243 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency through analysis of the contracted demand, consumption and framework group “A” tariff: case study at IFPA Parauapebas campus: Eficiência energética através da análise do demanda contratada, consumo e estrutura tarifa do grupo "A": estudo de caso na IFPA campus de Parauapebas

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    Waste of electricity in public educational institutions is alarming. The agency Electric Energy National (ANEEL) published in October 2016 through the call 01/2016 to electricity distributors, which aims, among other objectives, to invest in efficiency energy and mini-generation in institutions, which evidences the absence of strategic energy management and the lack of a culture of optimizing energy resources. Thus, this work may help in the search for the minimization of electrical energy waste and public resources in the institutions, as it will propose an efficient framework methodology tariff system, able to assess and adjust demand contracted (kW). The methodology consists of achieving the energy efficiency, through demand analysis, tariff framework and energy consumption electricity, in the consumer unit, in particular to the study case study of the Federal Institute of Pará – Campus Parauapebas (IFPA), through the analysis of invoices monthly electricity bills and the basis of the resolutions and rules on the types of tariffs for electrical energy from groups A4. With that, it is expected to adjust the contracted load demand (kW). and crave cost reduction for the Public Administrationproviding a practical form of analysis and indication of the best tariff framework for the group studied, and thereby achieve sustainable consumption and  efficient electricity contracts


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal a aplicação de um estudo de tempos e métodos em uma empresa do ramo de alimentos embutidos localizada na cidade de Timbaúba dos Batistas-RN. Inicialmente, foi realizada uma ampla revisão na literatura e escolhido o local de aplicação do estudo. A pesquisa foi realizada entre os meses em abril e junho de 2019, no qual foram feitas visitas técnicas para o levantamento de dados. Ela caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, descritivo e exploratório, de natureza quanti-qualitativa. Definiu-se uma linha de produção específica como alvo do estudo. Para o tratamento de dados, foram utilizados os softwares MS Excel, versão 2016, Bizagi Modeler, além de instrumentos da técnica de cronoanálise. Usou-se as equações propostas por Peinado e Graeml (2007) para o estabelecimento dos tempos na abordagem. Como resultados, conseguiu-se a elaboração do fluxograma do principal processo produtivo, a determinação dos tempos padrões de cada uma das operações, onde percebeu-se que a operação de desossar é aquela que consome maior tempo (TP =179,57 segundos). Percebeu-se também que grande parte do tempo de processamento (57%) é gasto em apenas duas operações. Por fim, construiu-se um modelo de POP para a padronização das atividades realizadas pelos colaboradores

    Determinação do consumo de energia elétrica para os sistemas de ar-condicionado – um estudo de caso: Determination of electrical energy consumption for air-conditioning systems - a case study

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    The survey of the thermal load of refrigerated environments allows us to determine in a safe and concrete way the amount of thermal load required for the studied environment, also the conditioned air systems’ electric energy consumption of. Any educational institution should maintain its students in a comfortable environment to achieve a better educational performance. The objective of this work is to present a case study at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Para - Campus Parauapebas, determining the electric power consumption of the classrooms’ air conditioning at this institute. Initially, a flow chart was proposed to study activities to be carried out in order to guarantee this reach. At first, it was necessary to catalog the values for the currents and voltages for each of the air conditioning units in the classrooms of the institution under study, thus, one can identify the average monthly consumption for each appliance. With this information, it is possible to demonstrate the monetary expenditure of the energy consumption. Then it is possible to estimate of the financial economy after the survey of the total consumption of the electric energy. It should be pointed out that this cataloging was carried out in more intense seasonal periods and in certain months to complete the information for the values to be obtained (voltage and current). In order to carry out the project, we have used important sources of exploratory research, aiming to expand the study of the case. The results showed a voltage variation around 209 to 214 Volts (V) and a current of 11 to 14 Amperes (A) for power devices of 18,000 BTU from that point, it is tried to establish efficient methods to reverse the economic picture of the institution through analyzes and perspectives carried out according to the data collected

    Formulações de resíduos industriais tratados por hidrociclonagem para obtenção de cerâmica de revestimento / Formulations of industrial waste treated by hydrocycloning to obtain coating ceramics

