436 research outputs found

    Blockchain Technology: Its Applicability, Challenges, and How these Challenges can be Handled in the Normal Accounting Cycle

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    The tremendous advances in digital technology continue to affect how people live nowadays. In the fields of education, business, medicine, and science, among others, the fast-paced modernization of different processes is tremendously evident by adopting the latest digital resources to add value in the provision of services. In the world of finance and accounting, the presence of cryptocurrencies, the prevalent use of electronic wallets, and blockchain technology (BCT) are indicative of the revolutionary impacts of digitization. BCT is a distributed ledger, which contains different potential benefits on the one hand and different potential challenges on the other. Potential benefits are in terms of security, digital identity, and cost savings. Meanwhile, potential challenges include its technicality, complicated features, and scalability. The potential benefits and challenges are worth noting to find out its applicability in the normal accounting cycle. Despite the available literature about the use of BCT, no study has been conducted yet on how it would be possibly applicable in the normal accounting cycle. The purpose of this paper is to give a general overview, based on a literature review, of the potential applicability of BCT in the normal accounting cycle. This study used the theory synthesis, a method that included an examination of 17 recent or current literature published from 2017 to 2021 about the BCT and its potential applicability in the accounting cycle, including its challenges and how these challenges can be handled. The potential benefits of BCT in terms of security, digital identity, and cost savings might be considered on its applicability in the normal accounting cycle. However, the potential challenges shall also be considered to have a holistic perspective on dealing with the subject matter.Keywords: blockchain, blockchain technology, normal accounting cycl

    Proposed methodology for evaluation of automatic controller of boom sections and spray

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    Na aplicação de produtos fitossanitários, a utilização de equipamentos que controlam automaticamente as seções da barra e a pulverização já é realidade; entretanto, ainda não há resultados que demonstrem a sua eficácia. Por esse motivo, este trabalho teve por finalidade desenvolver uma metodologia para a avaliação de um equipamento que controla automaticamente as seções e a pulverização. Avaliou-se um controlador automático de seções e pulverização de mercado, e, para tanto, foram utilizados três níveis de acurácia do sinal de GPS (algoritmo interno, SBAS e RTK), três ângulos para a simulação de entrada e saída da barra de pulverização em relação à borda do talhão (0; 45 e 60º ) e três velocidades de trabalho (1,66; 5,00 e 8,33 m s-1). A metodologia proposta possibilitou a determinação dos tempos e distâncias de abertura e fechamento das seções. Os coeficientes de variação para os tempos e distâncias de abertura e fechamento das seções indicaram uma variação considerável. Houve interações significativas em função do tipo de sinal de GPS. A configuração recomendada pelo fabricante e adotada para a avaliação do controlador automático de seções e pulverização não atende a todas as situações simuladas.In the application of pesticides, the use of equipment that automatically controls the sections of the boom and the spray is already reality. However, there are no results to show its effectiveness. Therefore, this work was to develop a methodology for the evaluation of equipments which automatically controls the boom sections and the spraying pattern. A commercial automatic controller of boom spraying sections was evaluated using three levels of GPS accuracy (internal algorithm, SBAS and RTK), three angles for the simulation of entry and exit of the spray bar on field edges (0, 45 and 60 º ) and three forward speeds (1.66, 5.00 and 8.33 m s-1). The proposed methodology allowed the determination of opening and closing times of the electric valves. The coefficients of variation indicated a considerable variation. There were significant interactions depending on the type of GPS signal used. The manufacturer recommended configuration, used for the evaluation of the automatic boom sections and spraying controller, does not attended all the simulated situations

    Performance of Direct Displacement Based Design on Regular Concrete Building Against Indonesian Response Spectrum

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    The renewal of Indonesian seismic code from SNI 1726-2002 into SNI 1726-2012 brings significant change in the design spectrum. Focused on several regular plan concrete building which have been design using displacement based design method, the aim of this study is to verify their performance using nonlinear time history analysis based on parameters: drift, damage indices, and plastic mechanism determined by FEMA 356. The excitation is spectrum consistent accelerogram based on El-Centro 1940 N-S, to match with the new Indonesian response spectrum for soft soil in low- and high intensity area. It is found that the code-designed buildings are not suitable for the targeted design of level-2 with maximum drift of 2.5% due to major. This is caused by improper selection of SNI spectrum as the design major earthquake. In fact, it is only equivalent to small earthquake. Although buildings survive up to a very rare earthquake without collapse but they suffer excessive damage and rotation due to small- to major-earthquake. The capacity design procedure is able to maintain ductile mechanism, but some columns experience yielding at prohibited locations

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre métodos anticonceptivos de privados de libertad, sistema peninteciario, Tipitapa La Modelo. I Semestre, 2013

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    Se realizó estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para valorar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de privados de libertad sobre métodos anticonceptivos en la cárcel ubicada en el municipio de Tipitapa. En relación a la muestra se calculó 190 participantes del sexo masculino sobre un universo de 3.101 reclusos. Para lograr los objetivos se usó la entrevista con 11 preguntas abiertas a los informantes claves. Una entrevista semiestructurada para medir la información; el conocimiento con afirmaciones sencillas y las prácticas se calificaron como Buenas, Regulares y Malas; para indagar las actitudes se elaboraron aseveraciones con niveles de respuestas que van desde totalmente de acuerdo (TA) hasta totalmente en desacuerdo (TD) en la escala de Likert; quedando una serie de 77 reactivos definitivos. Al describir la información un 51.0% dicen conocer sobre tipos de métodos anticonceptivos, que han escuchado hablar en la televisión y en un 60.8% escuchó hablar al personal de salud (penitenciario) sin embargo los amigos y padres de familia son los que menos hablan de métodos anticonceptivos. Los conocimientos en cuanto al concepto fueron proyectados un 99. 5% que se utilizan para evitar embarazos y que tienen mayor conocimiento de la inyección que las mujeres se ponen y la abstinencia como el método más seguro. Las actitudes se orientan a que las parejas deben recibir información de anticonceptivos en un 91.1% (TA) y de igual manera que las mujeres adultas y los hombres deben de usar anticonceptivos. Respecto a las personas que deben de usar manifestaron un 81.1% (TA) que en el reclusorio debe usarse. También confirmaron en un 76.8% que independientemente de la religión puede usarse un método anticonceptivo. Referente a los mitos reconocen de forma insignificante estar totalmente de acuerdo en un 19.5% que con el uso de anticonceptivos se pierde el deseo sexual y que debido al machismo en Nicaragua los hombres deciden no usar métodos anticonceptivos (67,4%) y por último se preguntó del lugar y personas que ofertan anticonceptivos aseverando de manera favorable que en las farmacias; en relación si deben ser prescrito por un médico luego de asistir a consulta. Las prácticas reflejan que el primer método que comenzaron a utilizar con sus parejas fue el condón y otros que no utilizaron ningún tipo pero que actualmente siguen usando este anticonceptiv

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Decisions for Coffee Shops in Tomohon City

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    The coffee shop has now become a phenomenon in the community, drinking coffee is now no longer just to eliminate sleepiness, but as part of a lifestyle where the coffee shop is a very popular gathering place. The city of Tomohon is also inseparable from the phenomenon of coffee shops where coffee shops have begun to appear in various locations around the Tomohon city. This study aims to determine the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions on coffee shops in Tomohon City by conducting a case study at Elmonts Coffee & Roastery Tomohon. The method used in this research is a qualitative case study method. Data collection techniques are carried out by in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The data validity technique used is source triangulation and triangulation techniques with data analysis techniques namely Miles and Huberman model analysis techniques. The results showed 6 factors that influenced purchasing decisions at a coffee shop in Tomohon City, namely product, atmosphere, social, promotion, location, and brand

    Implementasi Prototipe Automasi Pintu dan Jendela Rumah Melalui Perintah Suara

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    Abstrak Perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi yang begitu pesat saat ini seiring dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan membuat “Teknologi” tidak asing bagi manusia. Teknologi berperan penting untuk membantu serta memudahkan proses kehidupan masyarakat, terlebih lagi pada era modern sekarang ini sudah banyak berkembang sistem Home Automation (automasi rumah). Tugas Akhir ini menyajikan implementasi prototipe yang dapat memudahkan masyarakat untuk mengendalikan pintu dan jendela rumah hanya dengan menggunakan perintah suara. Aplikasi Speech Recognition pada smartphone digunakan sebagai penerima dan pemroses perintah suara menjadi perintah dalam bentuk digital text. Selanjutnya perintah tersebut akan dikirimkan melalui sinyal Bluetooth ke Bluetooth modul, dalam tugas akhir ini menggunakan HC-05, yang telah terhubung dengan Arduino Uno. Arduino Uno akan mengolah perintah tersebut dan mengirimkan sinyal ke aktuator untuk mengendalikan pintu dan jendela. Implementasi prototipe mengendalikan jendala dan pintu rumah dengan perintah suara berhasil dibuat dengan jarak jangkauan sistem ±10 meter. Kata kunci: Home Automation, Smartphone, Perintah Suara, Android, Arduino Uno, Aktuator

    Evaluasi Kinerja Bangunan Yang Didesain Secara Ddbd Terhadap Gempa Rencana

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    Salah satu dari prosedur untuk mendesain bangunan terhadap gempa adalah Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) yang merupakan varian dari Displacement Based Design (DBD). Beberapa penelitian telah menggunakan DDBD dengan beban gempa sesuai SNI 2002 dan 2012. Semuanya menunjukan bahwa DDBD memiliki kinerja yang sangat baik. Padahal beban rencana tersebut jauh lebih rendah daripada target desain yang diharapkan (gempa dengan periode ulang 2500 tahun) Oleh karena itu pengujian dilakukan cara non-linier time history analysis dengan gempa El-Centro 1940 N-S yang sudah dimodifikasi untuk wilayah Surabaya dan Jayapura menurut SNI 1726-2012 untuk berbagai periode ulang gempa. Untuk mengetahui kinerja bangunan tersebut, digunakan parameter drift, momen rotasi dan mekanisme keruntuhan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja bangunan sangat baik untuk level gempa tinggi (2500 tahun). Dari letak sendi plastis yang terjadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa capacity design pada bangunan tidak terjamin dengan sempurna, karena muncul sendi plastis pada kolom selain pada kolom lantai paling bawah dan kolom lantai paling atas. Namun side sway mechanism tetap terjamin, karena balok selalu leleh terlebih dahulu sebelum kolom


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    Teknologi Informasi saat ini sudah berkembang sangat pesat hingga merambah kesetiap segi kehidupan manusia. Baik itu dalam menjalin hubungan, transaksi bahkan sebagai sarana produk, pembiayaan dan penjualan dengan sistem kredit. Oleh sebab itu Penulis memanfaatkan untuk membuat Sistem Pengolahan Data Kredit Sepeda Motor Honda di PT. FIF Pos Larantuka Kabapaten Flores Timur Berbasis web. Dengan menggunakan sistem tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu kelancaran dalam menjalankan operasional dalam pengolahan dan pemasukan data kredit serta pembayaran pada kasir. Membangun suatu website atau web dapat menggunakan beberapa aplikasi software yang salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan Hypertext Preprocessor ( PHP ) dan sebagai includes bisa digunakan HTMLScript untuk membuat tampilan web menjadi lebih interaktif dan dinamis. Penulis menggunakan data base MySQL server dan yang disimpan berupa tabel Motor, tabel kostumer, tabel pembelian dan, tabel angsuran. Dengan melakukan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menemukan sistem pengolahan data yang selama ini dianggap kurang efisien dan mencoba memberikan solusi terbaik dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut, khususnya dalam menerapkan sistem pengolahan data kredit yang lebih terkomputerisasi dan lebih terkoordinasi dengan baik, sehingga di harapkan tercapainya tujuan Perusahaan yaitu membantu karyawan khusus Kasir dan bagian AR(Account receivable) di Pos Larantuka dalam Pengolahan dan pemasukkan data Kredit serta pembayaran sehingga dapat lebih cepat dan mudah dalam pengaksesan data kredit. Kata kunci : Artikel FIF, PHP, SQL, WEB

    Escalation in high fat intake in a binge eating model differentially engages dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area and requires ghrelin signaling

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    Binge eating is a behavior observed in a variety of human eating disorders. Ad libitum fed rodents daily and time-limited exposed to a high-fat diet (HFD) display robust binge eating events that gradually escalate over the initial accesses. Intake escalation is proposed to be part of the transition from a controlled to a compulsive or loss of control behavior. Here, we used a combination of behavioral and neuroanatomical studies in mice daily and time-limited exposed to HFD to determine the neuronal brain targets that are activated – as indicated by the marker of cellular activation c-Fos – under these circumstances. Also, we used pharmacologically or genetically manipulated mice to study the role of orexin or ghrelin signaling, respectively, in the modulation of this behavior. We found that four daily and time-limited accesses to HFD induce: (i) a robust hyperphagia with an escalating profile, (ii) an activation of different sub-populations of the ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons and accumbens neurons that is, in general, more pronounced than the activation observed after a single HFD consumption event, and (iii) an activation of the hypothalamic orexin neurons, although orexin signaling blockage fails to affect escalation of HFD intake. In addition, we found that ghrelin receptor-deficient mice fail to both escalate the HFD consumption over the successive days of exposure and fully induce activation of the mesolimbic pathway in response to HFD consumption. Current data suggest that the escalation in high fat intake during repeated accesses differentially engages dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area and requires ghrelin signaling