4,329 research outputs found

    Radar tracking and motion-sensitive cameras on flowers reveal the development of pollinator multi-destination routes over large spatial scales.

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    PublishedJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCentral place foragers, such as pollinating bees, typically develop circuits (traplines) to visit multiple foraging sites in a manner that minimizes overall travel distance. Despite being taxonomically widespread, these routing behaviours remain poorly understood due to the difficulty of tracking the foraging history of animals in the wild. Here we examine how bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) develop and optimise traplines over large spatial scales by setting up an array of five artificial flowers arranged in a regular pentagon (50 m side length) and fitted with motion-sensitive video cameras to determine the sequence of visitation. Stable traplines that linked together all the flowers in an optimal sequence were typically established after a bee made 26 foraging bouts, during which time only about 20 of the 120 possible routes were tried. Radar tracking of selected flights revealed a dramatic decrease by 80% (ca. 1500 m) of the total travel distance between the first and the last foraging bout. When a flower was removed and replaced by a more distant one, bees engaged in localised search flights, a strategy that can facilitate the discovery of a new flower and its integration into a novel optimal trapline. Based on these observations, we developed and tested an iterative improvement heuristic to capture how bees could learn and refine their routes each time a shorter route is found. Our findings suggest that complex dynamic routing problems can be solved by small-brained animals using simple learning heuristics, without the need for a cognitive map.This research was supported by a combined grant from the Wellcome Trust, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (BB/F52765X/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Using interpretative phenomenological analysis to inform physiotherapy practice: An introduction with reference to the lived experience of cerebellar ataxia

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    The attached file is a pre-published version of the full and final paper which can be found at the link below.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Qualitative research methods that focus on the lived experience of people with health conditions are relatively underutilised in physiotherapy research. This article aims to introduce interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a research methodology oriented toward exploring and understanding the experience of a particular phenomenon (e.g., living with spinal cord injury or chronic pain, or being the carer of someone with a particular health condition). Researchers using IPA try to find out how people make sense of their experiences and the meanings they attach to them. The findings from IPA research are highly nuanced and offer a fine grained understanding that can be used to contextualise existing quantitative research, to inform understanding of novel or underresearched topics or, in their own right, to provoke a reappraisal of what is considered known about a specified phenomenon. We advocate IPA as a useful and accessible approach to qualitative research that can be used in the clinical setting to inform physiotherapy practice and the development of services from the perspective of individuals with particular health conditions.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    A life cycle stakeholder management framework for enhanced collaboration between stakeholders with competing interests

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    This is a postprint version of the Book Chapter. Information regarding the official publication is available from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 SpringerImplementation of a Life Cycle Sustainability Management (LCSM) strategy can involve significant challenges because of competing or conflicting objectives between stakeholders. These differences may, if not identified and managed, hinder successful adoption of sustainability initiatives. This article proposes a conceptual framework for stakeholder management in a LCSM context. The framework identifies the key sustainability stakeholder groups and suggests strategic ambiguity as a management tool to harness dysfunctional conflict into constructive collaboration. The framework is of practical value as it can be used as a guideline by managers who wish to improve collaboration with stakeholders along the supply chain. The article also fills a gap in the academic literature where there is only limited research on sustainability stakeholder management through strategic ambiguity

    Detection of poliovirus by ICC/qPCR in concentrated water samples has greater sensitivity and is less costly using BGM cells in suspension as compared to monolayers

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    The integrated cell culture quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (ICC/qRT-PCR) method is used in our lab to detect enteroviruses in environmental waters. Typically we utilize monolayers of 3 cell lines; buffalo green monkey kidney (BGM), human colonic carcinoma (CACO-2) and African rhesus monkey kidney (MA104) with the intent of providing one or more permissive hosts to a wide range of enteroviruses. In this study the BGM cell line was used to compare poliovirus infectivity in conventional monolayer cultures to BGM cells in suspensions. Propagated virus was subsequently amplified by qRT-PCR. Our PCR data showed lower cycle threshold (Ct) values in the suspensions which corresponded to a higher rate of infectivity than that observed in the monolayers. The difference in Ct values was determined statistically significant by One-way ANOVA (0.000). Infecting BGM cells in suspensions required less hands-on time, less chance of contamination and was more cost effective than utilizing the conventional monolayer technique

    The ontogeny of bumblebee flight trajectories: From naïve explorers to experienced foragers

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    Understanding strategies used by animals to explore their landscape is essential to predict how they exploit patchy resources, and consequently how they are likely to respond to changes in resource distribution. Social bees provide a good model for this and, whilst there are published descriptions of their behaviour on initial learning flights close to the colony, it is still unclear how bees find floral resources over hundreds of metres and how these flights become directed foraging trips. We investigated the spatial ecology of exploration by radar tracking bumblebees, and comparing the flight trajectories of bees with differing experience. The bees left the colony within a day or two of eclosion and flew in complex loops of ever-increasing size around the colony, exhibiting Lévy-flight characteristics constituting an optimal searching strategy. This mathematical pattern can be used to predict how animals exploring individually might exploit a patchy landscape. The bees’ groundspeed, maximum displacement from the nest and total distance travelled on a trip increased significantly with experience. More experienced bees flew direct paths, predominantly flying upwind on their outward trips although forage was available in all directions. The flights differed from those of naïve honeybees: they occurred at an earlier age, showed more complex looping, and resulted in earlier returns of pollen to the colony. In summary bumblebees learn to find home and food rapidly, though phases of orientation, learning and searching were not easily separable, suggesting some multi-tasking

    Optimal search patterns in honeybee orientation flights are robust against emerging infectious diseases.

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleLévy flights are scale-free (fractal) search patterns found in a wide range of animals. They can be an advantageous strategy promoting high encounter rates with rare cues that may indicate prey items, mating partners or navigational landmarks. The robustness of this behavioural strategy to ubiquitous threats to animal performance, such as pathogens, remains poorly understood. Using honeybees radar-tracked during their orientation flights in a novel landscape, we assess for the first time how two emerging infectious diseases (Nosema sp. and the Varroa-associated Deformed wing virus (DWV)) affect bees' behavioural performance and search strategy. Nosema infection, unlike DWV, affected the spatial scale of orientation flights, causing significantly shorter and more compact flights. However, in stark contrast to disease-dependent temporal fractals, we find the same prevalence of optimal Lévy flight characteristics (μ ≈ 2) in both healthy and infected bees. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary implications of these surprising insights, arguing that Lévy search patterns are an emergent property of fundamental characteristics of neuronal and sensory components of the decision-making process, making them robust against diverse physiological effects of pathogen infection and possibly other stressors.This study was funded jointly by a grant from BBSRC, Defra, NERC, the Scottish Government and the Wellcome Trust, under the Insect Pollinators Initiative (grant numbers BB/I00097/1 and BB/I000100/1). Additional support came from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, grant number WO 1745/2-1) to S.W. Rothamsted Research is a national institute of bioscience strategically funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

    Applications of advanced metrology for understanding the effects of drying temperature in the lithium-ion battery electrode manufacturing process

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    The performance of lithium-ion batteries is determined by the architecture and properties of electrodes formed during manufacturing, particularly in the drying process when solvent is removed and the electrode structure is formed. Temperature is one of the most dominant parameters that influences the process, and therefore a comparison of temperature effects on both NMC622-based cathodes (PVDF-based binder) and graphite-based anodes (water-based binder) dried at RT, 60, 80, 100 and 120 °C has been undertaken. X-ray computed tomography showed that NMC622 particles concentrated at the surface of the cathode coating except when dried at 60 °C. However, anodes showed similar graphite distributions at all temperatures. The discharge capacities for the cathodes dried at 60, 80, 100 and 120 °C displayed the following trend: 60 °C < 80 °C < 100 °C < 120 °C as C-rate was increased which was consistent with the trends found in adhesion testing between 60 and 120 °C. Focused-ion beam scanning electrode microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy suggested that the F-rich binder distribution was largely insensitive to temperature for cathodes. In contrast, conductivity enhancing fine carbon agglomerated on the upper surface of the active NMC particles in the cathode as temperature increased. The cathode dried at RT had the highest adhesion force of 0.015 N mm−1 and the best electrochemical rate performance. Conversely, drying temperature had no significant effect on the electrochemical performance of the anode, which was consistent with only a relatively small change in the adhesion, related to the use of lower adhesion water-based binders

    Isotope effect on the transition temperature TcT_c in Fe-based superconductors: the current status

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    The results of the Fe isotope effect (Fe-IE) on the transition temperature TcT_c obtained up to date in various Fe-based high temperature superconductors are summarized and reanalyzed by following the approach developed in [Phys. Rev. B 82, 212505 (2010)]. It is demonstrated that the very controversial results for Fe-IE on TcT_c are caused by small structural changes occurring simultaneously with the Fe isotope exchange. The Fe-IE exponent on TcT_c [αFe=−(ΔTc/Tc)/(ΔM/M)\alpha_{\rm Fe}=-(\Delta T_c/T_c)/(\Delta M/M), MM is the isotope mass] needs to be decomposed into two components with the one related to the structural changes (αFestr\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm str}) and the genuine (intrinsic) one (αFeint\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm int}). The validity of such decomposition is further confirmed by the fact that αFeint\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm int} coincides with the Fe-IE exponent on the characteristic phonon frequencies αFeph\alpha_{\rm Fe}^{\rm ph} as is reported in recent EXAFS and Raman experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. The paper is partially based on the results published in [New J. Phys. 12, 073024 (2010) = arXiv:1002.2510] and [Phys. Rev. B 82, 212505 (2010) = arXiv:1008.4540

    Immunohistochemical detection and regulation of α5 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits by FoxA2 during mouse lung organogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>α<sub>5 </sub>nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits structurally stabilize functional nAChRs in many non-neuronal tissue types. The expression of α<sub>5 </sub>nAChR subunits and cell-specific markers were assessed during lung morphogenesis by co-localizing immunohistochemistry from embryonic day (E) 13.5 to post natal day (PN) 20. Transcriptional control of α<sub>5 </sub>nAChR expression by FoxA2 and GATA-6 was determined by reporter gene assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Steady expression of α<sub>5 </sub>nAChR subunits was observed in distal lung epithelial cells during development while proximal lung expression significantly alternates between abundant prenatal expression, absence at PN4 and PN10, and a return to intense expression at PN20. α<sub>5 </sub>expression was most abundant on luminal edges of alveolar type (AT) I and ATII cells, non-ciliated Clara cells, and ciliated cells in the proximal lung at various periods of lung formation. Expression of α<sub>5 </sub>nAChR subunits correlated with cell differentiation and reporter gene assays suggest expression of α<sub>5 </sub>is regulated in part by FoxA2, with possible cooperation by GATA-6.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data reveal a highly regulated temporal-spatial pattern of α<sub>5 </sub>nAChR subunit expression during important periods of lung morphogenesis. Due to specific regulation by FoxA2 and distinct identification of α<sub>5 </sub>in alveolar epithelium and Clara cells, future studies may identify possible mechanisms of cell differentiation and lung homeostasis mediated at least in part by α<sub>5</sub>-containing nAChRs.</p
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