1,073 research outputs found

    Determinants of Consumer Purchase Decision in Home Industry Product: A Case Study on Shrimp Cracker Home Industry

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    The development of the digital world today forces MSMEs to adapt in order to survive and thrive. Currently, many merchants complained that their sales had decreased, which resulted in a decrease in turnover. Therefore, MSMEs should be able to adapt by the digitalization of industry and trade. However, the current problems of MSMEs are not far away and still revolve around the same thing, namely capital. this study aims to investigate whether the variables of WoM, distribution channels, and product quality affect the decision to buy shrimp crackers and how these independent variables affect the dependent variable. This study is a quantitative study with multiple regression analysis. Based on data analysis and discussion this study found partially WoM (X1) influence purchase decision (Y) while product quality (X2) also influence purchase decision (Y) as well as distribution channels (X3) at shrimp cracker MSMEs at Tunjungan Village. Meanwhile, simultanousely all IV (X1, X2, and X3) are influence the DV (Y) with R2 about 0.661 or in other word 66.1% of DV are influenced by IVs


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    Tempat merupakan salah satu konsep geografi yang terbentuk dari kondisi fisik dan sosial secara terintegrasi, menghasilkan sebuah produk khas dan tidak dapat di temui di tempat lain yang ada di bumi. Produk tersebut dikenal dengan nama indikasi geografis (Geographical Indication). Selada air di Kecamatan Parongpong memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan indikasi geografis karena tumbuh pada kondisi geografis yang khas dan sampai saat ini sudah dipasarkan di luar negeri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data dari sampel yang dapat mewakili seluruh populasi sehingga dapat menggambarkan jawaban dari rumusan masalah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan koefisiensi lokasi (LQ), presentase, deskriptif, skala linkert, overlay, klasifikasi iklim Junghun dan Schmidt-Ferguson. Selada air di Kecamatan Parongpong tumbuh pada iklim agak basah (Schmidt-Ferguson) dan sedang sejuk (Junghun) dengan suhu 28° sampai 23º Celcius. Kondisi morfologi dimodifikasi secara khas, agar sesuai untuk lokasi penanaman. Sementara kondisi hidrologi berintegrasi dengan kondisi geologi dan tanah sehingga kebutuhan air dari tanaman ini dapat terpenuhi dengan baik. Penduduk yang terlibat budidaya selada air memiliki sikap cukup senang terlibat budidaya selada air dan cukup setuju selada air didaftarkan sebagai indikasi geografis, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang baik. Lebih menguntungkan, mudah dilakukan dan kondisi alam (fisik) di Kecamatan Parongpong menjadi minat sekaligus motivasi penduduk untuk membudidayakan selada air. Penanaman dilakukan dengan membuat petak-petak khusus pada lahan. Kemudian lahan diberi pupuk dan dibersihkan dari tanaman liar sampai waktu panen. Setelah 2 bulan selada air dipanen dan dibawa ke lokasi pengolahan (ngunder). Kemudian disortir, dibersihkan (nyetek), dipotong (reping) dan dikemas yang selanjutnya dijual ke penampung untuk dipasarkan di dalam dan luar negeri. Selada air memiliki keunggulan produksi, luas tanam dan pendapatan penduduk, dengan nilai LQ > 1. Waktu panen selada air lebih cepat dibandingkan 14 jenis sayuran lain. Harga selada air juga lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan jagung, ubi kayu, beberapa jenis sayuran, buah-buahan dan tanaman hias Place is one of molded geography concept of condition of physical and particular social. Condition of physical and interacting particular social each other somewhere will result one typical product and can't at elsewhere find which is at earth. Product is recognised by the name of geographical indication (Indikasi Geografis). Water lettuce at Parongpong's sub district have potency to be made geographical indication because growing on condition of geographical typical one and until now was marketted at another country. This research using descriptive method, to collect data from sample to represent all of population to answer purpose from research. Data collecting did by observation, interview, book study and documentation. That fact then analyst by Location Quentient (LQ), presetation, linkert's scale, overlay, climatic classification Junghun and Schmidt Ferguson . Water lettuce at Parongpong's district grows up on climate slightly nabs (Schmidt Ferguson) and be balmy (Junghun) with temperature 28° until 23º Celcius. Condition of modified morphology typically, that fits for instilling location. While hidrologi's condition gets integration with condition of geology and soil so amount of water required of this plant get with every consideration been accomplished. Conductings the interesting resident water lettuce have adequately leisured and adequately accepts if water lettuce became geographical indication, knowllege and good skill. More advantages, easy to do and condition of nature (physical) at Parongpong's sub district becomes proclivity and motivation of resident to cultivate water lettuce. Instilling did by makes special terracing on farm. Then farm was given to manure and is cleared from wild until reaping time plant. After 2 months water lettuce is harvested and is taken in to processing location( ngunder ). Then is sorted out, cleared (nyetek ), cutting (reping) and is packed that succeeding being sold to distibutor to been marketted local dan international market. Water lettuce has production top, far ranging implant and resident income, with LQ's point> 1. Faster water lettuce reaping time than 14 other vegetable types. Water lettuce price also more expensive as compared to corn, cassava, some type vegetable, fruis and flower


