939 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary design analysis of a semi-reusable two-stage-to-orbit small payload launch system

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    This paper contains an analysis of the design trade-ofs for a semi-reusable two-stage to orbit, rocket- powered launch system for small payloads. The system is to be air-launched of a modifed commercial aircraft with a full reusable, flight capable return vehicle. This allows the system to be operational from any suitable space or airport; a increasingly common aim of new, agile launch concepts for small payloads. The system was modelled with a multidisciplinary design optimisation (MDO) framework using two different optimal control solvers: MODHOC, a multi-objective optimiser that combined an evolutionary- based global optimisation together with a collocation-based optimal control solver; and TROPICO, a single-objective optimiser using a direct multi-shooting approach

    MODHOC - Multi Objective Direct Hybrid Optimal Control

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    MODHOC (Multi Objective Direct Hybrid Optimal Control) is a toolbox for the design, optimisation and trade off study of space systems and missions. It solves general nonlinear multi phase optimal control problems, automatically computing a well spread set of optimal trade off solutions. In addition, it is able to handle discrete optimisation parameters. In order to do so, MODHOC combines a direct transcription method based on finite elements, aglobal multi objective optimisation algorithm combining evolutionary heuristics and mathematicalprogramming. MODHOC has been applied to a variety of applications: from the optimisation of launch vehiclesand their ascent, abort and re entry trajectories, to the design of the optimal deployment of constellations of satellites, to the design of multi target missions. In this paper, the main elements of MODHOC are described and the application of the software inspace and non space related sample problems is demonstrated

    Synthetic cannabinoid use in a case series of patients with psychosis presenting to acute psychiatric settings : Clinical presentation and management issues

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    Background: Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are a heterogeneous class of synthetic molecules including synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRAs). Psychosis is associated with SCRAs use. There is limited knowledge regarding the structured assessment and psychometric evaluation of clinical presentations, analytical toxicology and clinical management plans of patients presenting with psychosis and SCRAs misuse. Methods: We gathered information regarding the clinical presentations, toxicology and care plans of patients with psychosis and SCRAs misuse admitted to inpatients services. Clinical presentations were assessed using the PANSS scale. Vital signs data were collected using the National Early Warning Signs tool. Analytic chemistry data were collected using urine drug screening tests for traditional psychoactive substances and NPS. Results: We described the clinical presentation and management plan of four patients with psychosis and misuse of SCRAs. Conclusion: The formulation of an informed clinical management plan requires a structured assessment, identification of the index NPS, pharmacological interventions, increases in nursing observations, changes to leave status and monitoring of the vital signs. The objective from using these interventions is to maintain stable physical health whilst rapidly improving the altered mental state.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Genotyping-by-sequencing of a melon (Cucumis melo L.) germplasm collection from a secondary center of diversity highlights patterns of genetic variation and genomic features of different gene pools

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    Background: Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is one of the most important horticultural species, which includes several taxonomic groups. With the advent of next-generation sequencing, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers are widely used in the study of genetic diversity and genomics. Results: We report the first successful application of genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology in melon. We detected 25,422 SNPs by the analysis of 72 accessions collected in Apulia, a secondary centre of diversity in Southern Italy. Analyses of genetic structure, principal components, and hierarchical clustering support the identification of three distinct subpopulations. One of them includes accessions known with the folk name of 'carosello', referable to the chate taxonomic group. This is one of the oldest domesticated forms of C. melo, once widespread in Europe and now exposed to the risk of genetic erosion. The second subpopulation contains landraces of 'barattiere', a regional vegetable production that was never characterized at the DNA level and we show was erroneously considered another form of chate melon. The third subpopulation includes genotypes of winter melon (C. melo var. inodorus). Genetic analysis within each subpopulation revealed patterns of diversity associated with fruit phenotype and geographical origin. We used SNP data to describe, for each subpopulation, the average linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay, and to highlight genomic regions possibly resulting from directional selection and associated with phenotypic variation. Conclusions: We used GBS to characterize patterns of genetic diversity and genomic features within C. melo. We provide useful information to preserve endangered gene pools and to guide the use of germplasm in breeding. Finally, our findings lay a foundation for molecular breeding approaches and the identification of genes underlying phenotypic traits

    Impact of hospital mergers. A systematic review focusing on healthcare quality measures

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    Background Despite mergers have increasingly affected hospitals in the recent decades, literature on the impact of hospitals mergers on healthcare quality measures (HQM) is still lacking. Our research aimed to systematically review evidence regarding the impact of hospital mergers on HQM focusing especially on process indicators and clinical outcomes. Methods The search was carried out until January 2020 using the Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome model, querying electronic databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, Web Of Science) and refining the search with hand search. Studies that assessed HQM of hospitals that have undergone a merger were included. HQMs were analyzed through a narrative synthesis and a strength of the evidence analysis based on the quality of the studies and the consistency of the findings. Results The 16 articles, included in the narrative synthesis, reported inconsistent findings and few statistically significant results. All indicators analyzed showed an insufficient strength of evidence to achieve conclusive results. However, a tendency in the decrease of the number of beds, hospital staff and inpatient admissions and an increase in both mortality and readmission rate for acute myocardial infarction and stroke emerged in our analysis. Conclusions In our study, there is no strong evidence of improvement or worsening of HQM in hospital mergers. Since a limited amount of studies currently exists, additional studies are needed. In the meanwhile, hospital managers involved in mergers should adopt a clear evaluation framework with indicators that help to periodically and systematically assess HQM ascertaining that mergers ensure and primarily do not reduce the quality of care

    Design optimisation and analysis of very high power transportation system to Mars

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    This paper presents a preliminary design for a crewed transportation system to Mars, looking at both the vehicle and mission design trade-offs. The mission requirements are for a return mission to Mars, with a variable stay time on/around the planet. The vehicle is designed for a minimum crew of 3 plus 50 t cargo, and assumes in-orbit assembly and re-fueling options. A nominal vehicle design was developed using a bimodal nuclear propulsion system. A multi-objective optimisation was run examining the trade-offs between flight times, and total duration, for different Mars stay times, planetary conjunction angles, dry masses and engine sizing, and the mission trajectories

    A Distinct Genetic Cluster in Cultivated Chickpea as Revealed by Genome-wide Marker Discovery and Genotyping

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    The accurate description of plant biodiversity is of utmost importance to efficiently address efforts in conservation genetics and breeding. Herein, we report the successful application of a genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach in chickpea ( L.), resulting in the characterization of a cultivated germplasm collection with 3187 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Genetic structure inference, principal component analysis, and hierarchical clustering all indicated the identification of a genetic cluster corresponding to black-seeded genotypes traditionally cultivated in Southern Italy. Remarkably, this cluster was clearly distinct at both genetic and phenotypic levels from germplasm groups reflecting commercial chickpea classification into and seed types. Fixation index estimates for individual polymorphisms pointed out loci and genomic regions that might be of significance for the diversification of agronomic and commercial traits. Overall, our findings provide information on genetic relationships within cultivated chickpea and highlight a gene pool of great interest for the scientific community and chickpea breeding, which is limited by the low genetic diversity available in the primary gene pool

    Aniseed, Pimpinella anisum, as a source of new agrochemicals: phytochemistry and insights on insecticide and acaricide development

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    Pimpinella anisum L. (Apiaceae), known around the world as aniseed, is a widely cultivated crop, native of the sub-Mediterranean area. Its essential oil (EO) is exploitable in different fields such as food and beverages, pharmaceutics, cosmetics, and nutraceuticals. Regardless of the geographic origin, the EO exhibited consistent transanethole predominancy. Among the numerous biological properties exerted by aniseed EO, its antimicrobial, antifungal, insecticidal, and acaricidal effects have been extensively investigated for the formulation of biopesticides against larvae and adults of various pests and vectors. Hereafter, the published data on the insecticidal and acaricidal activity of aniseed EO and its major compounds on agricultural pests, stored-product pests, and arthropods of medical and veterinary interest is reviewed. For each study, the arthropod and the developmental stage on which the aniseed EO or the aniseed EO-based formulation were tested, the mode of action, the main constituents, and the exerted mortality, as well as the toxicity to non-target organisms and the possible sub-lethal effects are reported. The advantages of the possible use of aniseed EO as a biopesticide are analysed, as well as the current weaknesses and the critical points to be overcome to open the doors to the industrial utilization of Apiaceae EOs by the agrochemical industry

    Do changes in Lactuca sativa metabolic performance, induced by mycorrhizal symbionts and leaf UV-B irradiation, play a role towards tolerance to a polyphagous insect pest?

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    : The increased ultraviolet radiation (UV) due to the altered stratospheric ozone leads to multiple plant physiological and biochemical adaptations, likely affecting their interaction with other organisms, such as pests and pathogens. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and UV-B treatment can be used as eco-friendly techniques to protect crops from pests by activating plant mechanisms of resistance. In this study, we investigated plant (Lactuca sativa) response to UV-B exposure and Funneliformis mosseae (IMA1) inoculation as well as the role of a major insect pest, Spodoptera littoralis. Lettuce plants exposed to UV-B were heavier and taller than non-irradiated ones. A considerable enrichment in phenolic, flavonoid, anthocyanin, and carotenoid contents and antioxidant capacity, along with redder and more homogenous leaf color, were also observed in UV-B-treated but not in AMF-inoculated plants. Biometric and biochemical data did not differ between AMF and non-AMF plants. AMF-inoculated plants showed hyphae, arbuscules, vesicles, and spores in their roots. AMF colonization levels were not affected by UV-B irradiation. No changes in S. littoralis-feeding behavior towards treated and untreated plants were observed, suggesting the ability of this generalist herbivore to overcome the plant chemical defenses boosted by UV-B exposure. The results of this multi-factorial study shed light on how polyphagous insect pests can cope with multiple plant physiological and biochemical adaptations following biotic and abiotic preconditioning

    The Large-Scale Polarization Explorer (LSPE)

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    The LSPE is a balloon-borne mission aimed at measuring the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at large angular scales, and in particular to constrain the curl component of CMB polarization (B-modes) produced by tensor perturbations generated during cosmic inflation, in the very early universe. Its primary target is to improve the limit on the ratio of tensor to scalar perturbations amplitudes down to r = 0.03, at 99.7% confidence. A second target is to produce wide maps of foreground polarization generated in our Galaxy by synchrotron emission and interstellar dust emission. These will be important to map Galactic magnetic fields and to study the properties of ionized gas and of diffuse interstellar dust in our Galaxy. The mission is optimized for large angular scales, with coarse angular resolution (around 1.5 degrees FWHM), and wide sky coverage (25% of the sky). The payload will fly in a circumpolar long duration balloon mission during the polar night. Using the Earth as a giant solar shield, the instrument will spin in azimuth, observing a large fraction of the northern sky. The payload will host two instruments. An array of coherent polarimeters using cryogenic HEMT amplifiers will survey the sky at 43 and 90 GHz. An array of bolometric polarimeters, using large throughput multi-mode bolometers and rotating Half Wave Plates (HWP), will survey the same sky region in three bands at 95, 145 and 245 GHz. The wide frequency coverage will allow optimal control of the polarized foregrounds, with comparable angular resolution at all frequencies.Comment: In press. Copyright 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibite
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