228 research outputs found

    The Role of Knowledge in Constructing the Quality of Olive Oil in Spain

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    The sustainability of a large proportion of Spanish olive oil-producing territories depends to a great extent on their capacity to fit into a specific model of food quality. The strategies used in the di erent territories di er with respect to their adherence to the objectifiable conception of quality, based on scientific-technical knowledge, or subjectivating conception of quality, based on tacit and practical knowledge. In this paper, we analyse the route taken by two territories with olive oil protected designation of origin (PDO) status in Spain to construct their quality model, the type of knowledge that has been applied and how knowledge processes a ect the construction of sustainable quality models. This study applies a qualitative methodology based on participative observation and semi-structured interviews with key actors of the territories. The results indicate that processes of production, reproduction and dissemination of knowledge are basic pillars for the construction of sustainable quality projects. The degree of understanding of the objectifiable and subjectivating conception of quality in olive-producing territories and the interaction between them depend on the specific characteristics of the territory, the objectives set in connection to the olive oil quality method, the importance given to the di erent types of knowledge, and its standing on the issue of territorial sustainabilit

    La lengua oral en el aula de secundaria: programación e implementación de una unidad didáctica basada en la exposición oral

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP429. Curs: 2018/2019.El presente trabajo corresponde a una propuesta de Unidad Didáctica con carácter innovador para la práctica de la expresión oral en el curso de 4.º ESO. Esta propuesta se basa en la metodología constructivista, pues tendremos en cuenta los conocimientos previos que ya poseen los estudiantes y trabajaremos a partir de ellos. Además, también seguiremos el enfoque comunicativo, ya que el texto será la referencia de la programación y la actividad final será la producción de un texto oral. Este proyecto pretende presentar una tipología de UD que amplíe los conocimientos ya adquiridos sobre Antonio Machado, autor que los alumnos estudiaron de manera superficial las semanas previas a la puesta en práctica de esta UD. Asimismo, se pondrá en práctica la competencia oral, ofreciéndoles actividades para que trabajen los distintos aspectos de la misma. Centraremos la atención especialmente en el tono, la dicción, la entonación, el volumen, los movimientos corporales y el uso del espacio. Por ello, la actividad final será una exposición oral sobre un tema relacionado con Antonio Machado. Seguiremos una metodología cooperativa, puesto que es el modelo desarrollado en el centro Madre María Rosa Molas de Onda, en el cual se implementará esta UD, desde hace algunos años. Para ser fiel a dicha metodología, cada miembro del grupo tendrá un papel determinado, de tal manera que el producto final será la suma de cada una de las partes realizadas por cada miembro del grupo. Además, el proyecto presenta un modelo de evaluación en el que tanto el profesorado como los propios alumnos se verán implicados

    Imbalances in faecal and duodenal Bifidobacterium species composition in active and non-active coeliac disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gut bifidobacteria are believed to influence immune-related diseases. The objective of this study was to assess the possible relationships between the gut bifidobacteria composition and coeliac disease (CD) in children.</p> <p>A total of 48 faecal samples (30 and 18 samples from active and no active CD patients, respectively) and 33 duodenal biopsy specimens of CD patients (25 and 8 samples from active and non-active CD patients, respectively) were analysed. Samples (30 faecal samples and 8 biopsies) from a control age-matched group of children were also included for comparative purposes. Gut <it>Bifidobacterium </it>genus and species were analyzed by real-time PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Active and non-active CD patients showed lower numbers of total <it>Bifidobacterium </it>and <it>B. longum </it>species in faeces and duodenal biopsies than controls, and these differences were particularly remarkable between active CD patients and controls. <it>B. catenulatum </it>prevalence was higher in biopsies of controls than in those of active and non-active CD patients, whereas <it>B. dentium </it>prevalence was higher in faeces of non-active CD patients than in controls. Correlations between levels of <it>Bifidobacterium </it>and <it>B. longum </it>species in faecal and biopsy samples were detected in both CD patients and controls.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Reductions in total <it>Bifidobacterium </it>and <it>B. longum </it>populations were associated with both active and non-active CD when compared to controls. These bacterial groups could constitute novel targets for adjuvant dietary therapies although the confirmation of this hypothesis would require further investigations.</p


