322 research outputs found

    Chronic locked anterior shoulder dislocation with impaction of the humeral head onto the coracoid: a case report

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    The glenohumeral joint is one of the most commonly dislocated joints. When dislocated, the humeral head typically moves anteriorly and medially within the soft tissues adjacent to the glenoid. We present a case of a 64-year-old female who presented with a locked anterior shoulder dislocation with impaction of the humeral head onto the coracoid. To our knowledge, this is the first reported instance of humeral head impaction onto the coracoid causing the shoulder dislocation to be irreducible by closed means. Complications of this dislocation can include humeral head deformity, pseudoparalysis, brachial plexus injury, and significant pain. Level of evidence V

    Leadership in the British civil service: an interpretation

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    This article is essentially a polemic. The argument is that when politicians and officials now talk of ‘leadership’ in the British civil service they do not use that word in the way in which it was previously used. In the past leading civil servants, acting in partnership with ministers and within constitutional constraints, exercised leadership in the sense of setting example, inspiring confidence and encouraging loyalty. The loosening of traditional constitutional patterns, the marginalization of senior officials in the policy process and the emergence of business methods as the preferred model for public ­administration have led to a political and administrative environment in which leadership in the British civil service is now about encouraging patterns of behaviour which fit in with these changes. Leadership skills are now about ‘delivery’; they are not about motivation. It is time for politicians, officials and scholars to be open about this

    Bifactor Structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire Across the Schizotypy Spectrum

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    Despite widespread use in schizophrenia-spectrum research, uncertainty remains around an empirically supported and theoretically meaningful factor structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ). Current identified structures are limited by reliance on exclusively nonclinical samples. The current study compared factor structures of the SPQ in a sample of 335 nonpsychiatric individuals, 292 schizotypy-spectrum individuals (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or schizotypal personality disorder), and the combined group (N = 627). Unidimensional, correlated, and hierarchical models were assessed in addition to a bifactor model, wherein subscales load simultaneously onto a general factor and a specific factor. The best-fitting model across samples was a two-specific factor bifactor model, consistent with the nine symptom dimensions of schizotypy as primarily a direct manifestation of a unitary construct. Such findings, for the first time demonstrated in a clinical sample, have broad implications for transdiagnostic approaches, including reifying schizotypy as a construct underlying diverse manifestations of phenomenology across a wide range of severity

    Progress and challenges in coupled hydrodynamic-ecological estuarine modeling

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Estuaries and Coasts 39 (2016): 311-332, doi:10.1007/s12237-015-0011-y.Numerical modeling has emerged over the last several decades as a widely accepted tool for investigations in environmental sciences. In estuarine research, hydrodynamic and ecological models have moved along parallel tracks with regard to complexity, refinement, computational power, and incorporation of uncertainty. Coupled hydrodynamic-ecological models have been used to assess ecosystem processes and interactions, simulate future scenarios, and evaluate remedial actions in response to eutrophication, habitat loss, and freshwater diversion. The need to couple hydrodynamic and ecological models to address research and management questions is clear because dynamic feedbacks between biotic and physical processes are critical interactions within ecosystems. In this review, we present historical and modern perspectives on estuarine hydrodynamic and ecological modeling, consider model limitations, and address aspects of model linkage, skill assessment, and complexity. We discuss the balance between spatial and temporal resolution and present examples using different spatiotemporal scales. Finally, we recommend future lines of inquiry, approaches to balance complexity and uncertainty, and model transparency and utility. It is idealistic to think we can pursue a “theory of everything” for estuarine models, but recent advances suggest that models for both scientific investigations and management applications will continue to improve in terms of realism, precision, and accuracy.NKG, ALA, and RPS acknowledge support from the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program. DKR gratefully acknowledges support from NSF (OCE-1314642) and NIEHS (1P50-ES021923-01). MJB and JMPV gratefully acknowledge support from NOAA NOS NCCOS (NA05NOS4781201 and NA11NOS4780043). MJB and SJL gratefully acknowledge support from the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program—Defense Coastal/Estuarine Research Program (RC-1413 and RC-2245)