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    O estudo de resíduos industrialmente produzidos vem se tornando bastante corriqueiro no meio científico, devido ao fato desses materiais comumente serem descartados de forma inadequada, gerando malefícios ao meio ambiente. Dentre esses resíduos industriais, os resíduos do beneficiamento do caulim e do granito vem ganhando cada vez mais destaque, pela larga escala de fabricação desses materiais. Por isso, hoje em dia, há muitos estudos envolvendo a incorporação dos resíduos industriais novamente no ciclo de produção industrial. Neste trabalho, analisou-se a potencialidade da reutilização dos resíduos de caulim e do granito após passarem por uma etapa de beneficiamento- a hidrociclonagem, a fim de promover a separação entre grãos mais grossos e grãos mais finos presentes nos resíduos, na incorporação da massa padrão de fabricação de cerâmicas, visando reduzir custos e manter ou até mesmo melhorar as propriedades da peça cerâmica. Para isso, foram feitas caracterizações por difração de raios X, fluorescência de raios X, análise granulométrica e análise térmica, seguidas da produção corpos de prova, os quais foram submetidos a diferentes temperaturas de queima, e, analisou-se as propriedades térmicas dos corpos de prova produzidos. Os resultados mostraram a formação de um materiais com melhores propriedades a medida do aumento da temperatura de queima, estando de acordo com as bibliografias estudadas, e o esperado ao longo do estudo. 

    Water loss and chemical composition of cactus pear genotypes submitted to post-harvest storage periods

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate water loss and chemical composition of cactus pear genotypes submitted to post-harvest storage periods. The experimental design adopted was a the completely randomized, in a 3 × 5 factorial arrangement, with three cactus pear genotypes and five storage periods, and ten replications. The cactus pear genotypes [Doce, Baiana and Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM)] were harvested after 2 years of cultivation under rainfed conditions, and stored in a ventilated shed (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days). The genotype Baiana showed greater water reduction in the stored cladodes when compared to the other genotypes. All cactus pear genotypes showed reduction in crude protein and carbohydrates in the storage period of 60 days. There were no losses of nutrients, dry matter and ether extract during the storage periods for the genotype Doce. There was increase in the fiber content of the cladodes of all stored genotypes. During the storage period of the cladodes of all genotypes, there was reduction in the contents of Ca, Mg and Cu. The cactus pear genotypes Doce and OEM can be stored for up to 60 days after harvest. Highlights: • Cactus is also considered a strategic forage reserve and, in this case, the frequency of cutting can vary according to the producer's needs and weather conditions.• Post-harvest storage can be an alternative to reduce costs, as well as transporting the material.• The variety Doce Baiana showed greater water loss in relation to the other varieties.The objective of this study was to evaluate water loss and chemical composition of cactus pear genotypes submitted to post-harvest storage periods. The experimental design adopted was a the completely randomized, in a 3 × 5 factorial arrangement, with three cactus pear genotypes and five storage periods, and ten replications. The cactus pear genotypes [Doce, Baiana and Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM)] were harvested after 2 years of cultivation under rainfed conditions, and stored in a ventilated shed (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days). The genotype Baiana showed greater water reduction in the stored cladodes when compared to the other genotypes. All cactus pear genotypes showed reduction in crude protein and carbohydrates in the storage period of 60 days. There were no losses of nutrients, dry matter and ether extract during the storage periods for the genotype Doce. There was increase in the fiber content of the cladodes of all stored genotypes. During the storage period of the cladodes of all genotypes, there was reduction in the contents of Ca, Mg and Cu. The cactus pear genotypes Doce and OEM can be stored for up to 60 days after harvest. Highlights: • Cactus is also considered a strategic forage reserve and, in this case, the frequency of cutting can vary according to the producer's needs and weather conditions.• Post-harvest storage can be an alternative to reduce costs, as well as transporting the material.• The variety Doce Baiana showed greater water loss in relation to the other varieties

    Prevalent diseases in students in Piauí territories: reflections from School Psychology

