935 research outputs found

    Information system for pedagogical assessment

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    This poster presents an information system that is being used in Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Castelo Branco to perform the pedagogical assessment of their teachers. The process, almost fully automated, begins by sending an access code by email to each student, which allows him to fill an Internet based questionnaire for each discipline he is registered. Each questionnaire data is then stored in a database for further automated analysis. The statistical results for each teacher, which are confidential, are automatically sent to him by email. Global results are both sent to responsible entities and published in the Intranet

    Manidipine in the treatment of stage I and II essential hypertensive patients with overweight or android obesity. A brazilian multicentre study of efficacy, tolerability and metabolic effects

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy, metabolic effects and tolerability of manidipine used in the treatment of stage I and II essential hypertensive patients with overweight or android obesity. METHODS: By an open-label, non comparative protocol in 11 Brazilian clinical research centers 102 hypertensive patients of both sexes with over weight or central obesity were treated with manidipine 10 to 20mg once daily for 12 weeks. Blood pressure, heart rate and adverse events were monitored. Fasting plasma glucose, total, HDL and LDL-cholesterol and triglicerides were determined at both placebo period and end of active treatment. Also in 12 patients, insulin sensitivity index was evaluated during placebo and manidipine treatment. RESULTS: Blood pressure was reduced from 159±15 / 102±5mmHg to 141±15 / 90±8mmHg with the treatment without any noticeable change in heart rate. Manidipine-efficacy rate was 71.9% with 51.1% of blood pressure normalization. No significant changes in metabolic parameters were noticed. Tolerability to manidipine was very high and at the last visit 87.1% of the treated patients were free of any adverse event. CONCLUSION: Manidipine is an adequate, highly effective, exempt of metabolic effects and safe option for treatment of stage I and II essential hypertensive patients with overweight or android obesity.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia anti-hipertensiva, efeitos metabólicos e tolerabilidade da manidipina no tratamento de hipertensos essenciais estágio I e II com sobrepeso ou obesidade do tipo andróide. MÉTODOS: Em estudo aberto, não comparativo, realizado em 11 centros brasileiros de pesquisa, 102 pacientes de ambos os sexos com sobrepeso ou obesidade central, foram tratados por 12 semanas com manidipina em dose única diária de 10 a 20mg e avaliadas pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca e a presença de eventos adversos. Ao final dos períodos placebo e de droga ativa foram obtidos os valores plasmáticos da glicemia de jejum, colesterol total e frações e triglicérides. Em 12 pacientes foi avaliada a sensibilidade à insulina. RESULTADOS: A manidipina reduziu a pressão arterial de 159±15 / 102±5mmHg para 141±15 / 90±8mmHg sem acarretar aumento da freqüência cardíaca. A taxa de eficácia foi de 71,9% com 51,1% de normalização pressórica. Não foram observadas alterações significativas dos parâmetros metabólicos. A tolerabilidade da manidipina foi muito boa e no final do estudo 87,1% estavam livres de qualquer reação adversa. CONCLUSÃO: A manidipina constitui opção adequada, altamente eficaz, livre de efeitos metabólicos e segura para tratamento de hipertensos estágios I e II com sobrepeso ou obesidade andróide.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoUNIFESP, EPM, Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoSciEL

    Coupling between microphytobenthic biomass and fiddler crab feeding

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    Among the organic matter ingested by fiddler crabs, microphytobenthos is of fundamental importance because it is their main N source. Microphytobenthos abundance generally develop semilunar changes as the dynamics of tidal exposures and day-night cycle are not held constant across days, modifying the balance between growth and mortality. In this study we explored the coupling between temporal dynamics in microphytobenthos abundance and crab feeding activity. We measured the Chlorophyll a content in the 2. mm surficial sediment surrounding the burrows and the crab feeding activity over two semilunar cycles. Chlorophyll a and crab feeding activity showed biweekly cyclic dynamics. Crabs did not concentrate feeding activity around days with maximum abundance of microhytobenthos. This phase difference between both dynamics could be the result of the crab feeding impact, but a crab experimental exclusion showed that the temporal dynamics of Chlorophyll a content stayed unchanged when feeding activity was removed. Comparisons between fed and unfed sediment suggest that the feeding efficiency changes with tidal dynamic. Crabs achieved more than 50% of Chlorophyll a extraction during days of highest feeding activity, and less than 30% during days of low feeding activity or low microhytobenthos abundance. Furthermore, comparisons of fed sediment between consecutive days indicated that Chlorophyll a was completely replenished during days with high flooding tides, but partially replenished during days near neap tides. Environmental conditions affecting feeding efficiency may select crabs to concentrate feeding activity before days with the highest microhytobenthos abundance. The low feeding impact on microphytobenthos dynamics suggests that fiddler crabs would not control microhytobenthos abundance and thus unable to absorb the increasing eutrophication of studied estuarine areas.Fil: Ribeiro, Pablo Damián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología; ArgentinaFil: Iribarne, Oscar Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología; Argentin

    IoT-Based Human Fall Detection System

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    Human falls are an issue that especially affects elderly people, resulting in permanent disabilities or even in the person’s death. Preventing human falls is a social desire, but it is almost impossible to achieve because it is not possible to ensure full prevention. A possible solution is the detection of human falls in near real-time so that help can quickly be provided. This has the potential to greatly reduce the severity of the fall in long-term health consequences. This work proposes a solution based on the internet of things devices installed in people’s homes. The proposed non-wearable solution is non-intrusive and can be deployed not only in homes but also in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, and elderly homes. The solution uses a three-layered computation architecture composed of edge, fog, and cloud. A mathematical model using the Morlet wavelet and an artificial intelligence model using artificial neural networks are used for human fall classification; both approaches are compared. The results showed that the combination of both models is possible and brings benefits to the system, achieving an accuracy of 92.5% without false negatives.The present work has received funding from the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Northern Regional Operational Program, under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement and the terms of the NORTE-45-2020-75 call—Support System for Scientific and Technological Research—“Structured R&D&I Projects”—Horizon Europe, within project RETINA (NORTE 01-0145-FEDER-000062).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Systemic hemodynamic and left ventricular function of diabetic-induced hypertensive rats

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effects of type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) induction on systemic hemodynamic and ventricular function of normotensive and hypertensive rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DM1 was induced by streptozotocin in Wistar rats (WST), borderline hypertensive rats (BHR) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The systemic hemodynamic was evaluated by thermodilution and ventricular function by Langendorff preparation. RESULTS: DM1-induction increased tail arterial pressure of WST and BHR. DM1 also increased total peripheral resistance in WST and decrease in cardiac output stroke volume in WST and BHR. Systolic function indexes were reduced and ventricular stiffness increased in all WST-diabetic rats. All of these effects were more prominent on diabetic WST rats. CONCLUSION: The DM1 in rats was accompanied by important changes in both systolic and diastolic heart function leading to significant changes in the systemic hemodynamics that were not significantly enhanced by hypertension.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a indução do diabetes melito tipo 1 (DM1) na hemodinâmica sistêmica e função ventricular de ratos normotensos e hipertensos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O DM1 foi induzido por estreptozotocina em ratos Wistar (WST), borderline hypertensive rats (BHR) e spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). A hemodinâmica sistêmica foi avaliada por termodiluição e a função ventricular, pela preparação de Langendorff. RESULTADOS: A indução de DM1 produziu aumento na pressão arterial de WST e BHR. O DM1 determinou aumento na resistência periférica total no grupo WST e diminuição do débito cardíaco e do volume sistólico nos grupos WST e BHR. Índices de função sistólica foram reduzidos e a rigidez ventricular, apenas nos ratos WST diabéticos. Todos esses efeitos foram mais proeminentes nos ratos WST diabéticos. CONCLUSÃO: O DM1 foi acompanhado por importantes alterações nas funções sistólica e diastólica, levando a uma diminuição nos valores hemodinâmicos sistêmicos que não foram alterados pela hipertensão arterial.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Departamento de Ciências FisiológicasUNIFESPSciEL


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    O artigo aproxima os conceitos de jogo, de pragmática e de interpretação, com o objetivo de propor que a discussão a respeito de leitura e interpretação de textos se dê com base então no conceito resultante de jogo pragmático, no contexto do qual o leitor intencionalmente interpreta um texto. O artigo assume o termo pragmática como referindo-se aos três tipos de ações humanas dotadas de sentido, constituindo-se assim o jogo de leitura e interpretação de textos na forma de três pragmáticas: pragmática estética, pragmática política e pragmática heurística. O leitor é livre para decidir a pragmática com a qual vai operar a leitura, mas, uma vez decidida a pragmática, deve operar a leitura com base nas regras internas desse jogo

    Nem "Diabo" nem "Celeste": considerações sobre a figura do Satan em Zacarias 3.1-10

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    A figura do Sä†än em Zc 3,1-10 não se refere nem a um ser celeste nem a uma prefiguração metafísica do “mal” – em termos histórico-sociais, trata-se apenas da representação dos adversários históricos à investidura de Josué, sacerdote da golah, como grão-sacerdote de Jerusalém. O presente artigo tem por objetivo a tentativa de demonstração desta “tese”. Estudo exegético, histórico-crítico, histórico-social e histórico-bibliográfico do termo Sä†än em Zc 3,1-10. Na figura do Sä†än, sugere-se representar-se o povo remanescente em Jerusalém, o qual, quando da tentativa de assunção ao poder por parte do sacerdote, argumenta faltar-lhe prerrogativas político-teológicas, acusação que é enfrentada e anulada pela defesa de Josué

    O “eu”, a “alma” e “Deus”: Descartes e a manutenção do paradigma disjuntivo na saída do medievo

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    Descartes representa a manutenção do paradigma disjuntivo que trata, separadamente, de um lado, a “alma”, logo, o “pensamento”, e, de outro, a matéria, logo o corpo. Para Descartes, o cogito é o princípio do conhecimento e constitui atividade da “alma”. Por todas as Idades Antiga, Média e Moderna, o pensamento permanecerá como atributo da alma, com implicações fundamentais para a epistemologia – a saber, a inadequabilidade intrínseca entre o pensamento matéria. É sobre o paradigma dualista mente/corpo que se trava, e ainda hoje, “a” batalha epistemológica – longe de terminar

    Why did this boy hide himself? Tillich’s theology in the light of Peirce’s semiotics

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    O ensaio postula a insuficiência epistemológico-semiótica da fórmula de Tillich – "‘Deus’ é símbolo para Deus". Lendo-se-lhe a partir da semiótica triádica de Peirce, falta-lhe o elemento correspondente à terceiridade – o "eu" fundante-interpretante. Inquire-se, propondo-se uma resposta por meio de Marx e Freud, a razão do ocultamento, aí, do "eu" fideísta-voluntarista, do "eu" crente. Propõe-se assumir-se, na e para a Teologia, os pressupostos da epistemologia emancipada das Ciências Humanas.This paper focuses on the epistemological-semiotical insufficiency of Paul Tillich’s formula - "God is symbol for God". Reading from the threefold semiotic of Peirce, the element related to the "third" is lacking, namely, the "foundational-interpreting" self. The article proposes an answer departing from Marx and Freud that the lacking lays upon the concealment – in Tillich’s formula – of the "wishful self", namely, of the believer self. Thus, it proposes to apply in and to theology the presuppositions of Human Sciences’ emancipated epistemology