539 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education: conceptual tools for the training of creative and innovative people / Empreendedorismo e educação empreendedora: ferramentas conceituais para a formação de pessoas criativas e inovadoras

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    This article analyses the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education from a historical-critical perspective motivated by the widespread use of these terms in the mass media, in political speeches and in different training spaces. Under the argument of the existence of a strong connection between a one-dimensional idea of entrepreneurship and neoclassical economic conceptions, it is stated that, today, there is a trivialization of the use of the term, which contributes to a growing confusion regarding its original meaning. The reflections contained in this work result from a bibliographic review and point to the need to rescue the concept of entrepreneurship from its multidimensional perspective. In other words, this means thinking about it as a means for the search for the students' autonomy. It is argued that true entrepreneurial education must be anti-systemic and non-conformed in order to become truly creative and innovative. 

    A Case Study of Wavelets and SVM Application in Coffee Agriculture: Detecting Cicadas Based on Their Acoustic and Image Patterns

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    One of the main problems in agriculture is crop pest management, which causes financial damage to farmers. This management is traditionally performed with pesticides; however, with a large area of application, it would be more economically viable and more environmentally recommended to know precisely the regions where there is concrete infestation. In coffee farms, cicada makes a distinctive sound when it hatches after years of underground nymph-shaped living. One possibility of contributing to its management would be the development of a device capable of capturing the sound of the adult cicada in order to detect its presence and to quantify crop insects. This device would be spread across the coffee plots to capture sounds within the widest possible area coverage. With monitoring and quantification data, the manager would have more input for decision-making and could adopt the most appropriate management technique based on concrete information on population density separated by crop region. Thus, this chapter presents an algorithm based on wavelets and support vector machines (SVMs), to detect acoustic patterns in plantations, advising on the presence of cicadas

    Homology modeling and molecular dynamics provide structural insights into tospovirus nucleoprotein

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    Background: Tospovirus is a plant-infecting genus within the family Bunyaviridae, which also includes four animalinfecting genera: Hantavirus, Nairovirus, Phlebovirus and Orthobunyavirus. Compared to these members, the structures of Tospovirus proteins still are poorly understood. Despite multiple studies have attempted to identify candidate N protein regions involved in RNA binding and protein multimerization for tospovirus using yeast two-hybrid systems (Y2HS) and site-directed mutagenesis, the tospovirus ribonucleocapsids (RNPs) remains largely uncharacterized at the molecular level and the lack of structural information prevents detailed insight into these interactions. Results: Here we used the nucleoprotein structure of LACV (La Crosse virus-Orthobunyavirus) and molecular dynamics simulations to access the structure and dynamics of the nucleoprotein from tospovirus GRSV (Groundnut ringspot virus). The resulting model is a monomer composed by a flexible N-terminal and C-terminal arms and a globular domain with a positively charged groove in which RNA is deeply encompassed. This model allowed identifying the candidate amino acids residues involved in RNA interaction and N-N multimerization. Moreover, most residues predicted to be involved in these interactions are highly conserved among tospoviruses. Conclusions: Crucially, the interaction model proposed here for GRSV N is further corroborated by the all available mutational studies on TSWV (Tomato spotted wilt virus) N, so far. Our data will help designing further and more accurate mutational and functional studies of tospovirus N proteins. In addition, the proposed model may shed light on the mechanisms of RNP shaping and could allow the identification of essential amino acid residues as potential targets for tospovirus control strategies

    Control of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) for small animal ventilators

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) for the mechanical ventilation of small animals is frequently obtained with water seals or by using ventilators developed for human use. An alternative mechanism is the use of an on-off expiratory valve closing at the moment when the alveolar pressure is equal to the target PEEP. In this paper, a novel PEEP controller (PEEP-new) and the PEEP system of a commercial small-animal ventilator, both based on switching an on-off valve, are evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The proposed PEEP controller is a discrete integrator monitoring the error between the target PEEP and the airways opening pressure prior to the onset of an inspiratory cycle. In vitro as well as in vivo experiments with rats were carried out and the PEEP accuracy, settling time and under/overshoot were considered as a measure of performance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The commercial PEEP controller did not pass the tests since it ignores the airways resistive pressure drop, resulting in a PEEP 5 cmH<sub>2</sub>O greater than the target in most conditions. The PEEP-new presented steady-state errors smaller than 0.5 cmH<sub>2</sub>O, with settling times below 10 s and under/overshoot smaller than 2 cmH<sub>2</sub>O.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The PEEP-new presented acceptable performance, considering accuracy and temporal response. This novel PEEP generator may prove useful in many applications for small animal ventilators.</p

    Qual é a percepção dos estudantes de medicina da Faminas/BH em relação ao interesse da instituição sobre o estado de saúde mental de seus alunos?/ What is the perception of Faminas/BH medical students regarding the interest of the institution on the mental health status of its students?

