702 research outputs found

    Exact and Approximate Formulas for Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations with Non-Standard Interactions

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    We present, both exactly and approximately, a complete set of mappings between the vacuum (or fundamental) leptonic mixing parameters and the effective ones in matter with non-standard neutrino interaction (NSI) effects included. Within the three-flavor neutrino framework and a constant matter density profile, a full set of sum rules is established, which enables us to reconstruct the moduli of the effective leptonic mixing matrix elements, in terms of the vacuum mixing parameters in order to reproduce the neutrino oscillation probabilities for future long-baseline experiments. Very compact, but quite accurate, approximate mappings are obtained based on series expansions in the neutrino mass hierarchy parameter \eta \equiv \Delta m^2_{21}/\Delta m^2_{31}, the vacuum leptonic mixing parameter s_{13} \equiv \sin\theta_{13}, and the NSI parameters \epsilon_{\alpha\beta}. A detailed numerical analysis about how the NSIs affect the smallest leptonic mixing angle \theta_{13}, the deviation of the leptonic mixing angle \theta_{23} from its maximal mixing value, and the transition probabilities useful for future experiments are performed using our analytical results.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, final version published in J. High Energy Phy

    Impact of micronutrients supplementation on bone repair around implants: microCT and counter-torque analysis in rats

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    The use of natural substances and micronutritional approaches has been suggested as a therapeutic alternative to benefit the bone healing associated with no side effects. Nevertheless, the influence of micronutritional interventions with therapeutic propr2414551sem informaçãosem informaçã

    General bounds on non-standard neutrino interactions

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    We derive model-independent bounds on production and detection non-standard neutrino interactions (NSI). We find that the constraints for NSI parameters are around O(10^{-2}) to O(10^{-1}). Furthermore, we review and update the constraints on matter NSI. We conclude that the bounds on production and detection NSI are generally one order of magnitude stronger than their matter counterparts.Comment: 18 pages, revtex4, 1 axodraw figure. Minor changes, matches published versio

    Characterization of collagen and fatty acid composition of “Carne Mirandesa-PDO” veal

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate chemical parameters related to meat quality, contributing to a better characterization of “Carne Mirandesa-PDO” veal. This study was made in three farms, from the Northeast region of Portugal (PG, FA1 and FA2), where calves were raised permanently indoors, nurse from their dams overnight, and fed with hay and concentrate made with local ingredients and soybean meal. Twenty five calves were slaughtered at 7 months old. Twenty four hours after slaughter, samples were collected from four different muscles: longissimus dorsi (LD), semimembranosus (SM), gluteus biceps femoris (GB) and triceps brachii caput longum (TBL), vacuum packaged and freeze-dried. Determinations of crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), collagen and fatty acid were made. Collagen, CP and EE were significantly (p<0.001) affected by muscle type. Fatty acid composition was mostly affected by farm and by muscle type. The SM muscle was poor in saturated fatty acids (14:0, 15:0, 16:0, 17:0 and 18:0) and richer in polyunsaturated fatty acids than the other muscles. The ratio between n-3 and n-6 PUFA observed in this study are close to the usually found for pasture fed animals indicating the healthy value of “Carne-Mirandesa PDO” veal

    Loop bounds on non-standard neutrino interactions

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    We reconsider the bounds on non-standard neutrino interactions with matter which can be derived by constraining the four-charged-lepton operators induced at the loop level. We find that these bounds are model dependent. Naturalness arguments can lead to much stronger constraints than those presented in previous studies, while no completely model-independent bounds can be derived. We will illustrate how large loop-contributions to four-charged-lepton operators are induced within a particular model that realizes gauge invariant non-standard interactions and discuss conditions to avoid these bounds. These considerations mainly affect the O(104)\mathcal O(10^{-4}) constraint on the non-standard coupling strength \eps_{e\mu}, which is lost. The only model-independent constraints that can be derived are O(101)\mathcal O(10^{-1}). However, significant cancellations are required in order to saturate this bound.Comment: Minor changes, version to be published in JHEP. 17 pages, 3 Axodraw figures, REVTeX

    The effect of Nannochloropsis oceanica feed inclusion on rabbit muscle proteome

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    Nannochloropsis oceanica is a microalga, highly concentrated in protein and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). It has a recalcitrant cell wall that decreases nutrient digestibility. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of Nannochloropsis oceanica feed inclusion on the muscle proteome of fattening rabbits. Twenty rabbits were housed in individual cages for 5 weeks and were fed a control diet (n = 10) and one with 4.45% inclusion of microalga, replacing whole soybean meal (n = 10). After slaughter, samples of gastrocnemius muscle were taken for label-free proteomic analysis. A total of 1497 proteins were identified, 46 with differential abundance. Control rabbits had high abundance of proteins related to protein metabolism, suggesting higher muscle protein turnover. They also had higher abundance of structural proteins, suggesting a less tender meat by comparison with algae-fed rabbits. These had high abundance of proteins related to amino acid catabolism (Phe, Tyr) and synthesis (Gln). In addition, they had high abundance of proteins related to protein breakdown, overall suggesting that more tender meat may result from algae feedinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Evidence Of Competition Between Two Canopy Ant Species: Is Aggressive Behavior Innate Or Shaped By A Competitive Environment?

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    Competition occurs in all ecological communities, although it has not always been experimentally tested as a structuring force in the distribution of species. We tested the hypothesis that the aggressiveness exhibited by Camponotus rufipes changes according to the pressures of a competitive environment. This is a dominant species in the montane forest of the Itacolomi State Park, Brazil, where Camponotus sericeiventris does not occur. Using bait traps in a field site where both species occur, (Juiz de Fora site) we showed that C. sericeiventris was able to remove C. rufipes workers at the same bait. In the laboratory, we used dyadic encounters to test workers from both species taken from colonies found in areas where both occur and where only C. rufipes was found. Camponotus rufipes from Itacolomi fought significantly less and was killed during the first few minutes in 60% of the events. On the other hand, the workers that co-existed with C. sericeiventris in the field were more aggressive, but less efficient fighters than the latter. This investigation demonstrated existence of competition between C. rufipes and C. sericeiventris, and also the lower aggressiveness of C. rufipes' individuals that did not co-exist in the field with C. sericeiventris. © 2012 Ndia Barbosa do Esprito Santo et al.Hlldobler, B., Wilson, E.O., (1990) The Ants, , Cambridge, Mass, USA The Belknap Press of Harvard University PressMacArthur, R.H., Levins, R., The limiting similarity, convergence, and divergence of coexisting species (1967) American Naturalist, 101, pp. 377-385Gotelli, N.J., Ellison, A.M., Assembly rules for New England ant assemblages (2002) Oikos, 99 (3), pp. 591-599. , DOI 10.1034/j.1600-0706.2002.11734.xWilson, E.O., (1971) The Insect Societies, , Cambridge, Mass, USA Harvard University PressDavidson, D.W., Resource discovery versus resource domination in ants: A functional mechanism for breaking the trade-off (1998) Ecological Entomology, 23 (4), pp. 484-490. , DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2311.1998.00145.xRoom, P.M., The relative distribution of ant species in Ghanas cocoa farms (1971) Journal of Animal Ecolog, 40, pp. 735-751Leston, D., The ant mosaic, tropical tree crops and the limiting of pests and diseases (1973) Pest Articles and News Summaries, 19, pp. 311-341Leston, D., A neotropical ant mosaic (1978) Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 71, pp. 649-653Majer, J.D., Delabie, J.H.C., Smith, M.R.B., Arboreal ant community patterns in Brazilian cocoa farms (1994) Biotropica, 26 (1), pp. 73-83Holldobler, B., Lumsden, C.J., Territorial strategies in ants (1980) Science, 210 (4471), pp. 732-739Savolainen, R., Vepsalainen, K., A competition hierarchy among boreal ants: Impact on resource partitioning and community structure (1988) Oikos, 51 (2), pp. 135-155Del-Claro, K., Oliveira, P.S., Ant-homoptera interactions in a neotropical savanna: The honeydew-producing treehopper, Guayaquila xiphias (Membracidae), and its associated ant fauna on Didymopanax vinosum (Araliaceae) (1999) Biotropica, 31 (1), pp. 135-144Orr, M.R., Dahlsten, D.L., Benson, W.W., Ecological interactions among ants in the genus Linepithema, their phorid parasitoids, and ant competitors (2003) Ecological Entomology, 28 (2), pp. 203-210. , DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2311.2003.00506.xFonseca, R.C., Diehl, E., Riqueza de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) epigéicas em povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae) de diferentes idades no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (2004) Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 48, pp. 95-100Peternelli, E.F.O., Della