592 research outputs found

    In euglossine we trust as ecological indicators: a reply to Añino et al. (2019)

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    Orchid bees have been considered as good ecological indicators of habitat disturbances but recently Añino et al. (2019. Sociobiology, 66: 194-197) highlighted reasons why Euglossini role as indicators should be reevaluated. Despite agreeing with some points raised by them, we present an alternative view for the use of orchid bees as indicators. For us, the main problematic issues are: (i) the authors do not present a clear definition of ecological indicator, including its role as an indirect measure of biota response to disturbed environments; (ii) they do not properly acknowledge the relative good taxonomic status of orchid bees when compared with the remaining bees; (iii) and they do not distinguish the use of particular Euglossini species as indicators in certain circumstances. In spite of some knowledge gaps, we argue that Euglossini is a good candidate to be ecological indicators in tropical forests, maybe the best candidate among all the bees

    Social vulnerability map for the municipality of Natal (Northeast Brazil) at a census sector level

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    Introduction: The concept of vulnerability describes the coexistence, cumulativeness or spatial superposition of poverty, social deprivation and exposure to situations of environmental risk, where there is exposure to risk, incapacity of reaction and difficulty in adapting in the face of risk materialisation. Objective: Evaluate the spatial distribution of Social Vulnerability Risk at a census sector level for the municipality of Natal, Northeast Brazil. Methods: Ecological study that utilised the 895 census sectors of the municipality of Natal. Principal component analysis was applied with eight variables related to human capital, urban infrastructure, income and work, obtained from the 2010 demographic census. The result was categorised from the Z score and the obtained classification was used to build the map. The programs SPSS 22.0 and QGIS 2.8 were employed. Results: Bartlett’s test for sphericity obtained p<0.05, and KMO was 0.769. Communalities presented factor loadings over 0.60. Application of the analysis to the model enabled the extraction of three factors: Factor 1 (related to human capital), Factor 2 (Income and Work), and Factor 3 (Urban infrastructure), explaining jointly 71.56% of total variance. Factor 1 was the one that best described vulnerability in the municipality of Natal, showing areas of low vulnerability in the neighbourhoods of the South and East districts, and high vulnerability in the peripheral zones of West and North. For Factors 2 and 3, most sectors were classified within the range considered as intermediate vulnerability. Conclusion: In the municipality of Natal, there are significant differences in the socioeconomic and demographic conditions of the population, with certain areas experiencing concentrated social and environmental risks.Introdução: O conceito de vulnerabilidade a descreve como a coexistência, cumulatividade ou sobreposição espacial de situações de pobreza e privação social e de situações de exposição a risco ambiental, onde estão presentes a exposição ao risco, incapacidade de reação e dificuldade de adaptação diante da materialização do risco. Objetivo: Avaliar a distribuição espacial do Índice de Vulnerabilidade Social em nível de setor censitário para o município de Natal, RN, Brasil. Método: Estudo ecológico que utilizou os 895 setores censitários do município de Natal. Foi aplicada a técnica de Análise dos Componentes Principais com oito variáveis relativas ao capital humano, infraestrutura urbana, renda e trabalho, obtidas do Censo demográfico 2010. O resultado foi categorizado a partir do escore Z e a classificação obtida foi utilizada para produção do mapa. Foram utilizados os programas SPSS 22.0 e QGIS 2.8. Resultados: O Teste de esfericidade de Bartlett obteve p<0,05, o KMO foi de 0,769, as comunidades tiveram cargas fatoriais superiores a 0,60. A análise aplicada ao modelo possibilitou a extração de três fatores: Fator 1 (relacionado ao capital humano), o Fator 2 (Renda e Trabalho) e o Fator 3 (Infraestrutura Urbana), explicando conjuntamente 71,56% da variância total. O Fator 1 foi o que melhor discriminou a vulnerabilidade no município de Natal, mostrando áreas de baixa vulnerabilidade nos bairros dos distritos Sul e leste da cidade e áreas de elevada vulnerabilidade nas zonas periféricas do Oeste e Norte. Para os Fatores 2 e 3, a maior parte dos setores foram classificados dentro da faixa considerada de média vulnerabilidade. Conclusão: No município de Natal, existem diferenças significativas nas condições socioeconômicas e demográficas de sua população, com áreas de concentração de riscos sociais e ambientais. &nbsp

    A Proposed Architecture for Implementing a Knowledge Management System in the Brazilian National Cancer Institute

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    Because their services are based decisively on the collection, analysis and exchange of clinical information or knowledge, within and across organizational boundaries, knowledge management has exceptional application and importance to health care organizations. This article proposes a conceptual framework for a knowledge management system, which is expected to support both hospitals and the oncology network in Brazil. Under this holistic single-case study, triangulation of multiple sources of data collection was used by means of archival records, documents and participant observation, as two of the authors were serving as INCA staff members, thus gaining access to the event and its documentation and being able to perceive reality from an insider point of view. The benefits derived from the present status of the ongoing implementation, so far, are: (i) speediness of cancer diagnosis and enhanced quality of both diagnosis and data used in epidemiological studies; (ii) reduction in treatment costs; (iii) relief of INCA’S labor shortage; (iii) improved management performance; (iv) better use of installed capacity; (v) easiness of massive (explicit) knowledge transference among the members of the network; and (vi) increase in organizational capacity of knowledge retention (institutionalization of procedures)


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    RESUMO Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre a formação no processo de tessitura do conhecimento em uma disciplina do mestrado em educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte – UERN. O trabalho se inspira numa epistemologia multirreferencial na qual a bricolagem conceitual e metodológica se apresenta como dispositivo importante no projeto de uma formação em devir do autorcidadão (Barbosa,1998) inserido no contexto da cibercultura (Ribeiro, 2015). Reconhece que a pesquisa é lócus de produção de conhecimento e de produção de si no sentido de se apropriar tanto do que lhe é externo quanto do que é mais interno ao sujeito. Como resultado, apresentamos o estranhamento refletido na postura de negraticidade e ressignificação de sentidos dos atores da disciplina, ao se perceberem valorizados em suas singularidades e co-autores no processo formativo.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Formação; multirreferencialidade; autoria; cibercultura.   ABSTRACT This article aims to reflect on the training in the process of knowledge construction in a discipline of the masters in education of the University of the State of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN. The work is based on a multireferential epistemology in which conceptual and methodological bricolage is an important device in the design of a formation of becoming autorcidadão (Barbosa, 1998) inserted in the context of cyberculture (Ribeiro, 2015). It recognizes that research is the locus of knowledge production and self-production in order to appropriate both what is external to it and what is most internal to the subject. As a result, we present the strangeness reflected in the attitude of blackness and re-signification of the actors' senses, when they perceive themselves valued in their singularities and co-authors in the formative process.   KEYWORDS: Formation; multireferentiality; authorship; cyberculture.     RESUMEN Este artículo objetiva reflexionar sobre la formación en el proceso de tesitura del conocimiento en una disciplina del máster en educación de la Universidad del Estado de Rio Grande do Norte - UERN. El trabajo se inspira en una epistemología multirreferencial en la que el bricolaje conceptual y metodológico se presenta como dispositivo importante en el proyecto de una formación en devenir del autor de la ciudadano  (Barbosa, 1998) insertado en el contexto de la cibercultura (Ribeiro, 2015). Reconoce que la investigación es locus de producción de conocimiento y de producción de sí en el sentido de apropiarse tanto de lo que le es externo cuanto de lo que es más interno al sujeto. Como resultado, presentamos el extrañamiento reflejado en la postura de negraticidad y resignificación de sentidos de los actores de la disciplina, al percibirse valorados en sus singularidades y coautores en el proceso formativo.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Formación; multirreferencialidad; cibercultura.This article aims to reflect on the training in the process of knowledge construction in a discipline of the masters in education of the University of the State of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN. The work is based on a multireferential epistemology in which conceptual and methodological bricolage is an important device in the design of a formation of becoming autorcidadão (Barbosa, 1998) inserted in the context of cyberculture (Ribeiro, 2015). It recognizes that research is the locus of knowledge production and self-production in order to appropriate both what is external to it and what is most internal to the subject. As a result, we present the strangeness reflected in the attitude of blackness and re-signification of the actors' senses, when they perceive themselves valued in their singularities and co-authors in the formative process.   KEYWORDS: Formation; multireferentiality; authorship; cyberculture.Este artículo objetiva reflexionar sobre la formación en el proceso de tesitura del conocimiento en una disciplina del máster en educación de la Universidad del Estado de Rio Grande do Norte - UERN. El trabajo se inspira en una epistemología multirreferencial en la que el bricolaje conceptual y metodológico se presenta como dispositivo importante en el proyecto de una formación en devenir del autor de la ciudadano  (Barbosa, 1998) insertado en el contexto de la cibercultura (Ribeiro, 2015). Reconoce que la investigación es locus de producción de conocimiento y de producción de sí en el sentido de apropiarse tanto de lo que le es externo cuanto de lo que es más interno al sujeto. Como resultado, presentamos el extrañamiento reflejado en la postura de negraticidad y resignificación de sentidos de los actores de la disciplina, al percibirse valorados en sus singularidades y coautores en el proceso formativo.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Formación; multirreferencialidad; cibercultura

