514 research outputs found

    Comment on ‘Streaming potential dependence on water-content in Fontainebleau sand' by V. Allègre, L. Jouniaux, F. Lehmann and P. Sailhac

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    Allègre et al. recently presented new experimental data regarding the dependence of the streaming potential coupling coefficient with the saturation of the water phase. Such experiments are important to model the self-potential response associated with the flow of water in the vadose zone and the electroseismic/seismoelectric conversions in unsaturated porous media. However, the approach used to interpret the data is questionable and the conclusions reached by Allègre et al. likely incorrec

    Thermal conductivity of unsaturated clay-rocks

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    The parameters used to describe the electrical conductivity of a porous material can be used to describe also its thermal conductivity. A new relationship is developed to connect the thermal conductivity of an unsaturated porous material to the thermal conductivity of the different phases of the composite, and two electrical parameters called the first and second Archie's exponents. A good agreement is obtained between the new model and thermal conductivity measurements performed using packs of glass beads and core samples of the Callovo-Oxfordian clay-rocks at different saturations of the water phase. We showed that the three model parameters optimised to fit the new model against experimental data (namely the thermal conductivity of the solid phase and the two Archie's exponents) are consistent with independent estimates. We also observed that the anisotropy of the effective thermal conductivity of the Callovo-Oxfordian clay-rock was mainly due to the anisotropy of the thermal conductivity of the solid phase

    Complex conductivity of soils

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    The complex conductivity of soils remains poorly known despite the growing importance of this method in hydrogeophysics. In order to fill this gap of knowledge, we investigate the complex conductivity of 71 soils samples (including four peat samples) and one clean sand in the frequency range 0.1 Hz to 45 kHz. The soil samples are saturated with six different NaCl brines with conductivities (0.031, 0.53, 1.15, 5.7, 14.7, and 22 S m21, NaCl, 258C) in order to determine their intrinsic formation factor and surface conductivity. This data set is used to test the predictions of the dynamic Stern polarization model of porous media in terms of relationship between the quadrature conductivity and the surface conductivity. We also investigate the relationship between the normalized chargeability (the difference of in-phase conductivity between two frequencies) and the quadrature conductivity at the geometric mean frequency. This data set confirms the relationships between the surface conductivity, the quadrature conductivity, and the normalized chargeability. The normalized chargeability depends linearly on the cation exchange capacity and specific surface area while the chargeability shows no dependence on these parameters. These new data and the dynamic Stern layer polarization model are observed to be mutually consistent. Traditionally, in hydrogeophysics, surface conductivity is neglected in the analysis of resistivity data. The relationships we have developed can be used in field conditions to avoid neglecting surface conductivity in the interpretation of DC resistivity tomograms. We also investigate the effects of temperature and saturation and, here again, the dynamic Stern layer predictions and the experimental observations are mutually consistent

    Three-dimensional resistivity tomography of Vulcan's forge, Vulcano Island, southern Italy

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    International audience9,525 DC resistivity measurements were taken along 9 profiles crossing the volcanic edifice of La Fossa di Vulcano (the forge of God Vulcan in ancient Roman mythology), Vulcano Island (Italy) using a total of 958 electrode locations. This unique data set has been inverted in 3D by minimizing the L2 norm of the data misfit using a Gauss-Newton approach. The true 3D inversion was performed using parallel processing on an unstructured tetrahedral mesh containing 75,549 finite-element nodes and 398,208 elements to accurately model the topography of the volcanic edifice. The 3D tomogram shows a very conductive body (>0.1 S/m) comprised inside the Pietre Cotte crater with conductive volumes that are consistent with the position of temperature and CO2 anomalies at the ground surface. This conductive body is interpreted as the main hydrothermal body. It is overlaid by a resistive and cold cap in the bottom of the crater. The position of the conductive body is consistent with the deformation source responsible for the observed 1990-1996 deflation of the volcano associated with a decrease of hydrothermal activity

    A semi-analytical solution for transient streaming potentialsassociated with confined aquifer pumping tests

