11 research outputs found

    Conciencia corporal y mindfulness: Validación de la versión española de la escala de conexión corporal (SBC)

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    Background: To assess the psychometric properties and the factor structure of the Spanish version of the Scale of Body Connection (SBC) in a community population of meditators and non-meditators and to investigate the relationships among mindfulness, body awareness and body dissociation. Methods: Design. Validation study. Sampling. An internet-based commercial system was used to recruit the sample. Instruments. In addition to the SBC, the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) were administered. Results: A sample of 578 subjects responded to all of the items in the protocol. A total of 55.2% of respondents had some previous experience with meditation. A Scree plot showed a two-factor solution involving the Body Awareness (BA) and Body Dissociation (BD) subscales. This study differed from the original validation study in the lack of independence of the subscales; they were correlated in the present study (r=-.11). Internal consistency for BA was α: .86, and for BD, the α was .62. Test-retest reliability was assessed in a subsample (N=67) and was r=.679 for BA and r=.765 for BD. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that mindfulness practice and the FFMQ factors of Observing and Describing were positive predictors of BA. Describing, Acting with awareness and Non-judging negatively predicted BD, and Observing positively predicted BD. Conclusion: The study confirms the adequacy of the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the SBC for use in community samples. The relationship between SBC and mindfulness is discussed in light of previous research.Objetivos: Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas y la estructura factorial de la versión española de la escala de conexión corporal (Scale of Body Connection (SBC)) en una población comunitaria de meditadores y no meditadores e investigar las relaciones entre atención, conciencia corporal y disociación corporal. Método: Diseño. Estudio de validación. Muestra. Para reclutar a la muestra se utilizó un sistema comercial basado en Internet. Instrumentos. Además de la SBC, se administraron el Cuestionario de las Cinco Facetas del Mindfulness (Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)) y la Escala de estrés, depresión y ansiedad (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21)). Resultados: Una muestra de 578 sujetos respondió a todos los ítems del protocolo. Un total de un 55,2% de los encuestados tenía alguna experiencia previa con la meditación. Un gráfico de sedimentación mostró una solución de dos factores que implicaban subescalas de conciencia corporal (CC) y disociación corporal (DC). Este estudio difiere del estudio de validación original en la falta de independencia de las subescalas, que se correlacionaban en el presente estudio (r=-0,11). La consistencia interna para CC fue de α: 0,86 y para DC, el α fue 0,62. La fiabilidad test-retest fue medida en una submuestra (N=67) y fue r=0,679 para CC y r=0,765 para DC. Un análisis de regresión múltiple jerárquica mostró que la práctica de la atención plena y los factores FFMQ de Observar y Describir fueron predictores positivos de CC. Describir, Actuar con conciencia y no juzgar predijo negativamente DC, y Observar predijo positivamente DC. Conclusión: El estudio confirma la adecuación de las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la SBC para su uso en muestras de población general. La relación entre SBC y la atención se analiza a la luz de la investigación anterior

    Psychometric properties of the Spanish validation of the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)

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    Background and Objectives: Mindfulness-based therapies have demonstrated effectiveness in many clinical contexts. Various therapies that train mindfulness skills have proliferated in recent years. There is increasing interest in mindfulness-based therapies and in incorporating instruments that measure mindfulness in order to understand its role in clinical and basic research. The Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) is a questionnaire for measuring mindfulness; it was derived from a factor analysis of five different questionnaires that measure a trait-like general tendency to be mindful in daily life. The objective of this study is to validate the FFMQ in a Spanish sample. Methods: The FFMQ was administered to a sample of 462 subjects ranging from 18 to 63 years (X = 27.9; SD = 9.75). The sample was composed by clinical (n = 146) and nonclinical (n = 226) subsamples. Results: The internal reliability of the scales ranged from acceptable to very good. Convergent analysis was conducted by computing Pearson’s correlations, showing high correlations. The factorial structure is the same as that proposed by Baer et al. Conclusions: The FFMQ proved to be an effective instrument for measuring mindfulness in clinical and non-clinical Spanish samples

    Assessing decentering: Validation, psychometric properties and clinical usefulness of the Experiences Questionnaire in a Spanish sample

