103 research outputs found

    Cryptic diversity in the leptothecate genera Laodicea and Tiaropsis (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2022-09-01Although they are an ecologically and economically important group of animals, hydrozoans are understudied because of their difficult identification due to their small size and fragility. Hydrozoans as a group show a great diversity in life strategies, and often include both a polyp and a medusa stage in their life cycle, which complicates their taxonomy because both stages may be needed for a correct identification. For the two leptothecate hydrozoan genera Laodicea (Family Laodiceidae) and Tiaropsis (Family Tiaropsidae), the polyp stage is very small and easy to overlook, while the medusa stage is conspicuous and relatively straightforward to identify, at least to genus level. Only one species of each of these genera is believed to occur in Norwegian waters, Laodicea undulata (Forbes &Goodsir, 1853) and Tiaropsis multicirrata (M. Sars, 1835), but preliminary data suggest that the diversity of these taxa in the region is higher than previously thought. In this study, I used DNA barcoding and different molecular species delimitation methods (based on mitochondrial markers 16S and COI and the nuclear marker ITS) in combination with a detailed morphological analysis of both the hydroid and medusa stages to assess the species diversity of the genera Laodicea and Tiaropsis in Norway. Based on molecular evidence, Laodicea undulatais shown to comprise two molecularly distinct Norwegian clades, which appear not to be sister species. Specimens morphologically identified as T. multicirrata split up into three distinct clades in Norway according to the evaluated molecular markers, indicating cryptic diversity in Tiaropsis for the studied region. For both Tiaropsis and Laodicea, the results suggest that the observed clades correspond to undescribed species, but further work is necessary to place them in a broader phylogenetic perspective and to identify any potential morphological characters that define them.Master's Thesis in BiologyBIO399MAMN-BIOMAMN-HAVS

    Recursive Parameter Estimation of Non-Gaussian Hidden Markov Models for Occupancy Estimation in Smart Buildings

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    A significant volume of data has been produced in this era. Therefore, accurately modeling these data for further analysis and extraction of meaningful patterns is becoming a major concern in a wide variety of real-life applications. Smart buildings are one of these areas urgently demanding analysis of data. Managing the intelligent systems in smart homes, will reduce energy consumption as well as enhance users’ comfort. In this context, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) as a learnable finite stochastic model has consistently been a powerful tool for data modeling. Thus, we have been motivated to propose occupancy estimation frameworks for smart buildings through HMM due to the importance of indoor occupancy estimations in automating environmental settings. One of the key factors in modeling data with HMM is the choice of the emission probability. In this thesis, we have proposed novel HMMs extensions through Generalized Dirichlet (GD), Beta-Liouville (BL), Inverted Dirichlet (ID), Generalized Inverted Dirichlet (GID), and Inverted Beta-Liouville (IBL) distributions as emission probability distributions. These distributions have been investigated due to their capabilities in modeling a variety of non-Gaussian data, overcoming the limited covariance structures of other distributions such as the Dirichlet distribution. The next step after determining the emission probability is estimating an optimized parameter of the distribution. Therefore, we have developed a recursive parameter estimation based on maximum likelihood estimation approach (MLE). Due to the linear complexity of the proposed recursive algorithm, the developed models can successfully model real-time data, this allowed the models to be used in an extensive range of practical applications

    Effects of the Agents Influencing the Serotonergic and Cannabinoid Systems on Memory in the Avoidance Test in Mice

