1,141 research outputs found

    Questionner la transition de la fĂ©conditĂ© en milieu rural africain : les apports d’une dĂ©marche longitudinale et institutionnelle

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    SituĂ©e au coeur du bassin arachidier du SĂ©nĂ©gal, la zone d’étude de Niakhar est tout Ă  fait reprĂ©sentative des rĂ©gions rurales sahĂ©liennes caractĂ©risĂ©es par le maintien de modĂšles de fĂ©conditĂ© Ă©levĂ©e. En effet, les grandes tendances de la fĂ©conditĂ© observĂ©es grĂące au SystĂšme de Suivi DĂ©mographique de l’IRD font Ă©tat du maintien des descendances nombreuses (environ huit enfants par femme); elles rĂ©vĂšlent par ailleurs une augmentation des naissances et des grossesses avant le premier mariage. Pour comprendre les mĂ©canismes sur lesquels se fondent les comportements de fĂ©conditĂ© dans cette rĂ©gion, nous proposons d’explorer la pertinence de l’approche institutionnelle, telle que dĂ©crite dans les travaux de Mc Nicoll (1982), GrĂ©gory et PichĂ© (1985), PichĂ© et Poirier (1995), ou encore Lesthaeghe (1989). Ainsi, la mise en perspective de l’évolution du systĂšme de production agricole, des conditions environnementales et du fonctionnement de l’organisation sociale permet de mettre en lumiĂšre le sens que les populations de cette rĂ©gion donnent aux comportements dĂ©mographiques et, en particulier, aux pratiques relatives Ă  la fĂ©conditĂ©.Amid the peanut basin, the Niakhar study zone is representative of the high fertility level of Sahelian rural areas. Long-term trends of fertility levels measured by a demographic surveillance system from IRD show still high completed fertility levels (almost 8 children per women). Results reveal an increase in premarital pregnancies and births. In order to understand mechanisms of fertility patterns in this region, we propose to investigate the relevance of institutional approaches as described by Mc Nicoll (1982), GrĂ©gory et PichĂ© (1985), PichĂ© et Poirier (1995), or also Lesthaeghe (1989). Thus, the drawing of a parallel between changes in agricultural production system, and the environmental and social organization, enables us to highlight how these rural populations perceive demographic behaviors, and in particular reproductive behaviors

    La collaboration interprofessionnelle

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    UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, FacultĂ© des Études SupĂ©rieures. Ce rapport de stage intitulĂ© : La collaboration interprofessionnelle, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par un jury.Le but du stage Ă©tait d’analyser la collaboration interprofessionnelle entre une Ă©quipe de soins Ă  domicile et une Ă©quipe d’un centre hospitalier de la mĂ©tropole, de proposer des recommandations et d’appliquer certaines recommandations retenues par les deux Ă©quipes. Ce stage a permis la comprĂ©hension d’une problĂ©matique de collaboration interprofessionnelle rĂ©currente. À l’aide du cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence de D’Amour et ses collĂšgues (2008), une comprĂ©hension globale basĂ©e sur les dix indicateurs du modĂšle a pu ĂȘtre dĂ©montrĂ©e. De plus, les gestionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© trĂšs intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  mettre en place les recommandations en vue d’amĂ©liorer la collaboration interprofessionnelle ainsi que le continuum de soins pour les patients.The goal was to analyze the interprofessional collaboration between a team in a hospital of Montreal and a home care service, to propose recommandations and to apply somme recommandations that were accept by both teams. This study helped to understand the issues of the problematic relation of collaboration. The reference frame used to understand the relation of collaboration is from D'Amour and collaborators (2008). The ten indicators were used to have a better understanding of the relation of collaboration. The managers were interested to apply recommandations to improve the collaboration and the care continuum for patients

