695 research outputs found

    A retrospective analysis of the effects of adopting individual transferable quotas in the Tasmanian red rock lobster,Jasus edwardsii, fishery

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    Individual transferable quotas (ITQ) were implemented in the Tasmanian red rock lobster fishery in 1998 and ten years later we assessed the impacts on the fishery. Particular attention was devoted to investigating the performances of the fishery with regard to three features identified as major impacts in the literature: rationalization of the fishing fleet, change in fishing strategy in order to maximise the fisher’s profit and concentration of fishing rights and activity. On average, the fishery reacted as expected and reached its objective in terms of reconstruction of the biomass, but the overall assessment in terms of resulting profitability is not very conclusive. There is no evidence of decrease of the profitability over the period of the study but the fishery is more reactive to external factors on its export market in China than to changes in its own structure.The first author is supported by a PhD scholarship co-funded by IFREMER and the joint CSIRO-UTAS Quantitative Marine Science program (QMS

    A discrete-time Markov modulated queuing system with batched arrivals

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    This paper examines a discrete-time queuing system with applications to telecommunications traffic. The arrival process is a particular Markov modulated process which belongs to the class of discrete batched Markovian arrival processes. The server process is a single server deterministic queue. A closed form exact solution is given for the expected queue length and delay. A simple system of equations is given for the probability of the queue exceeding a given length.Comment: to appear Performance Evaluatio

    Photo-Enhanced Toxicity in Amphibians: Synergistic Interactions of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Aquatic Contaminants

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    Amphibians experience a broad range of multiple environmental stressors that occur in natural systems. However, the impact of combinations of these stressors on amphibians are rarely examined. The effect of two stressors on amphibians, solar ultraviolet radiation (SUV) and environmental contamination, was investigated. To examine the interactive effects of SUV and environmental contaminants, Hyla venicolor and Rana sphenocephala were exposed in the laboratory to a carbamate insecticide and the water soluble fraction of a weathered petroleum in combination with various intensities of simulated solar radiation (SSR). The contaminants were tested at environmentally relevant concentrations. Synergistic interactions between SSR and these substances were observed during the exposures. Mortality of H. versicolor exposed to 2.51 mg/I carbaryl increased from 5% under control SSR conditions to 100% under low SSR irradiance (4 Ό W/cm2). Exposure to a 10% solution of a water soluble fraction of petroleum under control SSR conditions was not lethal to R. sphenocephala; however under high SSR irradiance (17 Ό W/cm2) a 5% water soluble fraction of petroleum was lethal. Relatively limited SSR irradiance is necessary to initiate photoenhanced toxicity, thus a range of amphibian habitats may be impacted by SUV. These studies indicate the importance of evaluating the interactive influence of environmental stressors present in amphibian habitats

    Augmenting the Space Domain Awareness Ground Architecture via Decision Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization

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    Purpose — The US Government is challenged to maintain pace as the world’s de facto provider of space object cataloging data. Augmenting capabilities with nontraditional sensors present an expeditious and low-cost improvement. However, the large tradespace and unexplored system of systems performance requirements pose a challenge to successful capitalization. This paper aims to better define and assess the utility of augmentation via a multi-disiplinary study. Design/methodology/approach — Hypothetical telescope architectures are modeled and simulated on two separate days, then evaluated against performance measures and constraints using multi-objective optimization in a heuristic algorithm. Decision analysis and Pareto optimality identifies a set of high-performing architectures while preserving decision-maker design flexibility. Findings — Capacity, coverage and maximum time unobserved are recommended as key performance measures. A total of 187 out of 1017 architectures were identified as top performers. A total of 29% of the sensors considered are found in over 80% of the top architectures. Additional considerations further reduce the tradespace to 19 best choices which collect an average of 49–51 observations per space object with a 595–630 min average maximum time unobserved, providing redundant coverage of the Geosynchronous Orbit belt. This represents a three-fold increase in capacity and coverage and a 2 h (16%) decrease in the maximum time unobserved compared to the baseline government-only architecture as-modeled. Originality/value — This study validates the utility of an augmented network concept using a physics-based model and modern analytical techniques. It objectively responds to policy mandating cataloging improvements without relying solely on expert-derived point solutions

    Planned Missing Data Designs & Small Sample Size: How Small is Too Small?