    Museums in the colonial horizon of modernity Fred Wilson's mining the museum (1992)

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    I will argue here that museums in the modern/colonial world (that is, the way of life, economic principles, political structures, and models of subjectivities that originated in the sixteenth century with the emergence of the Atlantic commercial circuits) had and still have a particular role to play in the colonization of knowledge and of beings. The questions then are (1) how to decolonize the museum and (2) how to assess what a decolonial option reorienting the work museums can do (e.g., in a nutshell, reproducing the rhetoric of modernity and the logic of coloniality or entering in a spirit of epistemic and aesthetic disobedience undoing what museums did in modern/imperial history: learning to unlearn and to enact museums for decolonization of being and of knowledge).Argumentarei aqui que os museus do mundo moderno/colonial (isto é, o modo de vida, os princípios econômicos, as estruturas políticas e os modelos de subjetividades originados no século XVI com o surgimento dos circuitos comerciais atlânticos) tiveram e ainda têm um papel particular a desempenhar na colonização do conhecimento e dos seres. As perguntas são então: (1) como descolonizar o museu e (2) como avaliar qual opção descolonial os museus podem fazer ao reorientar obras (por exemplo, de modo resumido, reproduzindo a retórica da modernidade e a lógica da colonialidade, ou entrando em um espírito de desobediência epistêmica e estética desfazendo o que os museus fizeram na história moderna/imperial: aprender a desaprender e a fazer os museus atuarem na descolonização do ser e do conhecimento)

    Orchid bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossini) are seasonal in Seasonal Semideciduous Forest fragments, southern Brazil: English

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    Seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of orchid bees have already been reported. The variations in population dynamics may be expected to occur in more predictable and pronounced manners in environments with a clear distinction between rainy and dry seasons, where climatic variables are regarded to be good predictors of populational patterns. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the seasonality of males of orchid bees in fragments of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest in southern Brazil. Data comprise bait samples from five one-year periods on four forest fragments. The seasonality of species abundance was tested with circular statistics. Results suggest two phenological patterns, one for Eufriesea violacea (Blanchard), Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier and Euglossa cordata (Linnaeus), whose abundances are concentrated in late spring and early-middle summer and another for Euglossa fimbriata Moure with a tendency to be collected in middle-late summer and early autumn. These patterns are discussed, as well the possible driven factors, (i) the species life cycle and nesting behavior, (ii) synchrony with resource, and (iii) climate. We can postulate an important impact of climate change in local euglossine assemblage due to the small populations and marked seasonality

    External location of the buccinator muscle to facilitate electromyographic analysis

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    Electromyography is frequently used to measure the activity of masticatory muscles. It requires the precise setting of the electrodes, which demands the accurate location of the muscle to be evaluated. The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of an external method to locate the buccinator muscle. Fifteen human cadavers were evaluated and planes were determined on the face using anatomic landmarks. An angle (a) was obtained at the intersection of these planes on the central point of buccinator muscle and measured with a protractor. The value of the angle allows locating the central point of buccinator muscle based on anatomic landmarks on the face. Statistical analysis of the collected data indicated an angle of 90º with 95% reliability, thus proving the efficacy of the proposed method.A eletromiografia é frequentemente utilizada para mensurar a atividade dos músculos mastigatórios. Esta análise exige a colocação precisa dos eletrodos, o que requer a localização exata do músculo a ser avaliado. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a acurácia de um método externo para localização do músculo bucinador. Quinze cadáveres humanos foram avaliados e planos foram determinados na face utilizando-se pontos de referência anatômicos. Um ângulo (a) foi obtido na interseção desses planos no ponto central do músculo bucinador e foi medido com um transferidor. O valor do ângulo permite localizar o ponto central do músculo bucinador baseado nos pontos de referência anatômicos da face. A análise estatística dos dados obtidos indicou um ângulo de 90º com 95% de confiabilidade, confirmando dessa forma a eficácia do método proposto.São Paulo State University Dental School of Araraquara Department of Dental Materials and ProsthodonticsSão Paulo State University Dental School of Araraquara Department of MorphologyFederal University of São Paulo Medical School of São Paulo Speech TherapistUNIFESP, Medical School of São Paulo Speech TherapistSciEL

    Caracterização quantitativa do volume de cavidades em um dispositivo de cavitação hidrodinâmica usando dinâmica de fluidos computacional

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    Hydrodynamic cavitation has been extensively studied for its potential to remove emerging pollutants. Despite the advance of the experimental studies involving this phenomenon, computational studies that evaluate the influence of the geometry of the cavitation devices on the flow parameters are still necessary. The purpose of this article was to evaluate the influence of the change in the geometry of a Venturi device on the volume of cavities formed in its divergent section using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The geometric parameters modified in the Venturi were: the diffuser angle and the relation between the height and the width of the throat (h/w). The volume of cavities is an important parameter because it influences the cavitation intensity. A cavitational bench system was constructed in order to obtain input data for simulation. The results showed that the increase in the diffuser angle from 6.5° to 18.5° gradually reduced the volume of cavities from 93 mm3 to 10 mm3. Between the relations h/w = 0.05 and h/w = 0.45 was observed the formation of cavities between 106 mm3 and 77 mm3, however between h/w = 0.45 and h/w = 1.0 there was the formation of 213 mm3. Therefore, Venturi’s with diffuser angle less than 6.5º and relation h/w greater than 0.45 produce greater volume of cavities. The greater volume of cavities will not necessarily produce greater cavitational intensity, since cavitation clouds can be formed and reduce the implosion intensity of the cavitation bubbles.A cavitação hidrodinâmica tem sido amplamente estudada por seu potencial em remover poluentes emergentes. Apesar do avanço dos estudos experimentais envolvendo este fenômeno, ainda são necessários estudos computacionais que avaliem a influência da geometria dos dispositivos de cavitação nos parâmetros de escoamento. O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar, por meio da Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD), a influência da mudança da geometria de um dispositivo de Venturi sobre o volume de cavidades formadas em sua seção divergente. Os parâmetros geométricos modificados no Venturi foram: o ângulo divergente e a relação entre a altura e a largura da garganta (h/w). O volume das cavidades é um parâmetro importante porque influencia a intensidade da cavitação. Um sistema de bancada cavitacional foi construído a fim de obter dados de entrada para simulação. Os resultados mostraram que o aumento do ângulo divergente de 6,5° para 18,5° reduziu gradativamente o volume das cavidades de 93 mm3 para 10 mm3. Entre as relações h/w = 0,05 e h/w = 0,45 observou-se a formação de cavidades entre 106 mm3 e 77 mm3, porém entre h/w = 0,45 e h/w = 1,0 ocorreu a formação de 213 mm3. Portanto, Venturi's com ângulo divergente menor que 6,5º e relação h/w maior que 0,45 produzem maior volume de cavidades. O maior volume de cavidades não necessariamente produzirá maior intensidade cavitacional, uma vez que nuvens de cavitação podem se formar e reduzir a intensidade de implosão das bolhas de cavitação

    Caracterização quantitativa do volume de cavidades em um dispositivo de cavitação hidrodinâmica usando dinâmica de fluidos computacional

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    Hydrodynamic cavitation has been extensively studied for its potential to remove emerging pollutants. Despite the advance of the experimental studies involving this phenomenon, computational studies that evaluate the influence of the geometry of the cavitation devices on the flow parameters are still necessary. The purpose of this article was to evaluate the influence of the change in the geometry of a Venturi device on the volume of cavities formed in its divergent section using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The geometric parameters modified in the Venturi were: the diffuser angle and the relation between the height and the width of the throat (h/w). The volume of cavities is an important parameter because it influences the cavitation intensity. A cavitational bench system was constructed in order to obtain input data for simulation. The results showed that the increase in the diffuser angle from 6.5° to 18.5° gradually reduced the volume of cavities from 93 mm3to 10 mm3. Between the relations h/w = 0.05 and h/w = 0.45 was observed the formation of cavities between 106 mm3 and 77 mm3, however between h/w = 0.45 and h/w = 1.0 there was the formation of 213 mm3. Therefore, Venturi’s with diffuser angle less than 6.5º and relation h/w greater than 0.45 produce greater volume of cavities. The greater volume of cavities will not necessarily produce greater cavitational intensity, since cavitation clouds can be formed and reduce the implosion intensity of the cavitation bubbles

    Circumferential vascular strain rate to estimate vascular load in aortic stenosis: a speckle tracking echocardiography study

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    Evaluation of vascular mechanics through two-dimensional speckle-tracking (2D-ST) echocardiography is a feasible and accurate approach for assessing vascular stiffening. Degenerative aortic stenosis (AS) is currently considered a systemic vascular disease where rigidity of arterial walls increases. To assess the circumferential ascending aorta strain rate (CAASR) in thoracic aortas of patients with AS, applying 2D-ST technology. 45 patients with indexed aortic valve areas (iAVA) ≤0.85 cm(2)/m(2) were studied. Global CAASR served to assess vascular deformation. Clinical, echocardiographic, and non-invasive hemodynamic data were collected. A follow up (955 days) was also performed. Average age of the cohort was 76. ± 10.3 years, with gender balance. Mean iAVA was 0.43 ± 0.15 cm(2)/m(2). Waveforms adequate for determining CAASR were found in 246 (91 %) of the 270 aortic segments evaluated, for a mean global CAASR of 0.74 ± 0.26 s(-1). Both intra- and inter-observer variability of global CAASR were deemed appropriate. CAASR correlated significantly with age (r = -0.49, p < 0.01), the stiffness index (r = -0.59, p < 0.01), systemic arterial compliance and total vascular resistance. There was a significant positive correlation between CAASR, body surface area (BSA), iAVA, and a negative relationship with valvulo-arterial impedance and E/e' ratio (r = -0.37, p = 0.01). The stiffness index was (β = -0.41, p < 0.01) independently associated with CAASR, in a model adjusted for age, BSA, iAVA and E/e'. Patients with a baseline CAASR ≤0.66 s(-1) had a worse long-term outcome (survival 52.4 vs. 83.3 %, Log Rank p = 0.04). CAASR is a promising echocardiographic tool for studying the vascular loading component of patients with AS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio