1,176 research outputs found

    Vertical kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation in the ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 42 (2015): 7639–7647, doi:10.1002/2015GL065043.Oceanic internal waves are closely linked to turbulence. Here a relationship between vertical wave number (kz) spectra of fine-scale vertical kinetic energy (VKE) and turbulent dissipation Δ is presented using more than 250 joint profiles from five diverse dynamic regimes, spanning latitudes between the equator and 60°. In the majority of the spectra VKE varies as inline image. Scaling VKE with inline image collapses the off-equatorial spectra to within inline image but underestimates the equatorial spectrum. The simple empirical relationship between VKE and Δ fits the data better than a common shear-and-strain fine-scale parameterization, which significantly underestimates Δ in the two data sets that are least consistent with the Garrett-Munk (GM) model. The new relationship between fine-scale VKE and dissipation rate can be interpreted as an alternative, single-parameter scaling for turbulent dissipation in terms of fine-scale internal wave vertical velocity that requires no reference to the GM model spectrum.National Science Foundation Grant Numbers: OCE-0728766, OCE-0425361, OCE-0424953, OCE-1029722, OCE-0622630, OCE-1030309, OCE-1232962, and Office of Naval Research Grant Number: N00014-10-1031

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: gas streaming and dynamical M/L in rotationally supported systems

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    Line-of-sight velocities of gas and stars can constrain dark matter (DM) within rotationally supported galaxies if they trace circular orbits extensively. Photometric asymmetries may signify non-circular motions, requiring spectra with dense spatial coverage. Our integral-field spectroscopy of 178 galaxies spanned the mass range of the SAMI Galaxy Survey. We derived circular speed curves (CSCs) of gas and stars from non-parametric Diskfit fits out to r∌2rer\sim2r_e. For 12/14 with measured H I profiles, ionized gas and H I maximum velocities agreed. We fitted mass-follows-light models to 163 galaxies by approximating the radial starlight profile as nested, very flattened mass homeoids viewed as a S\'ersic form. Fitting broad-band SEDs to SDSS images gave median stellar mass/light 1.7 assuming a Kroupa IMF vs. 2.6 dynamically. Two-thirds of the dynamical mass/light measures were consistent with star+remnant IMFs. One-fifth required upscaled starlight to fit, hence comparable mass of unobserved baryons and/or DM distributed similarly across the SAMI aperture that came to dominate motions as the starlight CSC declined rapidly. The rest had mass distributed differently from starlight. Subtracting fits of S\'ersic profiles to 13 VIKING Z-band images revealed residual weak bars. Near the bar PA, we assessed m = 2 streaming velocities, and found deviations usually <30 km/s from the CSC; three showed no deviation. Thus, asymmetries rarely influenced our CSCs despite co-located shock-indicating, emission-line flux ratios in more than 2/3

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Gas Streaming and Dynamical M/L in Rotationally Supported Systems

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    Line-of-sight velocities of gas and stars can constrain dark matter (DM) within rotationally supported galaxies if they trace circular orbits extensively. Photometric asymmetries may signify non-circular motions, requiring spectra with dense spatial coverage. Our integral-field spectroscopy of 178 galaxies spanned the mass range of the SAMI Galaxy Survey. We derived circular speed curves (CSCs) of gas and stars from non-parametric Diskfit fits out to r∌2rer\sim2r_e. For 12/14 with measured H I profiles, ionized gas and H I maximum velocities agreed. We fitted mass-follows-light models to 163 galaxies by approximating the radial starlight profile as nested, very flattened mass homeoids viewed as a S\'ersic form. Fitting broad-band SEDs to SDSS images gave median stellar mass/light 1.7 assuming a Kroupa IMF vs. 2.6 dynamically. Two-thirds of the dynamical mass/light measures were consistent with star+remnant IMFs. One-fifth required upscaled starlight to fit, hence comparable mass of unobserved baryons and/or DM distributed similarly across the SAMI aperture that came to dominate motions as the starlight CSC declined rapidly. The rest had mass distributed differently from starlight. Subtracting fits of S\'ersic profiles to 13 VIKING Z-band images revealed residual weak bars. Near the bar PA, we assessed m = 2 streaming velocities, and found deviations usually <30 km/s from the CSC; three showed no deviation. Thus, asymmetries rarely influenced our CSCs despite co-located shock-indicating, emission-line flux ratios in more than 2/3.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Accepted to MNRA

    Two-phase galaxy evolution: the cosmic star formation histories of spheroids and discs

