1,412 research outputs found

    Assessing verticalization effects on urban safety perception

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    We describe an experiment with the modeling of urban verticalization effects on perceived safety scores as obtained with computer vision on Google Streetview data for New York City. Preliminary results suggests that for smaller buildings (between one and seven floors), perceived safety increases with building height, but that for high-rise buildings, perceived safety decreases with increased height. We also determined that while height contributing for this relation, other zonal aspects also influences the perceived safety scores, suggesting spatial structuring also influences such scores.Comment: 2017 SIGSPATIAL Student Research Competitio

    Preventing Atomicity Violations with Contracts

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    Software developers are expected to protect concurrent accesses to shared regions of memory with some mutual exclusion primitive that ensures atomicity properties to a sequence of program statements. This approach prevents data races but may fail to provide all necessary correctness properties.The composition of correlated atomic operations without further synchronization may cause atomicity violations. Atomic violations may be avoided by grouping the correlated atomic regions in a single larger atomic scope. Concurrent programs are particularly prone to atomicity violations when they use services provided by third party packages or modules, since the programmer may fail to identify which services are correlated. In this paper we propose to use contracts for concurrency, where the developer of a module writes a set of contract terms that specify which methods are correlated and must be executed in the same atomic scope. These contracts are then used to verify the correctness of the main program with respect to the usage of the module(s). If a contract is well defined and complete, and the main program respects it, then the program is safe from atomicity violations with respect to that module. We also propose a static analysis based methodology to verify contracts for concurrency that we applied to some real-world software packages. The bug we found in Tomcat 6.0 was immediately acknowledged and corrected by its development team

    Developing Libraries Using Software Transactional Memory

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    Software transactional memory is a promising programming model that adapts many concepts borrowed from the databases world to control concurrent accesses to main memory (RAM) locations. This paper discusses how to support apparently irreversible operations, such as memory allocation and deallocation, within software libraries that will be used in (software memory) transactional contexts, and propose a generic and elegant approach based on a handler system, which provide the means to create and execute compensation actions at key moments during the life-time of a transaction.This work was partially supported by Sun Micro-Systems and Sun Microsystems Portugal under the “Sun Worldwide Marketing Loaner Agreement #11497”, by the CITI–Centro de Informática e Tecnologias da Informação and by the FCT/MCTES–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the context of the Byzatium research project PTDC/EIA/74325/2006 and research grant SFRH/BD/41765/2007

    The Evolutionary History of Coronavirus in Human-Wildlife Relationships

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    Campos, F. S., & Lourenço-de-Moraes, R. (2020). Ecological Fever: The Evolutionary History of Coronavirus in Human-Wildlife Relationships. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 1-4. [575286]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2020.575286The rapid dissemination of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV−2) has opened up an environmental dilemma—investigating the relationship between the evolutionary history of coronaviruses (CoVs) and the zoonotic spillover in humans to avoid new rapidly evolving pathogens. To guide politicians in health policy decision-making, scientists have an urgent need to explore how cross-species virus transmission can help prevent pandemics (Zhou et al., 2020). The emergence of new epidemic diseases varies among different taxonomic groups, and the human-made change in natural environments causes eco-evolutionary consequences. Therefore, the alteration of this natural role caused by human pressures on wild species, we label as “ecological fever” —a new One Health perspective from ecology to society. Following the new phylogenies of coronavirus proposed by Gorbalenya et al. (2020) and Zhang et al. (2020), we explore the adaptive evolution of coronaviruses across mammal species and its importance for wildlife conservation. Here, we show reconstructed ancestral states of coronaviruses under maximum-likelihood estimations across an entire class of host organisms (i.e., Mammalia). In this opinion paper, we explore the evolution and cross-species transmission of coronaviruses and highlight the need to preserve natural habitats of wildlife in order to prevent future pandemics.publishersversionpublishe

    O ensino de línguas estrangeiras nas Forças Armadas

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    A interoperabilidade das forças pertencentes à OTAN constitui-se como um fator determinante na prossecução dos objetivos desta grande organização internacional, sendo transversal a todos os domínios incluindo o da comunicação, que desempenha um papel fundamental na interligação das forças aliadas. A presente investigação teve como finalidade analisar as diferentes estruturas militares de formação e testagem linguística por forma a contribuir para a normalização dos modelos de formação, aperfeiçoamento e testagem linguística dos militares, garantindo, dessa forma, a qualidade do seu desempenho em ambiente multinacional. O percurso metodológico adotado seguiu três fases distintas e complementares: heurística, análise de dados e síntese conclusiva. Concluímos que a especificidade de cada ramo, o ambiente em que operam e a terminologia utilizada obrigam a uma formação linguística específica, justificando a implementação de tipologias de formação diferenciadas, havendo, no entanto, a necessidade de criar processos de testagem centralizados que sejam eficientes, eficazes e de qualidade reconhecida. Abstract: Interoperability among NATO forces is a determining factor in the achievement of this great organization goals, being transversal to all domains including communication, which plays a key role in the Allied forces interconnection. The research presented here aimed at analysing the different military training and language testing structures in order to contribute to the standardization of language training, upgrading and testing models, thus assuring the quality of our military’s performance in multinational environments. The adopted methodological approach followed three distinct and complementary phases: heuristic, data analysis and concluding summary. We concluded that the specificity of each branch, the environment in which they operate and the terminology used require specific language training that justifies the implementation of different and specialized training typologies, while identifying the need for efficient, effective and recognized centralized testing processes.N/

    Fantasías freudianas: aspectos centrales y posible aproximación con el concepto de esquemas de Aaron Beck

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    This article discusses points about the concept of fantasy of Sigmund Freud, and suggests a dialogue between them and the concept of schemes proposed by Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy theory. This suggestion does not indicate any form of eclecticism, theoretical or practical, and discusses these concepts considering the differences in their assumptions. According to Freudian theory, the fantasy represents a form of subjective reading, organized from the wishes and defense mechanisms, of facts' reality. This is what Freud called psychic reality, which has its basis in childhood and the phylogenetic fantasies. Beck's theory does not make references to the notion of fantasy, however, and considers the role of subjective impressions and interpretations of events, especially those experienced in childhood. Thus, he develops the thesis that the schemes organize cognitive, affective and behavioral processes. The dialogue between these theories has been supported by studies in cognitive science.Este artículo discute los puntos sobre el concepto de fantasía, de Sigmund Freud, y se propone a un diálogo entre ellos y el concepto de esquemas propuesto por la teoría de la terapia cognitiva de Aaron Beck. Esa sugerencia no significa eclecticismo teórico o práctico y aborda estos conceptos teniendo en cuenta las diferencias en sus suposiciones. Según la teoría freudiana, las fantasías representan una forma de lectura subjetiva, organizada a partir de los deseos y de los mecanismos de defensa, de la realidad de los hechos. Se trata de lo que Freud llamó de la realidad psíquica, la cual tiene sus bases en la infancia y en las fantasías filogenéticas. La teoría de Beck no hace referencia a la noción de fantasía, sin embargo, considera el papel de las impresiones y de las interpretaciones subjetivas de los acontecimientos, especialmente aquellos vividos en la infancia. Así se desarrolla la tesis de que los esquemas organizan procesos cognitivos, afectivos y comportamentales. El diálogo entre esas teorías ha sido apoyado por estudios de las ciencias cognitivas.Este artigo aborda pontos sobre o conceito de fantasia, de Sigmund Freud, e propõe um diálogo entre eles e o conceito de esquemas, proposto pela teoria da terapia cognitiva de Aaron Beck. Essa sugestão não indica ecletismo teórico ou prático, abordando esses conceitos considerando as diferenças dos seus pressupostos. De acordo com a teoria freudiana, as fantasias representam uma forma de leitura subjetiva, organizada a partir dos desejos e dos mecanismos de defesa, da realidade dos fatos. Trata-se do que Freud denomina realidade psíquica, a qual tem suas bases na infância e nas fantasias filogenéticas. A teoria de Beck não faz referências à noção de fantasia, contudo considera o papel das impressões e das interpretações subjetivas dos eventos, especialmente aqueles vividos na infância. Assim desenvolve a tese de que os esquemas organizam processos cognitivos, afetivos e comportamentais. O diálogo entre tais teorias tem sido corroborado por estudos das ciências cognitivas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Estimating the population and distributions trends of owls in Portugal using citizen science data from Program NOCTUA-Portugal and other sources

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    During the last eight years (2010-2017), the Working Group on Nocturnal Birds of SPEA (GTAN-SPEA) has carried out a volunteer monitoring program (NOCTUA-Portugal) to determine the population trends of seven owl species at a national scale. We used generalized estimating equations models to assess trends. In addition, we used the distribution data from breeding bird atlases, observations sent by collaborators, and data from the public online database PortugalAves/eBird to detect changes in distribution in a four-decade period (1978-2017). We defined four periods to study potential changes in distribution of owls in Portugal: 1978-1984 (1st breeding bird atlas); 1999-2005 (2nd breeding bird atlas); 2006-2014 (interval between 2nd and 3rd breeding bird atlases); and 2015-2017 (ongoing 3 rd breeding bird atlas). Three species had negative population and distribution trends: Common Barn-owl (Tyto alba), Eurasian Scops-owl (Otus scops), and Little Owl (Athene noctua). The Eurasian Eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) had a slightly positive population and distribution trends, while the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) was stable or slightly declined. The population trend of the Northern Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) was unknown because of large fluctuations, and due to the low number of records it was not possible to determine a population trend for the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)

    Dispersão de Aedes aegypti em local presumidamente sem barreira limitante ao vôo na cidade do Rio de Janeiro

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate dispersal of Aedes aegypti females in an area with no container manipulation and no geographic barriers to constrain mosquito flight. METHODS: A mark-release-recapture experiment was conducted in December 2006, in the dengue endemic urban district of Olaria in Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, where there is no evident obstacle to the dispersal of Ae. aegypti females. Mosquito traps were installed in 192 houses (96 Adultraps and 96 MosquiTRAPs). RESULTS: A total of 725 dust-marked gravid females were released and recapture rate was 6.3%. Ae. aegypti females traveled a mean distance of 288.12 m and their maximum displacement was 690 m; 50% and 90% of females flew up to 350 m and 500.2 m, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Dispersal of Ae. aegypti females in Olaria was higher than in areas with physical and geographical barriers. There was no evidence of a preferred direction during mosquito flight, which was considered random or uniform from the release point.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la dispersión de hembras de Aedes aegypti en un área sin manipulación de recipientes y sin barreras geográficas que limiten el vuelo del mosquito. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un experimento de marcaje y recaptura en diciembre de 2006, en el distrito urbano Olaria, Rio de Janeiro (Sureste de Brasil), área endémica para dengue, donde no hay obstáculo evidente para la dispersión de hembras de Ae. aegypti. Trampas para mosquitos fueron instaladas en 192 casas (96 Adultraps y 96 MosquiTraps). RESULTADOS: Un total de 725 hembras grávidas marcadas con polvo fueron liberadas y recapturadas siendo la tasa de 6,3%. Las hembras de Ae. Aegypti viajaron una distancia promedio de 288,12 m y su máximo desplazamiento fue de 690 m; 50% y 90% de las hembras volaron hasta los 350 m y 500,2 m, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: Dispersión de las hembras de Ae. aegypti en Olaria fue mayor que en las áreas con barreras físicas y geográficas. No hube evidencia de una dirección preferida durante el vuelo del mosquito, por lo que se considera aleatorio y uniforme desde el punto de liberación.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a dispersão de fêmeas de Aedes aegypti em uma área onde não houve nenhuma interferência quanto à redução de potenciais criadouros e não há barreira geográfica que limite o vôo dos mosquitos. MÉTODOS: Um experimento de marcação-soltura-recaptura foi realizado em dezembro de 2006, no bairro urbano Olaria, endêmico para dengue na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), onde não há obstáculos evidentes à dispersão de fêmeas de Ae. aegypti. Armadilhas para captura de mosquitos foram instaladas em 192 residências (96 Adultraps e 96 MosquiTraps). RESULTADOS: Foram soltas 725 fêmeas grávidas marcadas com pó fluorescente e a taxa de recaptura foi de 6,3%. Fêmeas de Ae. aegypti dispersaram em média 288,12 m do ponto de soltura e o deslocamento máximo foi de 690 m; 50% e 90% das fêmeas voaram até 350 m e 500,2 m respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A dispersão de fêmeas de Ae. aegypti em Olaria foi maior que em áreas com barreiras físicas e/ou geográficas. Não houve evidências de preferência de direção do vôo dos mosquitos, o qual foi considerado randômico ou uniforme a partir do ponto de soltura