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    Uma análise funcional da linguagem deve levar em consideração a diferença entre as interações entre indivíduos e os produtos ou vestígios dessa interação. Embora as características morfológicas da linguagem como comportamento convencional sejam importantes, elas não são suficientes para distinguir o comportamento lingüístico do comportamento não lingüístico. Analisamos vários aspectos envolvidos na análise funcional da linguagem como comportamento: a) a aquisição de sistemas de reação convencionais; b) o despreendimento funcional de respostas; c) o comportamento lingüístico como interações contingenciais substitutivas; d) a identificação de estágios funcionais no desenvolvimento do comportamento convencional como comportamento lingüístico; e e) a análise da linguagem como processo interativo. Palavras-chave: linguagem, comportamento convencional, despreendimento funcional, contingênciasubstitutiva, interações diádicasA functional analysis of language must take into account the difference between interactions among individuals and the products or vestiges of these interactions. Although morphological features of language as conventional behavior are important, they are not sufficient to distinguish between linguistic and non-linguistic behavior. This paper examines several aspects involved in the functional analysis of language as behaviour: a) the acquisition of conventional reactional systems, b) the functional detachment of  responses, c) linguistic behavior as substitutional contingency  interactions, d) the identification of functional stages in the development of conventional behaviour as language behavior, and, e) the analysis of language as an interactive process. Key words: language, conventional behavior, functional detachment, substitutional contingency, dyadicinteraction

    Pediatric endoscopy training across Europe: a survey of the ESPGHAN National Societies Network 2016-2019

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    Background and study aims  The ability to perform endoscopy procedures safely and effectively is a key aspect of quality clinical care in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (PGHN). The aim of this survey, which was part of a global survey on PGHN training in Europe, was to assess endoscopy training opportunities provided across Europe. Methods  Responses to standardized questions related to endoscopy training were collected from training centers across Europe through the presidents/representatives of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition National Societies from June 2016 to December 2019. Results  A total of 100 training centers from 19 countries participated in the survey. In 57 centers, the endoscopy suit was attached to the PGHN center, while in 23, pediatric endoscopies were performed in adult endoscopy facilities. Ninety percent of centers reported the availability of specialized endoscopy nurses and 96 % of pediatric anesthetists. Pediatric endoscopies were performed by PGHN specialists in 55 centers, while 31 centers reported the involvement of an adult endoscopist and 14 of a pediatric surgeon. Dividing the number of procedures performed at the training center by the number of trainees, ≤ 20 upper, lower, or therapeutic endoscopies per trainee per year were reported by 0 %, 23 %, and 56 % of centers, respectively, whereas ≤ 5 wireless capsule endoscopies per trainee per year by 75 %. Only one country (United Kingdom) required separate certification of competency in endoscopy. Conclusions  Differences and deficiencies in infrastructure, staffing, and procedural volume, as well as in endoscopy competency assessment and certification, were identified among European PGHN training centers limiting training opportunities in pediatric endoscopy

    Training in pediatric neurogastroenterology and motility across Europe: a survey of the ESPGHAN National Societies Network 2016-2019

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    BACKGROUND Pediatric gastrointestinal motility disorders present significant challenges for diagnosis and management, emphasizing the need for appropriate training in Pediatric Neurogastroenterology and Motility (PNGM). The aim of this survey, part of a comprehensive survey on training in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, was to evaluate training related to PNGM across European training centers. METHOD Standardized questionnaires were collected from training centers through the National Societies Network of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN), from June 2016 to December 2019. RESULTS In total, 100 training centers from 19 countries participated in the survey. Dedicated PNGM clinics were available in 22 centers; pH-monitoring in 60; pH/impedance in 66; standard manometry in 37; and high-resolution manometry in 33. If all motility studies were performed partially or fully by the trainees, the median (range) annual numbers/per trainee were as follows: pH-monitoring 30 (1-500); pH/impedance 17 (1-131); standard manometries 10 (1-150); and high-resolution manometries 8 (1-75). The motility assessment was performed by pediatric gastroenterologists (43 centers); adult gastroenterologists (10 centers); pediatric surgeons (5 centers); and both pediatric gastroenterologists and pediatric surgeons (9 centers). Annual numbers ≤10 for pH-monitoring, pH/impedance, standard manometries and high-resolution manometries were reported by 7 (12%), 15 (23%), 11 (30%) and 14 (42%) centers, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Significant differences exist in PNGM-related infrastructure, staff and procedural volumes at training centers across Europe. ESPGHAN and the National Societies should take initiatives to ensure the acquisition of competence in PNGM-related knowledge and skills, and develop strategies for assessment and accreditation.An infographic is available for this article at: http://www.annalsgastro.gr/files/journals/1/earlyview/2022/Infographic-AG6486.pdf
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