20 research outputs found

    Technological Development of Priority Tourist Destinations and Maging Towns

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    This work is intended to be of support and utility for the Ministry of Tourism in Mexico, so that they can build a future SWOT evaluation of tourist destinations. As well, for those who are interested in areas related to the topics presented in this handbook.It presents the development of incorporate indicators of the Priority Tourist Destinations and Magic Towns of Mexico, derived from Sectorial Project 242853 called Development of Information Systems for the Management of the Tourist Destinations of Mexico, where the analysis of the Project is detailed, until the Achievement of the technological innovation generated, through an Information System.Mexico is a country which has as one of its strengths, cultural and natural resources in each of its states, municipalities and localities. Customs, traditions, gastronomy, ceremonial centers, archeological zones, waterfalls, the abundance in flora and fauna; so describe each of its wonders. These resources require laws and regulations to protect and maintain them, to improve infrastructure, to be sustainable, and attractive to national and international tourism without being damaged or that the inhabitants of those places are benefited by the generation of jobs, social security among others. Balancing all the factors involved is an arduous task and requires studies such as those carried out by various governmental and educational institutions, the private sector among others. In the next work to be published called "Compendium of tourist indicators of priority tourist destinations and magical towns", the analysis of variables and indicators of Priority Tourist Destinations is analyzed, taking as reference various guidelines, standards and information sources as The National Development Plan (NDP) 2013-2018, Tourism Sector Program 2013-2018 (TSP), Identification of Tourism Potentials in Regions and Municipalities (Fascicle 8), Competitiveness Agendas of Mexico's Tourist Destinations, (IMCO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Alliance for Excellence in Tourism (EXCELTUR), ITESM, the Guide for Incorporation and Permanence of the Magic Towns of the Tourism Secretaríat (Sectur) with the analysis for the automation of the evaluation of the Magic Towns, INEGI, DATATUR, DENUE among others. As a result of this in-depth analysis, we reach a concentration of 2610 indicators, which are found in an indicator matrix, which can be structured in a hierarchy with a level three depth (Component, subcomponent, factor and indicator). It is necessary to reduce these indicators, so that they identify and select those that have the greatest impact on the observation of tourism development of the destination, taking into account the sustainability, competitiveness, potential and tourism performance of priority tourist destinations and magic towns. The selection of these indicators is done with an affinity diagram or K-J method (Kawakita Jiro), which allows SWOT analysis of the CAs of priority tourist destinations and magic towns and the matrix of the 2610 indicators. This work is intended to be of support and utility for the Ministry of Tourism in Mexico, so that they can build a future SWOT evaluation of tourist destinations. As well, for those who are interested in areas related to the topics presented in this handbook.It presents the development of incorporate indicators of the Priority Tourist Destinations and Magic Towns of Mexico, derived from Sectorial Project 242853 called Development of Information Systems for the Management of the Tourist Destinations of Mexico, where the analysis of the Project is detailed, until the Achievement of the technological innovation generated, through an Information System.CONACY

    Fortalecimiento del manejo y conservación de corales en Áreas Naturales Protegidas del Pacífico mexicano mediante una red colaborativa

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    Most of the coral communities of the Mexican Pacific Ocean are located in Natural Protected Areas (NPAs); nevertheless, they are in risk for climatic and anthropogenic threats. In order to promote the conservation of coral reefs in the Mexican Pacific Ocean, one has formed the Coral Conservation Network of the Mexican Pacific. The efforts of collaboration have focused on four principal axes a) strengthening of the management in NPAs, b) training and diffusion of good tourism practices, c) evaluation of the state of conservation of the coral reefs, and d) environmental sensitization. There has been achieved the publication and diffusion of the State of Conservation of the Corals of the Mexican Pacific, in which there are estimated the indicators of coral coverage, abundance and biomass of fish, abundance of invertebrates, and the calculation of the Integrated Index of Reef Health. These indicators reflect the management implemented in the ANPs, participants of these analyses; the utility of standardized protocols that allow comparisons in the time and between NPAs, as well as the need to carry out the monitoring, adapted to the region, and coherent with the capacities of the actors on each ANP. On the other hand, sensitization has been carried out on the importance and the threats towards the corals to persons of different sectors across campaigns of environmental sensitization that reached 5,000 students, as well as the distribution of 12,000 guides of the identification of species and good tourism practices in NPAs. These efforts have been important, nevertheless the creation and permanence of the Coral Conservation Network of the Mexican Pacific Ocean has been perhaps the most impactful achievement on management and conservation in the Region.La mayoría de las comunidades coralinas del Pacífico mexicano están ubicadas en Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANPs); sin embargo, están en riesgo por amenazas climáticas y antropogénicas. Con el fin de promover la conservación de arrecifes de coral en el Pacífico mexicano, se ha formado la Red de Conservación de los Corales del Pacífico mexicano. Los esfuerzos de colaboración se han enfocado en cuatro ejes principales a) fortalecimiento del manejo de ANPs, b) capacitación y difusión de buenas prácticas turísticas, c) evaluación del estado de conservación de los sistemas arrecifales, y d) sensibilización ambiental. Se ha logrado la publicación y difusión del Estado de Conservación de los Corales del Pacífico mexicano, en el cual se estiman los indicadores de cobertura de coral, abundancia y biomasa de peces, abundancia de invertebrados y el cálculo del Índice Integrado de Salud Arrecifal. Estos indicadores reflejan las medidas de manejo en las ANPs que participaron, la utilidad de protocolos estandarizados que permiten realizar comparaciones en el tiempo y entre ANPs, así como la necesidad de llevar a cabo los monitoreos de forma adaptada a la región y congruente con las capacidades de los actores en cada ANP. Por otro lado, también se ha llevado a cabo la sensibilización sobre la importancia y las amenazas hacia los corales a personas de diferentes sectores, a través de campañas de sensibilización ambiental que han alcanzado 5,000 estudiantes, así como de la distribución de 12,000 guías de identificación de especies y buenas prácticas turísticas en ANPs. Estos esfuerzos han sido importantes, sin embargo la creación y permanencia de la Red de Conservación de los Corales del Pacífico mexicano ha sido quizás el mayor logro de manejo y conservación en la Región