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    Objetivo: O presente estudo visa identificar a percepção que os acadêmicos de medicina da Faminas/BH têm sobre a preocupação da Instituição de Ensino em relação à saúde mental de seus alunos. Método: O estudo foi realizado no campus da Faminas/BH. Participaram acadêmicos de medicina, devidamente matriculados do 1º ao 8º período. Os acadêmicos do 9º ao 12º período foram excluídos em função da dificuldade logística da aplicação do questionário, em função do internato. O questionário foi elaborado pelos autores desse estudo e submetido à apreciação e aprovação da professora titular da disciplina de bioestatística da Faminas/BH. Foi realizado levantamento junto à coordenação do curso sobre o número total de alunos matriculados do 1º ao 8º período, sendo apresentados 945 estudantes. Posteriormente, foi escolhida a amostra aleatória estratificada, com o intuito de garantir que cada um dos períodos fosse representado de forma proporcional, com margem de erro de 5%. Resultados: Foi possível observar um distanciamento entre a coordenação do curso de medicina e seus alunos, visto que o coordenador não é conhecido por 66% dos estudantes, assim como 62% dos acadêmicos desconhecem as pessoas que trabalham diretamente com ele. Observamos também, que existe um grau elevado de insatisfação dos acadêmicos de medicina em relação à falta de políticas de humanização, bem como a falta de preocupação da Instituição com a saúde mental de seus estudantes. Outro dado relevante identificado no presente estudo é que apenas 19% dos alunos nunca tiveram vontade de se transferir da Faminas/BH, demonstrando, no nosso entendimento, a falta de sentimento de pertencimento dos alunos em relação à Instituição e vínculo frágil entre as partes. Por último, identificamos o aumento do adoecimento psicológico e do consumo de medicamento em função de transtorno psicológico após ingresso no curso de medicina, necessitando esclarecer se esse achado é estatisticamente significativo. Conclusão: É necessária uma revisão metodológica por parte da Instituição que assegure fortalecimento de vínculo, bem como, medidas protetivas da saúde mental de seus alunos. Por fim, disponibilizamos os dados desse estudo à coordenação do curso de medicina, para que sirva de instrumento de gestão na propositura de novas ações que visem o bem-estar de seus estudantes

    A vitamina A e o olho: uma velha história em tempos modernos

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    Clinical presentations associated with vitamin A deficiency persist in poor regions globally with the same clinical features as those described centuries ago. However, new forms of vitamin A deficiency affecting the eyes, which have become widespread, as a result of modern societal habits are of increasing concern. Ophthalmic conditions related to vitamin A deficiency require the combined attention of ophthalmologists, pediatricians, internists, dermatologists, and nutritionists due to their potential severity and the diversity of causes. As the eyes and their adnexa are particularly sensitive to vitamin A deficiency and excess, ocular disturbances are often early indicators of vitamin A imbalance. The present review describes the clinical manifestations of hypovitaminosis A with an emphasis on so-called modern dietary disorders and multidisciplinary treatment approaches. The present review also discusses the relationship between retinoic acid therapy and dry eye disease7915661CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoSem informaçãoSem informaçãoAs apresentações clínicas associadas à deficiência de vitamina A persistem em regiões pobres ao redor do mundo com os mesmos achados clínicos descritos há séculos. No entanto, novas formas de problemas causados pela vitamina A afetam os olhos, estão associados com os hábitos da sociedade moderna e tem causado preocupação. Eles exigem a atenção dos oftalmologistas, pediatras, internistas, dermatologistas e nutricionistas, devido à sua gravidade e diversidade de causas. Uma vez que os olhos e seus anexos são órgãos muito sensíveis à deficiência e excesso de vitamina A, manifestações oculares podem ser indicadores precoces do desequilíbrio de vitamina A. Essa revisão traz as manifestações clínicas de hipovitaminose A enfatizando os chamados distúrbios dietéticos modernos e formas de abordagem multidisciplinar. E também traz evidências sobre a relação entre a terapia com ácido retinóico e doença do olho sec

    Prevalence of Burnout syndrome in Facimed medicine of academic

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    The staff burnout expression created for Freudenberger. He described a syndrome consisting of exhaustion, disappointment and isolation of health workers. The Burnout Syndrome (BS) recognized as an occupational hazard for professions that involved caring for health, education and human services, due to wear psychosocial. The study’s aim was a crossover design in order to determine the prevalence of BS in medical students of Facimed. Two questionnaires conducted by a sociodemographic issues, academic, and psychosocial and with validated version in Portuguese of the MBI-SS (Maslasch Burnout Inventary-Student Survey). The medical Facimed’s students surveyed of the periods 2 to 8, excluding those who are at boarding school, totaling 176 participants. Were identified 16 (9.1%) students with BS: 4 in the 2º period, 6 in the 4º period, 5 in the 6º period and 1 in the 8º period. In the analysis that combines the two questionnaires was inferred that friendship/social life and cultural activity more closely related to the manifestation of the BS during the school period, with p = 0.008 and p = 0.02 respectively. Thus, we conclude that those who negatively assess their interpersonal relationships and those who do not practice cultural activity were more likely to have burnout and a significant prevalence in the study group compared to literature