153 research outputs found

    Old stellar population synthesis: New age and mass estimates for Mayall II = G1

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    Mayall II = G1 is one of the most luminous globular clusters (GCs) in M31. Here, we determine its age and mass by comparing multicolor photometry with theoretical stellar population synthesis models. Based on far- and near-ultraviolet GALEX photometry, broad-band UBVRI, and infrared JHK_s 2MASS data, we construct the most extensive spectral energy distribution of G1 to date, spanning the wavelength range from 1538 to 20,000 A. A quantitative comparison with a variety of simple stellar population (SSP) models yields a mean age that is consistent with G1 being among the oldest building blocks of M31 and having formed within ~1.7 Gyr after the Big Bang. Irrespective of the SSP model or stellar initial mass function adopted, the resulting mass estimates (of order 107M⊙10^7 M_\odot) indicate that G1 is one of the most massive GCs in the Local Group. However, we speculate that the cluster's exceptionally high mass suggests that it may not be a genuine GC. We also derive that G1 may contain, on average, (1.65±0.63)×102L⊙(1.65\pm0.63)\times10^2 L_\odot far-ultraviolet-bright, hot, extreme horizontal-branch stars, depending on the SSP model adopted. On a generic level, we demonstrate that extensive multi-passband photometry coupled with SSP analysis enables one to obtain age estimates for old SSPs to a similar accuracy as from integrated spectroscopy or resolved stellar photometry, provided that some of the free parameters can be constrained independently.Comment: Accepted for Publication in RAA, 12 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Changements cĂŽtiers et inondations suite au passage d’un ouragan extrĂȘme (Irma, 2017) aux Petites Antilles

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    Cette Ă©tude porte sur les changements cĂŽtiers et les inondations suite au passage d’un ouragan de catĂ©gorie 5 (Irma) les 5 et 6 septembre 2017 sur les Ăźles de Saint-Martin et Saint-BarthĂ©lemy aux Antilles. Deux missions de terrain Ă  t+2 mois et t+8 mois sur les deux Ăźles ont permis d’analyser les impacts de l’ouragan Irma sur des cĂŽtes basses particuliĂšrement sensibles aux Ă©vĂ©nements mĂ©tĂ©o-marins extrĂȘmes et aux pressions anthropiques. Le retour d’expĂ©rience a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© sur les cĂŽtes les plus touchĂ©es par l’évĂšnement. Pour comparer les impacts de l’ouragan Irma et les interactions avec les systĂšmes cĂŽtiers et les infrastructures cĂŽtiĂšres, nous avons choisi d’analyser des cĂŽtes peu urbanisĂ©es et des littoraux densĂ©ment amĂ©nagĂ©s. La mĂ©thode a reposĂ© sur l’analyse d’images satellites avant le passage de l’ouragan Irma et l’analyse d’images drones post-Ă©vĂšnement. Elle s’est aussi appuyĂ©e sur des observations gĂ©omorphologiques, la mesure des hauteurs de vagues et la cartographie des espaces inondĂ©es. Les systĂšmes cĂŽtiers ont rĂ©pondu trĂšs diffĂ©remment en fonction du degrĂ© d’artificialisation de la cĂŽte, rĂ©vĂ©lant des changements cĂŽtiers variĂ©s, des transferts sĂ©dimentaires perturbĂ©s et une influence sur les hauteurs d’eau maximales Ă  la cĂŽte.This study deals with the coastal changes, flooding and damage after the passage of a category 5 hurricane (Irma) on 6 September 2017 over the islands of Saint-Martin and Saint-BarthĂ©lemy in the Lesser Antilles. Two field work were made 2 and 8 months after the catastrophe over the two islands. It made it possible to analyze the impacts of Hurricane Irma on the low-lying shores that are particularly susceptible to extreme cyclonic events and anthropogenic stressors. The field work was made on the coasts most affected by the cyclonic event. To compare impacts of hurricane Irma and interactions with coastal systems and coastal infrastructure, we chose to analyze undeveloped to highly urbanized coasts. The method was based on the analysis of satellite images and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle surveys. It also relied on qualitative observations, geomorphological and sedimentary surveys and the measurement of wave run up and the mapping of flooded areas. The coastal system revealed a variety of morpho-sedimentary responses on both the natural and highly urbanized coasts, showing varied coastal changes, perturbed sedimentary transfers and the effects of coastal structures and street on flow channeling and on water level increas

    Le processus de production du risque « submersion marine » en zone littorale : l’exemple des territoires « Xynthia »