    Global human footprint on the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in reef fishes

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    Copyright: © 2011 Mora et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Difficulties in scaling up theoretical and experimental results have raised controversy over the consequences of biodiversity loss for the functioning of natural ecosystems. Using a global survey of reef fish assemblages, we show that in contrast to previous theoretical and experimental studies, ecosystem functioning (as measured by standing biomass) scales in a non-saturating manner with biodiversity (as measured by species and functional richness) in this ecosystem. Our field study also shows a significant and negative interaction between human population density and biodiversity on ecosystem functioning (i.e., for the same human density there were larger reductions in standing biomass at more diverse reefs). Human effects were found to be related to fishing, coastal development, and land use stressors, and currently affect over 75% of the world's coral reefs. Our results indicate that the consequences of biodiversity loss in coral reefs have been considerably underestimated based on existing knowledge and that reef fish assemblages, particularly the most diverse, are greatly vulnerable to the expansion and intensity of anthropogenic stressors in coastal areas

    Diseño para el desarrollo sustentable y la habitabilidad segura e incluyente

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    Este libro se divide en dos partes que permiten permear en el campo de la enseñanza del diseño; la primera se enfoca en temáticas que se desprenden del diseño en la educación para la sustentabilidad; en la segunda, se identifican las tendencias del diseño como un modo de verlo y sentirlo: va desde el diseño emocional hacia uno de conservación, reúso y reparación de objetos para reducir el consumo de recursos materiales

    4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil. El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país. La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica. Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas

    Omecamtiv mecarbil in chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, GALACTIC‐HF: baseline characteristics and comparison with contemporary clinical trials

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    Aims: The safety and efficacy of the novel selective cardiac myosin activator, omecamtiv mecarbil, in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is tested in the Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac outcomes Through Improving Contractility in Heart Failure (GALACTIC‐HF) trial. Here we describe the baseline characteristics of participants in GALACTIC‐HF and how these compare with other contemporary trials. Methods and Results: Adults with established HFrEF, New York Heart Association functional class (NYHA) ≥ II, EF ≤35%, elevated natriuretic peptides and either current hospitalization for HF or history of hospitalization/ emergency department visit for HF within a year were randomized to either placebo or omecamtiv mecarbil (pharmacokinetic‐guided dosing: 25, 37.5 or 50 mg bid). 8256 patients [male (79%), non‐white (22%), mean age 65 years] were enrolled with a mean EF 27%, ischemic etiology in 54%, NYHA II 53% and III/IV 47%, and median NT‐proBNP 1971 pg/mL. HF therapies at baseline were among the most effectively employed in contemporary HF trials. GALACTIC‐HF randomized patients representative of recent HF registries and trials with substantial numbers of patients also having characteristics understudied in previous trials including more from North America (n = 1386), enrolled as inpatients (n = 2084), systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg (n = 1127), estimated glomerular filtration rate < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (n = 528), and treated with sacubitril‐valsartan at baseline (n = 1594). Conclusions: GALACTIC‐HF enrolled a well‐treated, high‐risk population from both inpatient and outpatient settings, which will provide a definitive evaluation of the efficacy and safety of this novel therapy, as well as informing its potential future implementation

    Programas de cómputo para la generación automática de exámenes matemáticos y la evaluación en el entorno de Internet

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    Maestría en Ciencias en Computación Electrónic

    Programas de cómputo para la generación automática de exámenes matemáticos y la evaluación en el entorno de internet

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación), Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIC, 2008, 1 archivo PDF, (188 páginas). tesis.ipn.m