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    Adult male albino mice in a shuttle box system were used for examination of learning for avoidance behavior and its deactivation. We measured the step-through latency in the acquisition of the task (STLa) before injections of the drugs tested (fluoxetine and URB597 (a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, SSRI, and an agent preventing decomposition of endocannabinoids, respectively) and the respective latency 24 h later after injections of these agents (STLr); total time spent in the dark compartment (TDC) was also measured in these situations. In mice that received fluoxetine (5, 10, and 20 mg/kg), the STLr were longer than those in the control, and the difference was significant at 10 mg/kg. Injections of URB597 decreased the STLr and, at medium and high doses (0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg), provided significant differences. All doses of fluoxetine led to significant decreases in the TDC values, while injections of URB597 increased this index (at 0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg, the shifts were significant). Combined injections of fluoxetine and URB597 (5 + 0.1, 10 + 0.3, and 20 + 1.0 mg/kg) increased the STLr values and decreased TDC values to the levels comparable with those at isolated injections of fluoxetine in the respective doses. Thus, fluoxetine improved memory, while URB597 impaired it; fluoxetine is capable of nullifying negative effects of URB597.У дорослих білих мишей-самців досліджували навчання поведінці уникання та деактивацію цього процесу в системі із човниковою камерою. Виміряли латентні періоди перетину межі при навчанні дó ін’єкції тестованих агентів – флуоксетину (інгібітора зворотного захоплення серотоніну, SSRS) та URB597 (речовини, що перешкоджає декомпозиції ендоканабіноїдів) і після таких ін’єкцій (STLa і STLr) відповідно; визначали також загальний час, проведений у темному компартменті в даних ситуаціях (TDC). У мишей, які отримували флуоксетин (5, 10 або 20 мг/кг), STLr ставали більшими, ніж у контролі, причому в разі використання 10 мг/кг різниця середніх була вірогідною. Ін’єкції URB597 зменшували значення TDC, і при середніх і високих дозах (0.3 і 1.0 мг/кг) відмінності перевищували рівень вірогідності. Флуоксетин у всіх дозах зумовлював істотне зменшення значень TDC, а ін’єкції URB597 збільшували цей показник (при 0.3 та 1.0 мг/кг зрушення були вірогідними). Комбіновані ін’єкції флуоксетину та URB597 (5 + 0.1, 10 + 0.3 і 20 + + 1.0 мг/кг) призводили до збільшення значень STLr і зменшення TDC до рівнів, порівнянних із тими, які спостерігалися в умовах ізольованих уведень флуоксетину у відповідних дозах. Таким чином, флуоксетин покращував пам’ять, тоді як URB597 порушував її; флуоксетин має здатність нейтралізувати негативні ефекти URB597

    The relation characteristics of personality of managers working in Iran University of Medical Sciences with success and desirable job

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    Background: Several studies suggest the existence of an effective relationship between individuals' characteristics and important factors such as occupational and organizational performance, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and etc. This study was designed based on the dimensions of personality (introversion/extroversion) of managers of Iran University of Medical Sciences at three levels (executive, middle and senior) with their career success rate. Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study, whose population was all managers of Iran University of Medical Sciences. To collect data, two valid and reliable questionnaires were used. The first questionnaire assessed personality characteristics of each director, and the second measured occupational success. Related tests such as Pearson correlation test and independent comparison (independent t-test) at a significance level of 0.05 were used for data analysis. Results: Findings revealed no significant relationship between variables of introversion and extroversion and occupational success among the senior managers, (p > 0.05). However, there was a direct but incomplete relationship between introversion and extroversion, which correlated with job success among middle and executives managers. Conclusion: It seems that in all three levels of managers, if the managers communicated more with employees and if the subject of communication was more of executive nature, the correlation rate would increase between extroversion and introversion with job success variables. Therefore, it is suggested to give attention to organizational interaction and communication, and contingency variables such as organization condition, structure, formality and complexity

    Examining the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on Increasing Resilience of War Injured Veterans

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    The present study aimed to investigate the impression of Mindfulness based on cognitive therapy (MBCT) on raise resilience of war injured veterans. The study is quasi-experimental study, with pre-test and post-test and control group. The sample included 30 war injured veterans in Mashhad city and they were divided into two groups as 15 in Mindfulness based cognitive therapy and 15 people in control group. The members of MBCT received 8 sessions of MBCT but there was no intervention for control group. Before and after intervention, Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) was completed by sample group. The results of covariance analysis showed that in post-test resilience scores in MBCT group had significant increase compared to control group. The study findings released that MBCT increased resilience of war injured veterans

    Examining the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Quality of Life in primary Infertile Women

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    The present study aimed to examine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on quality of life in infertile women. Semi-experimental design, a randomized controlled trial with assessment in baseline, after intervention and two- month follow-up was conducted on participants of control group. A total of 24 female patients with primary infertility diagnosis among patients who referred to the Infertility Center of Shariati hospital in Tehran were selected as volunteers and were assigned randomly into the experimental (n=12) and control groups (n=12). All participants completed Infertile Couples’ Quality of Life Questionnaire in three phases of baseline, after treatment and follow-up. Data were analyzed using multivariate repeated measurement of variance analysis. Results showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improve the quality of life in social and psychological components, depression, aggression and jealousy in participants of experimental group. Results of this study showed that mindfulness - based cognitive therapy can be effective in improving quality of life in infertile women