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    From two very simple axioms: (1) that active galactic nucleus activity traces spheroid formation, and (2) that the cosmic star formation history is dominated by spheroid formation at high redshift, we derive simple expressions for the star formation histories of spheroids and discs, and their implied metal enrichment histories. Adopting a Baldry–Glazebrook initial mass function we use these relations and apply PEGASE.2 to predict the z = 0 cosmic spectral energy distributions (CSEDs) of spheroids and discs. The model predictions compare favourably to the dust-corrected CSED recently reported by the Galaxy And Mass Assembly team from the far-ultraviolet through to the K band. The model also provides a reasonable fit to the total stellar mass contained within spheroid and disc structures as recently reported by the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue team. Three interesting inferences can be made following our axioms: (1) there is a transition redshift at z ≈ 1.7 at which point the Universe switches from what we refer to as ‘hot mode evolution’ (i.e. spheroid formation/growth via mergers and/or collapse) to what we term ‘cold mode evolution’ (i.e. disc formation/growth via gas infall and minor mergers); (2) there is little or no need for any pre-enrichment prior to the main phase of star formation; (3) in the present Universe mass loss is fairly evenly balanced with star formation holding the integrated stellar mass density close to a constant value. The model provides a simple prediction of the energy output from spheroid and disc projenitors, the build-up of spheroid and disc mass and the mean metallicity enrichment of the Universe

    Damping of tropical instability waves caused by the action of surface currents on stress

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    Ocean eddies and fronts affect surface stress via two mechanisms: (1) ocean surface currents altering the relative motion between air and sea and, hence, the stress fields and (2) ocean sea surface temperature (SST) gradients forcing changes in stability and near-surface winds. In this paper, we quantify the first effect and how it impacts Tropical Instability Waves (TIW) in the eastern Pacific. High-resolution satellite data and a regional coupled model are used to distinguish between stress changes due to the surface currents and those due to the changes in stability and near-surface winds. It is found that both mechanisms affect the surface stress curl, but they do so at different latitudes, allowing for their effect on Ekman pumping to be distinguished. The Ekman pumping due to the surface current effect alone, leads to significant damping of the TIWs. In terms of the eddy kinetic energy, the inclusion of surface current in the stress leads to decay with an e-folding time comparable with the period of the TIWs. It is, thus, an important damping mechanism to be included in ocean and coupled ocean-atmosphere models

    Short-term variability in euphotic zone biogeochemistry and primary productivity at Station ALOHA : a case study of summer 2012

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (2015): 1145–1164, doi:10.1002/2015GB005141.Time-series observations are critical to understand the structure, function, and dynamics of marine ecosystems. The Hawaii Ocean Time-series program has maintained near-monthly sampling at Station ALOHA (22°45â€ČN, 158°00â€ČW) in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) since 1988 and has identified ecosystem variability over seasonal to interannual timescales. To further extend the temporal resolution of these near-monthly time-series observations, an extensive field campaign was conducted during July–September 2012 at Station ALOHA with near-daily sampling of upper water-column biogeochemistry, phytoplankton abundance, and activity. The resulting data set provided biogeochemical measurements at high temporal resolution and documents two important events at Station ALOHA: (1) a prolonged period of low productivity when net community production in the mixed layer shifted to a net heterotrophic state and (2) detection of a distinct sea-surface salinity minimum feature which was prominent in the upper water column (0–50 m) for a period of approximately 30 days. The shipboard observations during July–September 2012 were supplemented with in situ measurements provided by Seagliders, profiling floats, and remote satellite observations that together revealed the extent of the low productivity and the sea-surface salinity minimum feature in the NPSG.NOAA Climate Observation Division; National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) Grant Numbers: EF0424599, OCE-1153656, OCE-1260164; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Marine Microbiology Investigator2016-02-1

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the link between angular momentum and optical morphology

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    We investigate the relationship between stellar and gas specific angular momentum j, stellar mass M-* and optical morphology for a sample of 488 galaxies extracted from the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field Galaxy Survey. We find that j, measured within one effective radius, monotonically increases with M-* and that, for M-* > 10(9.5) M-aS (TM), the scatter in this relation strongly correlates with optical morphology (i.e. visual classification and S,rsic index). These findings confirm that massive galaxies of all types lie on a plane relating mass, angular momentum and stellar-light distribution, and suggest that the large-scale morphology of a galaxy is regulated by its mass and dynamical state. We show that the significant scatter in the M-*-j relation is accounted for by the fact that, at fixed stellar mass, the contribution of ordered motions to the dynamical support of galaxies varies by at least a factor of 3. Indeed, the stellar spin parameter (quantified via lambda(R)) correlates strongly with S,rsic and concentration indices. This correlation is particularly strong once slow rotators are removed from the sample, showing that late-type galaxies and early-type fast rotators form a continuous class of objects in terms of their kinematic properties