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    We consider the transient streaming potential response due to pumping from a confined aquifer through a fully penetrating line sink. Confined aquifer flow is assumed to occur without fluid leakage from the confining units. However, since confining units are typically clayey, and hence more electrically conductive than the aquifer, they are treated as non-insulating in our three-layer conceptual model. We develop a semi-analytical solution for the transient streaming potentials response of the aquifer and the confining units to pumping of the aquifer. The solution is fitted to field measurements of streaming potentials associated with an aquifer test performed at a site located near Montalto Uffugo, in the region of Calabria in Southern Italy. This yields an average hydraulic conductivity that compares well to the estimate obtained using only hydraulic head data. Specific storage is estimated with greater estimation uncertainty than hydraulic conductivity and is significantly smaller than that estimated from hydraulic head data. This indicates that specific storage may be a more difficult parameter to estimate from streaming potential data. The mismatch may also be due to the fact that only recovery streaming potential data were used here whereas head data for both production and recovery were used. The estimate from head data may also constitute an upper bound since head data were not corrected for pumping and observation wellbore storage. Estimated values of the electrical conductivities of the confining units compare well to those estimated using electrical resistivity tomography. Our work indicates that, where observation wells are unavailable to provide more direct estimates, streaming potential data collected at land surface may, in principle, be used to provide preliminary estimates of aquifer hydraulic conductivity and specific storage, where the latter is estimated with greater uncertainty than the former

    Forward Modeling and validation of a new formulation to compute self-potential signals associated with ground water flow

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    The classical formulation of the coupled hydroelectrical flow in porous media is based on a linear formulation of two coupled constitutive equations for the electrical current density and the seepage velocity of the water phase and obeying Onsager's reciprocity. This formulation shows that the streaming current density is controlled by the gradient of the fluid pressure of the water phase and a streaming current coupling coefficient that depends on the so-called zeta potential. Recently a new formulation has been introduced in which the streaming current density is directly connected to the seepage velocity of the water phase and to the excess of electrical charge per unit pore volume in the porous material. The advantages of this formulation are numerous. First this new formulation is more intuitive not only in terms of establishing a constitutive equation for the generalized Ohm's law but also in specifying boundary conditions for the influence of the flow field upon the streaming potential. With the new formulation, the streaming potential coupling coefficient shows a decrease of its magnitude with permeability in agreement with published results. The new formulation has been extended in the inertial laminar flow regime and to unsaturated conditions with applications to the vadose zone. This formulation is suitable to model self-potential signals in the field. We investigate infiltration of water from an agricultural ditch, vertical infiltration of water into a sinkhole, and preferential horizontal flow of ground water in a paleochannel. For the three cases reported in the present study, a good match is obtained between finite element simulations performed and field observations. Thus, this formulation could be useful for the inverse mapping of the geometry of groundwater flow from self-potential field measurements

    Groundwater redox conditions and conductivity in a contaminant plume from geoelectrical investigations

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    International audienceAccurate mapping of the electrical conductivity and of the redox potential of the groundwater is important in delineating the shape of a contaminant plume. A map of redox potential in an aquifer is indicative of biodegradation of organic matter and of concentrations of redox-active components; a map of electrical conductivity provides information on the mineralisation of the groundwater. Both maps can be used to optimise the position of pumping wells for remediation. The self-potential method (SP) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) have been applied to the contaminant plume associated with the Entressen landfill in south-east France. The self-potential depends on groundwater flow (electrokinetic contribution) and redox conditions ("electro-redox" contribution). Using the variation of the piezometric head in the aquifer, the electrokinetic contribution is removed from the SP signals. A good linear correlation (R2=0.85) is obtained between the residual SP data and the redox potential values measured in monitoring wells. This relationship is used to draw a redox potential map of the overall contaminated site. The electrical conductivity of the subsoil is obtained from 3D-ERT analysis. A good linear correlation (R2=0.91) is observed between the electrical conductivity of the aquifer determined from the 3D-ERT image and the conductivity of the groundwater measured in boreholes. This indicates that the formation factor is nearly homogeneous in the shallow aquifer at the scale of the ERT. From this correlation, a map of the pore water conductivity of the aquifer is obtained. Keywords: self-potential, redox potential, electrical resistivity tomography, fluid conductivity, contaminant plum

    Geophysical Signatures of Disseminated Iron Minerals: A Proxy for Understanding Subsurface Biophysicochemical Processes

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    Previous studies have linked biogeophysical signatures to the presence of iron minerals resulting from distinct biophysicochemical processes. Utilizing geophysical methods as a proxy of such biophysicochemical processes requires an understanding of the geophysical signature of the different iron minerals. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the complex conductivity and magnetic susceptibility signatures of five iron minerals disseminated in saturated porous media under variable iron mineral content and grain size. Both pyrite and magnetite show high quadrature and inphase conductivities compared to hematite, goethite, and siderite, whereas magnetite was the highly magnetic mineral dominating the magnetic susceptibility measurements. The quadrature conductivity spectra of both pyrite and magnetite exhibit a well-defined characteristic relaxation peak below 10kHz, not observed with the other iron minerals. The quadrature conductivity and magnetic susceptibility of individual and a mixture of iron minerals are dominated and linearly proportional to the mass fraction of the highly conductive (pyrite and magnetite) and magnetic (magnetite) iron minerals, respectively. The quadrature conductivity magnitude increased with decreasing grain size diameter of magnetite and pyrite with a progressive shift of the characteristic relaxation peak toward higher frequencies. The quadrature conductivity response of a mixture of different grain sizes of iron minerals is shown to be additive, whereas magnetic susceptibility measurements were insensitive to the variation in grain size diameters (1-0.075 mm). The integration of complex conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements can therefore provide a complimentary tool for the successful investigation of in situ biophysicochemical processes resulting in biotransformation or secondary iron mineral precipitation

    Tomography of the Darcy velocity from self-potential measurements

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    An algorithm is developed to interpret self-potential (SP) data in terms of distribution of Darcy velocity of the ground water. The model is based on the proportionality existing between the streaming current density and the Darcy velocity. Because the inverse problem of current density determination from SP data is underdetermined, we use Tikhonov regularization with a smoothness constraint based on the differential Laplacian operator and a prior model. The regularization parameter is determined by the L-shape method. The distribution of the Darcy velocity depends on the localization and number of non-polarizing electrodes and information relative to the distribution of the electrical resistivity of the ground. A priori hydraulic information can be introduced in the inverse problem. This approach is tested on two synthetic cases and on real SP data resulting from infiltration of water from a ditch

    Alternative splicing is frequent during early embryonic development in mouse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alternative splicing is known to increase the complexity of mammalian transcriptomes since nearly all mammalian genes express multiple pre-mRNA isoforms. However, our knowledge of the extent and function of alternative splicing in early embryonic development is based mainly on a few isolated examples. High throughput technologies now allow us to study genome-wide alternative splicing during mouse development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A genome-wide analysis of alternative isoform expression in embryonic day 8.5, 9.5 and 11.5 mouse embryos and placenta was carried out using a splicing-sensitive exon microarray. We show that alternative splicing and isoform expression is frequent across developmental stages and tissues, and is comparable in frequency to the variation in whole-transcript expression. The genes that are alternatively spliced across our samples are disproportionately involved in important developmental processes. Finally, we find that a number of RNA binding proteins, including putative splicing factors, are differentially expressed and spliced across our samples suggesting that such proteins may be involved in regulating tissue and temporal variation in isoform expression. Using an example of a well characterized splicing factor, <it>Fox2</it>, we demonstrate that changes in <it>Fox2 </it>expression levels can be used to predict changes in inclusion levels of alternative exons that are flanked by Fox2 binding sites.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We propose that alternative splicing is an important developmental regulatory mechanism. We further propose that gene expression should routinely be monitored at both the whole transcript and the isoform level in developmental studies</p