    Enhancing a Layout-Aware Synthesis Methodology for Analog ICs by Embedding Statistical Knowledge into the Evolutionary Optimization Kernel

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    Part 18: Electronics: Devices DesignInternational audienceThis paper applies to the scientific area of electronic design automation (EDA) and addresses the automatic sizing of analog integrated circuits (ICs). Particularly, this work presents an innovative approach to enhance a state-of-the-art layout-aware circuit-level optimizer (GENOM-POF), by embedding statistical knowledge from an automatically generated gradient model into the multi-objective multi-constraint optimization kernel based on the NSGA-II algorithm. The approach was validated with typical analog circuit structures, using the UMC 0.13 μm integration technology, showing that, by enhancing the circuit sizing optimization kernel with the gradient model, the optimal solutions are achieved, considerably, faster and with identical or superior accuracy. Finally, the results are Pareto Optimal Fronts (POFs), which consist of a set of fully compliant sizing solutions, allowing the designer to explore the different trade-offs of the solution space, both through the achieved device sizes, or the respective layout solutions

    Un año de edición en Wikipedia: el caso del artículo «COVID-19» en diez lenguas

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    Wikipedia, a big collective and collaborative work by its linguistic magnitude, has permitted to appreciate the writing and editing evolution of articles about emergent and changing themes as more and more data is revealed of different sources. After a year of official declaration of the World Health Organization of the COVID-19 pandemic existence, and the officialization of the disease´s name, it is an enough cycle to analyze how the editing of «COVID-19» article has been done since February 2020. Because of this, the available statistics in each version in the ten languages of the countries with more contagions were revised (English, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Hindi), and the number of editors involved on the volume and frequency of editions, rate of editing month to month were analyzed. In addition, the subtitles of the article in each studied language were compared to verify their order and hierarchy. The aim of this study is to consider no only the information’s density availability, but also to understand the weighing of some languages over others on popular science texts. We found out that the more number of editors, the longer and denser the articles are, and they prefer publishing information in global languages, regardless of the case number of contagions. Also, the editors agree on the order of the subtitles considering the target.Wikipedia, una obra colectiva de gran magnitud por su envergadura idiomática y colaborativa, ha permitido apreciar cómo evoluciona la redacción y edición de los artículos sobre temas emergentes y cambiantes a medida que diversas fuentes revelan más y más datos. Un año después de la declaración oficial por parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud de la existencia de la pandemia de la COVID-19, y de oficializarse el nombre de esta enfermedad, parece un buen momento para analizar cómo ha sido el proceso de edición del artículo «COVID-19» desde febrero de 2020. Para ello, se revisan las estadísticas disponibles en cada una de las versiones en los diez idiomas de los países con más contagios (inglés, alemán, francés, ruso, italiano, español, chino, portugués, turco e hindi) a fin de apreciar el número de wikipedistas involucrados, el volumen y la frecuencia de las ediciones, y el ritmo de edición mes a mes, entre otros indicadores. Asimismo, se comparan los apartados del artículo en cada idioma estudiado, con el propósito de verificar su orden y jerarquización. Se busca ponderar así no solo la densidad de información disponible, sino también comprender la influencia de unos idiomas sobre otros en los textos de divulgación científica. Se encontró que, a mayor número de editores, más extensos y densos son los artículos, y que se prefiere divulgar información en lenguas de mayor alcance global, independientemente del número de casos de contagio. Además, los editores convienen de común acuerdo el orden de los apartados considerando la audiencia a la que se dirigen