124 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and Future Implications of Counselor Education and Supervision Programs

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    Doctoral Theoretical Proposa

    Impact Of Tactile-Cued Self-Monitoring On Independent Biology Work For Secondary Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Results from a multiple baseline with changing conditions design across high school students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) indicated that the students increased the percentage of independent work they completed in their general education biology class after learning tactile-cued self-monitoring. Students maintained high percentages for completed work when the rate of tactile cues was faded from 1 per minute to 1 every 5 minutes, as well as when all tactile cues were withdrawn during a short-term maintenance phase.  Moreover, the students increased their correctly completed work from percentages substantially lower than the mean of their classmates to percentages that matched and surpassed the mean of their classmates. Qualitative data indicated that the participants and their co-teachers approved of the tactile-cued self-monitoring procedures. Results confirm and extend prior research findings that students improve performance during independent tasks after learning how to use tactile-cued self-monitoring and that students maintain improvements when the tactile cues are systematically faded. Although this research was conducted in a secondary school setting, the method also could be applied to higher education. Postsecondary disability resource center personnel might consider MotivAider use for students with ADHD and other disabilities that affect the capacity to stay on task

    Exploring Change and Continuities in Internationally Mobile Pre-Service Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Effective Teaching

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    : This qualitative study investigates the changes and continuities in conceptions of teaching and learning from course commencement to course completion for a group of international pre-service teachers undertaking a two-year Masters-level degree in Initial Teacher Education (ITE). Data were collected through a series of graphic elicitation activities and ranking tasks at baseline and endpoint. Findings indicate that there was: a growing emphasis on student engagement and its linkages to student learning; a shift from viewing teaching as the transfer of knowledge to learning as an active process; and a more developed repertoire of professional language to explain what is valued and why. This study provides valuable insights into international pre-service teachers’ evolving conceptions of teaching and learning. These findings suggest that international pre-service teachers need many opportunities to interrogate and refine their understanding of teaching and learning and how this applies to the contexts in which they will teach

    African American Urban Female Students' Perceptions of Social Factors Impacting Their Academic Achievement in One Public School District

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of social factors affecting the academic achievement of secondary African American urban (AAU) female students in an urban school district. This study determined whether the AAU females in this study perceived the social factors in the literature review to impact their academic achievement, the relationship between those social factors and academic achievement, and the differences in academic achievement by socioeconomic status. One hundred fifty-eight (158) AAU female students from three high schools in one urban district located in southeast Texas participated in this study. A self-generated 51-item questionnaire (Students' Perceptions of Social Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Urban Schools) was used to collect data for this study. There were three major results in the study. First, there were not any significant factors impacting the academic achievement of AAU females; secondly, AAU females did not perceive any social factors as significantly affecting their academic achievement; and finally, there were not any statistical differences between socioeconomic status and academic achievement. Specifically, the results did not reveal a difference between AAU 12th grade female students on free and reduced lunch and those not on free and reduced lunch in terms of academic performance

    Ariel - Volume 9 Number 1

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    Executive Editor Emily Wofford Business Manager Fredric Jay Matlin University News John Patrick Welch World News George Robert Coar Editorial Editor Steve Levine Feature Brad Feldstein Mark Rubin Graphics Steve Hulkower Photo Rick Spaide Circulation Lee Wugofsk

    Comment bien utiliser les TIC au collégial : le point de vue des étudiants

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    Sachant que la motivation est au cœur de l’apprentissage, les auteures de cet article se sont intéressées aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) qui pouvaient augmenter la motivation des étudiants à s’impliquer dans leurs apprentissages et dans les activités proposées en classe. Les professeurs du collégial participent de plus en plus au dynamisme du courant TIC en enseignement supérieur, privilégiant l’utilisation des technologies en classe. D’ailleurs, plusieurs recherches se sont déjà penchées sur l’intégration des TIC à l’enseignement collégial, mais peu se sont attardées en profondeur à toute la complexité pédagogique qu’elle implique. Cette complexité découle du fait que la technologie n’est pas utilisée dans le vide : une intégration pédagogique réussie des TIC doit s’insérer dans un cadre respectant certains principes et où les activités pédagogiques impliquant les TIC s’articulent finement à des méthodes servant des objectifs explicites. Dans une étude, les auteures ont tenté de mieux comprendre comment favoriser les apprentissages ainsi que la participation des étudiants par l’utilisation des TIC en classe en s’attardant à la perception qu’ont ceux-ci des différentes technologies et de la manière dont elles sont mises à profit par leurs professeurs durant la session. L’article expose les grandes lignes de cette recherche en pistant les lecteurs sur les TIC que préfèrent les étudiants ou sur celles qui semblent avoir un effet positif sur leurs apprentissages, de leur point de vue. Le texte présente, par ailleurs, des problèmes fréquents associés aux technologies que les étudiants ont relevés et des stratégies qu’il est possible de mettre en place pour les contrer. Les chercheuses espèrent fournir aux professeurs quelques réflexions quant aux meilleures façons d’intégrer les TIC en classe, en fonction de la perspective étudiante

    Les perspectives des étudiants et des professeurs sur l’excellence dans l’utilisation des TIC et du cyberapprentissage au collégial

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    "Ce document est basé sur le rapport final d’un projet financé par le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) et son partenaire, le ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (MEES) dans le cadre du programme Actions concertées Persévérance et réussite scolaires."Comprend un résumé, des références bibliographiques et des annexe

    Student and professor perspectives on exemplary practices in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and e-learning in colleges

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    "This document is based on the final report of a projet funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) and its partner the ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) for the program Actions concertées Persévérance et réussite scolaires."Comprend un résumé, des références bibliographiques et des annexe

    A role for sex chromosome complement in the female bias in autoimmune disease

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    Most autoimmune diseases are more common in women than in men. This may be caused by differences in sex hormones, sex chromosomes, or both. In this study, we determined if there was a contribution of sex chromosomes to sex differences in susceptibility to two immunologically distinct disease models, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and pristane-induced lupus. Transgenic SJL mice were created to permit a comparison between XX and XY within a common gonadal type. Mice of the XX sex chromosome complement, as compared with XY, demonstrated greater susceptibility to both EAE and lupus. This is the first evidence that the XX sex chromosome complement, as compared with XY, confers greater susceptibility to autoimmune disease
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