52 research outputs found

    Expansão da Ocupação Urbana de Gramado: Estudo de Caso da Aplicação de Fotografias Aéreas de Pequeno Formato e SIG

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    Small format vertical aerial photographs were obtained from non metric cameras on small size airplanes, in 1999, and aimed to update a set of six digital cadastral maps from 1984, in the scale of 1:5,000, covering the urban area of Gramado county, located at the northeast region of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The photographs were digitized, stored and georeferenced in a Geographic Information System. Afterwards, the perimeters of the new buildings and the boundaries of the urban area districts were digitized on the digital cadastral maps. The updated data of the cadastral maps were elaborated with the purpose to generate thematic analysis and can´t be used for the accurated measure of the mapped buildings. The poligons of the buildings were topologicaly structured by application of GIS, allowing the automatic generation of a centroid to each mapped building. The database query allowed the evaluation of the total number and the localization of the centroids of the buildings, for both date studied. The recorded data were represented by thematic maps of urban occupation expantion, in the scale of 1:25,000. Based on the data obtained, a 164.6 % increase of the total number of buildings was observed, as well as the occupation expantion towards the SE region of the urban area, caused by the major growth of the secundary sector and the major number of new developments in the meridional urban area, that occurred during the past 15 years. Through the interpretation of geographical data, recommendations were proposed for the urban planning of Gramado county.Small format vertical aerial photographs were obtained from non metric cameras on small size airplanes, in 1999, and aimed to update a set of six digital cadastral maps from 1984, in the scale of 1:5,000, covering the urban area of Gramado county, located at the northeast region of the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The photographs were digitized, stored and georeferenced in a Geographic Information System. Afterwards, the perimeters of the new buildings and the boundaries of the urban area districts were digitized on the digital cadastral maps. The updated data of the cadastral maps were elaborated with the purpose to generate thematic analysis and can´t be used for the accurated measure of the mapped buildings. The poligons of the buildings were topologicaly structured by application of GIS, allowing the automatic generation of a centroid to each mapped building. The database query allowed the evaluation of the total number and the localization of the centroids of the buildings, for both date studied. The recorded data were represented by thematic maps of urban occupation expantion, in the scale of 1:25,000. Based on the data obtained, a 164.6 % increase of the total number of buildings was observed, as well as the occupation expantion towards the SE region of the urban area, caused by the major growth of the secundary sector and the major number of new developments in the meridional urban area, that occurred during the past 15 years. Through the interpretation of geographical data, recommendations were proposed for the urban planning of Gramado county

    Análise Fatorial (modo-Q) em estudos quantitativos de nanofósseis calcários do Quaternário Superior em um testemunho da Bacia de Campos, RJ - Brasil

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    In this paper a Q-mode factor analysis was carried out to study the late Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from core PC-01 (Campos Basin – Brazil). Using CABFAC computer program, two factors were obtained and explain 95,90%, the Factor 1, explain 93,69% and is dominated by speci Florisphaera profunda, wich is restricted to lower euphotic zone, this imply in deep nutricline and thermocline. Factor 2 explain 2,21% and is dominated by species Rabdosphaera clavigera and Gephyrocapsa oceanica, both ralated to shallow nutricline and thermocline. As the core is located mainly in a glacial sequence, it was possible to verify the changes of thermocline and nutricline in this core


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    This paper is on qualitative interpolation of spatial data. By considering the nature and magnitude of such data, they are very important in the spatial analysis process of natural phenomena. Qualitative data used in this research is related to soil color defined from morphological description of field-collected samples. The methodology was established through the followed steps: data acquisition; qualitative interpolation; phenomenon representation and visualization. The outcomes got from such procedure concerning the qualitative interpolation of the attribute color allow visualizing and representing the spatial variation of this morphological property.O presente trabalho trata da interpolação qualitativa de dados espaciais, os quais, por sua natureza e importância, são parte fundamental no processo de análise espacial de fenômenos naturais. Os dados qualitativos utilizados nesta pesquisa são referentes à cor dos solos, que foram definidas a partir da descrição morfológica das amostras coletadas em campo. A metodologia adotada compreende as seguintes etapas: aquisição dos dados; interpolação qualitativa dos dados; representação e visualização do fenômeno. Os resultados obtidos com o procedimento proposto para interpolação qualitativa do atributo cor permitem a visualização e a representação da variação dessa propriedade morfológica no domínio espacial da região de estudo

