11 research outputs found

    Analisa Konduksi Panas Dua Dimensi pada Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga (FEM)

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    Seiring dengan kemajuan dunia industri, seperti industri penerbangan, kesehatan, kimia, elektronik, dan lain sebagainya, kebutuhan akan material komposit semakin meningkat untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Hal tersebut dikarenakan material komposit memiliki rasio beban dan berat yang tinggi dan ketahanan fatik yang baik. Namun demikian, keperluan terhadap material yang memiliki sifat-sifat ketahanan terhadap temperatur tinggi, ketahanan terhadap oksidasi juga meningkat. Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) adalah kelas material maju dari material komposit yang memiliki sifat material yang bervariasi dari satu titik ke titik lainnya. Sifat tersebut terbentuk dari dua atau lebih fase konstituen dengan gradasi dan sifat material khusus. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis dua dimensi konduksi panas dalam FGMs menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga (FEM). Tiga model gradasi sifat FGMs diteliti dalam studi yaitu Polinomial, Eksponensial dan Trigonometri. Respon temperatur dari FGMs dengan menggunakan ketiga model gradasi tersebut dibandingkan dan dianalisa. Distribusi temperatur optimum tiga model yang dibangun dengan perangkat lunak ANSYS. Jika ditinjau dari variasi FGMs yang digunakan untuk permasalahan konduksi panas, variasi trigonometri dihasilkan hasil yang baik. Misalkan pada geometri silinder berlubang, nilai temperatur rata-rata yang didapat sebesar �=30,3447 . Pada geometri persegi sebesar �=46,0835 . Dan pada geometri rumit sebesar �=25,2129 . Kemudian jika ditinjau dari performa, pada geometri silinder berlubang variasi kuadratik dengan jumlah nodal 1379, didapatkan waktu pengerjaan selama 434,6 s. Pada geometri silinder berlubang variasi eksponensial, waktu pengerjaan selama 435 s. Dan pada geometri silinder berlubang variasi trigonometri, waktu pengerjaan selama 444 s. Pada geometri persegi, didapatkan waktu pengerjaan yang rata-rata sama yakni selama 37 s. Dan pada geometri rumit didapatkan waktu pengerjaan yang rata-rata sama juga yakni selama 35 s. Dan yang terakhir jika ditinjau dari efisiensi, hasil dari FEM sangat mendekati hasil dari metode analitik. Misalkan pada geometri silinder berlubang variasi kuadratik dengan jumlah nodal 761, didapatkan rata-rata nilai error sebesar 0,0019. Pada geometri silinder berlubang variasi kuadratik dengan jumlah nodal 883, rata-rata nilai error sebesar 0,0013. Dan pada geometri silinder berlubang variasi kuadratik dengan jumlah nodal 1379, rata-rata nilai error sebesar 0,0012. ============================================================================================== Along with the progress of the industrial world, such as aviation industry, healthcare, chemical, electronics, etc., the n eed for composite materials is increasing to meet market demand. This is because composite materials have a high load and weight ratio and good fatigue resistance. However, the need for materials with high temperature resistance properties, resistance to o xidation also increases. Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) are advanced material classes of composite materials that have material properties that vary from one point to another. These properties are formed from two or more constituent phases with grada tions and special material properties. In this research will be conducted two - dimensional analysis of heat conduction in FGMs using Finite Element Method (FEM). Three models of gradation of FGMs properties were studied in the study of Polynomial, Exponenti al and Trigonometry. The temperature response of FGMs using the three gradation models is compared and analyzed. The optimum temperature distribution of three models built with ANSYS software. When viewed from the variations of FGMs used for heat conduction problems, trigonometric variations yielded good results. Suppose that in the cylinder geometry of the hole, the average temperature value obtained for T = 30,3447 oC. On a square geometry of T = 46,0835 oC. And on the complicated geometry of T = 25,2129 oC. Then, in terms of performance, the cylindrical geometry of quadratic variation with the number of nodal 1379, obtained the processing time for 434.6 s. In hollow cylindrical geometry of expone ntial variation, the processing time is 435 s. And on the cylinder geometry of the variation of trigonometry, the working time is 444 s. In rectangular geometry, the average working time is reached for 37 s. And in the complex geometry obtained the average workmanship time is also equal for 35 s. And finally, in terms of efficiency, the results of FEM are very close to the results of the analytic method. Suppose that in the cylindrical geometry of quadratic variation with the number of nodal 761, obtained a n average error value of 0.0019. In the cylindrical geometry of quadratic variation with the numeral number 883, the average error value is 0.0013. And on the cylindrical geometry of quadratic variation with the numal number 1379, the average error value is 0.0012