    Red Cell Distribution Width: an Unacknowledged Predictor of Mortality and Length of Stay following Revision Arthroplasty

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    Introduction Red blood cell distribution width (RDW), a measure of variability in size of circulating erythrocytes, is routinely reported in complete blood cell analysis, and together with mean cell volume (MCV) has conventionally been used to distinguish the cause of anemia. It is calculated by (Standard deviation of MCV÷ mean MCV) x 100, with normal range being 11.5%-14.5%. Several recent publications have described RDW as an independent predictor of adverse outcome and mortality in patients with different underlying medical conditions such as acute and chronic heart failure, peripheral artery disease, chronic pulmonary disease and acute kidney injury1. The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate possible relationship between RDW levels and length of stay (LOS) and mortality following revision total joint arthroplasty (TJA), and if that correlation existed, 2) to develop predictive models for LOS and mortality based on preoperative patient-related factors including RDW values

    Ефективність праці на вугільних шахтах:

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    Наведено основні положення з теорії та методології ефективності праці, обґрунтовано показники для оцінки її окремих сторін і загального рівня на підприємстві. Розглянуто фактори й закономірності їхнього впливу на ефективність праці та виявлені оптимальні параметри найбільш впливових факторів. Викладено основні положення методики виявлення та реалізації резервів підвищення ефективності праці на вуглевидобувних підприємствах. Показано прийоми вибору оптимального варіанта інновацій в галузі підвищення ефективності праці на вугільній шахті за допомогою ПЕОМ і дано відповідне програмне забезпечення. Основні положення методики проілюстровано комплексним прикладом проведення цієї роботи в умовах конкретної шахти. Призначено для широкого кола спеціалістів економічних служб вугільних підприємств, співробітників науково-дослідних підрозділів і організацій, проектних інститутів, що займаються розробкою проектів організації виробництва та праці. Може бути використана при вивченні окремих питань економіки, організації праці та виробництва студентами гірничих вузів а також в системі підвищення кваліфікації

    Examining the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Quality of Life in primary Infertile Women

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    The present study aimed to examine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on quality of life in infertile women. Semi-experimental design, a randomized controlled trial with assessment in baseline, after intervention and two- month follow-up was conducted on participants of control group. A total of 24 female patients with primary infertility diagnosis among patients who referred to the Infertility Center of Shariati hospital in Tehran were selected as volunteers and were assigned randomly into the experimental (n=12) and control groups (n=12). All participants completed Infertile Couples’ Quality of Life Questionnaire in three phases of baseline, after treatment and follow-up. Data were analyzed using multivariate repeated measurement of variance analysis. Results showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improve the quality of life in social and psychological components, depression, aggression and jealousy in participants of experimental group. Results of this study showed that mindfulness - based cognitive therapy can be effective in improving quality of life in infertile women

    Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 Specific Antibodies in Recovered Patients by Different ELISA Kits

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province of China. As long as the 27th of December 2021, approximately 280 million people have been infected with coronavirus, resulting in more than 5,418,421 deaths worldwide. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, different methods were introduced for diagnosing coronavirus-infected patients and evaluating the immune response, following the vaccination.Objective: The current study aimed to compare the level of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) specific IgG in a group of patients who recovered from COVID-19, measured by three different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on sera from patients who recovered from a real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-confirmed COVID-19 in Birjand, South Khorasan, Iran. SARS-CoV-2 anti-nucleocapsid (N) and spike (S) protein IgG levels were measured using commercial ELISA kits. Comparison between groups was made using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests.Results: The mean titer of anti-N IgG was significantly higher for the PishtazTeb Diagnostics kit than the Ideal Tashkhis Atieh kit (p<0.05). There was no correlation between the titer of anti-N IgG (PishtazTeb Diagnostics and Ideal Tashkhis Atieh) and anti-S IgG (Chemobind Company) antibodies.Conclusion: This study indicates that the domestic ELISA kits have variable but acceptable sensitivity for detecting SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG antibodies