Lucia, T.M.C., Martins, S.V., Espécies de formigas que interagem com sementes de Mabea fistulifera Mart. (Euphorbiaceae) (2004) Revista Rvore, 28, pp. 733-738Lutinski, J.A., Garcia, F.R.M., Anlise faunstica de Formicidae (Hymenoptera: Apocrita) em ecossistema degradado no municpio de Chapec, Santa Catarina (2005) Biotemas, 18, pp. 73-86Santos, M.S., Louzada, J.N.C., Dias, N., Zanetti, R., Delabie, J.H.C., Nascimento, I.C., Litter ants richness (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in remnants of a semi-deciduous forest in the Atlantic rain forest, Alto do Rio Grande region, Minas Gerais, Brazil (2006) Iheringia - Serie Zoologia, 96 (1), pp. 95-101. , http://www.scielo.br/pdf/isz/v96n1/a17v96n1.pdf, DOI 10.1590/S0073-47212006000100017Esprito Santo, N.B., (2008) Assembléia de Formigas Do Parque Estadual Do Itacolomi (MG) e Relaes Intra- E Interespecficas Entre Espécies Dominantes, M.S. Thesis, , Ps-Graduao em Comportamento e Biologia Animal/Departamento de Biologia Animal/Universidade Federal de Juiz de ForaYamamoto, M., Del-Claro, K., Natural history and foraging behavior of the carpenter ant Camponotus sericeiventris Guérin, 1838 (Formicinae, Campotonini) in the Brazilian tropical savanna (2008) Acta Ethologica, 11 (2), pp. 55-65Campos, R.I., Scares, J.P., Martins, R.P., Ribeiro, S.P., Effect of habitat structure on ant assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) associated to two pioneer tree species (2006) Sociobiology, 47 (3), pp. 721-738Fujaco, M.A.G., (2007) Influncia Dos Diferentes Tipos de Substrato e Geomorfologia Na Distribuio Espacial e Arquitetnica Do Gnero Eremanthus No Parque Estadual Do Itacolomi, Ouro Preto/MG, M.S. Thesis, , Ps-Graduao em Evoluo Crustal e Recursos Naturais/Departamento de Geologia/Universidade Federal de Ouro PretoBanco de Dados Climticos do BrasilEmbrapa Monitoramento por Satélite e EsalqUSP, , 2007, http://www.bdclima.cnpm.embrapa.br/resultados/balanco.php?UF=spCOD= 450Altmann, J., Observational study of behavior: Sampling methods (1974) Behaviour, 49 (34), pp. 227-267Ribeiro, S.P., Soares, J.P., Campos, R.I., Martins, R.P., Insect herbivores species associated to pioneer tree species: Contrasting within forest and ecotone canopy habitats (2008) Revista Brasileira de Zoocincias, 10, pp. 237-248Lopes, J.F.S., Hughes, W.O.H., Camargo, R.S., Forti, L.C., Larval isolation and brood care in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants (2005) Insectes Sociaux, 52 (4), pp. 333-338. , DOI 10.1007/s00040-005-0816-yErrard, C., Hefetz, A., Label familiarity and discriminatory ability of ants reared in mixed groups (1997) Insectes Sociaux, 44 (3), pp. 189-198. , DOI 10.1007/s000400050040Santos, J.C., Del-Claro, K., Ecology and behaviour of the weaver ant Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) senex (2009) Journal of Natural History, 43 (2324), pp. 1423-1435Ferreira Brando, C.R., Sequential ethograms along colony development of Odontomachus affinis Guérin (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae) (1983) Insectes Sociaux, 30 (2), pp. 193-203Santos, J.C., Yamamoto, M., Oliveira, F.R., Del-Claro, K., Behavioral repertory of the weaver ant Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) senex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (2005) Sociobiology, 46 (1), pp. 27-37Wilson, E.O., (1975) Sociobiology, , Cambridge, Mass, USA Belknap Press of Harvard University PressLangen, T.A., Tripet, F., Nonacs, P., The red and the black: Habituation and the dear-enemy phenomenon in two desert Pheidole ants (2000) Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 48 (4), pp. 285-292Delsinne, T., Roisin, Y., Leponce, M., Spatial and temporal foraging overlaps in a Chacoan ground-foraging ant assemblage (2007) Journal of Arid Environments, 71 (1), pp. 29-44. , DOI 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2007.02.007, PII S0140196307000705Carroll, C.R., Janzen, D.H., Ecology of foraging by ants (1973) Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 4, pp. 231-257Byk, J., Del-Claro, K., Nectar- and pollen-gathering Cephalotes ants provide no protection against herbivory: A new manipulative experiment to test ant protective capabilities (2010) Acta Ethologica, 13 (1), pp. 33-38Jaffé, K., Snchez, C., On the nestmate-recognition system and territorial marking behaviour in the ant Camponotus rufipes (1984) Insectes Sociaux, 31 (3), pp. 302-315Lucas, C., (2002) Tude des Bases Chimiques et Comportamentales de la Formation du Visa Colonial Chez les Ponérines du Genre Pachycondyla, Thse Docteur, , Paris, France Biologie du Comportement, Universit Paris XIHlldobler, B., Wilson, E.O., The multiple recruitment systems of the african weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1978) Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 3 (1), pp. 19-60Hlldobler, B., Territoriality among Oecophylla (1979) National Geographic Society Research Reports, 1977, pp. 369-372Hlldobler, B., Territorial behavior in the green tree ant (Oecophylla smaragdina) (1983) Biotropica, 15, pp. 241-250De Vita, J., Mechanisms of interference and foraging among colonies of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californcus in the Mojave Desert (1979) Ecology, 60, pp. 729-73

    Perturbation Theory of Neutrino Oscillation with Nonstandard Neutrino Interactions

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    We discuss various physics aspects of neutrino oscillation with non-standard interactions (NSI). We formulate a perturbative framework by taking \Delta m^2_{21} / \Delta m^2_{31}, s_{13}, and the NSI elements \epsilon_{\alpha \beta} (\alpha, \beta = e, \mu, \tau) as small expansion parameters of the same order \epsilon. Within the \epsilon perturbation theory we obtain the S matrix elements and the neutrino oscillation probability formula to second order (third order in \nu_e related channels) in \epsilon. The formula allows us to estimate size of the contribution of any particular NSI element \epsilon_{\alpha beta} to the oscillation probability in arbitrary channels, and gives a global bird-eye view of the neutrino oscillation phenomena with NSI. Based on the second-order formula we discuss how all the conventional lepton mixing as well as NSI parameters can be determined. Our results shows that while \theta_{13}, \delta, and the NSI elements in \nu_e sector can in principle be determined, complete measurement of the NSI parameters in the \nu_\mu - \nu_\tau sector is not possible by the rate only analysis. The discussion for parameter determination and the analysis based on the matter perturbation theory indicate that the parameter degeneracy prevails with the NSI parameters. In addition, a new solar-atmospheric variable exchange degeneracy is found. Some general properties of neutrino oscillation with and without NSI are also illuminated.Comment: manuscript restructured, discussion of new type of parameter degeneracy added. 47 page

    Evaluation Of The Use Of Systemic Antimicrobial Agents By Professionals For The Treatment Of Periodontal Diseases

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    Aim: To investigate the indication of systemic antimicrobial agents used by dental professionals for treatment of patients affected by periodontal diseases. Methods: Interviews by a questionnaire were held with 225 professionals of different dental specialties and who performed periodontal treatment. Results: Among interviewees, 94% indicated systemic antibiotics as a form of periodontal disease treatment. Their main indication was for periodontal abscesses (80%) followed by aggressive periodontitis (62%) and necrotizing diseases (45%). The most frequently used antibiotics were amoxicillin (81%) and metronidazole (57%). The medications were indicated in association with mechanical therapy by 67% of the professionals. As regards the occasion of indication, 60% indicated systemic antibiotic therapy before and after mechanical periodontal scaling and root planing. Seventy-eight percent of the professionals indicated antibiotics associated with periodontal surgery for access to scaling, and 76% indicated it before and after the surgical procedure. Among the interviewees, 99% took into account systemic involvement for drug administration. Conclusions: It was concluded that a considerable portion of professionals indicate systemic antibiotic-therapy in an incoherent manner and in situations in which there is no indication for antibiotic use, or with ineffective protocols.124285291Herrera, D., Matesanz, P., Bascones-Martínez, A., Sanz, M., Local and systemic antimicrobial therapy in periodontics (2012) J Evid Based Dent Pract., 12, pp. 50-60Matarazzo, F., Figueiredo, L.C., Cruz, S.E., Faveri, M., Feres, M., Clinical and microbiological benefits of systemic metronidazole and amoxicillin in the treatment of smokers with chronic periodontitis: a randomized placebo controlled study (2008) J Clin Periodontol., 35, pp. 885-896Cionca, N., Giannopoulou, C., Ugolotti, G., Mombelli, A., Amoxicillin and metronidazole as an adjunct to full-mouth scaling and root planing of chronic periodontitis (2009) J Periodontol., 80, pp. 364-371Sgolastra, F., Gatto, R., Petrucci, A., Monaco, A., Effectiveness of systemic amoxicillin/metronidazole as adjunctive therapy to scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a systematic review and metaanalysis (2012) J Periodontol., 83, pp. 1257-1269Mestnik, M.J., Feres, M., Figueiredo, L.C., Duarte, P.M., Lira, E.A.G., Faveri, M., Short-term benefits of the adjunctive use of metronidazole plus amoxicillin in the microbial profile and in clinical parameters of subjects with generalized aggressive periodontitis (2010) J Clin Periodontol., 37, pp. 353-365Yek, E.C., Citan, S., Topcuoglu, N., Kulekci, G., Issever, H., Kantarci, A., Efficacy of amoxicillin and metronidazole combination for the management of generalized aggressive periodontitis (2010) J Periodontol., 81, pp. 964-974Rodrigues, A.S., Louren, O.D.S., Lima Neto, L.G., Pannuti, C.M., Crespo Hirata, R.D., Hirata, M.H., Clinical and microbiological evaluation, by real-time pcr, of non-surgical treatment of aggressive periodontitis associated with amoxicillin and metronidazole (2012) J Periodontol., 83, pp. 744-752Silva, M.P., Feres, M., Sirotto, T.A., Soares, G.M., Mendes, J.A., Faveri, M., Clinical and microbiological benefits of metronidazole alone or with amoxicillin as adjuncts in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial (2011) J Clin Periodontol., 38, pp. 828-837Arweiler, N.B., Pietruska, M., Skurska, A., Doliñska, E., Pietruski, J.K., Bläs, M., Nonsurgical treatment of aggressive periodontitis with photodynamic therapy or systemic antibiotics. Three-month results of a randomized, prospective, controlled clinical study (2013) Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed., 123, pp. 532-544Silva-Senem, M.X., Heller, D., Varela, V.M., Torres, M.C., Feres-Filho, E.J., Colombo, A.P., Clinical and microbiological effects of systemic antimicrobials combined to an anti-infective mechanical debridement for the management of aggressive periodontitis: a 12-month randomized controlled trial (2013) J Clin Periodontol., 40, pp. 242-251Zandbergen, D., Slot, D.E., Cobb, C.M., Van der Weijden, F.A., The clinical effect of scaling and root planing and the concomitant administration of systemic amoxicillin and metronidazole: a systematic review (2013) J Periodontol., 84, pp. 332-351Haas, A.N., De Castro, G.D., Moreno, T., Susin, C., Albandar, J.M., Oppermann, R.V., Azithromycin as an adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-months randomized clinical trial (2008) J Clin Periodontol., 35, pp. 696-704Sampaio, E., Rocha, M., Figueiredo, L.C., Faveri, M., Duarte, P.M., Gomes Lira, E.A., Clinical and microbiological effects of azithromycin in the treatment of generalized chronic periodontitis: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial (2011) J Clin Periodontol., 38, pp. 838-846Han, B., Emingil, G., Ozdemir, G., Tervahartiala, T., Vural, C., Atilla, G., Azithromycin as an adjunctive treatment of generalized severe chronic periodontitis: clinical, microbiological and biochemical parameters (2012) J Periodontol., 83, pp. 1480-1491Sigusch, B., Beier, M., Klinger, G., Pfister, W., Glockmann, E., A 2-step nonsurgical procedure and systemic antibiotics in the treatment of rapidly progressive periodontitis (2001) J Periodontol., 72, pp. 275-283Pradeep, A.R., Kathariya, R., Clarithromycin, as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy for chronic periodontitis: A double blinded, placebo controlled, randomized clinical trial (2011) Arch Oral Biol., 56, pp. 1112-1119Cionca, N., Giannopoulou, C., Ugolotti, G., Mombelli, A., Microbiologic testing and outcomes of full-mouth scaling and root planing with or without amoxicillin/metronidazole in chronic periodontitis (2010) J Periodontol., 81, pp. 15-23Colombo, A.P., Teles, R.P., Torres, M.C., Rosalem, W., Mendes, M.C., Souto, R.M., Effects of non-surgical mechanical therapy on the subgingival microbiota of Brazilians with untreated chronic periodontitis: 9-month results (2005) J Periodontol., 76, pp. 778-784Marsh, P.D., Dental plaque: biological significance of a biofilm and community lifestyle (2005) J Clin Periodontol., 32, pp. 7-15Feres, M., Haffajee, A.D., Allard, K., Som, S., Goodson, S., Socransky, S.S., Antibiotic resistance of subgingival species during and after antibiotic therapy (2002) J Clin Periodontol., 29, pp. 724-735Goossens, H., Causal link confirmed between antibiotic use and resistance (2007) Lancet., 369, pp. 482-90Ardila, C.M., Granada, M.I., Guzmán, I.C., Antibiotic resistance of subgingival species in chronic periodontitis patients (2010) J Periodontal Res., 45, pp. 557-563Casati, M.Z., Nociti Junior, F.H., Sallum, E.A., Toledo, S., Sallum, A.W., Evaluation of using antimicrobial agents in the therapy of periodontal diseases (1996) Periodontics., 5, pp. 335-340Herrera, D., Roldan, S., Sanz, M., The periodontal abscess: a review (2000) J Clin Periodontol., 27, pp. 377-386Lypka, M., Hammoudeh, J., Dentoalveolar infections (2011) Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am., 23, pp. 415-424Herrera, D., Roldan, S., O'Connor, A., Sanz, M., The periodontal abscess (II). 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