    Material performance in an effort to reduce the UHI (urban heat island) phenomenon at Deo Airport, Sorong City

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    Domine Eduard Osok Airport is a Class I Airport in the city of Sorong which is experiencing quite rapid development. This fairly rapid development has made airport managers think of ways to be able to provide maximum service to airport users. One of these services is to reduce the occurrence of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon in the airport area by placing several types of materials around the airport. Several types of heat-absorbing materials are natural or synthetic materials that are used to withstand high temperatures. Nature provides a choice of materials that can be applied in this effort. Raw materials contained in nature will later be processed or used directly as an effort to reduce heat. The city of Sorong is a city that has problems with the occurrence of the UHI phenomenon, because recently it has experienced an increase in population. In an effort to reduce the heat generated, various materials are used to be applied. These materials include Cast concrete Materials, Asphalt Materials, Soil Materials, and Paving Materials. In this study, the material performance in reducing heat is determined for the four materials. The measuring instrument used is a measuring instrument commonly used to measure temperature. Measurements were made from morning to night. The results obtained are that cast concrete material has better performance compared to other types of materials when applied as a heat absorbing material in buildings. Meanwhile, paving material is a good material if applied as a road material. With the average temperature produced for each material morning=25.20C, afternoon=26.20C, afternoon=26.60C, and night 25.90C and morning=32.70C, afternoon=33.90C, afternoon=29.00C, and night 28.8


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    Material peredam panas merupakan material alami atau sintetis yang diaplikasikan untuk menahan temperatur tinggi. Pada aplikasi sipil, guna mendapatkan kenyamanan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari material peredam panas banyak dipilih oleh karena kemampuan material tersebut. Di alam, banyak terkandung material peredam panas misalkan tanah, bebatuan mineral, dan lain sebagainya. Raw material tersebut, nantinya akan diolah atau dimanfaatkan langsung untuk diaplikasikan sebagai material peredam panas. Kota sorong merupakan sebuah kota yang memiliki kondisi paling kritis dan telah menjadi tantangan penting bagi banyak kota dalam permasalahan pulau panas perkotaan. Kondisi tersebut memacu timbulnya sebuah fenomena Urban Heat Island (UHI). Dalam upaya untuk mengurangi panas yang ditimbulkan, digunakan berbagai macam material untuk diaplikasikan di beberapa hal. Material tersebut diantaranya Material Beton Cor, Material Aspal, Material Tanah. Dalam penelitian ini, performa material dalam mengurangi panas ditentukan untuk ketiga material tersebut. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah alat ukur yang umum digunakan untuk mengukur temperatur. Pengukuran dilakukan mulai dari pagi sampai malam. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa material beton cor memiliki performa lebih baik dibanding dengan material jenis lain jika diaplikasikan sebagai atap dalam mengurangi panas. Sedangkan material aspal merupakan material yang baik jika diaplikasikan sebagai material jalan. Dengan temperatur rata-rata yang dihasilkan masing-masing material pagi = 〖32.5〗^0 C, siang = 〖60.2〗^0 C, sore = 〖34.7〗^0 C, dan malam = 〖31.0〗^0 C dan pagi = 〖30.0〗^0 C, siang = 〖33.4〗^0 C, sore = 〖29.4〗^0 C, dan malam = 〖28.5〗^0 C


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    Composite material is a material that has a multi-phase system composed of reinforcing materials and matrix materials. Causes the composite materials to have advantages in various ways such as low density, high mechanical properties, performance comparable to metal, corrosion resistance, and easy to fabricate. In the marine and fisheries industry, composite materials made from fiber reinforcement, especially fiberglass, have proven to be very special and popular in boat construction because they have the advantage of being chemically inert (both applied in general and marine environments), light, strong, easy to print, and price competitiveness. Thus in this study, tensile and impact methods were used to determine the mechanical properties of fiberglass polymer composite materials. Each test is carried out on variations in the amount of fiberglass laminate CSM 300, CSM 450 and WR 600 and variations in weight percentage 99.5% -0.5%, 99% -1%, 98.5% -1, 5%, 98% -2% and 97.5%-2.5% have been used. The results showed that the greater the number of laminates, the greater the impact strength, which was 413,712 MPa, and the more the percentage of hardener, the greater the impact strength, which was 416,487 MPa. The results showed that the more laminate the tensile strength increased, which was 87.054 MPa, and the more the percentage of hardener, the lower the tensile strength, which was 73.921 MPa


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    Reaction-diffusion equations represent many important and critical applications in engineering and science. Numerical techniques play an important role for solving such equations accurately and efficiently. This paper presents a brief review of meshless methods for solving general diffusion equations, including reaction-diffusion systems


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    Modeling of fatigue life of composite materials under various loading and environment conditions becomes important and challenging task from viewpoint of performance and reliability as it forms a basis for lifetime assessment of composite structures under complex variable state of stress. Application of soft computing techniques as new approach and route for modelling of composite material fatigue lives has attracted a great interest recently. The applications of soft computing techniques in fatigue life assessment of composite materials are reviewed and discussed in this paper

    Analisis Angka Lempeng Total Mikroba Pada Ikan Asin Di Kepulauan Ayau, Papua Barat

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    Masyarakat Kepulauan, utamanya di pulau terluar Indonesia pada umumnya membuat Ikan asin sebagai salah satu bentuk pengawetan makanan. Ikan sebagai salah satu sumber protein hewani, ikan asin banyak cukup banyak diminati oleh masyarakat. Ketersediaan  ikan asin dapat ditemui di pasar tradisional maupun pasar modern. Oleh karena itu perlu kajian yang merata diseluruh wilayah mengenai keamanan pangan khususnya pada ikan asin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya cemaran mikroba pada ikan asin kakap yang ada di Kepulauan Ayau, Papua Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, dengan menggambarkan jumlah koloni mikroba terhadap setiap sampel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Sembilan sampel mulai dari  sampel A sampai dengan sampel I menunjukkan bahwa jumlah angka lempeng total bakteri pada ikan asin tidak melewati batas maksimum sesuai yang ditetapkan oleh badan standar nasional Indonesia, sehingga jika ditinjau dari uji ALT maka layak untuk dikonsumsi

    Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Natural Composites Matoa Tree Wood as the Foundation for Environmentally Friendly House Piles

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    Composite materials, in simple terms, are materials that have a multi-phase system composed of reinforcing materials and matrix materials. Composite materials are divided into two types, namely synthetic composite materials and natural composite materials. Wood is a natural composite material consisting of a reinforcement and a matrix. The wood of the matoa tree (Pometia vinnata) is known for its good mechanical strength. The comparison of compressive mechanical strength in this study was conducted on matoa wood and ironwood tree wood (eusideroxylon zwageri). This was performed as supporting data in the discussion of natural composite materials of matoa tree wood as the foundation for environmentally friendly house piles. The results obtained were matoa wood and ironwood, respectively A1 = 6.07e^(-07) MPa, A2 = 1.11e^(-06) MPa, and A3 = 2.09e^(-06) MPa and B1 = 1.17e ^(-06) MPa, B2 = 2.13e^(-06) MPa, and B3 = 4.02e^(-06) MPa. These results indicated that the resistance to mechanical compression test of ironwood tree was greater than matoa tree. However, when it was seen based on the perspective of the impact on the environment, Matoa tree has environmentally friendly properties that are effective and efficient. This is supported by the nature of the matoa tree which is easy to cultivate and its roots do not damage other plants


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    PT. Ghody Bimantara Mandiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pekerjaan secara umum, mulai dari perencanaan sampai kepada pelaksanaan dan bergerak di semua pekerjaan proyek konstruksi, baik bangunan gedung maupun bangunan sipil. Dalam sebuah pengerjaan pekerjaan sipil, baja tulangan banyak diaplikasikan terutama baja tulangan polos. Dalam salah satu pekerjaan, terdapat sebuah permasalahan yang membuat besi beton polos tersebut harus diujikan ulang guna mengetahui kualitas besi beton yang digunakan. Peneliti bertujuan untuk membantu menganalisis kualitas besi beton polos yang digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk mengerjakan salah satu proyek pembangunan sebuah tempat pengolahan limbah. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel yang digunakan diambil dari sampel baja tulangan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan proyek pembangunan WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) PT. Etika Dairies Indonesia, pembangunan pasar modern, dan renovasi rumah. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian sifat mekanis yaitu pengujian tegangan leleh, pengujian kekuatan tarik dan pengujian regangan terhadap masing-masing benda uji. Kemudian dilakukan uji kesesuaian masing-masing sampel berdasarkan persyaratan SNI 2052-2017. Hasil menunjukkan nilai kuat tarik pada masing-masing sampel yang didapat yakni 600,86 , 597,99 , dan 598,84 . Hal tersebut menunjukkan sampel yang diujikan menggunakan uji tarik telah memenuhi standar SNI 2052-2017, sehingga layak digunakan untuk proyek yang akan dikerjakan