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    O presente artigo objetivou identificar a prevalência de doenças em estudantes adolescentes do Piauí, analisando sob uma perspectiva da Psicologia Escolar Crítica os dados obtidos. O estudo, de natureza documental, contou com 57.024 documentos do banco de dados da Unidade de Gestão e Inspeção Escolar/UGIE da Secretaria do Estado de Educação/SEDUC. Em síntese, observou-se que as doenças prevalentes entre os estudantes do Piauí, foram a catapora, dengue, caxumba e influenza. Mediante a quantidade significativa de doenças virais, constatou-se a importância do desenvolvimento de ações que proporcionem o conhecimento, detecção e prevenção dos fatores determinantes e condicionantes de saúde.This article aimed to identify the prevalence of diseases in adolescent students in Piauí, analyzing the data obtained from a Critical School Psychology perspective. The study, of a documentary nature, had 57,024 documents from the database of the School Management and Inspection Unit/UGIE of the State Department of Education/SEDUC. In summary, it was observed that the prevalent diseases among students in Piauí were chickenpox, dengue, mumps, and influenza. Due to the significant number of viral diseases, the importance of developing actions that provide knowledge, detection, and prevention of determining and conditioning factors of health was verified.Grupo de Investigación HUM-672 AREA (Análisis de la Realidad EducativA

    The Role of Salivary and Intestinal Complement System Inhibitors in the Midgut Protection of Triatomines and Mosquitoes

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    Saliva of haematophagous arthropods contain biomolecules involved directly or indirectly with the haematophagy process, and among them are encountered some complement system inhibitors. The most obvious function for these inhibitors would be the protection of the midgut against injury by the complement. To investigate this hypothesis, Triatoma brasiliensis nymphs were forced to ingest human serum in conditions in which the protection of midgut by the inhibitors is bypassed. In these conditions, the anterior midgut epithelium was injured by the complement, causing cell death. Once some insects such as Aedes aegypti have no salivary inhibitors, we hypothesized the existence of intestinal inhibitors. The inhibitory activity was investigated in the intestine of A. aegypti as well as in the saliva and intestine of other three triatomine species (T. brasiliensis, T. infestans and Rhodnius prolixus) using an immunological method able to determine the level of deposition of some complement factors (C1q, C3b, or C4b) on the surface of complement activator molecules linked to microplates. This methodology permitted to identify which points along the activation phase of the complement cascade were inhibited. As expected, soluble contents of A. aegypti's intestine was capable to inhibit C3b deposition by the classical and alternative pathways. Saliva or soluble intestinal contents, obtained from triatomines were unable to inhibit C1q deposition by the classical pathway. C4b deposition by the classical pathway was inhibited by the intestinal contents from the three triatomines. On the other hand, only T. brasiliensis saliva inhibited C4b deposition. Both, saliva and intestinal contents from all triatomines were able to inhibit C3b deposition in the classical and alternative pathways. None of the material extracted from the intestinal cell membranes from the triatomines inhibited C3b deposition in the classical pathway. The existence of complement inhibitors may have important biological consequences which are discussed in detail

    Ядерна енергетика і наслідки Чорнобильської катастрофи

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    Автори статті переконливо доводять пріоритетність ядерної енергетики над усіма іншими способами отримання енергії для існування і розвитку нашої техногенної цивілізації. Серед основних причин, що стоять на заваді розвитку ядерної енергетики в Україні, вони називають радіофобію, брак фінансів, незацікавленість профільного відомства в реалізації державної екологічної програми поводження з РАВ. Запропоновано вибудувати інфраструктуру вітчизняної ядерної енергетики у вигляді замкнутого циклу — від видобутку урану, його збагачення, виготовлення ТВЕЛів тощо аж до захоронення РАВ.Authors of the article provide convincing evidences of nuclear power engineering priority over the other methods of energy production for existence and development of our technogenic civilization. Radiophobia, lack of funds, disinterest of subject agency to implement the state environment program on radioactive wastes management are stated among the main reasons preventing development of nuclear power engineering in Ukraine. It is proposed to build up the infrastructure of home nuclear power engineering in the form of closed-loop cycle – from uranium output, concentration, fuel element production, etc until radioactive wastes disposal

    Quality of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum) haylage in relation to plant dry matter content

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    This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum) haylage with varying contents of dry matter (DM) and stored for 90 days. The quality of this grass was evaluated through the lens of a variety of physiochemical properties (e.g., chemical composition, aerobic stability, pH, microbial profile, etc.). A completely randomized design was used with four treatments (in natura, 400, 500, and 600 g kg-1 DM) and five replicates. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest DM haylage (p < 0.01) and soluble carbohydrate content (p < 0.01). Treatment in natura resulted in the highest O2concentration inside the bales (p < 0.01), whereas treatments with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM resulted in the highest CO2 values. The highest acetic acid concentrations of 36.4 ± 1.6, 38.2±1.6, and 48.9 ± 1.6 g kg-1 DM (p < 0.01) were observed post the in natura, 500 g kg-1 DM, and 600 g kg-1 DM treatments, respectively. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest pH value at hour zero (p < 0.01). Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM produced the highest quality haylage. Highlights: Haylage can be defined as stored pre-dried forage with a dry matter (DM) content of approximately 400 to 800 g/kg. Aerobic stability was affected by the interaction between the different plant DM contents and hours of exposure of the Tanzania grass haylage to air after opening the bales. Haylage surface temperature has a linear relationship with the length of time the materials are exposed to air. Higher plant DM yields Tanzania grass haylage of high quality. Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM for haylage production is indicated.This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum) haylage with varying contents of dry matter (DM) and stored for 90 days. The quality of this grass was evaluated through the lens of a variety of physiochemical properties (e.g., chemical composition, aerobic stability, pH, microbial profile, etc.). A completely randomized design was used with four treatments (in natura, 400, 500, and 600 g kg-1 DM) and five replicates. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest DM haylage (p < 0.01) and soluble carbohydrate content (p < 0.01). Treatment in natura resulted in the highest O2concentration inside the bales (p < 0.01), whereas treatments with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM resulted in the highest CO2 values. The highest acetic acid concentrations of 36.4 ± 1.6, 38.2±1.6, and 48.9 ± 1.6 g kg-1 DM (p < 0.01) were observed post the in natura, 500 g kg-1 DM, and 600 g kg-1 DM treatments, respectively. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest pH value at hour zero (p < 0.01). Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM produced the highest quality haylage. Highlights: Haylage can be defined as stored pre-dried forage with a dry matter (DM) content of approximately 400 to 800 g/kg. Aerobic stability was affected by the interaction between the different plant DM contents and hours of exposure of the Tanzania grass haylage to air after opening the bales. Haylage surface temperature has a linear relationship with the length of time the materials are exposed to air. Higher plant DM yields Tanzania grass haylage of high quality. Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM for haylage production is indicated


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    The objective of this work is to neutralize the effect of exchangeable acidity of a ULTISOL RED YELLOW dystrophic incubated with application of increasing doses of CaCO3. This work was performed at the Laboratory of Soil Science UEMA / CESI. Soil samples were collected in a ULTISOL RED YELLOW dystrophic in Exhibition Park of Imperatriz/MA, at 0-20 cm depth. After collecting the samples, they were carried to the laboratory, air-dried, then broken, passed through a sieve of 2 mm mesh size and homogenized and sample for chemical analysis routine. Soil samples were placed hatching increasing doses of calcium carbonate equivalent to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 t / ha (CaCO3), with ten repetitions, in a completely randomized design. After 30 days the start of incubation was taken from each experimental samples to determine the pH in water and CaCl2 in order to perform the comparison and correlation of these methods to study the soil. Significant difference between the pH values ??and between the methods used in determining and intense mineralization of organic matter.   KEYWORDS: calcium chloride, correlation, water.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determina o pH de um ARGISSOLO VERMELHO AMARELO distrófico por diferentes métodos após incubação com doses crescentes de CaCO3. O presente trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Solos da UEMA/CESI. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em um ARGISSOLO VERMELHO AMARELHO distrófico no Parque de Exposição de Imperatriz/MA, na camada de 0-20 cm de profundidade. Após a coleta das amostras, estas foram conduzidas para o laboratório, secas ao ar, depois destorroados, passadas em peneira de 2 mm de abertura de malha e homogeneizadas e amostra da para análise química de rotina. As amostras de solo foram postas para incubação doses crescentes de carbonato de cálcio equivalentes a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 e 10 t.ha-1 (CaCO3), com dez repetições, em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Após 30 dias o inicio de incubação foi feita amostras de cada unidade experimental para determinar o pH em água e em CaCl2, a fim de realizar a comparação e correlação destes métodos para o solo estudado. Houve diferença significativa entre os valores de pH e entre os métodos usados na determinação e intensa mineralização da matéria orgânica. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: água, cloreto de cálcio, correlação