70 research outputs found


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    Esta comunicación da cuenta la experiencia e investigación en supervisión en educación y en formación. Nuestro objetivo es analizar puntos fuertes y débiles de la supervisión horizontal que hemos identificado en estudios sobre prácticas de supervisión. Pretendemos con ello integrar la investigación-acción como estrategia de supervisión con la finalidad de construir y reconstruir el conocimiento profesional práctico. Según algunos autores (Glickmanet al. 2001, 2004; Mayers, 2008; Ribeiro, 2006; Zeichner, 2011), la puesta en práctica de la investigación-acción colaborativa en supervisión de tipo horizontal promueve el pensamiento crítico sobre la educación y desenvuelve una cultura formativa del Yo en interacción con el Otro. Así, existen evidencias en la investigación de formación de profesores y educadores en contextos de supervisión que apuntan que hay una relación directa entre la calidad de la educación y los cambios en la cultura de la formación. Dichas evidencias nos conducen a pensar que es necesario que exista una reflexión compartida sobre las experiencias de las prácticas educativas y formativas, en un marco de valores universales y orientados a la construcción de discursos intersubjetivos sobre y para la práctica docente de supervisión. Esta orientación en la formación inicial de educadores y profesores requiere la organización de contextos estimulantes e interactivos que faciliten la comprensión y la participación en la complejidad y dinamismo de las experiencias de educación, y que sean generadores de conocimiento, valores y actitudes adecuados a las funciones educativas de los educadores y profesores. Lo mismo debe entenderse en contexto de formación continua, ya que nos parece una condición fundamental para transformar la educación y la escuela, así como para el enriquecimiento de la profesión docente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo radioautografico dos efeitos da hidrocortisona no ligamento periodontal de incisivos inferiores de camundongo

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    Orientador: Darcy de Oliveira ToselloTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: A atuação da hidrocortisona sobre o metabolismo de proteínas foi estudada neste modelo experimental, através de radioautografia. A concentração de grãos de prata foi averiguada em áreas junto ao dente e junto ao osso; também foi determinada, como controle interno, na matriz dentinária. Constatou-se que sob a microscopia de luz a maior parte da incorporação de 'ANTPOT. 3 H-glicina' ocorreu 1,0h após a injeção deste isótopo no grupo de animais tratados pela hidrocortisona. Nos animais-controle a maior incorporação geralmente ocorreu 4,0h após a injeção do aminoácido radioativo. Na região junto ao dente, a incorporação foi geralmente maior do que na região junto ao osso. Nos demais tempos, 24; 48 e 96 horas após a injeção de 'ANTPOT. 3 H-glicina', tanto os animais controles como os tratados mostraram menores valores de incorporação do aminoácido radioativo. Isso sugere que a hidrocortisona pode ter interferido no metabolismo de proteínas do ligamento periodontal. A região de dentina mostrou incorporação da 'ANTPOT. 3 H-glicina' em maior extensão, por não serem suas proteínas renovadas como o são aquelas do ligamento periodontal. Entretanto, como entre incisivos impedidos e desimpedidos de animais controles e tratados não se constatou diferenças,estatisticamente significativas, através das contagens de grãos de Ag à microscopia de luz, sugere-se o emprego de outra metodologia,ou outro tipo de aferição dos grãos de Ag, para a averiguação dos subtipos de proteínas do ligamento periodontal de incisivos de camundongosAbstract: The role of hydrocortisone over the proteins metabolism, was studied in this work through radioautography. The silver grains concentration was verified in areas next to the tooth and next to the one; also, they were determined in the dentin matrix as internal control. Under light microscopy, it was observed that the major part of 'ANTPOT. 3 H-glycine' concentration, had occurred 1 hour after the injection of this isotope, in the group of animals treated with hydrocortisone. In the control animals, the major incorporation generally occurred 4 hours afier the injection of 'ANTPOT. 3 H-glycine'. In the area next to the tooth, the incorporation was always greater than in the area next to the bone. In the other times, 24, 48 and 96 hours afier the injection of 'ANTPOT. 3 H-glycine', both groups of animaIs (treated and control) showed lower values of radioactive incorporation. This suggested that, hydrocortisone interfered in the proteins metabolism of the periodontal ligament. The dentin area, showed incorporation of 'ANTPOT. 3 H-glycine' in greater extension, by the fact that its proteins are more stable than those of the periodontal ligament. Once among impeded and uninpeded incisives of treated and control animals was not observed any difference under light microscopy, we suggest the employment of other methodology to verify the subtypes of proteins of the periodontal ligament from mice incisivesDoutoradoBiologia e Patologia Buco-DentalDoutor em Odontologi

