59 research outputs found

    Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of July-August 2005

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    A stratified random bottom trawl survey on Flemish Cap was carried out from July 1st to August 21th 2005. The area surveyed was extended up to depths of 800 fathoms (1 400 meters) following the same procedures as in previous years and increasing the number of hauls planned (195). The survey was carried out by the R/V Vizconde de Eza with the usual survey gear (Lo foten). A total of 176 valid hauls were made by the vessel R/V Vizconde de Eza, 117 up to 730 meters depth and 59 up to 1 400 meters. Survey results including abundance indices of the main commercial species and age distributions for cod, redfish, American plaice, Greenland halibut and Shrimp are presented. The general indexes for this year are estimated taken into account the traditional swept area (strata 1-19, up to depths of 730 m) and the total area surveyed (strata 1-34, up to depths of 1 400 m)

    Valoración de la presión intraocular con el tonómetro de rebote iCare ic100 en niños

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    La evaluación precisa de la presión intraocular (PIO) permite el diagnóstico oportuno del glaucoma infantil. El objetivo fue analizar la PIO medida con el tonómetro de rebote iCare ic100 en niños. Se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra consecutiva de niños que asistieron a consulta de optometría. Fueron atendidos 100 pacientes, la edad promedio fue de 7,5±2,6 años y 55 % eran de sexo masculino. La medida se realizó con éxito en 97 % de los ojos. La PIO fue en promedio 13,8±3,5 mmHg para ojo derecho (OD) y 13,9±4,1 mmHg (OI) para ojo izquierdo (OI) (p=0,6411); en niñas fue de 13,8±3,1 mmHg [IC 95 % 12,8-14,7] en OD y de 13,6±3,0 mmHg [IC 95 % 12,7-14,5] en OI. La PIO en niños fue de 13,8±3,8 mmHg [IC 95 % 12,7-14,8] en OD y de 14,1±4,9 mmHg [IC 95 % 12,8-15,4] en OI. La PIO con el tonómetro de rebote resultó dentro de los valores de normalidad clínica en niños, sin diferencias significativas entre sexo o edad. Por la alta tasa de éxito en la medición, se propone la valoración de la PIO con el tonómetro ic100 en niños, para la identificación temprana de casos de glaucoma

    Bronchial endoscopic ultrasound, a new tool in interventional bronchoscopy

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    El desarrollo que ha experimentado la broncoscopia en los últimos cincuenta años puede considerarse admirable y acelerado. Sin duda, no existe otra área de la Neumología que haya logrado avances tan notorios, relevantes y profundos en tan poco tiempo. En 1967, Shigeto Ikeda, en colaboración con la empresa Machida Endoscopic C. y Olympus Optical Co, diseñó un modelo de broncoscopio flexible que fue presentado en el IX Congreso Internacional de Neumología, celebrado en Copenhague, suscitando gran expectativa. Este fue el comienzo del desarrollo de la broncoscopia flexible y supuso un gran avance en la patología respiratoria al hacer posible la exploración de amplios territorios anatómicos del árbol bronquial, no accesibles con el broncoscopio rígido. Su introducción obligó a modificar la clasificación y nomenclatura de la distribución anatómica del árbol bronquial. La realización de la broncoscopia y su tecnología han mejorado notablemente. Estamos en la generación número veinte de los broncoscopios flexibles, los canales de trabajo son más grandes, hay mejores accesorios, lo que posibilita la toma de biopsias de mayor tamaño, y hay algunos tan delgados como de 1,8 mm, con 3.000 fibras ópticas para la observación directa de objetos de 2 a 30 mm en un rango de 75 grados. El gran desarrollo tecnológico se base en el progreso de diferentes áreas: instrumentación, fibra óptica, fuentes de iluminación, electrónica y técnicas anestésicas, solo por mencionar algunas de las más sobresalientes. El desarrollo del ultrasonido endoscópico (EBUS, del inglés EndoBronchial UltraSound) se remonta a una década, con Becker, basándose en los resultados obtenidos por los aparatos de ecoendoscopia digestiva en la estadificación de cánceres del tracto digestivo. En la actualidad, las aplicaciones diagnósticas del EBUS han aumentado de forma considerable pasando a ocupar un puesto relevante no sólo dentro de la especialidad, sino también en el campo de la cirugía torácica (1, 2).Artículo de revisión202-20

    Design of Pumping Stations Using a Multicriteria Analysis and the Application of the AHP Method