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    Les lourdes consĂ©quences des catastrophes naturelles restent (trop) souvent expliquĂ©es, Ă  travers les mĂ©dias notamment, par les phĂ©nomĂšnes de changements climatiques, par la dĂ©faillance des systĂšmes de dĂ©fense ou par le caractĂšre exceptionnel des conditions naturelles comme ce fut le cas lors des Ă©vĂ©nements de fĂ©vrier 2010 « Xynthia ». Or de tels phĂ©nomĂšnes de submersion marine ont dĂ©jĂ  atteint le littoral atlantique par le passĂ©. Certes les dommages matĂ©riels et humains Ă©taient moindres mais les conditions naturelles similaires. La diffĂ©rence se trouve dans l’occupation des sols bien plus tournĂ©e vers l’urbanisation ces 50 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Notre objectif est de montrer que loin d’ĂȘtre le fruit d’un phĂ©nomĂšne exceptionnel, la submersion marine issue de la tempĂȘte Xynthia est l’aboutissement d’un processus de production du risque massif et rĂ©cent. L’étude a concernĂ© les communes de Charente-Maritime et VendĂ©e qui ont subi des pertes humaines. La densification de l’urbanisation et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement l’amĂ©nagement du territoire, mĂȘme s’ils ne sont pas Ă  l’origine du phĂ©nomĂšne, ont accru les enjeux toujours plus vulnĂ©rables dans les zones Ă  risques, accentuant ainsi les consĂ©quences matĂ©rielles et humaines des phĂ©nomĂšnes naturels. La tempĂȘte Xynthia a gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© une submersion marine d’occurrence sans doute rare mais qui rencontre des dynamiques territoriales trĂšs rapides. Un espace quasi dĂ©sert peut se retrouver en trente ans fortement urbanisĂ©. Cet exemple rappelle que les mesures de prĂ©vention du risque en particulier les mesures de rĂ©glementation de l’occupation des sols doivent s’apprĂ©cier sur la longue durĂ©e car leur transgression est quasiment irrĂ©versible.The huge aftermaths of disasters remain (too) often explained, through the media, by the climate change or by the failure of flood defenses, as was the storm Xynthia that hit the western part of France in February 2010. However such phenomena of marine flooding linked to windstorm have already struck the Atlantic coast in the past. Material and human damage were lower although natural conditions were quite similar. The difference lies in the urbanization that has widely grown for fifty years. Our goal is to show that the toll of the Xynthia storm is not essentially due to an exceptional marine flooding phenomenon. On the contrary, it is due to the accumulation of vulnerable assets in flood prone zone. The study mainly relies on the seven communes of Charente-Maritime and VendĂ©e which suffered human losses. The densification of urbanization and more generally the lack of land use control led to an anarchic development of assets at risk especially touristic plants and secondary homes. The marine flooding generated by Xynthia Storm has probably a low return period but the low frequency phenomenon has met very rapid territorial dynamics. Thus the process of “production of risk” had been very fast. A quite uninhabited space can be turned into an highly urbanized territory within thirty years. This example reminds that the measures of prevention of risk, especially land use planning must be taken and assessed on the long term because their transgression is irreversible

    Motivators and Inhibitors for Managing IT Project Knowledge: Findings from Three Exploratory Case Studies

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    Abstract Managing knowledge on IT projects is an important factor in contributing toward

    Using Technology to Enhance a Project Management Course in the United Arab Emirates

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    Abstract There is little doubt that advances in technology have provided unprecedented opportunities to develop more effective learning platforms, with the aim of ultimately providing better student learning outcomes. However, technological innovations on their own may provide little more than improvements in quality and productivity over previously used methods. Technology, regardless of how advanced the technology is, should never be used as a substitute for good teaching practice, but as a means of enhancing existing good teaching practices. This paper discusses how, over a period of 4 years, technology has been embedded into a project management course within the United Arab Emirates in order to provide students with a more effective learning experience. The various technologies used in this example include videos of a case study project used in the course, a working example of the application software that was developed for the case study, audio recording of lectures and the construction of videos containing power point slides overlaid with previously recorded audio files

    Basalts erupted along the Tongan fore-arc during subduction initiation: evidence from geochronology of dredged rocks from the Tonga fore-arc and trench

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    A wide variety of different rock types were dredged from the Tonga fore arc and trench between 8000 and 3000 m water depths by the 1996 Boomerang voyage. 40Ar-39Ar whole rock and U-Pb zircon dating suggest that these fore arc rocks were erupted episodically from the Cretaceous to the Pliocene (102 to 2 Ma). The geochemistry suggests that MOR-type basalts and dolerites were erupted in the Cretaceous, that island arc tholeiites were erupted in the Eocene and that back arc basin and island arc tholeiite and boninite were erupted episodically after this time. The ages generally become younger northward suggesting that fore arc crust was created in the south at around 48–52 Ma and was extended northward between 35 and 28 Ma, between 9 and 15 Ma and continuing to the present-day. The episodic formation of the fore arc crust suggested by this data is very different to existing models for fore arc formation based on the Bonin-Marianas arc. The Bonin-Marianas based models postulate that the basaltic fore arc rocks were created between 52 and 49 Ma at the beginning of subduction above a rapidly foundering west-dipping slab. Instead a model where the 52 Ma basalts that are presently in a fore arc position were created in the arc-back arc transition behind the 57–35 Ma Loyalty-Three Kings arc and placed into a fore arc setting after arc reversal following the start of collision with New Caledonia is proposed for the oldest rocks in Tonga. This is followed by growth of the fore arc northward with continued eruption of back arc and boninitic magmas after that time

    Multi-scale digital soil mapping with deep learning

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    We compared different methods of multi-scale terrain feature construction and their relative effectiveness for digital soil mapping with a Deep Learning algorithm. The most common approach for multi-scale feature construction in DSM is to filter terrain attributes based on different neighborhood sizes, however results can be difficult to interpret because the approach is affected by outliers. Alternatively, one can derive the terrain attributes on decomposed elevation data, but the resulting maps can have artefacts rendering the approach undesirable. Here, we introduce ‘mixed scaling’ a new method that overcomes these issues and preserves the landscape features that are identifiable at different scales. The new method also extends the Gaussian pyramid by introducing additional intermediate scales. This minimizes the risk that the scales that are important for soil formation are not available in the model. In our extended implementation of the Gaussian pyramid, we tested four intermediate scales between any two consecutive octaves of the Gaussian pyramid and modelled the data with Deep Learning and Random Forests. We performed the experiments using three different datasets and show that mixed scaling with the extended Gaussian pyramid produced the best performing set of covariates and that modelling with Deep Learning produced the most accurate predictions, which on average were 4–7% more accurate compared to modelling with Random Forests