    DARDER, ANTONIA (2016). Freireeeducação. Ramada:Edições Pedago

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    As interações na atividade de resolução de problemas e o desenvolvimento da capacidade de comunicar no ensino básico

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    Este artigo relata parte de uma pesquisa que visou compreender que interações ocorrem na atividade de resolução de problemas capazes de desenvolver nos alunos, do 4.º ano do ensino básico, a capacidade de comunicar. Utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa-interpretativa. A recolha de dados fez-se através de entrevistas, observação de aulas de resolução de problemas, registos dos alunos e notas de campo. A atividade de resolução de problemas permitiu que os alunos desenvolvessem a aptidão para explicitar oralmente o raciocínio utilizado e para representarem por escrito as ideias matemáticas, criando oportunidades para comunicarem entre si e com a professora na aula. A natureza e qualidade das interações comunicativas ocorridas variaram com a abordagem da resolução de problemas na sala de aula, tendo sido decisivas tanto as interações verticais, como as horizontais para os alunos se envolverem na atividade, criarem um espírito investigativo e desenvolverem a capacidade de comunicar

    Teachers' narratives of professional experience: building a culture of collaborative inquiry

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    Objectives or purpose The symposium aims at presenting 3 case studies of teachers’ narratives of professional practice, undertaken within contexts of initial and specialized teacher education. The use of journals as reflective narratives of experience aims at promoting inquiry into professional practice by integrating teaching and research, individual reflection and cooperation. The authors will present the rationale, development, and results of the 3 case studies, as well as discuss the potential and constraints of this inquiry-oriented and collaborative approach to teacher development. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework Our aim as teacher educators is to articulate collaborative and critical teacher development strategies with the development of teacher inquiry and autonomy, seeking to study the role of teachers in the co-construction of pedagogical knowledge, through reflective dialogue on the participants’ personal theories on educational situations (Clandinin & Connelly, 1994; Clandinin, 1992). This orientation is associated with the intention of creating teacher and supervisor development situations that will allow (prospective and experienced) teachers to co-construct their professional knowledge in cooperation with significant others. In this way, the road to professional autonomy and emancipation is enhanced, for it becomes a collective endeavor, instead of an individual one (Moreira, Durães & Silva, 2006; Ribeiro, 2006; Melo, 2007; 2008, forthcoming). Using collaborative journals presupposes systematic regulation of the teaching and learning process, as well as the regulation of teacher education processes, so that problems and solutions, potentialities and constraints may be identified. Only then are we in a position to validate its benefits as a teacher development strategy on the road to professional autonomy. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry The approach to data analysis will be inductive, based on the assumptions and procedures of grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). We will be looking at themes that arise from data, aimed at articulating perceptions of practice and espoused theories of action. The theoretical underpinnings and methodology of CDA will be also mobilized in the task of trying to uncover historical and ideological constraints on teachers’ discourse and action (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997; Gee, 1999). Data sources or evidence The main data sources are teachers’ collaborative journals, undertaken within three teacher education courses: initial education of kindergarten teachers, and two Masters’ courses on Pedagogical Supervision. Results, conclusions, and/or points of view Writing a collaborative journal allows the participants to deepen their understanding of vicarious experience and of the process of knowledge production in professional contexts, for it involves writing about feelings and emotions, as well as about thoughts and actions. It allows teachers to dive into the complexities of practice, describe it, confront their perceptions with significant others’ and reconstruct their theories of practice. Besides creating a common space where the I meets the Other, raises awareness of oneself and of situational constraints and thus feels empowered, collaborative journal writing also creates a space for a conversation in which questions are asked, contradictions are exposed, and no definite solutions are reached (Carroll & Cotterall 2007; Moreira & Ribeiro, forthcoming).Research Centre in Education, University of Minho, Portuga

    Geochemistry of Precambrian black shales from Ossa‑Morena Zone (Portugal): depositional environment and possible source of metals

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    The paleodepositional environments related to Ediacaran black shales from the Série Negra succession in Ossa-Morena tectonostratigraphic zone were investigated using their geochemical composition to identify the sedimentary sources and depositional conditions. Their potential for assisting the genesis of metal deposits was also discussed. The sedimentary sources of the black shales are related to the break up of a Cadomian magmatic-arc developed in the North Gondwana realm, where the Ossa-Morena Zone was located during late Ediacaran times, showing acidic to mixed signatures. Some ratios were calculated based on redox sensitive elements, indicating both anoxic and oxic paleoenvironmental conditions. The anoxic conditions were predominant and they were identified on samples with higher organic carbon content, emphasizing that the redox conditions favored organic matter preservation and the accumulation of selected metals. Considering the mode of occurrence, the elements Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb and Se are assumed to be preferentially associated with sulfides, whereas Mo and U are preferentially organically bound. The results reveal that the black shales from the Série Negra succession in Ossa-Morena Zone might represent a source of metals, which were probably remobilized during Variscan events

    B-Learning : o Ensino Secundário Recorrente entre dois modelos : um estudo com estudantes do curso multimédia de uma escola de Lisboa

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Supervisão Pedagógica apresentada à Universidade AbertaAs mudanças que ocorreram no mundo e na sociedade, nos últimos anos, assim como a integração das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em todos os aspectos da vida actual têm implicações ao nível do ensino e da actuação de todos os intervenientes no processo ensino aprendizagem. O estudo B-Learning: o Ensino Secundário Recorrente Entre Dois Modelos, analisa o modelo de ensino/aprendizagem semi-presencial e misto, estudando o modo como são utilizadas plataformas de aprendizagem Learning Managing System (LMS) por estudantes adultos do ensino secundário recorrente com o intuito de compreender como é perspectivado por estes intervenientes o modelo de ensino/aprendizagem semi-presencial e misto - b-learning (blended learning). A investigação foi realizada junto de uma comunidade educativa do ensino secundário recorrente que frequentou no ano lectivo 2006/2007, numa escola da zona oriental de Lisboa, os décimo, décimo primeiro e décimo segundo anos do Curso de Multimédia no modelo de ensino presencial, com a possibilidade de utilizar uma plataforma de aprendizagem – Dokeos e/ou Moodle – no âmbito dos trabalhos de algumas disciplinas, o que possibilitou realizar algumas actividades didácticas a distância na modalidade b-learning, implicando por parte dos professores intervenientes uma mudança na sua forma de actuação, mais como um supervisor promotor de diferentes estratégias de aprendizagem junto desta comunidade, permitindo deste modo o acompanhamento das actividades por parte dos estudantes com problemas de assiduidade e contribuindo para o seu sucesso educativo. A revisão da literatura permitiu verificar que já foram realizadas algumas actividades neste âmbito, a nível nacional, assim como possibilitou realizar uma reflexão sobre a utilização das plataformas de ensino aprendizagem junto de alunos do ensino secundário recorrente. Para o efeito, recorreu-se a instrumentos de natureza quantitativa – questionário – e de natureza qualitativa – entrevista. Os resultados revelaram a importância destes recursos informáticos para a motivação e sucesso escolar dos estudantes adultos e, principalmente, como factor determinante para não abandonarem os estudos.The changes that occurred in the world and in the society, in the last years, and the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) in all aspects of the current life have implications in the way of teaching and acting of all the actors of the teaching and learning process. The b-Learning: o Ensino Secundário Recorrente Entre Dois Modelos study, analyses the semi-presential and mixt teaching and learning model, studying the way that Learning Managing System (LMS) are used by adult students of the secondary school, with the goal of understand how the b-learning (blended learning) model is perspectivated by these intervinients. The investigation was realized with a learning communities of secondary students that have studied in the years 2006/2007, in one school of the eastern side of Lisbon, on the 10th, 11th and 12th grade of a Multimedia course by the presential model of teaching, with the possibility of using the Learning Managing System – Dokeos and/or Moodle – on the activities of some subjects, giving the possibilities of realizing some didactic activities at distance in the b-learning model, and involving the teachers in a change of their way of acting, more like a supervisor promoting different learning strategies near this community, permitting by this way, to the students with difficulties to be present in school to survey the learning activities, and helping them in their learning success. Literature revision allowed to verify that some activities like this one were made, in Portugal, and made possible doing a reflection about the using of Learning Managing Systems near the secondary adult students. For this study were used quantitative nature instruments – questionnaire – and qualitative nature – interview. The results revealed the importance of this informatic resources for the motivation and scholar success of the adult students and, most of all, the determinant factor that helped students to not give up school and their studie