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    Utilizing planned missing data (PMD) designs (ex. 3-form surveys) enables researchers to ask participants fewer questions during the data collection process. An important question, however, is just how few participants are needed to effectively employ planned missing data designs in research studies. This paper explores this question by using simulated three-form planned missing data to assess analytic model convergence, parameter estimate bias, standard error bias, mean squared error (MSE), and relative efficiency (RE).Three models were examined: a one-time point, cross-sectional model with 3 constructs; a two-time point model with 3 constructs at each time point; and a three-time point, mediation model with 3 constructs over three time points. Both full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) and multiple imputation (MI) were used to handle the missing data. Models were found to meet convergence rate and acceptable bias criteria with FIML at smaller sample sizes than with MI

    WKY Fatty Rat as a Model of Obesity and Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus

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    This article is made available for unrestricted research re-use and secondary analysis in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for the duration of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic

    Exercise Training Improves Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Rats with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

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    poster abstractIn patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a shift from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism promotes right ventricular (RV) and skeletal muscle dysfunction that contributes to reduced exercise tolerance. As seen for other cardiopulmonary diseases, exercise training (ExT) may ameliorate this glycolytic switch in PAH and improve exercise capacity. The purpose of this research is to investigate ExT in a rat model of PAH on markers of glycolytic and oxidative metabolism in RV and skeletal muscle. Male Sprague-Dawley rats received monocrotaline (MCT, 40 mg/kg, s.q.) to induce PAH (n= 13), or saline, for healthy controls (n=5). After 2 wks, with MCT-induced PAH established, 6 wks of treadmill (TM) ExT was initiated for a subset of PAH animals (PAH-ExT, n= 6) and healthy controls (CON-ExT, n=3). ExT runs progressed up to 60 min at mild relative intensity, 50% of maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max). VO2max was assessed at baseline, in pre-training and post-training TM testing via analysis of expired gases. Abundance of Glut-1, a marker of glycolytic metabolism, was evaluated in cryosections of RV and soleus with immunofluorescent (IF) staining and quantification. Data are presented as mean±SE. MCT-ExT rats maintained aerobic capacity over 6 wks better than sedentary counterparts (MCT-SED)(VO2max= -134±109 vs. -521±129 ml/kg/hr, p=0.04) and was not different than CON-ExT (-201±31 ml/kg/hr, p=0.82). A lower abundance of Glut-1 was observed in both RV and soleus myocytes of PAH-ExT rats (MPI= 10.9 ±0.9 for RV; 13.7±0.8 for soleus) compared to PAH-SED rats (15.7±2.4, p=0.05, for RV; 17.4±1.4, p=0.04, for soleus) and was similar to CON-ExT rats (13.0±2.2, p=0.33, for RV; 9.0±2.3, p=0.26, for soleus), indicative of a shift toward greater dependency on oxidative metabolism. Exercise training attenuates functional decline following MCT administration in rats. Preservation of aerobic capacity may be explained by promotion of more efficient RV and skeletal muscle mitochondrial substrate utilization

    Sex Differences in the Perceived Dominance and Prestige of Women With and Without Cosmetics

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    Human social status has long been of interest to evolutionary and social psychologists. The question of who gets to control resources and be a leader has garnered a lot of attention from these and other fields, and this thesis examines evidence for there being two different mechanisms of achieving high status, and their correlates. The mechanisms are 1) Dominance: being aggressive, manipulative and forcing others to follow you, and 2) Prestige: possessing qualities which make others freely follow you. Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter in which I explain selection pressures, group formation, and the need for social hierarchies; I then describe the two proposed methods of attaining social status and how facial characteristics can give clues as to an individual’s social status. In Chapter 2, my first experimental chapter, I examined how faces created to appear either high in dominance or high in prestige were judged with respect to those traits as well as personality characteristics. Taking this further, in Chapter 3, I looked at how natural variation in real faces would reflect differences in other- and self-perceived ratings of dominance and prestige. Chapter 4 served to examine whether, given a set of words related to social status, I would find differences in what words were placed into dominant or prestige categories. Findings within these chapters are consistent with dominance and prestige being separable methods of attaining high status, from differences in facial appearance (Chapter 2 and 3), to personality characteristics (Chapter 2), to word usage (Chapter 4). Once I had established that these were two distinct routes to achieving high status, I chose to focus on dominance in Chapter 5 and explored the conceptual relationships between dominance and facial expressions. I found that manipulating perceptions of dominance affected how intense expressions of anger, sadness, and fear were perceived (Chapter 5). As there has been a paucity of research in the area of women’s social status, in Chapter 6, I went on to explore what effects cosmetics use in women would have on their perceived social status. I found differences in how men and women perceived women wearing cosmetics, which again points to a distinction between dominance and prestige. My thesis then presents a broad view of the two different mechanisms for attaining high status. Using new methods not otherwise used in exploring dominance and prestige I was able to explore correlates and indicators, as well as perceptions of both strategies. These findings will allow us to determine who might be capable of attaining social status, which of the two methods they might use, as well as what implicit associations we hold about each. They will also open doors for future research into the two strategies, and even help interpret previous research, as many previous studies simply relate to high status and do not distinguish between dominance and prestige

    Mechanistic role of a disease-associated genetic variant within the ADAM33 asthma susceptibility gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>ADAM33 has been identified as an asthma-associated gene in an out-bred population. Genetic studies suggested that the functional role of this metalloprotease was in airway remodeling. However, the mechanistic roles of the disease-associated SNPs have yet to be elucidated especially in the context of the pathophysiology of asthma. One disease-associated SNP, BC+1, which resides in intron BC toward the 5' end of ADAM33, is highly associated with the disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The region surrounding this genetic variant was cloned into a model system to determine if there is a regulatory element within this intron that influences transcription.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The BC+1 protective allele did not impose any affect on the transcription of the reporter gene. However, the at-risk allele enforced such a repressive affect on the promoter that no protein product from the reporter gene was detected. These results indicated that there exists within intron BC a regulatory element that acts as a repressor for gene expression. Moreover, since SNP BC+1 is a common genetic variant, this region may interact with other undefined regulatory elements within ADAM33 to provide a rheostat effect, which modulates pre-mRNA processing. Thus, SNP BC+1 may have an important role in the modulation of ADAM33 gene expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data provide for the first time a functional role for a disease-associated SNP in ADAM33 and begin to shed light on the deregulation of this gene in the pathophysiology of asthma.</p

    Sulfur isotopes of hydrothermal vent fossils and insights into microbial sulfur cycling within a lower Paleozoic (Ordovician‐early Silurian) vent community

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    This study was supported by a UK Natural Environment Research Council grant (NERC; number NE/R000670/1 to AG). MG is also grateful for support from an Ifremer Postdoctoral Fellowship. Alvinella samples were collected with the help of a NERC Small Grant (number NE/C000714/1 to CTSL). S isotopic analyses were undertaken under NERC Facility awards IP-1755-1117 and IMF672/1118.Symbioses between metazoans and microbes involved in sulfur cycling are integral to the ability of animals to thrive within deep‐sea hydrothermal vent environments; the development of such interactions is regarded as a key adaptation in enabling animals to successfully colonize vents. Microbes often colonize the surfaces of vent animals and, remarkably, these associations can also be observed intricately preserved by pyrite in the fossil record of vent environments, stretching back to the lower Paleozoic (Ordovician‐early Silurian). In non‐vent environments, sulfur isotopes are often employed to investigate the metabolic strategies of both modern and fossil organisms, as certain metabolic pathways of microbes, notably sulfate reduction, can produce large sulfur isotope fractionations. However, the sulfur isotopes of vent fossils, both ancient and recently mineralized, have seldom been explored, and it is not known if the pyrite‐preserved vent organisms might also preserve potential signatures of their metabolisms. Here, we use high‐resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to investigate the sulfur isotopes of pyrites from recently mineralized and Ordovician‐early Silurian tubeworm fossils with associated microbial fossils. Our results demonstrate that pyrites containing microbial fossils consistently have significantly more negative ή34S values compared with nearby non‐fossiliferous pyrites, and thus represent the first indication that the presence of microbial sulfur‐cycling communities active at the time of pyrite formation influenced the sulfur isotope signatures of pyrite at hydrothermal vents. The observed depletions in ή34S are generally small in magnitude and are perhaps best explained by sulfur isotope fractionation through a combination of sulfur‐cycling processes carried out by vent microbes. These results highlight the potential for using sulfur isotopes to explore biological functional relationships within fossil vent communities, and to enhance understanding of how microbial and animal life has co‐evolved to colonize vents throughout geological time.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