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    [EN] The pumping station are very important hydraulic system in urban water supply be-cause the pumps raise the water head ensuring the minimum pressure required in drinking water systems. In the design of a pumping station, one of the most important criteria is the number of pumps. However, in the traditional design this criterion is de-fined arbitrarily. The other criteria are defined from the number of pumps and can be produce a design not optimal. In addition, the traditional design does not consider the environment importance to choose the pumps. The objective of this paper is defining a new design methodology for pumping sta-tions. It has been developed using a multicriteria analysis in which nine criteria are evaluated. The application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) allows finding an optimal solution. These design criteria have been associated in three cluster factors: technical factors, environmental factors, and economic factors. The results obtained allow not only to validate the methodology, but also to offer a solution to the problem of determining the most suitable model and the number of pumps of a pumping sta-tion.Sánchez-Ferrer, DS.; Briceño-León, CX.; Iglesias Rey, PL.; Martínez-Solano, FJ.; Fuertes-Miquel, VS. (2021). Design of Pumping Stations Using a Multicriteria Analysis and the Application of the AHP Method. Sustainability. 13(11):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13115876S122131

    GadCap: A GADGET multispecies model for the Flemish Cap cod, redfish and shrimp.

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    Since late 1980s, the demersal community of Flemish Cap (NAFO area 3M) has experienced large variations (including the collapse) in the abundance and population structure of its main fishing resources: cod Gadus morhua, redfish Sebastes sp. and shrimp Pandalus borealis, with alternation in their dominant role in the ecosystem. GadCap is an EU project dealing with the development of a GADGET multispecies model for the Flemish Cap cod, redfish and shrimp, as part of the NAFO roadmap for the EAF. The effect of fishing, trophic interactions (including cannibalism) and water temperature in the dynamic of these three major fishing resources has been modeled. The results highlight the interdependent dynamic of these stocks, and reveals strong interactions between recruitment, fishing and predation (including cannibalism), with marked changes in their relative importance by species-age-length over time. The multispecies model shows that disregarding the species interactions would lead to serious underestimates of natural mortality, overestimations of the exploitable biomass, and highlights the need to move beyond single-species management in this highly coupled ecosystem. Preliminary estimates of total SSB and MSY, under different combinations of fishing mortality for all the three stocks, are also presented.Postprint0,000

    Tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection at the Hospital Universitario de San Ignacio, 2002-2006

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    Introducción. La prevalencia de coinfección por VIH y tuberculosis es alta en los países en vías de desarrollo. El objetivo del estudio fue describir la incidencia, las características clínicas, el tratamiento y el resultado del mismo en pacientes con coinfección por tuberculosis y VIH/sida en el Hospital Universitario de SanIgnacio en Bogotá, Colombia, durante los años 2002 a 2006. Materiales y métodos. Se seleccionaron pacientes con coinfección VIH/sida y tuberculosis. La revisión de las historias clínicas se hizo mediante un instrumento diseñado para la recolección de variables demográficas, clínicas, radiográficas y de la respuesta al tratamiento antituberculoso y antirretroviral. Resultados. Se identificaron 24 pacientes en el programa, de los cuales, 79% eran hombres, con una edad promedio de 30 años. La incidencia anual osciló entre 0,62% y 3,5%. La principal forma de diagnóstico fue por anatomía patológica, en 63% de los casos. Se identificó tuberculosis pulmonar en 37%, extrapulmonar en 42% y diseminada en 21%. El recuento de CD4 en el momento del diagnóstico fue inferior a 200 en 79% de las ocasiones, con un promedio de 113 por mm3. A todos los pacientes se les suministró tratamiento antituberculoso con cuatro medicamentos y se registró una mortalidad de 20% en el grupo de pacientes con seguimiento completo. La mortalidad no se modificó sino a partir del segundo mes de tratamiento (p < 0,04). Discusión y conclusiones. La mortalidad en pacientes con coinfección por tuberculosis y VIH fue alta, con un diagnóstico complicado debido a la baja sensibilidad de la baciloscopia de esputo y del cultivo. Es posible que se requieran medidas de quimioprevención en pacientes con recuentos de CD4 menores de 200Q116-22Background HIV and tuberculosis coinfection prevalence is high in developing countries. The objective of the present study was to describe the incidence, clinical characteristics, treatment and the clinical outcomes in patients with HIV/aids and tuberculosis coinfection at the Hospital Universitario de San Ignacio in Bogotá Colombia, between the years 2002 and 2006. Materials and methods.We selected patients with HIV/aids and tuberculosis coinfection and reviewed the medical charts. Data was collected using a sheet for demographic, clinical and radiographical information, and outcomes of the antituberculous and antiretroviral treatment. Results 24 patients were identified, 79% were male, with an average age of 30 years. Annual incidence had a range between 0.62% and 3.5%. The main diagnostic method was pathological results in 63% of the cases. The anatomical localization was pulmonary in 37%, extrapulmonary in 42% and milliary in 21%. The CD4 count was less than 200 in 79% of the cases, and the average CD4 count was 113 cells per mm3. All the patients had antituberculous treatment with four drugs and the mortality was 20% for the group of patients with a complete follow up. Mortality was not modified until the second month of treatment ( p < 0.04). Discussion and conclusions. Mortality in patients with tuberculosis was high and the diagnosis was difficult due to the low sensitivity of sputum smear and Mycobacterium culture. Patients with CD4 count less than 200 may require chemoprophylaxis

    An Assessment of Beaked Redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO Division 3M (at times when natural mortality is driven stock dynamics and fishing mortality reference points are useless to scientific advice)

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    The 3M redfish assessment is focused on the beaked redfish, regarded as a management unit composed of two populations from two very similar species: the Flemish Cap S. mentella and S. fasciatus. The reason for this approach is the historical dominance of this group in the 3M redfish commercial catch until 2005. However a new golden redfish fishery (S. marinus) started on September 2005 on shallower depths of the Flemish Cap bank above 300m, and the Flemish Cap cod fishery reopened in 2010. These new realities implied a revision of catch estimates, in order to split recent redfish commercial catch and by-catch from the major fleets on Div. 3M into golden (S. marinus) and beaked (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) redfish catches. The Extended Survivor Analysis assessment used as tuning file the 1989-2014 EU survey abundance at age matrix included in a revised input framework. Continuing pressure over Flemish Cap redfish stocks by cod predation, at levels higher, or much higher, than the levels prior to 2006 lead to higher natural mortalities since then. Natural mortality have been tuned to survey at age data 2006 onwards by the sensitivity analysis preceding each assessment, and on 2013-2104 has a best estimate at slightly higher level from previous years. A 2015-2011 retrospective XSA was carried out, confirming that the present assessment is very much in line with their immediate predecessors

    Frequency of septic complications after voiding cystourethrography without prior urine culture in children three months to six years of age with urinary tract infection and clinical response to antibiotic treatment

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    Con el ánimo de medir la frecuencia de complicaciones sépticas secundarias a la elaboración de la cistouretrografía miccional sin urocultivo de control en niños de tres meses a nueve años de edad con infección urinaria tratados en el Hospital San Ignacio y que tuvieron respuesta clínica adecuada al antibiótico, se diseñó un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo de dos años. Se revisaron un total de 243 historias, cuyos datos fueron extraídos con base en el formulario de recoleccion de datos. Ninguno de los 59 pacientes que cumplían los criterios de inclusión presentaron complicaciones sépticas. Se propone elaborar un estudio longitudinal prospectivo que pretenda demostrar la concordancia del criterio clínico de curación de la infección urinaria correspondiente a 48 horas sin fiebre luego del inicio del tratamiento, con el urocultivo negativo necesario, propuesto en las guías actuales, para evitar su solicitud con el objeto de minimizar costos de salud y tiempos y oportunidad de atención.Artículo original269-277In an effort to measure the frequency of septic complications secondary to the development of voiding cystourethrography without urine cul-ture in children three months to six years with UTI treated at the Hospital San Ignacio and had adequate clinical response to antibiotics. We de-signed a retrospective cohort study of two years. We reviewed a total of 243 medical records of pa-tients whose data were extracted based on the data collection form. None of the 59 patients who met the inclusion criteria had septic complications. It intends to develop a prospective longitudinal study that seeks to demonstrate the consistency of the clinical judgment of urinary infection cure for 48 hours without fever after the start of treatment, with negative urine culture necessary, proposed in the current guidelines , to prevent application to minimize health care costs and times and ti-meliness of car

    Therapeutic approach with commercial supplements for pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration with residual PANK2 expression levels

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    [Background]: Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) is a group of rare neurogenetic disorders frequently associated with iron accumulation in the basal nuclei of the brain characterized by progressive spasticity, dystonia, muscle rigidity, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and retinal degeneration or optic nerve atrophy. Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) is one of the most widespread NBIA subtypes. It is caused by mutations in the gene of pantothenate kinase 2 (PANK2) that result in dysfunction in PANK2 enzyme activity, with consequent deficiency of coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis, as well as low levels of essential metabolic intermediates such as 4′-phosphopantetheine, a necessary cofactor for essential cytosolic and mitochondrial proteins. [Methods]: In this manuscript, we examined the therapeutic effectiveness of pantothenate, panthetine, antioxidants (vitamin E and omega 3) and mitochondrial function boosting supplements (L-carnitine and thiamine) in mutant PANK2 cells with residual expression levels. [Results]: Commercial supplements, pantothenate, pantethine, vitamin E, omega 3, carnitine and thiamine were able to eliminate iron accumulation, increase PANK2, mtACP, and NFS1 expression levels and improve pathological alterations in mutant cells with residual PANK2 expression levels. [Conclusion]: Our results suggest that several commercial compounds are indeed able to significantly correct the mutant phenotype in cellular models of PKAN. These compounds alone or in combinations are of common use in clinical practice and may be useful for the treatment of PKAN patients with residual enzyme expression levels.This work was supported by FIS PI16/00786 and PI19/00377 grants, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER-Unión Europea), Proyectos de Investigación de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía CTS-5725 and PY18-850