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    Black shales (BS) are dark colored mudrocks with variable amounts of organic matter (OM), which accumulate together with silt- to clay-size particles in environments with reducing conditions. The OM present in rocks may have an active role in mineral diagenesis and in mobilization, transport, concentration, reduction, preservation and deposition of metals. The main goal of this work is to characterize the OM present in BS from three different areas that are spatially associated with Cu mineralization in the Ossa Morena Zone (Iberian Variscides), in order to characterize the regional background related with maturation of organic particles during the Variscan orogeny. The BS samples were collected in Alandroal (near the Mociços and Ferrarias occurrences) and Barrancos (near the Minancos ancient mine) districts, which belong to the Sousel-Barrancos metallogenic belt. These three occurrences correspond to Cu mineralized veins, which result from hydrothermal fluids circulation during late Variscan times. The mineralized veins contain quartz, carbonates and sulfides, and cross-cut Paleozoic metasedimentary sequences, namely the Ordovician-Devonian succession. In these occurrences, supergenic enrichments are common. A total of ten samples of BS were collected in outcrops of Silurian BS from “Xistos com Nódulos” Formation in both districts, all of them near the previous mentioned occurrences, although not or slightly affected by the main mineralized structure. The petrographic analyses to identify and characterize the OM were performed on whole-rock polished blocks prepared under standard procedures. The random reflectance, an indicator of thermal maturation that can be useful to establish the paragenetic sequences of ore deposits, was also measured according to standard procedures. The petrographic observations allowed the identification of vitrinite-like OM particles in all samples. The organic particles are generally thin and elongated, occurring, essentially, interbedded along mineral matter. The inorganic matter is mainly composed by clays and silicate minerals. The presence of iron oxides and carbonates was also identified occurring in association with OM. The mean random reflectance of vitrinite-like particles from Alandroal varies between 2.93% and 3.86% and between 3.34% and 3.38%, respectively near the Mociços and Ferrarias occurrences, and between 2.05% and 5.05% in Barrancos. The petrographic observations revealed some organic particles exhibiting single flakes graphitic features. In addition, some organic particles observed mainly in Barrancos, appear to be remains of zooclasts, such as graptolites. The occurrence of graptolites in the Silurian “Xistos com Nódulos” Formation is described in the literature. These reflectance values should be representative of the regional background related with the regional metamorphic events. However, previous studies about other Cu mineralization in Sousel-Barrancos metallogenic zone indicated that higher reflectance values are obtained closer to the mineralized veins, as a result of thermal processes associated with the genesis of the mineralization and circulation of hydrothermal fluids


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    O presente artigo tem como enfoque problematizar a perspetiva dos atores de educação do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico sobre a função da biblioteca escolar. Investigar esta problemática, no estágio de formação profissional docente, foi o objetivo de duas mestrandas e coautoras deste texto que, apoiadas pela docente da unidade curricular “Investigação em Educação” procuraram construir saberes profissionais contextualizados. Esta investigação foi desenvolvida na escola de estágio das mestrandas no distrito do Porto, Portugal, que não tinha biblioteca escolar. Os objetivos de estudo foram: conhecer a influência desta problemática nas práticas docentes, na perspetiva dos professores, e na motivação para a aprendizagem da leitura, na perspetiva dos alunos. A observação direta e indireta, por entrevista e grupo focal, foram as opções metodológicas. Os resultados evidenciaram que uma biblioteca escolar pode beneficiar a prática docente e as aprendizagens dos alunosinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio