospheric CO2. However, the dynamics of primary productivity differs between plantations and natural forests. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential for carbon storage of a commercial pine plantation by determining its carbon balance. Measurements started when trees were aged 6 and ended when they were older than 8 years. We measured CO2 and water vapor concentrations using the Eddy covariance method. Gross primary productivity in 2010 and 2011 was 4290 ± 473 g C m-2 and 4015 ± 485 g C m-2, respectively. Ecosystem respiration ranged between 7 and 20 g C m-2 d-1, reaching peaks in all Februaries. Of the 30 months monitored, the plantation acted as carbon source for 21 months and as carbon sink for 6 months, while values close to neutrality were obtained during 3 months. The positive balance representing CO2 loss by the system was most likely due to the cut branches left on the ground following pruning activities. The plantation was subjected to pruning in January and September 2008 and to sanitary pruning in October 2010. In all cases, cut branches were not removed but remained on the ground. Residue management seems to have a very important impact on carbon balance.Inst. de Clima y AguaFil: Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Lewczuk, Nuria. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Richter, Klaus. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Cristiano, Piedad María. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución. Laboratorio de Ecología Funcional; Argentin

    Regional isoprenoid emission from Eucalyptus grandis forests in northeastern Argentina

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    Eucalyptus species are strong source of isoprenoid emission. The objective of the present study was to estimate isoprenoid emissions from Eucalyptus grandis forest crops in the Entre Rios province in the Mesopotamia region of Argentina. The emission rates of isoprene and monoterpenes were measured on individual leaves under; controlled environmental conditions. At 30°C and with a PPFD of 1000 μM m-2 s-1 the emission rate of isoprene emission was 12.5 ± 1.9 nM m-2 s-1 and monoterpenes 15.1 ± 3.1 nM m-2 s-1. Emission was significantly affected by leaf position and decreased significantly from East to West. The most abundant compound emitted was limonene, accounting for between 50 and 68% of the total monoterpene emission. The time course of the isoprene emission course showed its strong dependence on light. On sunny days 42% of the isoprene emission comes from top of the canopy and only 2% from bottom of the canopy. But on overcast days, the relative contribution of diffuse radiation may be larger and can exceed the contribution of direct radiation. A model procedure in a Geographic Information System was implemented to estimate isoprene emissions at a regional scale. A forest inventory, data from a meteorological station and leaf area indices derived from satellite data served as inputs for the model. For the Entre Rios province (78781 km2), the isoprene emission totals up to 39.5 t d-1 on a clear summer day. The methodology applied to estimate isoprenoid emissions on a regional scale contributes to the understanding of carbon exchange between biosphere and atmosphereInst. de Clima y AguaFil: Richter, Klaus. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Centritto, Mauro. National Research Council. Trees and Timber Institute; ItaliaFil: Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Posse Beaulieu, Gabriela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentin

    Consumo e moralidade em contextos de vulnerabilidade: histórias de mulheres

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    Based on research data obtained from two different contexts of social vulnerability, this paper will analyse consumption strategies and their relevant perceptions. The leading figures of these stories are female peasants who are beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program and women living in urban areas who had their income reduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and had therefore to join the Boleto+1 Facebook group. Among female peasants, the ethnographic research was conducted between 2016 and 2018, while the research with Boleto+1 associates was carried out in 2020, in the first months of the pandemic, via digital platforms.A partir de dados de pesquisa obtidos em dois distintos contextos de vulnerabilidade social, este artigo analisa estratégias de consumo e percepções a elas associadas. São protagonistas das histórias contadas mulheres agricultoras bolsistas do Programa Bolsa Família e mulheres moradoras de centros urbanos que, em situação de redução de renda ocorrida durante a pandemia de COVID-19, aderiram ao grupo de Facebook Boleto+1. Entre as agricultoras, a pesquisa etnográfica foi realizada entre 2016 e 2018, enquanto que junto às associadas do Boleto+1 foi conduzida, em 2020, nos primeiros meses da pandemia, através de mídias digitais