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    Penelitianinibertujuanuntuk: 1). Mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaraninteraktifuntukmembantupembelajaranmerakit personal komputersiswa SMK. 2) Mengetahuiresponsiswaketikamenggunakan multimedia interaktif yang telahdikembangkandalammembantupembelajaranmerakit personal komputer. 3) Mengetahuipenilaianahli media, ahlimateridansiswa SMK terhadap multimedia interaktif yang dikembangkandilihatdariaspekkelayakannya. Proses pengembangan multimedia inidigunakanmetode Scrum, yang merupakanmetodepengembangan media yang lebihfleksibeldancepatdalammenghadapiperubahan yang mungkinterjadi. Multimedia interaktif yang dikembangkanmengikutialurmetodebelajar Self Directed Learning (SDL), dimana multimedia inimendiagnosiskebutuhanbelajar, mengidentifikasimateribelajarpengguna, mengevaluasihasilbelajarsertameningkatkankesadaranuntukbelajar. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalah Research and Development. Subjekpenelitianpenilaiankelayakan multimedia adalahsiswakelas X SMK DaarutTauhid Bandung. Penelitiandiawalidengan proses penelitianawal yang bertujuanuntukmengetahuikendalapada proses pembelajarandanrekomendasi. Proses pengembangandidasarkanmetode Scrum denganmengumpulkanhasilpenelitianawalmenjadi Product Backlog. Product backlog dipecahmenjadibagian yang lebihkecildisebut sprint backlog yang menjadipanduantentangfungsiapasaja yang harusdikerjakansertamasalah yang dihadapi. Setelah multimedia selesaidikembangkandilakukanvalidasiolehahli media danahlimateri. Hasilvalidasiahli media mendapatkanskor 84.67% untuksemuakriteria yang bersangkutandengankelayakan multimedia danahlimaterisebesar94,375%untuksemuakriteria yang bersangkutankelayakanmateri. Sedangkanuntukhasilpenelitiankelayakan multimedia olehsiswa SMK medapatkannilaisebesar 83% sertaresponsiswaketikamenggunakan multimedia interaktifperakitan personal komputermendapatkannilai 83,835%. ABSTRACT This study aims to: 1). Developing interactive multimedia learning to help learning vocational students assemble personal computers. 2) Knowing the students' responses when using interactive multimedia learning which has been developed to help assemble personal computers. 3) Knowing the expert assessment of media, material expert and vocational students to interactive multimedia developed from the aspects of feasibility. The development process used Scrum method, which is a method of developing that more flexible and fast in the face of changes that may occur. Interactive multimedia learning method is developed to follow the Self Directed Learning (SDL), which is a multimedia diagnose learning needs, identify user learning materials, evaluating learning outcomes and increase awareness for learning. The research method used is a Research and Development. Assessment of the feasibility of multimedia research subjects were students of first classfro SMK DaarutTauhid Bandung. The study begins with the initial research process that aims to identify constraints on the learning process and the recommendation. Scrum development process based method to collect the results of the initial research into the Product Backlog. Product backlog is broken down into smaller parts called the sprint backlog to guide about what functions should be done and the problems encountered. After the completion of multimedia developed validated by media experts and the material experts. The results of the validation media experts get a score 84.67% for all concerned with the eligibility criteria and materials expert get a score 94.375% for all the relevant eligibility criteria matter. As for the results of the feasibility study of multimedia by vocational students obtain a value of 83% and the student response when using interactive multimedia personal computer assembly scored 83.835%

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan di Bank JatimCabang Utama Surabaya

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    ABSTRACTIn this research is to search the effect of work environtment on work motivation at Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya, to research the level of effect of work environtment at Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya, and to research the level of work motivation at Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya. This type of this research is a descriptive quantitative approach, with the sample of 91 peoples. Data analysis that used in this research is simple linear regretion analysis with the help of SPSS 16.0 software for windows. From this research shows significant effect between work environtment to work work motivation. THe level of work motivation on Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya shows a good effect. Based on a average score work motivation are 4,25 on a agree category but work environtment variable shows an average score at3,77 thats shows good and agree category.Keywords: Work Environtment, Work Motivation ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan di Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya, untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan kerja di Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya, dan untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi kerja karyawan di Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan sampel 91 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier sederhana dengan bantuan software SPSS 16.0 for windows. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara variabel lingkungan kerja terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan. Tingkat motivasi kerja karyawan pada Bank Jatim Cabang Utama Surabaya adalah sangat baik. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai rata-rata skor motivasi kerja sebesar 4,25 yang berada pada kategori sangat setuju,sedangkan variabel lingkungan kerja memiliki nilai rata-rata skor sebesar 3,77 yang berada pada kategori setuju atau baik.Kata Kunci : Lingkungan Kerja, Motivasi Kerj


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh keinginan penulis untuk mengetahui nilai moral yang terkandung di dalam cerita rakyat. Selain itu cerita rakyat sebagai salah satu jenis karya sastra ternyata dapat memberikan manfaat kepada pembacanya. Selain itu, perkembangan dan teknologi telah begitu pesat dan menyentuh hampir disegala kehidupan manusia. Tanpa disadari perkembangan tersebut akan memberikan dampak baik yang bersifat positif maupun yang bersifat negatif yakni membawa perubahan sosial masyarakat secara menyeluruh. Dengan demikian maka penulis tertarik untuk mengkaji sebuah naskah cerita rakyat dari segi moralnya. Adapun hasil penelitian ini dituangkan kedalam bentuk skripsi dengan judul “NILAI MORAL DALAM CERITA RAKYAT SITU SANGIANG KAMPUNG WATES, MAJALENGKA.” Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah dan identifikasi masalah di atas, maka dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: “ Bagaimana nilai moral yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat Situ Sangiang Kampung Wates, Majalengka.” Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu “Mengdeskripsikan nilai moral yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat Situ Sangiang Kampung Wates, Majalengka.” Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif. Karena metode tersebut merupakan metode yang paling relevan untuk mengkaji nilai moral yang tersirat dalam cerita rakyat Situ Sangiang Kampung Wates, Majalengka. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai moral yang terdapat pada cerita rakyat Situ Sangiang meliputi (1) Hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri. Adapun dalam aspek tersebut adalah sikap atau perilaku tokoh yang mencerminkan sabar, pemaaf, adil, ikhlas, memegang amanah, mawas diri. (2) Hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain dalam lingkup sosial termasuk hubungannya dengan lingkungan alam. Adapun yang terdapat dalam aspek tersebut adalah berbakti kepada orang tua, memuji orang lain, sikap kekeluargaan, berinteraksi dengan alam, tolong menolong, adil, penyantunan, pemaaf, bermusyawarah, berwasiat dalam kebenaran. (3) Hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, adapun aspek yang terdapat dalam kategori tersebut adalah beriman kepada Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa menurut cara-cara yang diajarkan-Nya, beribadah kepadanya dengan jalan melaksanakan solat lima kali sehari semalam, mohon ampun atas segala dosa dalam makna sadar untuk tidak lagi melakukan segala perbuatan jahat atau tercela.Kata Kunci : Cerita Rakyat, Nilai Moral, Model Bahan Ajar.


