109 research outputs found

    The activity and the involvement of students in their own education process as a condition of their development and achievement of competencies needed in adult life

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    XXI wiek to wiek przemian. By szkoła mogła obecnie realizować główne zadanie - przygotowanie młodych ludzi do funkcjonowania w zmieniającej się rzeczywistości - musi wyposażyć ich w umiejętności i kompetencje, dzięki którym będą mogli jako dorośli ludzie odnaleźć się w społeczeństwie i na rynku pracy. Instytucje krajowe i międzynarodowe, dążące do rozwoju społeczeństwa i gospodarki, podkreślają rolę i znaczenie aktywności dzieci i młodzieży w procesie edukacyjnym.Badacze, praktycy i teoretycy zajmujący się edukacją także zwracają uwagę na dodatni wpływ świadomego angażowania się dzieci i młodzieży w proces edukacyjny i wpływ różnych aspektów życia szkolnego na wszechstronny rozwój. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na konieczność budowy w szkołach przestrzeni ku autentycznemu zaangażowaniu uczniów oraz ukazanie czynników przemawiających za promowaniem w szkole aktywnych postaw młodych ludzi i za prowadzeniem polityki oświatowej umożliwiającej im bycie aktywnymi i odpowiedzialnymi uczestnikami życia szkolnego i społecznego.Twenty-first century is the century of change. If school want to prepare young people for live in the still changing reality, it must equip students with the necessary skills and competencies. Many institutions, both domestic and international, whose mission is to strive for the development of society, economy, emphasizes the role and importance of the activity of the students, who as adults will contribute to economic growth. The impact of student engagement in their development is also emphasized by many researchers, practitioners, and theoreticians in area of education. The main purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the necessity of building space in schools to the commitment of the students. In addition, the article presents factors of promoting the active attitudes of young people in school and pursuit of such educational policy, which will be cause that children and young people will be active participants in school life and social life

    Pascalammetry with operando microbattery probes: Sensing high stress in solid-state batteries.

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    Energy storage science calls for techniques to elucidate ion transport over a range of conditions and scales. We introduce a new technique, pascalammetry, in which stress is applied to a solid-state electrochemical device and induced faradaic current transients are measured and analyzed. Stress-step pascalammetry measurements are performed on operando microbattery probes (Li2O/Li/W) and Si cathodes, revealing stress-assisted Li+ diffusion. We show how non-Cottrellian lithium diffusional kinetics indicates stress, a prelude to battery degradation. An analytical solution to a diffusion/activation equation describes this stress signature, with spatiotemporal characteristics distinct from Cottrell's classic solution for unstressed systems. These findings create an unprecedented opportunity for quantitative detection of stress in solid-state batteries through the current signature. Generally, pascalammetry offers a powerful new approach to study stress-related phenomena in any solid-state electrochemical system

    The reactions on client’s needs as an expression of care about work quality and competition (in Placówki Doskonalenia Nauczycieli)

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    This paper shows how important and valuable is study and analysis clients’ needs. These activities are an evidence of caring about a quality and competition in organizations. The author presents this topic in the case of Placówki Doskonalenia Nauczycieli and show what these institutions do to satisfy clients’ wants and how they improve there activity. In addition the author show results of external evaluations, which were made in Placówki Doskonalenia Nauczycieli

    Advance diaspora diplomacy in a networked world

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    The role of diaspora in cultural exchange, international affairs and in economic development is now well established. What is new is the increasing proliferation of national strategies to harness them actively for public diplomacy. This article addresses the rise of Australia’s only formal, global diaspora network: Advance – Australia’s Global Community which has acted self-consciously to become an instrument of public diplomacy. Emerging from a small base in New York, Advance sought to ‘open doors’ for Australians in the world’s biggest market. Cultivating a strong membership base of well-connected individuals in the arts, commerce and professions, Advance developed its network centrality by building partnerships with state governments, Australian universities and federal government agencies. As an elite organisation of high-profile Australians overseas, Advance has developed into a global organisation communicating Australian culture and economic achievements to both Australian national audiences and foreign constituencies