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    Decentering is defined as the ability to observe one’s thoughts and feelings in a detached manner. The Experiences Questionnaire (EQ) is a self-report instrument that originally assessed decentering and rumination. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of EQ-Decentering and to explore its clinical usefulness. The 11-item EQ-Decentering subscale was translated into Spanish and psychometric properties were examined in a sample of 921 adult individuals, 231 with psychiatric disorders and 690 without. The subsample of nonpsychiatric participants was also split according to their previous meditative experience (meditative participants, n = 341; and nonmeditative participants, n = 349). Additionally, differences among these three subgroups were explored to determine clinical validity of the scale. Finally, EQ-Decentering was administered twice in a group of borderline personality disorder, before and after a 10-week mindfulness intervention. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated acceptable model fit, sbχ2 = 243.8836 (p .46; and divergent validity: r < − .35). The scale detected changes in decentering after a 10-session intervention in mindfulness (t = − 4.692, p < .00001). Differences among groups were significant (F = 134.8, p < .000001), where psychiatric participants showed the lowest scores compared to nonpsychiatric meditative and nonmeditative participants. The Spanish version of the EQ-Decentering is a valid and reliable instrument to assess decentering either in clinical and nonclinical samples. In addition, the findings show that EQ-Decentering seems an adequate outcome instrument to detect changes after mindfulness-based interventions

    Exploring relations among mindfulness facets and various meditation practices: Do they work in different ways?

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    Several meditation practices are associated with mindfulness-based interventions but little is known about their specific effects on the development of different mindfulness facets. This study aimed to assess the relations among different practice variables, types of meditation, and mindfulness facets. The final sample was composed of 185 participants who completed an on-line survey, including information on the frequency and duration of each meditation practice, lifetime practice, and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire. A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes structural model was specified, estimated, and tested. Results showed that the Model’s overall fit was adequate: χ2 (1045) = 1542.800 (p < 0.001), CFI = 0.902, RMSEA = 0.042. Results revealed that mindfulness facets were uniquely related to the different variables and types of meditation. Our findings showed the importance of specific practices in promoting mindfulness, compared to compassion and informal practices, and they pointed out which one fits each mindfulness facet better

    Meditation and happiness: Mindfulness and self-compassion may mediate the meditation–happiness relationship

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    Mindfulness and self-compassion are emerging as crucial constructs in mental health research. Recent studies have shown that both mindfulness and self-compassion skills may play important roles in well-being and positive emotions associated with mindfulness training. Studies are needed to explain this relationship and to determine what facets may be correlating and mediating the meditation–happiness relationship. The aim of this study was to explore the meditation–happiness relationship and examine which mindfulness and self-compassion facets are better predictors of happiness. A total of 365 participants completed an assessment protocol composed of: the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), the Self-Compassion Scale-short form (SCS-SF), and the Pemberton Happiness Index (PHI). Hierarchical regression analysis showed that two FFMQ facets (Observing and Awareness) and two SCS components (Self-kindness and Common humanity) were significant predictors of happiness. Mediation results revealed a significant total indirect effect of Observing, Awareness, Self-kindness and Common humanity in the meditation frequency–happiness relationship. Significant indirect effects were found for observing, self-kindness and common humanity. The results supported the model of mindfulness and self-compassion facets as partial mediators of the meditation–happiness relationship. Findings are in line with other studies and provide evidence about the influence of mindfulness and self-compassion on happiness

    Building a strong European alliance for personality disorder research and intervention

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    People with personality disorders frequently face stigma, ignorance and pessimism regarding the treatability of their disorders. This is despite substantial progress that has been made in developing a number of effective evidence based psychotherapeutic treatments. However, expertise in how to systematically deliver these treatments in a sustainable way throughout Europe is largely lacking. To bridge the gap between evidence based treatments and their implementation in health services, the European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders is currently building a new alliance of experts to promote personality disorder scholarship, and to support the development of clinical expertise and systematic treatment implementation throughout Europe. The aim of this paper is to describe how the Society is currently using its interdisciplinary and international roster of experts to address the specific treatment and research needs of the European personality disorder field, particularly to countries in which expertise in the field is less developed

    European guidelines for personality disorders: past, present and future

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    Personality disorders (PD) are common and burdensome mental disorders. The treatment of individuals with PD represents one of the more challenging areas in the field of mental health and health care providers need evidence-based recommendations to best support patients with PDs. Clinical guidelines serve this purpose and are formulated by expert consensus and/or systematic reviews of the current evidence. In this review, European guidelines for the treatment of PDs are summarized and evaluated. To date, eight countries in Europe have developed and published guidelines that differ in quality with regard to recency and completeness, transparency of methods, combination of expert knowledge with empirical data, and patient/service user involvement. Five of the guidelines are about Borderline personality disorder (BPD), one is about antisocial personality disorder and three concern PD in general. After evaluating the methodological quality of the nine European guidelines from eight countries, results in the domains of diagnosis, psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment of PD are discussed. Our comparison of guidelines reveals important contradictions between recommendations in relation to diagnosis, length and setting of treatment, as well as the use of pharmacological treatment. All the guidelines recommend psychotherapy as the treatment of first choice. Future guidelines should rigorously follow internationally accepted methodology and should more systematically include the views of patients and users

