4,295 research outputs found

    Citizens in the making: a contribution to children's environmental health education

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    As ações educativas têm especial papel na conformação do cidadão e na mudança da qualidade de vida e saúde. Apresenta-se o relato de experiência de educação em saúde, realizada no Programa de Saúde da Família por Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, tendo como alvo crianças e como tema o meio ambiente. Os objetivos são: despertar para o sentido do que é ser um cidadão, partindo da noção de direitos e deveres das crianças; convidar as crianças, de forma lúdica e prazerosa, a refletirem sobre a necessidade do cuidado com a saúde do corpo e do meio ambiente; possibilitar o conhecimento e a visualização de alguns agentes causadores de doenças comuns nas crianças da comunidade. A proposta é desenvolvida em três encontros básicos, por meio da apresentação de duas peças de teatro infantil, de um passeio à comunidade com crianças e professores e da improvisação de um laboratório para visualização de animais comuns. Os resultados apontam que pais e professores relatam mudanças de comportamento das crianças com relação ao cuidado com a higiene pessoal e com o meio ambiente, cobrando também dos adultos o mesmo cuidado. O passeio na comunidade com professores e crianças propicia um novo olhar das crianças sobre o seu entorno e, para os novos professores, muitas vezes um primeiro olhar sobre a comunidade. Recomendação: por meio da ação educativa pautada no diálogo, é possível ter uma criança capaz de modificar o meio em que vive, conhecedora de seus direitos e deveres e, sobretudo, um cidadão em formação.Educational activities have a special role in the consolidation of citizenship as well as in promoting changes in the quality of life and health. This paper presents a report on community-based health agents' experiences of environmental health education directed towards children within a Primary Health Care Center's Family Health Strategy. The objectives of this activity are to: develop a notion of children's rights and duties thus fostering awareness of citizenship; invite children, in a pleasant and playful manner, to reflect upon the need to take care of their bodies and the environment; familiarize them with and help them to visualize some of the agents that frequently cause diseases among children in their community. Description: this proposal is undertaken in three encounters, through the presentation of two children's plays, a walk with children and teachers in the community and the improvisation of a laboratory, set up so that the children can visualize small animals. As a result, parents and teachers report modifications in children's behavior concerning personal hygiene and environmental care, and the children start to demand that adults adopt similar attitudes. The walk in the community provides the children with a new perspective on their surroundings and helps new teachers to gain a perspective on the school's community. Recommendation: through educational action based on dialogue, it is possible for children to gain the capacity to modify their environment and become familiar with their rights and duties. Above all, it contributes towards their sense of citizenship

    Cadastro de pessoas

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    Esta nota técnica apresenta os problemas e propõe soluções técnicas para a implantação do processo de atualização dos dados cadastrais. A atualização dos dados cadastrais dos usuários da rede UNA-SUS é um processo desejável para a evolução da segurança, qualidade e a validade da informação administrada pela Secretaria Executiva do Sistema UNA-SUS (SE-UNA-SUS)

    Investigation of Association between Susceptibility to Leprosy and SNPs inside and near the BCHE Gene of Butyrylcholinesterase

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    Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae and affects the skin and the peripheral nervous system. Butyrylcholinesterase is coded by the BCHE gene, and the atypical allele (70G; rs1799807) has been investigated as a leprosy risk factor, with conflicting results. The present study estimated the frequencies of variants of rs1799807 and of five additional SNPs at the BCHE gene or near it: rs1126680, rs1803274, rs2863381, rs4440084, and rs4387996. A total of 167 patients and 150 healthy controls were genotyped by TaqMan PCR. Significantly higher allelic (70G) and genotypic (70DG) frequencies in rs1799807 were found in the patient group, with odds ratio (OR) of 6.33 (1.40 to 28.53) for the heterozygote. This finding was replicated in a comparison of the cases against a control group of 361 blood donors. The present data suggest that the atypical BChE variant may predispose to leprosy per se

    Um cidadão não nasce grandão

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    Educational activities have a special role in the consolidation of citizenship as well as in promoting changes in the quality of life and health. This paper presents a report on community-based health agents' experiences of environmental health education directed towards children within a Primary Health Care Center's Family Health Strategy. The objectives of this activity are to: develop a notion of children's rights and duties thus fostering awareness of citizenship; invite children, in a pleasant and playful manner, to reflect upon the need to take care of their bodies and the environment; familiarize them with and help them to visualize some of the agents that frequently cause diseases among children in their community. Description: this proposal is undertaken in three encounters, through the presentation of two children's plays, a walk with children and teachers in the community and the improvisation of a laboratory, set up so that the children can visualize small animals. As a result, parents and teachers report modifications in children's behavior concerning personal hygiene and environmental care, and the children start to demand that adults adopt similar attitudes. The walk in the community provides the children with a new perspective on their surroundings and helps new teachers to gain a perspective on the school's community. Recommendation: through educational action based on dialogue, it is possible for children to gain the capacity to modify their environment and become familiar with their rights and duties. Above all, it contributes towards their sense of citizenship.As ações educativas têm especial papel na conformação do cidadão e na mudança da qualidade de vida e saúde. Apresenta-se o relato de experiência de educação em saúde, realizada no Programa de Saúde da Família por Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, tendo como alvo crianças e como tema o meio ambiente. Os objetivos são: despertar para o sentido do que é ser um cidadão, partindo da noção de direitos e deveres das crianças; convidar as crianças, de forma lúdica e prazerosa, a refletirem sobre a necessidade do cuidado com a saúde do corpo e do meio ambiente; possibilitar o conhecimento e a visualização de alguns agentes causadores de doenças comuns nas crianças da comunidade. A proposta é desenvolvida em três encontros básicos, por meio da apresentação de duas peças de teatro infantil, de um passeio à comunidade com crianças e professores e da improvisação de um laboratório para visualização de animais comuns. Os resultados apontam que pais e professores relatam mudanças de comportamento das crianças com relação ao cuidado com a higiene pessoal e com o meio ambiente, cobrando também dos adultos o mesmo cuidado. O passeio na comunidade com professores e crianças propicia um novo olhar das crianças sobre o seu entorno e, para os novos professores, muitas vezes um primeiro olhar sobre a comunidade. Recomendação: por meio da ação educativa pautada no diálogo, é possível ter uma criança capaz de modificar o meio em que vive, conhecedora de seus direitos e deveres e, sobretudo, um cidadão em formação

    Constraints and advances in high-solids enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass : a critical review

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    The industrial production of sugar syrups from lignocellulosic materials requires the conduction of the enzymatic hydrolysis step at high-solids loadings (i.e., with over 15% solids [w/w] in the reaction mixture). Such conditions result in sugar syrups with increased concentrations and in improvements in both capital and operational costs, making the process more economically feasible. However, this approach still poses several technical hindrances that impact the process efficiency, known as the "high-solids effect" (i.e., the decrease in glucan conversion yields as solids load increases). The purpose of this review was to present the findings on the main limitations and advances in high-solids enzymatic hydrolysis in an updated and comprehensive manner. The causes for the rheological limitations at the onset of the high-solids operation as well as those influencing the "high-solids effect" will be discussed. The subject of water constraint, which results in a highly viscous system and impairs mixing, and by extension, mass and heat transfer, will be analyzed under the perspective of the limitations imposed to the action of the cellulolytic enzymes. The "high-solids effect" will be further discussed vis-a-vis enzymes end-product inhibition and the inhibitory effect of compounds formed during the biomass pretreatment as well as the enzymes' unproductive adsorption to lignin. This review also presents the scientific and technological advances being introduced to lessen high-solids hydrolysis hindrances, such as the development of more efficient enzyme formulations, biomass and enzyme feeding strategies, reactor and impeller designs as well as process strategies to alleviate the end-product inhibition. We surveyed the academic literature in the form of scientific papers as well as patents to showcase the efforts on technological development and industrial implementation of the use of lignocellulosic materials as renewable feedstocks. Using a critical approach, we expect that this review will aid in the identification of areas with higher demand for scientific and technological efforts

    Effects of partial root-zone drying irrigation on cluster microclimate and fruit composition of field-grown Castelão grapevines

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    The partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation technique has been proposed for viticulture as a possible way to save water without compromising yield. Half of the plant root system is slowly dehydrating whereas the other half is irrigated; after about two weeks the opposite side of vines is irrigated. A PRD irrigation system (50 % of the crop evapotranspiration - ETc) was installed in a vineyard (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Castelão) in Southern Portugal and compared with two other irrigation systems, deficit irrigation, DI (50 % ETc) and full irrigation, FI (100 % ETc), as well as with non-irrigated vines (NI). Water was applied twice a week, from fruit set (mid-June) until one week before harvest (September 3). While FI vines remained well watered during the ripening period, a severe water stress developed in NI plants. PRD and DI vines exhibited mild water deficits during the same period. A significant decrease in vegetative growth (shoot weight, pruning weight, leaf layer number and percentage of water shoots) was observed in NI and PRD vines when compared to DI and FI. In denser canopies (FI and DI) berry temperature was always lower than that of the more open ones (NI and PRD). The higher degree of cluster exposition in PRD and NI had a positive influence on berry composition due to temperature and incident radiation, leading to higher concentrations of anthocyanins and total phenols in the berry skin compared to DI and FI vines. Irrigation did not significantly affect berry sugar accumulation and pH in berries. Compared to FI, PRD and DI treatments water use efficiency (the amount of fruit produced per unit of water applied) was doubled since at the same yield the amount of water applied, was reduced by 50 %.

    Strumigenys fairchildi brown, 1961 (Formicidae, myrmicinae): First record of this rarely collected ant from Brazil

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    Strumigenys fairchildi Brown, 1961 is recorded for the first time in Brazil. This ant species was previously known only from a few specimens collected in Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador. The worker S. fairchildi was collected at the Parque Estadual do Cristalino, a continuous area of Amazon tropical rain forest protected for biodiversity conservation in the municipality of Novo Mundo, Mato Grosso state. In addition, we present a distribution map and high-resolution images of the worker. © 2016 Check List and Authors