    Population et urbanisation au Québec et au Canada, XIXe et XXe siÚcles

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    La croissance urbaine rapide de la fin du XIXe siÚcle et du premier tiers du XXe a suscité nombre de travaux sur un large éventail de sujets, notamment en rapport avec les processus démographiques associés à l'urbanisation: formation et évolution des populations des villes, transition démographique, structure et composition des ménages, rÎles des membres des familles, logement, etc... Au Québec en particulier, les études sur les populations urbaines apparaissent plus fragmentaires. Si des recherches récentes ou en cours contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l'urbanisation des Canadiens français (sinon de la franco-canadianisation des villes québécoises), il reste encore largement place pour des études englobantes de la croissance rapide qu'ont connue les villes entre 1860 et 1930. Ainsi est née l'idée d'un atelier sur cet objet éminemment complexe et interdisciplinaire que sont les populations urbaines du passé. Il visait à proposer quelques jalons quant aux pistes de recherche à explorer sur le sujet: jalons liés aux questionnements et problématiques, jalons méthodologiques sur les façons de faire, notamment par l'exploitation des données tirées des grandes séries documentaires tels les recensements nominatifs. Ce livret regroupe les contributions de quatre des huit conférenciers invités à lancer les échanges sur l'un ou l'autre des sujets proposés aux participants. Leur contenu offre diverses pistes susceptibles d'aider à mieux comprendre à échelle fine ce phénomÚne fondamental qu'est l'urbanisation des populations contemporaines

    Si nous les Ă©valuons, apprendront-ils? Le point de vue des Ă©tudiants sur la complexitĂ© de l’évaluation pour l’apprentissage

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    Introduction: Assessment can positively influence learning, however designing effective assessment-for-learning interventions has proved challenging. We implemented a mandatory assessment-for-learning system comprising a workplace-based assessment of non-medical expert competencies and a progress test in undergraduate medical education and evaluated its impact. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with year-3 and 4 medical students at McGill University to explore how the assessment system had influenced their learning in year 3. We conducted theory-informed thematic analysis of the data. Results: Eleven students participated, revealing that the assessment influenced learning through several mechanisms. Some required little student engagement (i.e., feed-up, test-enhanced learning, looking things up after an exam). Others required substantial engagement (e.g., studying for tests, selecting raters for quality feedback, using feedback). Student engagement was moderated by the perceived credibility of the system and of the costs and benefits of engagement. Credibility was shaped by students’ goals-in-context: becoming a good doctor, contributing to the healthcare team, succeeding in assessments. Discussion: Our assessment system failed to engage students enough to leverage its full potential. We discuss the inherent flaws and external factors that hindered student engagement. Assessment designers should leverage easy-to-control mechanisms to support assessment-for-learning and anticipate significant collaborative work to modify learning cultures.Introduction : L’évaluation peut influencer positivement l’apprentissage mais la conception de dispositifs d’évaluation pour l’apprentissage efficaces s’avĂšre difficile. Nous avons implantĂ© en formation prĂ©doctorale un systĂšme obligatoire d’évaluation pour l’apprentissage comprenant une Ă©valuation en milieu clinique des compĂ©tences transversales et un test de rendement progressif, puis Ă©valuĂ© ses effets. MĂ©thodes : Nous avons menĂ© des entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s avec des Ă©tudiants en troisiĂšme et quatriĂšme annĂ©es de mĂ©decine Ă  l’UniversitĂ© McGill pour explorer la maniĂšre dont le systĂšme d’évaluation avait influencĂ© leur apprentissage au cours de la troisiĂšme annĂ©e. Nous avons effectuĂ© une analyse thĂ©matique, informĂ©e par la thĂ©orie, des donnĂ©es. RĂ©sultats : Onze Ă©tudiants ont participĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que l’évaluation a influencĂ© leur apprentissage par le biais de plusieurs mĂ©canismes diffĂ©rents. Certains d’entre eux nĂ©cessitaient une implication faible de la part de l’étudiant, comme l’identification des objectifs Ă  atteindre (feed-up), l’apprentissage amĂ©liorĂ© par les tests, la recherche d’informations aprĂšs un examen. D’autres exigeaient une implication importante (par exemple, Ă©tudier pour les tests, sĂ©lectionner les Ă©valuateurs pour obtenir une rĂ©troaction de qualitĂ©, mettre Ă  profit la rĂ©troaction). L’implication des Ă©tudiants Ă©tait modulĂ©e par leur perception des avantages et des inconvĂ©nients de s’impliquer, et de la crĂ©dibilitĂ© du systĂšme. Cette derniĂšre Ă©tait influencĂ©e par les objectifs-en-contexte des Ă©tudiants: devenir un bon mĂ©decin, contribuer Ă  l’équipe soignante, rĂ©ussir les Ă©preuves d’évaluation. Discussion : Notre systĂšme d’évaluation n’a pas rĂ©ussi Ă  impliquer suffisamment les Ă©tudiants que pour rĂ©aliser son potentiel. Nous abordons les dĂ©fauts inhĂ©rents au systĂšme ainsi que les facteurs externes qui ont entravĂ© l’implication des apprenants. Pour implanter efficacement un dispositif d’évaluation pour l’apprentissage, les concepteurs d’évaluations devraient optimiser les mĂ©canismes qui sont faciles Ă  contrĂŽler et ĂȘtre prĂȘts Ă  s’investir dans un important travail de collaboration pour changer les cultures d’apprentissage

    Local mechanical properties of bladder cancer cells measured by AFM as a signature of metastatic potential

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    International audienceThe rheological properties of bladder cancer cells of different invasivities have been investigated using a microrheological technique well adapted in the range [1 - 300 Hz] of interest to understand local changes in the cytoskeleton microstructure, in particular actin fibres. Drugs disrupting actin and actomyosin functions were used to study the resistance of such cancer cells. Results on a variety of cell lines were fitted with a model revealing the importance of two parameters, the elastic shear plateau modulus GN0 as well as the glassy transition frequency f_T. These parameters are good markers for invasiveness, with the notable exception of the cell periphery, which is stiffer for less invasive cells, and could be of importance in cancer metastasis

    Secrets des personnes en situation de surendettement

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    Today, the economic and financial crisis is brought to light and it is now clear that many people are directly impacted by this phenomenon. However, a lot of situations are obviously hidden and in particular those concerning over-indebted people. These people often find that it is difficult to express the hardship they are going through and keep silent because is more comfortable for them. The media also does not tackle this burning issue because the complexity of some situations complicates the message. Therefore, a giant gap has appeared leaving over-indebted people entrapped in their secret. Starting from this hypothesis, this article will examine the results of a research conducted on the over-indebted people (survey on written press, analysis of TV broadcasts, analysis of records related to person in debts and responses of people in debts) and the secrets that this phenomenon involves

    Ion Beam Radiation Effects in Monazite.

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    International audienceMonazite is a potential matrix for conditioning minor actinides arising from spent fuel reprocessing. The matrix behavior under irradiation must be investigated to ensure long-term containment performance. Monazite compounds were irradiated by gold and helium ions to simulate the consequences of alpha decay. This article describes the effects of such irradiation on the structural and macroscopic properties (density, hardness) of monazites LaPO4 and La0.73Ce0.27PO4. Irradiation by gold ions results in major changes in the material properties. At a damage level of 6.7 dpa, monazite exhibits volume expansion of about 8.1%, a 59% drop in hardness, and structure amorphization, although Raman spectroscopy analysis shows that the phosphate-oxygen bond is unaffected. Conversely, no change in the properties of these compounds was observed after He ion implantation. These results indicate that ballistic effects predominate in the studied dose range

    ColVI myopathies: where do we stand, where do we go?

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    Collagen VI myopathies, caused by mutations in the genes encoding collagen type VI (ColVI), represent a clinical continuum with Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD) and Bethlem myopathy (BM) at each end of the spectrum, and less well-defined intermediate phenotypes in between. ColVI myopathies also share common features with other disorders associated with prominent muscle contractures, making differential diagnosis difficult. This group of disorders, under-recognized for a long time, has aroused much interest over the past decade, with important advances made in understanding its molecular pathogenesis. Indeed, numerous mutations have now been reported in the COL6A1, COL6A2 and COL6A3 genes, a large proportion of which are de novo and exert dominant-negative effects. Genotype-phenotype correlations have also started to emerge, which reflect the various pathogenic mechanisms at play in these disorders: dominant de novo exon splicing that enables the synthesis and secretion of mutant tetramers and homozygous nonsense mutations that lead to premature termination of translation and complete loss of function are associated with early-onset, severe phenotypes. In this review, we present the current state of diagnosis and research in the field of ColVI myopathies. The past decade has provided significant advances, with the identification of altered cellular functions in animal models of ColVI myopathies and in patient samples. In particular, mitochondrial dysfunction and a defect in the autophagic clearance system of skeletal muscle have recently been reported, thereby opening potential therapeutic avenues
