3,844 research outputs found

    Dispositivo magnetorresistivo basado en múltiples nanocontactos, su procedimiento de obtención y usos

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    Referencia OEPM: P200501174.-- Fecha de solicitud: 06/05/2005.-- Titulares: Universidad de Zaragoza (Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Sistema magnetorresistivo basado en múltiples nanocontactos. Se disponen partículas de materiales magnéticos entre electrodos metálicos. La corriente eléctrica se establece a través de nanocontactos entre estas partículas. La superficie de las partículas se modifica adecuadamente mediante tratamientos térmicos, mecánicos, presión etc., con la finalidad de obtener una variación de la composición en superficie que cambie las propiedades eléctricas o magnéticas. El fenómeno magnetorresistivo se produce por el paso de los electrones con una determinada polarización de espín a través de este material de superficie existente a ambos lados de los nanocontactos. La magnetorresistencia obtenida utilizando partículas de hierro con su superficie oxidada es del orden del 1000% a temperatura ambiente. Estos sistemas pueden ser utilizados como sensores sin contacto, cabezas lectoras, sensores de posición etc.Peer reviewe

    Self-Referencing Fiber-Optic Intensity Sensors Using Ring Resonators and Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    An improved ring resonator self-referencing technique in a new reflection configuration for remote fiber-optic intensity sensors is demonstrated using fiber Bragg gratings. Sensor sensitivity doubles and a single fiber lead is used. The sensor is interrogated at two subcarrier frequencies having a high rejection of interference from laser source intensity fluctuations and loss in the fiber lead. We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of the new reflection configuration, the usefulness of the theoretical model proposed, and discuss design parameters for optimum insertion lossesThis work was supported in part by CICYT (TIC2003-03783 and TEC2006-13273-C03-03-MIC), in part by UC3M (FAVICOBIS), in part by CAM (FACTOTEM-CM:S-0505/ESP/000417), and in part by COST 299.Publicad

    Electrical analysis of new all-plastic electrochromic devices

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    New all-plastic electrochromic devices have been manufactured using commercial PEDOT foils and classical polymer electrolyte electrodeposition techniques. Several devices with different areas have been electrically characterized by using an impedance spectroscopy technique. After a brief description of the manufacturing process, we discuss electrical properties with the size of the device. Real and imaginary parts of the impedance have been plotted as a function of frequency. Some interesting conclusions have been derived from those plots, and some improvements in manufacturing process of this kind of devices are also proposed.Publicad

    Structural effects of steel reinforcement corrosion on statically indeterminate reinforced concrete members

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1617/s11527-016-0836-2Steel corrosion in reinforced concrete structures produces loss of reinforcement area and damage in the surrounding concrete. As a consequence, increases in deflections, crack widths and stresses may take place, as well as a reduction of the bearing capacity, which depends on the structural scheme and redundancy. In this paper an experimental study of twelve statically indeterminate beams subjected to different levels of forced reinforcement corrosion is presented. Different sustained loads were applied during the corrosion phase to assess their influence on the effects of corrosion. An important increase in deflections was registered in all corroded beams, especially in those subject to higher load levels. It was also found that the rate of corrosion was affected by the load level. Internal forces redistributions due to induced damage were measured. Finally, the experimental results were compared with those predicted by a non-linear time-dependent segmental analysis model developed by the authors, obtaining in general good agreement.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluación, análisis y propuesta de mejora para el relleno sanitario La Miel del municipio de Ibagué, departamento del Tolima

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    Trabajo de investigaciónTrabajo de GradoEste proyecto de investigación tuvo como propósito brindar a CORTOLIMA información del estado actual del relleno sanitario LA MIEL y así corregir sus falencias realizando una evaluación de las alternativas del POT de la ciudad de Ibagué, para finalmente presentar una propuesta que ayude a un eficaz manejo de los gases de los residuos sólidos.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Perfectionism and Emotional Intelligence: A Person-Centered Approach

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    This study examined the relationship between perfectionistic concerns (PC) and perfectionistic strivings (PS) with the subcomponents of emotional intelligence (EI) through a latent class person-centered approach. A sample of 1582 Ecuadorian adolescents (619 females) aged from 12 to 18 was employed. The trait meta-mood scale-24 (TMMS-24) and the child and adolescent perfectionism scale (CAPS) were used, respectively, for assessing three subcomponents of EI (i.e., emotional attention, emotional clarity, and mood repair) and two perfectionist dimensions (PC and PS). A three-class solution (High perfectionism, moderate perfectionism, and nonperfectionism) was identified by using latent class analysis. High perfectionism significantly scored higher on emotional attention in comparison with the moderate and nonperfectionism classes, with small and moderate effect sizes. Overall, results suggest that people with high perfectionism might be at greater risk of developing maladaptive emotional self-regulation strategies, such as rumination, because of their tendency to excessively attend their negative mood states

    Concentrador solar multi-modo

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    Número de publicación: ES2570593 A1 (19.05.2016) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201400974 (18.11.2014)El objeto de la invención es un captador solar constituido por un concentrador cilindroparabólico (CCP) aislado térmicamente (4), una cubierta de vidrio en su plano de apertura (1), un absorbedor tubular situado en su foco por el que circula un fluido caloportador (3), con o sin encapsulamiento de vidrio (2), y un mecanismo de lamas rotativas absorbedoras (5). El invento permite, mediante la rotación de las lamas, optar entre un modo de operación en concentración solar en el absorbedor focal para el aprovechamiento de la radiación solar directa (3) y un modo de operación en placa plana convencional para aprovechamiento de la radiación solar global (6). Su uso se propone como parte de instalaciones solares térmicas con el fin de a) alimentar con un solo elemento procesos que presentan demandas combinadas de baja y media temperatura en función de su programación temporal o estacional, b) permitir un aprovechamiento solar suplementario en instalaciones de CCP durante períodos de radiación directa reducida y c) contar con capacidad adicional de regulación de temperatura y radiación.Universidad de Almería, CIEMA