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    Perkembangan bisnis di era modern yang semakin berkembang, menyebabkan persaingan usaha yang semakin kompetitif. Persaingan usaha yang semakin kompetitif menuntut perusahaan untuk selalu mengevaluasi dan melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan. Proses bisnis merupakan inti dari seluruh aktivitas pada suatu perusahaan atau organisasi. Business process mapping (BPM) merupakan langkah pemetaan dari aktivitas proses bisnis yang dijalankan sebuah perusahaan. Sebuah langkah Business process mapping memungkinkan perusahaan melakukan manajemen yang lebih sistematis dan terarah. Bussines Process Mapping (BPM) adalah istilah yang diberikan untuk mempelajari pekerjaan dan informasi yang ada yang digunakan oleh perusahaan dengan tujuan mendesain ulang sistem untuk memenuhi tujuan bisnis. PVR Industries merupakan perusahaan baru yang masih berkembang dan bergerak di industri garmen dengan memproduksi baju olahraga (jersey). Produk yang dihasilkan menggunakan teknologi dye sublimation. permasalahan yang terjadi pada perusahaan adalah sering dilakukan nya return (pengembalian) produk. Return dilakukan untuk menanggapi keluhan konsumen terhadap produk jersey yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan. Pemetaan proses bisnis pada penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk menemukan aktivitas yang menyebabkan permasalahan produk return yang dihadapi perusahaan. Setelah dilakukan pemetaan proses bisnis dengan menggunakan metode IDEF0 pada PVR Industries didapatkan 25 node dan 4 level dan setelah dilakukan analisis menggunakan cause-effect diagram, dilakukan identifikasi aktivitas yang menimbulkan permasalahan pada perusahaan terletak pada aktivitas di node A235 sewing dan node A43 packaging produk. Pada penelitian kali ini menyimpulkan beberapa poin yaitu perlu dilakukan nya pengawasan lebih pada node A235 sewing dan A43 packaging produk. Serta perlu dilakukan penambahan aktivitas pemberian sample pada saat order pemesanan dilakukan. Penambahan aktivitas ini digambarkan dengan node A13 pemberian sample

    Corporate investment and the role of expected profitability: a re-examination

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    In the first chapter, we extend the empirical analysis in Cummins et al. (2006) to consider the significance of lagged cash flow in explaining the investment behaviour of the publicly-traded US companies, using their sample for years between 1982 and 1999. We find significant evidence of excess sensitivity of corporate investment to lagged cash flow, even con- trolling for their preferred measure of Tobin’s Q. This new measure uses securities analysts’ earnings forecasts rather than stock market valua- tions to capture the influence of expected future profitability on current investment decisions. Our results do suggest that capital market imper- fections should not be dismissed on the basis that corporate investment displays no sensitivity to indicators of the availability of internal funds. The second chapter further explores the robustness of the Cummins et al. (2006) results by examining their subsamples of firms with and without bond ratings. We expand on the subsample results presented in Cum- mins et al. (2006) by introducing a lagged cash flow measure in both static and dynamic model specifications. As in the full sample, we find excess sensitivity to lagged cash flow for the rated firms subsample. These results are further strengthened once we use the two-step GMM estima- tors, with standard errors calculated using the finite sample correction proposed by Windmeijer (2005). We also provide evidence that selective reporting bias may be a source of the high predictive power of the alter- native measure of Tobin’s Q in the results presented in Cummins et al. (2006). In the third chapter, we review the roles of expected profitability and cash flow in explaining investment rates for around 700 publicly-traded UK firms between the years 1987 and 2000. We do so by revisiting the dataset of Bond et al. (2004). We find that their main results, which are similar in spirit to those of Cummins et al. (2006), are not robust once we use additional valid instruments to estimate their models, and we use two-step GMM estimators with appropriate standard errors. We conclude that cash flow sensitivity, for this particular sample, cannot be dismissed, even when controlling for the novel measures of expected profitability, based on analysts’ earning forecasts, suggested by Bond et al. (2004). In the fourth chapter, we follow closely the methods described in Bond et al. (2004) to recreate a dataset for publicly-traded UK firms cover- ing the period 1987 to 2000, using sources of data which are currently available. In particular, we use company accounts data from Worldscope, which provides less detail (although wider coverage of firms) than the older Datastream source used by Bond et al. (2004). Consequently our new dataset is not an exact replica of that constructed by Bond et al. (2004). A particular concern could be that we cannot replicate their mea- sure of the level of investment, which used information on the increase in net fixed assets due to acquisitions which is not available from World- scope. Nevertheless, after dropping observations on firms which were not covered by Datastream, we show that both descriptive statistics and the results of econometric models of investment are broadly comparable us- ing the two datasets. These results provide a bridge to the analysis in the final chapter, which studies the investment behaviour of publicly-traded UK firms in more recent years, using data obtained from the same cur- rently available sources. In the last chapter, we extend our dataset for publicly traded UK firms through to 2016. We first confirm, using a larger sample of firms covered by Worldscope, that while the Bond et al. (2004) measure of expected profitability is an informative explanatory variable for corporate invest- ment rates, it does not eliminate the sensitivity of investment to cash flow over the time period 1987-2000. We then explore how the excess sen- sitivity of investment to cash flow evolved over time for our full sample of UK firms. We present evidence that cash flow sensitivity has dimin- ished for this sample, and we find no significant cash flow sensitivity for sample periods after the 2008 financial crisis. These findings echo similar results found previously for publicly-traded US firms. However, we also find interesting heterogeneity in the disappearance of cash flow sensitivity. We consider subsamples of firms which had relatively high and relatively low share price volatility over our sample period. We find significant and interesting differences between the results for these two subsamples. In particular, the decline in the sensitivity of investment to cash flow over this period reflects the behaviour of firms with less volatile stock market valuations. For the subsample of firms with more volatile stock market valuations, we find no significant excess sensitivity of investment to cash flow in any sub-period. For the subsample of firms with less volatile stock market valuations, we find significant cash flow sensitivity for periods up to 2007, but no significant cash flow sensitivity for periods after the 2008 financial crisis


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    Rice is a basic requirement for the people of Central Kalimantan Province. The biggest consumption of rice comes from household consumption. Households with different income levels will have different consumption patterns. With this situation, this research is important to determine how the pattern of household rice consumption is based on income groups and what factors influence the pattern of household rice consumption based on income groups in the City of Palangka Raya. This study uses primary data and secondary data. The research analysis uses descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis with Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The econometric model used is the double log model assisted by using the Eviews 9.0 application. The results of the study showed that the factors that significantly influenced the consumption pattern of household income were the number of house members and the age of the household head. In the high income group the factors that significantly influence are the dummy marital status of the head of the household, the age of the head of the household has a positive effect and the number of household members has a negative influence and each has a significant effect on household rice consumption


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tentang unsur budaya dan struktur naratif dalam cerita film Cakra Buana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis yang berpusat pada masalah penelitian lalu dianalisis dan diambil kesimpulannya. Teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data yaitu studi dokumen. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa dokumen karya seni yaitu film. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, 1) 7 unsur budaya dalam cerita film “Cakra Buana” yaitu; basa, film ini menggunakan bahasa Sunda serta menggunakan undak usuk basa; sistem pengetahuan dibagi berdasarkan pengetahuan tentang alam dan sosial; organisasi sosial meliputi sistem pemerintahan, suksesi kepemimpinan dan sebutan silsilah keluarga; sistem teknologi membahas perkakas, makanan, pakaian, rumah, dan alat transportasi; sistem mata pencahariannya adalah bercocok tanam; sistem religinya ada pengaruh dari ajaran Hindu Buddha karena masih menggunakan kata “Sang Hyang”; dan keseniannya ada 3 yaitu seni vokal, seni musik dan seni gerak, 2) struktur naratif dalam cerita film “Cakra Buana”: hubungan antara naratif dan ruang ada 11 ruang atau lokasi; hubungan naratif dan waktu meliputi urutan waktu yang menggunakan pola linier, durasi waktunya 84 menit, dan frekuensi waktunya yaitu ada 1 adegan; elemen pokok naratif meliputi 9 pelaku cerita, masalah yang muncul dikarenakan adanya konflik antar tokoh dan konflik batin, serta tujuan dalam cerita film ini gagal dicapai oleh pelaku utama. Kata kunci: film, unsur budaya, struktur naratif -------- The purpose of this research is to describe the cultural elements and narrative structure in the Cakra Buana film story. The method used in this study is a descriptive analysis centered on the research problem then analyzed and concluded. The technique used in collecting data is the study of documents. The data collected is in the form of artwork documents, which is film. The results of this study are, 1) 7 cultural elements in the film story "Cakra Buana" which is; language, this film uses Sundanese and uses undak usuk basa; knowledge systems are shared based on natural and social knowledge; social organizations include government systems, succession of leadership and family pedigree; technological systems include tools, food, clothing, housing, and transportation; the livelihood system is farming; religious system is influenced by the teachings of Hindu-Buddhism because it still uses the word "Sang Hyang"; and there are 3 arts, namely vocal arts, music and motion arts, 2) narrative structure in the film story "Cakra Buana": the relationship between narration and space there are 11 spaces or locations; narrative and time relationships including time sequences that use linear patterns, duration 84 minutes, and the time frequency is 1 scene; The main elements of the narrative include 9 actors, problems that arise due to conflicts between characters and inner conflicts, and goals in the film's story fail to be achieved by the main actor. Keyword: film, cultural elements, narrative structur
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