    Centers For Mendelian Genomics: a Decade of Facilitating Gene Discovery

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    PURPOSE: Mendelian disease genomic research has undergone a massive transformation over the past decade. With increasing availability of exome and genome sequencing, the role of Mendelian research has expanded beyond data collection, sequencing, and analysis to worldwide data sharing and collaboration. METHODS: Over the past 10 years, the National Institutes of Health-supported Centers for Mendelian Genomics (CMGs) have played a major role in this research and clinical evolution. RESULTS: We highlight the cumulative gene discoveries facilitated by the program, biomedical research leveraged by the approach, and the larger impact on the research community. Beyond generating a list of gene-phenotype relationships and participating in widespread data sharing, the CMGs have created resources, tools, and training for the larger community to foster understanding of genes and genome variation. The CMGs have participated in a wide range of data sharing activities, including deposition of all eligible CMG data into the Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL), sharing candidate genes through the Matchmaker Exchange and the CMG website, and sharing variants in Genotypes to Mendelian Phenotypes (Geno2MP) and VariantMatcher. CONCLUSION: The work is far from complete; strengthening communication between research and clinical realms, continued development and sharing of knowledge and tools, and improving access to richly characterized data sets are all required to diagnose the remaining molecularly undiagnosed patients

    Common Genetic Variation at the IL1RL1 Locus Regulates IL-33/ST2 Signaling

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    The suppression of tumorigenicity 2/IL-33 (ST2/IL-33) pathway has been implicated in several immune and inflammatory diseases. ST2 is produced as 2 isoforms. The membrane-bound isoform (ST2L) induces an immune response when bound to its ligand, IL-33. The other isoform is a soluble protein (sST2) that is thought to be a decoy receptor for IL-33 signaling. Elevated sST2 levels in serum are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. We investigated the determinants of sST2 plasma concentrations in 2,991 Framingham Offspring Cohort participants. While clinical and environmental factors explained some variation in sST2 levels, much of the variation in sST2 production was driven by genetic factors. In a genome-wide association study (GWAS), multiple SNPs within IL1RL1 (the gene encoding ST2) demonstrated associations with sST2 concentrations. Five missense variants of IL1RL1 correlated with higher sST2 levels in the GWAS and mapped to the intracellular domain of ST2, which is absent in sST2. In a cell culture model, IL1RL1 missense variants increased sST2 expression by inducing IL-33 expression and enhancing IL-33 responsiveness (via ST2L). Our data suggest that genetic variation in IL1RL1 can result in increased levels of sST2 and alter immune and inflammatory signaling through the ST2/IL-33 pathway.Stem Cell and Regenerative Biolog

    Novel insights into the aetiology of granulomatosis with polyangiitis—a case–control study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink

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    Objectives We aimed to provide insights into the aetiology of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), by conducting a large case–control study using a general population-based, prospectively collected database of healthcare records. Methods We compared all incident cases of GPA in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink 1990–2014, with up to 10 age-, sex- and general practice-matched controls. We identified potential risk factors, recorded numbers of cases and controls exposed to each, and calculated odds ratios (ORs) using conditional logistic regression. Our main analysis excluded data recorded during 1 year before diagnosis, to prevent early symptoms being mistaken for risk factors. Results We identified 757 people with GPA and matched 7546 controls. People with GPA were five times more likely to have a previous diagnosis of bronchiectasis (OR = 5.1, 95% CI: 2.7, 9.4; P 5 years prior to diagnosis. People with GPA were two to three times more likely than controls to have previous diagnoses of autoimmune diseases or chronic renal impairment, and these effects also remained stable >5 years prior to diagnosis. People with GPA were more likely to have a diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis (OR = 5.7, 95% CI: 1.7, 19.5; P = 0.01) and sinus infections (OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.8, 4.2; P < 0.0001) recorded in the 3 years before diagnosis, but not before this. We also found former smoking, some medications and higher socio-economic status significantly, but less strongly, associated. Conclusion We found novel long-term associations between GPA and pre-existing bronchiectasis and autoimmune diseases

    Special and inclusive education in the Republic of Ireland: reviewing the literature from 2000 to 2009

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    Provision for pupils with special educational needs in Ireland has undergone considerable change and review in the first decade of the twenty first century. In response to international demands for a more equitable education system which recognises diversity and considers how schools might address the needs of pupils who have been previously marginalised, Irish legislation has focused upon the development of inclusive schooling. Researchers during this period have endeavoured to understand how responses to the demand for greater inclusion have impacted upon the perceived need for change. This paper reviews the research literature for this period and identifies four key themes under which research has been conducted. The literature pertaining to these themes is explored and a possible agenda for future researchers identifie
