16 research outputs found

    Movement of palladium nanoparticles in hollow graphitised nanofibres: the role of migration and coalescence in nanocatalyst sintering during the Suzuki–Miyaura reaction

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    The evolution of individual palladium nanoparticle (PdNP) catalysts, in graphitised nanofibres (GNF), in the liquid-phase Suzuki-Miyaura (SM) reaction has been appraised. The combination of identical location-transmission electron microscopy (IL-TEM) and a nano test tube approach allowed spatiotemporal continuity of observations at single nanopartcile level, revealing that migration and coalescence is the most significant pathway to coarsening of the nanocatalyst, rather than Ostwald ripening. IL-TEM gave unprecedented levels of detail regarding the movement of PdNP on carbon surfaces at the nanoscale, including size-dependent migration and directional movement, opening horizons for optimisation of future catalysts through surface morphology design

    Core-Shell NaHoF<sub>4</sub>@TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs:a labeling method to trace engineered nanomaterials of ubiquitous elements in the environment

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    Understanding the fate and behavior of nanoparticles (NPs) in the natural environment is important to assess their potential risk. Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS) allows for the detection of NPs at extremely low concentrations, but the high natural background of the constituents of many of the most widely utilized nanoscale materials makes accurate quantification of engineered particles challenging. Chemical doping, with a less naturally abundant element, is one approach to address this; however, certain materials with high natural abundance, such as TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs, are notoriously difficult to label and differentiate from natural NPs. Using the low abundance rare earth element Ho as a marker, Ho-bearing core -TiO<sub>2</sub> shell (NaHoF<sub>4</sub>@TiO<sub>2</sub>) NPs were designed to enable the quantification of engineered TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs in real environmental samples. The NaHoF<sub>4</sub>@TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs were synthesized on a large scale (gram), at relatively low temperatures, using a sacrificial Al­(OH)<sub>3</sub> template that confines the hydrolysis of TiF<sub>4</sub> within the space surrounding the NaHoF<sub>4</sub> NPs. The resulting NPs consist of a 60 nm NaHoF<sub>4</sub> core and a 5 nm anatase TiO<sub>2</sub> shell, as determined by TEM, STEM-EDX mapping, and spICP-MS. The NPs exhibit excellent detectability by spICP-MS at extremely low concentrations (down to 1 × 10<sup>–3</sup> ng/L) even in complex natural environments with high Ti background

    Retention of perylene diimide optical properties in solid-state materials through tethering to nanodiamonds

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    The synthesis of nanodiamond-perylene diimide composites is reported. Suitably hydroxyl-functionalised perylene diimides (PDIs) are reacted with carboxylic acid functionalised nanodiamonds (NDs) through ester formation. The ND-PDI nanocomposite materials were characterised using a variety of different techniques confirming retention of the ND cores and interestingly the dye properties of the PDIs. In particular, fluorescence measurements suggest that PDIs tethered to NDs retain the characteristics of solution-phase PDIs rather than the optical properties associated with solid-state PDIs which are typically modified due to aggregation. Our relatively simple approach provides a mechanism for maintaining the solution-phase properties of PDIs in solid-state materials

    Host–Guest Hybrid Redox Materials Self‐Assembled from Polyoxometalates and Single‐Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    The development of next‐generation molecular‐electronic, electrocatalytic, and energy‐storage systems depends on the availability of robust materials in which molecular charge‐storage sites and conductive hosts are in intimate contact. It is shown here that electron transfer from single‐walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) to polyoxometalate (POM) clusters results in the spontaneous formation of host–guest POM@SWNT redox‐active hybrid materials. The SWNTs can conduct charge to and from the encapsulated guest molecules, allowing electrical access to >90% of the encapsulated redox species. Furthermore, the SWNT hosts provide a physical barrier, protecting the POMs from chemical degradation during charging/discharging and facilitating efficient electron transfer throughout the composite, even in electrolytes that usually destroy POMs

    Magnetic shepherding of nanocatalysts through hierarchically-assembled Fe-filled CNTs hybrid