    Retos de la investigación psicológica en salud mental

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    The magnitude and impact of mental disorders does not correspond to the resources devoted to research and attention. Although we have made significant progress in their understanding and the efficacy of the psychological treatments, we are still far from an optimal situation. This paper focuses on one of the major issues which we consider fundamental challenges and needs in this area, the increase in research focusing on psychopathology, especially on the mechanisms and processes that explain and maintain mental disorders, as a key point for the design and development of new psychological interventions for the prevention, treatment, and promotion of mental health. The aim is to promote discussion among all stakeholders and debate on those lines we think as a priority.La magnitud y el impacto que suponen los trastornos mentales no se corresponden con los recursos que se dedican a su investigación y atención. Aunque hemos avanzado notablemente en su comprensión y en la eficacia de los tratamientos psicológicos que intentan paliarlos, estamos aún lejos de la situación óptima. Este trabajo se centra en uno de los retos y una de las necesidades que consideramos fundamentales, el incremento de la investigación focalizada en psicopatología, especialmente sobre los mecanismos y procesos que explican y mantienen estos problemas, como eje básico para el desarrollo de nuevas intervenciones psicológicas, tanto para la prevención como para el tratamiento y promoción de la salud mental. El objetivo es promover la discusión entre los agentes implicados y reflexionar sobre las líneas de trabajo que creemos prioritarias.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), a través de la Red de Excelencia PROMOSAM financiada por el MINECO (PSI2014-56303-REDT)


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónUna de las principales dificultades en la investigación de las emociones es la inducción de una respuesta emocional real mediante técnicas artificiales. El objetivo del presente estudio es validar al español una batería de películas con capacidad para inducir emociones (PIE) bajo condiciones experimentales y analizar su capacidad para provocar emociones básicas diferenciadas. Una muestra de 127 sujetos participaron en el estudio, se utilizaron 57 escenas de películas dobladas al español con capacidad en estudios previos para inducir 7 emociones: ira, miedo, tristeza, asco, diversión, ternura y neutra. La respuesta emocional subjetiva se midió utilizando la Self Assessment Manikins y el Discrete Emotions Questionnaire. Las películas mostraron una buena capacidad para inducir afectos positivos y negativos, niveles elevados de activación emocional y variaciones en la percepción de control de la emoción. Permitían la inducción de las emociones básicas de diversión y miedo diferenciadas, sin embargo, las de tristeza y asco no se diferenciaban significativamente de las de ira, y las de ira y ternura de las de tristeza. La PIE puede ser una herramienta útil para la investigación experimental de las emociones en población española.AsturiasColegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Calle Ildefonso Sánchez del Río, 4-1 B; 33001 Oviedo; Tel. +34985285778; Fax +34985281374;Universidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s. n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126;ES


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónMindfulness en el trastorno límite de la personalidad: el descentramiento media la efectividad del entrenamiento. Antecedentes: el entrenamiento de habilidades en Mindfulness es un componente central en la terapia dialéctica conductual para el tratamiento del trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP). El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la efectividad del entrenamiento de habilidades DBT basado en mindfulness (DBT-M) con el entrenamiento de habilidades DBT basado en la efectividad interpersonal (DBT-IE), en reducir síntomas TLP. También evaluamos el mecanismo de acción específico de estas terapias a través de dos mediadores propuestos: descentramiento y desregulación emocional. Método: 102 participantes diagnosticados con TLP fueron incluidos en el estudio. Se realizaron Anova de medidas repetidas y análisis de mediación múltiple. Resultados: DBT-M fue más efectivo que DBT-IE en reducir síntomas TLP, aunque ambas intervenciones fueron eficaces para reducir la desregulación emocional. Identificamos un modelo de mediación en serie en el que DBT-M redujo síntomas TLP al aumentar la capacidad de descentramiento, lo que a su vez redujo la desregulación emocional. Este efecto de mediación mostró que los cambios en el descentramiento precedieron a las mejoras en la desregulación emocional. Conclusiones: estos hallazgos destacan el rol del descentramiento como un mecanismo de acción primario en DBT-M y sugiere que esta habilidad es un componente principal para el tratamiento del TLP.ES