    Museu é lugar de criança sim senhor! a consonância entre a educação patrimonial e o ensino de história a partir de uma experiência do programa residência pedagógica da Unisc, em Santa Cruz do Sul/RS

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    Este trabalho discorre considerações acerca das relações entre a educação patrimonial e o ensino de história - dentro de uma perspectiva transversal, a partir de uma ação educativa com alunos e alunas da educação básica no Museu do Colégio Mauá, situado em Santa Cruz do Sul. Amostra desta pesquisa, uma turma de sexto ano do ensino fundamental da Escola Estadual de Educação Básica Estado de Goiás composta por 25 alunos e alunas apresentou, previamente, suas expectativas quanto à visitação do espaço museal. Realizada a visita ao museu, estes alunos e alunas apresentaram suas considerações acerca da experiência pedagógica vivenciada. A análise das prévias concepções e dos relatos posteriores à visitação são objeto das discussões deste trabalho. Tal atividade propiciou a materialização dos conceitos teóricos trabalhados previamente em sala de aula e reflexões acerca de aspectos históricos constitutivos da região a partir das seleções das peças expostas

    Disfunção da pars intermedia da hipófise em equinos associado a adenoma pituitário

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    The clinical syndrome of the pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is the most common endocrinopathy of older horses. This syndrome is characterized by several clinical and pathological changes, which are usually associated with adenomas of the pars intermedia (PI) of the pituitary gland. The aim of this work is to describe five cases of pituitary adenoma of the PI associated with PPID in horses, addressing its clinical and pathological aspects. The horses had a mean of 22 years of age. The main clinical signs were hirsutism and paresis of hind limbs, and at post mortem examination all horses had hirsutism, and a nodule in the pituitary gland, which was histologically characterized as an adenoma of PI (5/5). Furthermore, two horses had gross lesions suggestive of chronic laminitis. Moreover, there was intense parasitism of Sarcocystis neurona (2/5), Strongylus vulgaris (1/5), Parascaris equorum (1/5), Draschia megastoma (1/5), and Klossiella equi (1/5).A síndrome clínica da disfunção da pars intermedia da hipófise (PPID) é a endocrinopatia mais comum em cavalos idosos. Essa síndrome é caracterizada por várias alterações clínicas e patológicas, geralmente associadas a adenomas da pars intermedia (PI) da hipófise. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever cinco casos de adenoma hipofisário de PI associado a PPID em equinos, abordando seus aspectos clínicos e patológicos. Os cavalos apresentaram média de 22 anos de idade. Os principais sinais clínicos incluíam hirsutismo e paresia dos membros pélvicos, e no exame post mortem todos os equinos apresentavam hirsutismo e um nódulo na glândula pituitária, que foi histologicamente caracterizada como um adenoma de PI (5/5). Além disso, dois cavalos tinham lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de laminite crônica. Ainda, havia intenso parasitismo de Sarcocystis neurona (2/5), Strongylus vulgaris (1/5), Parascaris equorum (1/5), Draschia megastoma (1/5) e Klossiella equi (1/5)

    Treatment of a giant hepatic echinococcal cyst with percutaneous drainage and in vivo assessment of the protoscolicidal effect of praziquantel

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    Therapy choices for cystic echinococcisis (CE) are stage-specific: surgical, minimally invasive, medical or observation without intervention. PAIR (percutaneous aspiration, instillation of a scolicide, and re-aspiration) has been considered the treatment of choice for uncomplicated echinococcal liver cysts. However, PAIR carries the risk of toxic cholangitis or hypernatremia and that the cyst frequently refills with bile after withdrawing the catheter. We treated a patient with a giant CE 1 liver cyst with puncture drainage (PD) under albendazole coverage. Drainage enabled us to monitor the morphology of protoscolices under praziquantel (PZQ) co-medication. Protoscolices degenerated within 5 days of PZQ 50 mg/kg/d. The cyst cavity solidified with no evidence of reactivation or secondary spread. Percutaneous treatments can replace surgery in a significant number or cases with hepatic CE. PD allows to assess microscopically the viability of protoscolices under co-medication with PZQ-albendazole and to avoid the instillation of topical scolicides