1,110 research outputs found

    Characterization of PVDF/HAP composites for medical applications

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    Biomaterials (composites and blends) play a major role in the health of modern society. This paper reports on the preparation and characterization of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and hydroxyapatite (HAP) composites, analyzing the incorporation of HAP in PVDF and investigating their mechanical properties and cytotoxicity (biocompatibility) for use in bone restoration and filling. The material was prepared in film form by the casting method. PVDF pellets were dissolved in dimethylacetamide (DMA), a HAP/DMA emulsion was prepared. The materials were mixed in proportions of 100/00, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/50, 40/60, 30/70 in weight and left to dry in an oven, resulting in homogeneous, flexible films which were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X ray diffractometry (XRD), contact angle measurement, and by mechanical and cytotoxicity tests.247251Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Primary Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in Kidney with Involvement of Central Nervous System and Heart in a Siamese Cat

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    Background: Lymphoma is the most common neoplasia in cats and usually happens in middle-aged males of European breeds, FeLV-positive test is also observed in 25% to 50% of these cases. The diagnostic of renal lymphoma is based on clinical signs, the diagnosis is based on clinical signs associated with additional tests. Histological an immunohistochemical evaluations allows the classifcation which can provide prognostic information. Central nervous system metastasis is frequently reported, but lingual and lung lobe extension were also reported. Here, we report a case of renal lymphoma with systemic involvement of heart and CNS in a cat. Case: A 3-year-old male Siamese cat presented with weight loss, emesis, anorexia, polydipsia and polyuria for at least 3 weeks. The clinical parameters were stable, but presenting pale mucosal membrane and also severe dehydration. Complete blood count and chemistry profle revealed anemia and severe azotemia. On abdominal palpation, bilateral renomegaly and irregular contours of both kidneys were also detected. The kidneys were enlarged and had irregular contours on palpation, confrmed by abdominal ultrasonography, that revealed kidneys with markedly irregular contours, and the presence of fluid with high cellularity between cortical and renal capsule (capsular fluid). An aspiration citology by fne-needle from the capsular fluid guided by ultrasound was collected and sent to cytological analysis, which suggested lymphoma. The aspirate was moderately cellular and consisted of large round cells with distinct, scant, basophilic cytoplasm, round nuclei with dense chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli, and large amount of naked cells. On the second day of treatment the cat presented a cardiopulmonary arrest not responsive to cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation, died, and the owner authorized the necropsy, allowing the renal biopsy showing that the same neoplastic cells presented in kidneys were also seen in heart and central nervous system, suggesting the occurrence of primary renal lymphoma with involvement of to these tissues, and the diagnosis was high grade diffuse large cell lymphoma. And also histopathological exam diagnosed high grade diffuse large cell lymphoma. Discussion: The patient died, and the post-mortem histological analysis confrmed the diagnosis of primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma in kidney with systemic involvement of heart and central nervous system (CNS). Lymphoma is the most common renal tumor in cats, however primary feline renal tumors are rare and few reports are available at this time. Here we report the occurrence of primary renal lymphoma in a Siamese cat, and there´s no previous report of this type of lymphoma especially in this breed. More investigation is needed to evaluate the susceptibility of Siamese cat breed to the development of primary renal lymphoma. It is diffcult to determine whether the renal involvement is primary or it is a consequence of the multicenter type. In the present report the same neoplasic infltration observed in kidney was also found in central nervous system and heart. The cytology is a quickly, non-invasive, and sensitivity method for the diagnostic of lymphoma. However, the cytology do not provides the immune diagnosis of diffuse large B cell, and although it is useful for staging lymphoma, histopathology and immunohistochemistry is always necessary for classifcation and grading. Since the diagnosis, the cat of this report survived only 2 days, which reinforces the bad prognosis of renal lymphoma. The renal lymphoma should be considered as a potential cause of severe azotemia, and should be taken as the mainly differential diagnosis among neoplasias of kidneys in cats.Keywords: oncology, feline, extranodal, lymph nodes, cance

    Insulinoma em cão sem raça definida: Relato de caso

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    O insulinoma é o tumor do pâncreas endócrino mais comum em cães, caracterizado pela secreção excessiva de insulina, mesmo na presença de hipoglicemia. Sua etiologia permanece desconhecida, considerado de ocorrência rara e, em geral, maligno. As manifestações clínicas resultam da neuroglicopenia e da liberação de hormônios contra regulatórios, manifestando-se em fraqueza, convulsão, tremores, agitação e até mesmo coma e óbito. O diagnóstico é baseado nos dados de anamnese, sinais clínicos, alterações laboratoriais nas concentrações de glicose sanguínea e insulina sérica em jejum, exames de imagem, como tomografia computadorizada (TC), além de ressecção cirúrgica com envio da amostra para análise histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica. A abordagem terapêutica primordial é a remoção cirúrgica do tumor. Este relato tem como objetivo apresentar o caso de um canino, fêmea, sem raça definida, castrada, seis anos, sem histórico de sinais típicos de insulinoma, mas com hipoglicemia em exame laboratorial e glicosímetro portátil validado. Com base nesse achado, surgiu a suspeita de insulinoma e iniciou-se a investigação com dosagem de insulina sérica e exames de imagem. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela presença de hiperinsulinemia com hipoglicemia, TC com imagens compatíveis e pancreatectomia parcial, sendo posteriormente enviado o tumor para análise histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica. O tratamento instituído foi a quimioterapia por via oral. Concluiu-se que há possibilidade de diagnosticar o insulinoma antes do aparecimento de sinais clínicos, o que, embora não altere o prognóstico reservado da doença, possibilita um acompanhamento veterinário mais frequente, resultando em uma melhoria na qualidade de vida do animal

    Diversidade floristica das formações de Quercus suber em Portugal

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    Congresso Florestal Nacional: a floresta e as gentes - Actas das ComunicaçõesForam analisados 130 inventários efectuados em sobreirais de Poterio agrimonioidis-Querco suberis S., Asparago aphylli-Querco suberis S., Oleo sylvestris-Querco suberis S. e Teucrio baetici-Querco suberis S. Com o objectivo de estabelecer a relação entre estes bosques e o seu grau de conservação e diversidade, foi efectuada uma análise canónica de correspondências (CCA) e foram efectuados os cálculos relativos à diversidade florística (recorrendo ao índice de Shannon) e à diversidade em espécies com interesse para conservação. Efectuou-se ainda uma análise de regressão múltipla em que a riqueza em espécies endémicas ou com estatuto de protecção foi considerada a variável dependente. Individualizaram-se algumas espécies indicadoras dos bosques analisados: Stauracanthus genistoides, Thymus capitellatus, Lavandula lusitanica e Quercus lusitanica associadas aos bosques de Oleo sylvestris-Quercetum suberis; Cistus populifolius, Erica australis e Cytisus grandiflorus associadas aos bosques de Poterio agrimonioidis-Quercetum suberis. No total, registam-se 17 taxa com estatuto vulnerável, 10 taxa em perigo de extinção, 15 taxa incluídos no Anexo II da Directiva 92/43/CE, um dos quais prioritário, 4 taxa do Anexo IV e 4 do Anexo V da mesma Directiva. Destacam-se, ainda, 26 endemismos lusitanos, 4 dos quais em perigo de extinção e 8 com estatuto vulnerável. Da CCA verificou-se que grande parte dos táxones com interesse para conservação estão concentrados nas áreas onde a vegetação potencial diz respeito a sobreirais de Oleo-Querco suberis S., cuja riqueza florística e fitocenótica já foi descrita por COSTA et al (1998) e NETO (1999). Isto acontece apesar do uso florestal destes espaços e de estarem localizados no Superdistrito Sadense onde predominam os solos aluvionares ou derivados das areias podzolizadas. Quanto à diversidade específica, os valores mais elevados obtiveram-se nos inventários das séries Asparago-Querco suberis S. e Poterio-Querco suberis S. Da análise de regressão múltipla obteve-se a equação: Riq.= - 0.4083Subst. Litológico - 0.2547Altitude - 0.243Declive - 0.2253Posicão Topográfica, com P<1%. Os resultados traduzidos pela equação da qualidade da riqueza específica são concordantes com a CCA, verificando-se mais uma vez que a riqueza em taxa endémicos ou com estatuto de protecção estão positivamente correlacionados com substratos arenosos ou negativamente correlacionados com substratos dos quais resultam solos com elevada percentagem de argila. Assim, conclui-se que a diversidade em espécies com interesse para conservação é mais elevada em territórios com solos arenosos, de baixa altitude, de que é exemplo o Superdistrito Sadense

    Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells Regulate the Proinflammatory Response of Monocytes and Myeloid Dendritic Cells from Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disabling autoimmune disease whose treatment is ineffective for one-third of patients. Thus, the immunomodulatory potential of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) makes MSC-based therapy a promising approach to RA. This study aimed to explore the immunomodulatory action of human bone marrow (BM)-MSCs on myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) and monocytes, especially on cytokines/chemokines involved in RA physiopathology. For that, LPS plus IFNγ-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from RA patients (n = 12) and healthy individuals (n = 6) were co-cultured with allogeneic BM-MSCs. TNF-α, CD83, CCR7 and MIP-1β protein levels were assessed in mDCs, classical, intermediate, and non-classical monocytes. mRNA expression of other cytokines/chemokines was also evaluated. BM-MSCs effectively reduced TNF-α, CD83, CCR7 and MIP-1β protein levels in mDCs and all monocyte subsets, in RA patients. The inhibition of TNF-α production was mainly achieved by the reduction of the percentage of cellsproducing this cytokine. BM-MSCs exhibited a remarkable suppressive action over antigen-presenting cells from RA patients, potentially affecting their ability to stimulate the immune adaptive response at different levels, by hampering their migration to the lymph node and the production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Accordingly, MSC-based therapies can be a valuable approach for RA treatment, especially for non-responder patients
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