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    Mechanically robust, chemically stable and electronically active carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are widely used as supports in catalysis. Synergistic effects between CNT and the active phase critically depend on the homogeneity of the carbon/inorganic interface, whose assembly is difficult to achieve without admixtures of free-standing inorganic matrix. Here we show that Fe-filled CNTs, employed as nanocatalyst supports, allow a facile preparation of highly pure and uniform CNT/nanocatalyst materials, by taking advantage of magnetic separation from poorly-defined components (e.g. aggregates of inorganic nanocatalysts). The higher homogeneity translates into higher catalytic activity in two industrially important processes: the photocatalytic hydrogen production and the water-gas shift reaction, WGSR (increase of ∌48% activity for the former and up to ∌45% for the latter as compared to catalysts isolated by standard filtration). In addition, the magnetic Fe core in the nanotubes enables effective separation and re-use of the nanocatalyst without loss of activity. This study demonstrates significant potential of magnetic CNTs as next generation of sustainable catalyst supports that can improve production of hydrogen and reduce the use of precious metals

    Blurring the boundary between homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis using palladium nanoclusters with dynamic surfaces.

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    Using a magnetron sputtering approach that allows size-controlled formation of nanoclusters, we have created palladium nanoclusters that combine the features of both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts. Here we report the atomic structures and electronic environments of a series of metal nanoclusters in ionic liquids at different stages of formation, leading to the discovery of Pd nanoclusters with a core of ca. 2 nm surrounded by a diffuse dynamic shell of atoms in [C4C1Im][NTf2]. Comparison of the catalytic activity of Pd nanoclusters in alkene cyclopropanation reveals that the atomically dynamic surface is critically important, increasing the activity by a factor of ca. 2 when compared to compact nanoclusters of similar size. Catalyst poisoning tests using mercury and dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctene show that dynamic Pd nanoclusters maintain their catalytic activity, which demonstrate their combined features of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts within the same material. Additionally, kinetic studies of cyclopropanation of alkenes mediated by the dynamic Pd nanoclusters reveal an observed catalyst order of 1, underpinning the pseudo-homogeneous character of the dynamic Pd nanoclusters

    Selective suppression of {112} anatase facets by fluorination for enhanced TiO2 particle size and phase stability at elevated temperatures

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    Generally, anatase is the most desirable TiO2 polymorphic phase for photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications due to its higher photoconductivity and lower recombination rates compared to the rutile phase. However, in applications where temperatures above 500 °C are required, growing pure anatase phase nanoparticles is still a challenge, as above this temperature TiO2 crystallite sizes are larger than 35 nm which thermodynamically favors the growth of rutile crystallites. In this work, we show strong evidence, for the first time, that achieving a specific fraction (50%) of the {112} facets on the TiO2 surface is the key limiting step for anatase-to-rutile phase transition, rather than the crystallite size. By using a fluorinated ionic liquid (IL) we have obtained pure anatase phase crystallites at temperatures up to 800 °C, even after the crystallites have grown beyond their thermodynamic size limit of ca. 35 nm. While fluorination by the IL did not affect {001} growth, it stabilized the pure anatase TiO2 by suppressing the formation of {112} facets on anatase particles. By suppressing the {112} facets, using specific concentrations of fluorinated ionic liquid in the TiO2 synthesis, we controlled the anatase-to-rutile phase transition over a wide range of temperatures. This information shall help synthetic researchers to determine the appropriate material conditions for specific applications

    Unravelling synergistic effects in bi-metallic catalysts: deceleration of palladium–gold nanoparticle coarsening in the hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde

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    In this work, we demonstrate that the synergistic effect of PdAu nanoparticles (NPs) in hydrogenation reactions is not only related to high activity but also to their stability when compared to Pd mono-metallic NPs. To demonstrate this, a series of mono- and bi-metallic NPs: Pd, Pd0.75Au0.25, Pd0.5Au0.5, Pd0.25Au0.75 and Au in ionic liquid [C4C1Im][NTf2] have been fabricated via a magnetron sputtering process. Bi-metallic NPs possess external shells enriched with Pd atoms that interact with [NTf2]− of the ionic liquid resulting in enhanced catalytic performance in hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde compared to their mono-metallic counterparts. This is ascribed to their higher stability over 24 h of reaction, whilst the catalytic activity and selectivity are comparable for both catalysts. Using a bespoke kinetic model for in situ catalyst deactivation investigations and electron microscopy imaging at the nanoscale, we have shown that PdAu has a deactivation rate constant of 0.13 h−1, compared to 0.33 h−1 for Pd NPs, leaving 60% and 40% of available sites after the reaction, respectively. Beyond that, the kinetic model demonstrates that the reaction product has a strong stabilizing factor for bimetallic NPs against coarsening and deactivation, which is not the case for Pd NPs. In summary, our kinetic model enables the evaluation of the catalyst performance over the entire chemical reaction space, probing the contribution of each individual component of the reaction mixture and allowing the design of high-performance catalysts

    Imaging and analysis of covalent organic framework crystallites on a carbon surface: a nanocrystalline scaly COF/nanotube hybrid

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    Synthesis of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) is well-advanced but understanding their nanoscale structure and interaction with other materials remains a significant challenge. Here, we have developed a methodology for the detailed imaging and analysis of COF crystallites using carbon nanotube substrates for COF characterisation. Detailed investigation using powder X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy in conjunction with a local probe method, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), revealed details of COF growth and nucleation at the nanoscale. A boronate ester COF undergoes preferential growth in the a–b crystallographic plane under solvothermal conditions. Carbon nanotubes were found to not impact the mode of COF growth, but the crystallites on nanotubes were smaller than COF crystallites not on supports. COF crystalline regions with sizes of tens of nanometres exhibited preferred orientation on nanotube surfaces, where the c-axis is oriented between 50 and 90° relative to the carbon surface. The COF/nanotube hybrid structure was found to be more complex than the previously suggested concentric core–shell model and can be better described as a nanocrystalline scaly COF/nanotube hybrid

    Revealing the true impact of interstitial and substitutional nitrogen doping in TiO2 on photoelectrochemical applications

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    Application of photocatalysts that strongly absorb within the visible range is a common strategy to improve the efficiency of photoelectrochemical (PEC) systems; this may translate to high photocurrents, but it is not always the case. Here, we show that nitrogen doping enhances visible light absorption of TiO2; however, it does not necessarily result in improved PEC performance. Depending on the applied external potential, N-doping can improve, or degrade, PEC performance either under water oxidation conditions or via hole scavenging (Na2S/Na2SO3). In this work, we developed a holistic approach to evaluate the true impact of N doping in TiO2 on PEC performance. Interstitial and substitutional N doping are experimentally explored for the first time through a simple and novel PEC approach which complemented X-ray photoelectron analyses. Using this approach, we show that interstitial N doping of anatase TiO2 dominates up to 400 °C and substitutional doping up to ca. 600 °C, without rutile formation. This reveals that the bottleneck for doping higher N-concentrations in TiO2 is the direct transformation to thermodynamically favorable N-rich phases, such as TiN/Ti2N at 700 °C, inhibiting the formation of rutile phase. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that N doping proceeds mainly from the inner to the outer tube walls via nitridation and follows a preferential pathway from interstitial to substitutional doping. Direct PEC experimental evidence on visible light activation of N doped TiO2, and the location of interband states, showed acceptor levels of 1.0 eV for substitutional and 0.7 eV for interstitial doping above the TiO2 valence band maximum. In addition, due to O vacancies and Ti3+ species, donor levels below the conduction band minimum were also created. These levels act as trapping/recombination centers for charge carriers and, therefore, the gain in the visible range due to N doping does not translate to an improved PEC performance by these structural defects. Ultimately, we show that whilst there is a benefit of visible light absorption through N doping in TiO2, the PEC performance of the samples only surpasses pristine TiO2 at relatively high biasing (>0.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl)