329 research outputs found


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    There is considerable interest in the use of pollution trading between point and nonpoint sources to improve the cost-effectiveness of water pollution control, but little literature to guide the design of trading systems involving nonpoint sources. We explore the design of two types of trading systems that would allow trading among and between point and nonpoint sources.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Major depressive disorder and oxidative stress: In silico investigation of fluoxetine activity against ROS

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    Major depressive disorder is a psychiatric disease having approximately a 20% lifetime prevalence in adults in the United States (U.S.), as reported by Hasin et al. in JAMA Psichiatry 2018 75, 336\u2013346. Symptoms include low mood, anhedonia, decreased energy, alteration in appetite and weight, irritability, sleep disturbances, and cognitive deficits. Comorbidity is frequent, and patients show decreased social functioning and a high mortality rate. Environmental and genetic factors favor the development of depression, but the mechanisms by which stress negatively impacts on the brain are still not fully understood. Several recent works, mainly published during the last five years, aim at investigating the correlation between treatment with fluoxetine, a non-tricyclic antidepressant drug, and the amelioration of oxidative stress. In this work, the antioxidant activity of fluoxetine was investigated using a computational protocol based on the density functional theory approach. Particularly, the scavenging of five radicals (HO\u2022, HOO\u2022, CH3OO\u2022, CH2=CHOO\u2022, and CH3O\u2022) was considered, focusing on hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) and radical adduct formation (RAF) mechanisms. Thermodynamic as well as kinetic aspects are discussed, and, for completeness, two metabolites of fluoxetine and serotonin, whose extracellular concentration is enhanced by fluoxetine, are included in our analysis. Indeed, fluoxetine may act as a radical scavenger, and exhibits selectivity for HO\u2022 and CH3O\u2022, but is inefficient toward peroxyl radicals. In contrast, the radical scavenging efficiency of serotonin, which has been demonstrated in vitro, is significant, and this supports the idea of an indirect antioxidant efficiency of fluoxetine

    Corn and Sorghum Herbicides and Water Quality: An Evaluation of Alternative Policy Options

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    The policies restricting the use of atrazine and other triazines to achieve desirable water quality standards are analyzed in a CEEPES framework. Five policies, including atrazine post restriction, restricting atrazine to meet MCL and HAL standards in runoff, a complete ban on atrazine, and also a ban on all triazines, were evaluated. The results suggest a $764 million total economic welfare loss with a triazine ban; with all other policies there was only one-third as much economic welfare loss. Although the triazine ban produced desirable water quality benefits, the economic costs are significantly higher. The overall goal of reducing water quality risk with the least economic welfare loss would not be achieved through an atrazine ban either, unless producers adopt practices that minimize risk from substitute herbicides. The runoff standards-based policy restrictions and atrazine post restriction offer best results for minimizing environmental risks with the least welfare reduction, but the current analysis assumes zero transaction costs, namely zero cost of monitoring and assessment

    A Generalist, Automated ALFALFA Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation

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    The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation (BTFR) has applications in galaxy evolution as a testbed for the galaxy-halo connection and in observational cosmology as a redshift-independent secondary distance indicator. We use the 31,000+ galaxy ALFALFA sample -- which provides redshifts, velocity widths, and HI content for a large number of gas-bearing galaxies in the local universe -- to fit and test an extensive local universe BTFR. This BTFR is designed to be as inclusive of ALFALFA and comparable samples as possible. Velocity widths measured via an automated method and MbM_{b} proxies extracted from survey data can be uniformly and efficiently measured for other samples, giving this analysis broad applicability. We also investigate the role of sample demographics in determining the best-fit relation. We find that the best-fit relations are changed significantly by changes to the sample mass range and to second order, mass sampling, gas fraction, different stellar mass and velocity width measurements. We use a subset of ALFALFA with demographics that reflect the full sample to measure a robust BTFR slope of 3.30±0.063.30\pm0.06. We apply this relation and estimate source distances, finding general agreement with flow-model distances as well as average distance uncertainties of 0.17\sim0.17 dex for the full ALFALFA sample. We demonstrate the utility of these distance estimates by applying them to a sample of sources in the Virgo vicinity, recovering signatures of infall consistent with previous work.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    Methylphenidate Analogues as a New Class of Potential Disease-Modifying Agents for Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence from Cell Models and Alpha-Synuclein Transgenic Mice

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons degeneration and Lewy body pathology, mainly composed of α-synuclein (αSyn) fibrillary aggregates. We recently described that the neuronal phosphoprotein Synapsin III (Syn III) participates in αSyn pathology in PD brains and is a permissive factor for αSyn aggregation. Moreover, we reported that the gene silencing of Syn III in a human αSyn transgenic (tg) mouse model of PD at a pathological stage, manifesting marked insoluble αSyn deposits and dopaminergic striatal synaptic dysfunction, could reduce αSyn aggregates, restore synaptic functions and motor activities and exert neuroprotective effects. Interestingly, we also described that the monoamine reuptake inhibitor methylphenidate (MPH) can recover the motor activity of human αSyn tg mice through a dopamine (DA) transporter-independent mechanism, which relies on the re-establishment of the functional interaction between Syn III and α-helical αSyn. These findings support that the pathological αSyn/Syn III interaction may constitute a therapeutic target for PD. Here, we studied MPH and some of its analogues as modulators of the pathological αSyn/Syn III interaction. We identified 4-methyl derivative I-threo as a lead candidate modulating αSyn/Syn III interaction and having the ability to reduce αSyn aggregation in vitro and to restore the motility of αSyn tg mice in vivo more efficiently than MPH. Our results support that MPH derivatives may represent a novel class of αSyn clearing agents for PD therapy

    Atrazine and Water Quality: An Evaluation of Restricting Atrazine Use on Corn and Sorghum to Postemergent Applications

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    Atrazine is the most widely used herbicide for corn and sorghum and the most commonly encountered in ground and surface water. In addition to water quality problems, atrazine poses hazards through atmospheric transport, food residues, and exposure of applications and wildlife. If atrazine use is restricted, substitute herbicides will come into wider use, increasing the likelihood of occurrence of their own sets of potentially undesirable side effects and imposing cost or efficacy penalties

    The X-ray absorbing column density of a complete sample of bright Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    A complete sample of bright Swift Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) has been recently selected by Salvaterra et al. (2011). The sample has a high level of completeness in redshift (91%). We derive here the intrinsic absorbing X-ray column densities of these GRBs making use of the Swift X-ray Telescope data. This distribution has a mean value of log(NH/cm-2)=21.7+-0.5. This value is consistent with the distribution of the column densities derived from the total sample of GRBs with redshift. We find a mild increase of the intrinsic column density with redshift. This can be interpreted as due to the contribution of intervening systems along the line of sight. Making use of the spectral index connecting optical and X-ray fluxes at 11 hr (beta_OX), we investigate the relation of the intrinsic column density and the GRB `darkness'. We find that there is a very tight correlation between dark GRBs and high X-ray column densities. This clearly indicates that the dark GRBs are formed in a metal-rich environment where dust must be present.Comment: MNRAS, 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Mouse models for hereditary spastic paraplegia uncover a role of PI4K2A in autophagic lysosome reformation

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    Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) denotes genetically heterogeneous disorders characterized by leg spasticity due to degeneration of corticospinal axons. SPG11 and SPG15 have a similar clinical course and together are the most prevalent autosomal recessive HSP entity. The respective proteins play a role for macroautophagy/autophagy and autophagic lysosome reformation (ALR). Here, we report that spg11 and zfyve26 KO mice developed motor impairments within the same course of time. This correlated with enhanced accumulation of autofluorescent material in neurons and progressive neuron loss. In agreement with defective ALR, tubulation events were diminished in starved KO mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and lysosomes decreased in neurons of KO brain sections. Confirming that both proteins act in the same molecular pathway, the pathologies were not aggravated upon simultaneous disruption of both. We further show that PI4K2A (phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 alpha), which phosphorylates phosphatidylinositol to phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PtdIns4P), accumulated in autofluorescent deposits isolated from KO but not WT brains. Elevated PI4K2A abundance was already found at autolysosomes of neurons of presymptomatic KO mice. Immunolabelings further suggested higher levels of PtdIns4P at LAMP1-positive structures in starved KO MEFs. An increased association with LAMP1-positive structures was also observed for clathrin and DNM2/dynamin 2, which are important effectors of ALR recruited by phospholipids. Because PI4K2A overexpression impaired ALR, while its knockdown increased tubulation, we conclude that PI4K2A modulates phosphoinositide levels at autolysosomes and thus the recruitment of downstream effectors of ALR. Therefore, PI4K2A may play an important role in the pathogenesis of SPG11 and SPG15. Abbreviations: ALR: autophagic lysosome reformation; AP-5: adaptor protein complex 5; BFP: blue fluorescent protein; dKO: double knockout; EBSS: Earle’s balanced salt solution; FBA: foot base angle; GFP: green fluorescent protein; HSP: hereditary spastic paraplegia; KO: knockout; LAMP1: lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1; MAP1LC3B/LC3: microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta; MEF: mouse embryonic fibroblast; SQSTM1/p62: sequestosome 1; PI4K2A: phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 alpha; PtdIns3P: phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate; PtdIns4P: phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate; RFP: red fluorescent protein; SPG: spastic paraplegia gene; TGN: trans-Golgi network; WT: wild typ

    Quenched Cold Accretion of a Large Scale Metal-Poor Filament due to Virial Shocking in the Halo of a Massive z=0.7 Galaxy

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    Using HST/COS/STIS and HIRES/Keck high-resolution spectra, we have studied a remarkable HI absorbing complex at z=0.672 toward the quasar Q1317+277. The HI absorption has a velocity spread of 1600 km/s, comprises 21 Voigt profile components, and resides at an impact parameter of D=58 kpc from a bright, high mass [log(M_vir/M_sun) ~ 13.7] elliptical galaxy that is deduced to have a 6 Gyr old, solar metallicity stellar population. Ionization models suggest the majority of the structure is cold gas surrounding a shock heated cloud that is kinematically adjacent to a multi-phase group of clouds with detected CIII, CIV and OVI absorption, suggestive of a conductive interface near the shock. The deduced metallicities are consistent with the moderate in situ enrichment relative to the levels observed in the z ~ 3 Ly-alpha forest. We interpret the HI complex as a metal-poor filamentary structure being shock heated as it accretes into the halo of the galaxy. The data support the scenario of an early formation period (z > 4) in which the galaxy was presumably fed by cold-mode gas accretion that was later quenched via virial shocking by the hot halo such that, by intermediate redshift, the cold filamentary accreting gas is continuing to be disrupted by shock heating. Thus, continued filamentary accretion is being mixed into the hot halo, indicating that the star formation of the galaxy will likely remain quenched. To date, the galaxy and the HI absorption complex provide some of the most compelling observational data supporting the theoretical picture in which accretion is virial shocked in the hot coronal halos of high mass galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap