712 research outputs found

    Embodied technological change, capital sectoral allocation and export-led growth

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    This paper contributes to the literature on economic growth by seeking to join several lines of research on structural factors in a more fully specified framework, on the one hand, and by making this more inclusive supply side to interact with demand factors in a model of export-led growth, on the other hand. Balance-of-payments constraints influence the adoption of investment-specific technological change which requires the import of capital goods, while the sectoral allocation of physical and human capital is likewise revealed to be crucial for economic growth, both results having important policy implications.embodied technological change; sectoral allocation of investment; human capital accumulation; export-led growth

    Psychology and ontology: foundations for a critical reflection on the production of knowledge

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    Problematizamos a prática científica na psicologia e apresentamos elementos teóricos que possibilitam uma crítica ontológica a esse campo. Consideramos que falta à produção de conhecimento psicológico uma concepção ontológica sobre a sociedade, o agir humano e a produção do conhecimento, secundarizando a investigação e o debate a respeito do que é o próprio ser sobre o qual o conhecimento se debruça. Concluímos afirmando que tal postura resulta no aprofundamento das divergências entre as diferentes escolas da psicologia, notadamente de objeto e de método, e que é necessário aprofundar a análise no sentido de desvelar a concepção de ser humano que subjaz às diferentes escolas, criticando-a tendo em vista o sujeito concreto com o qual se lida nos diferentes contextos sociais.We discuss scientific practice in psychology and present theoretical elements that allow an ontological critique of this field. We argue that the production of knowledge in psychology lacks an ontological conception of society, human action and the production of knowledge, relegating investigation and debate about the very nature of the object that science examines. We conclude by stating that this position results in further differences between the different schools of psychology, notably of object and method, and that a deeper analysis is needed in order to uncover the conception of human being underlying the different schools, criticizing it in view of the concrete subject that is dealt with in different social contexts

    Oficina “Cine Afro”: o uso de filmes nas aulas de história e cultura Afro-Brasileira

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar os resultados e experiências da oficina “Cine afro: o uso de filmes no ensino de História e cultura afro-brasileira e africana” desenvolvido pelos bolsistas do Projeto PIBID/História (Unespar- Campus de Paranavaí-Pr), junto aos alunos do Colégio Estadual Leonel Franca EFM. A partir da análise das principais obras relativas à relação cinema-história, procurou-se subsidiar os bolsistas para o trabalho pedagógico com filmes históricos em sala de aula. Neste texto, relataremos os resultados da atividade realizada em torno do filme Besouro, trabalhado junto aos alunos do 3° ano do Ensino Médio. Por tratar-se de um filme de ação, cuja narrativa gira em torno da figura lendária do capoeirista Besouro de Mangangá, a atividade mostrou-se bastante atrativa para os adolescentes, os quais foram levados a refletir sobre as condições de vida dos negros no período do pós-aboliçã

    Prediction of Compressor Muffler Frequency Response Function using CFD

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    The acoustic filters of hermetic reciprocating compressors, also called mufflers, are developed through acoustic simulation solving the discretized wave equation for obtain the Frequency Response Function (H(f)) which translate de acoustic response of the muffler. Non linear effects are neglected in this approach which are attributed to flow effects, as turbulence phenomena, which occurs in the contractions, expansions and changing directions inside the geometry. The main aim of this work is to investigate the influence of non-linear effects in the acoustic response of mufflers solving the flow field by computation fluid dynamics (CFD). A discharge acoustic filter design was simplified for the study purpose and simulated employing both CFD and Linear Acoustic techniques, the confrontation of both approaches is made comparing the Frequency Response Function (H(f)). The flow effects are analyzed varying the compressor displacement and fundamental features of the acoustic filter geometry

    Gold and Silver joining technologies in the Moche Tombs “Señor de Sipán” and “Señora de Cao jewelery

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    About 200 gold and silver funerary ornaments from the Moche tombs “Señor de Sipán” and “Señora de Cao” were analyzed to determine their metallurgic characteristics. Of particular interest was the question about the gold-silver joining process. To this aim, following methods were employed, all based on the use of X-rays: - energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence; - transmission of monoenergetic fluorescent X-rays; - radiography. At least three joining methods were possibly identified: - of gluing gold and silver sheets; - of brazing using a proper solder; - of using a mercury amalgam