    Estimativa de Recursos de Carvão Utilizando Métodos Geoestatísticos

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    This paper presents a geostatical method for resources estimation of a coal seam. The coal seam is refered to as “I” and belongs to Leão-Butiá coal deposit, located at central east region of Rio Grande do Sul State, southernmost Brazil. data set are composed by 182 measures of coal seam thickness obtained by drill holes. To evaluate seam thickness, initially in this work, was approached the basic descriptive statistic about the sampled data set. To continue, spatial continuity analysis was performed and to conclude was carried out an ordinary kriging estimation process. Considering the tree previous process was accomplished a block kriging that allowed estimate mean and variance of seam thickness and extension of sampled total area. With this data it was possible to calculate the coal seam volume. Knowing coal local density and multiplying it by the volume determines coal seam quantities (ton) for which a confidence interval was estimated. To compare estimate and true values a cross validation was made, using the model of kriging and the sampled data set. A histogram is presented to show the average error for the model that should be null to confirm the process.

    Use and application of geology and geomorphology for the environmental assessment of projects on the coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil: applied study case

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    La investigación expone la importancia de la información geológica y geomorfológica realizada para el estudio ambiental de un terminal pesquero en el Municipio de Passo de Torres, Estado de Santa Catarina-SC, Brasil. Es un trabajo de investigación aplicada que permitió identificar seis unidades geomorfológicas, la planicie y terraza lacustre, el paleo campo de dunas, los cordones litorales, las dunas regresivas y los paleocanales del río Mampituba. Asociadas a estas formas se identificaron unidades geológicas, tales como depósitos eólicos, de playas y aluviales holocénicos, depósitos de turbas del Holoceno, depósitos de playas y eólicos pleistocenos y basamento de la Serra Geral. La información de geomorfología y geología aplicada a la evaluación ambiental fue respaldada con bases de datos de COMPANHIA DE PESQUISAS DE RECURSOS MINERAIS (CPRM) y del INSTITUTO BRASILEÑO DE GEOGRAFÍA Y ESTADÍSTICA (IBGE), además de la validación del trabajo de terreno. A través del uso de técnicas de sensores remotos y la integración de datos con herramientas SIG, se realizó la identificación de las unidades descritas y la cartografía asociada en diferentes escalas, 1:50.000 para el municipio y 1:2.000 para el área del terminal pesquero a ser evaluado.Information about geology and geomorphological evolution of an area recognition parts of their spatial dynamics and climate evolution. The study aims at presenting the geological and geomorphological survey for terminal public fishing environmental licensing in Passo de Torres city, located in the coastal plain, southern state of Santa Catarina - SC, Brazil. This study was based on official work related to geology and geomorphology of the region, provided respectively by the Company of Mineral Resources Research (CPRM) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), associated with field surveys to corroborate with vectors forming the digital database. Six geomorphological units (plain lagoon, lagoon terrace, paleo dune, beach ridges, regressive lields dunes, Mampituba river paleochannel) and six geological units were identified (Holocene eolian deposits, Holocene beach deposits, Holocene alluvial deposits, Holocene peatland, Pleistocene beach deposits and eolian deposits, Serra Geral basement). Through the utilization of Remote Sensing techniques and data integration in GIS it was possible to identify and describe them in detail, representing them in maps at different scales (1:50,000 in city area and 1:2,000 in the fishing area) in order to assist the preparation of the Coastal Environmental Impact Report of the Public fishing terminal in Passo de Torres city, SC

    Variabilidade morfodinâmica das praias oceânicas entre Imbé e Arroio do Sal, RS, Brasil

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    The morphodynamic variability of the oceanic beaches between Imbé and Arroio do Sal towns, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, was investigated by means of periodic beach profiling combined with the interpretation of granulometric and hydrodynamic regime data. A seasonal trend in the hydrodynamic regime, in the distribution of the sediments and in the morphometric and morphodynamic parameters analyzed, was identified. Seasonality is marked by the dominance of accretionary profiles during the summer and erosional profiles during the winter. These beaches were classified according to their morphodynamic state, as dissipative and intermediate