164 research outputs found

    The language of scientific teaching and writing in small European countries

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    Tuberculosis Pericarditis with Cardiac Tamponade: Management in the Resource-Limited Setting

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    We report a case of human immunodeficiency virus–associated pericardial tuberculosis complicated by cardiac tamponade. Emergency management and subsequent therapeutic interventions are described and then discussed with particular focus on resource-limited settings. The paucity of evidence to support clinical decisions is emphasized and the need for well designed diagnostic and therapeutic studies is highlighted

    Integrated patient-to-room and nurse-to-patient assignment in hospital wards

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    Assigning patients to rooms and nurses to patients are critical tasks within hospitals that directly affect patient and staff satisfaction, quality of care, and hospital efficiency. Both patient-to-room assignments and nurse-to-patient assignments are typically agreed upon at the ward level, and they interact in several ways such as jointly determining the walking distances nurses must cover between different patient rooms. This motivates to consider both problems jointly in an integrated fashion. This paper presents the first optimization models and algorithms for the integrated patient-to-room and nurse-to-patient assignment problem. We provide a mixed integer programming formulation of the integrated problem that considers the typical objectives from the single problems as well as additional objectives that can only be properly evaluated when integrating both problems. Moreover, motivated by the inherent complexity that results from integrating these two NP-hard and already computationally challenging problems, we devise an efficient heuristic for the integrated patient-to-room and nurse-to-patient assignment problem. To evaluate the running time and quality of the solution obtained with the heuristic, we conduct extensive computational experiments on both artificial and real-world instances. The artificial instances are generated by a parameterized instance generator for the integrated problem that is made freely available

    Mythical numbers and the proceeds of organised crime: estimating mafia proceeds in Italy

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    Organised crime is a field vulnerable to mythical numbers, i.e. exaggerated estimates lacking empirical support, but acquiring acceptance through repetition. The figures on mafia proceeds in Italy are a striking example of this problem. This study proposes an estimation of mafia proceeds in Italy from nine criminal activities (sexual exploitation of women, illicit firearms trafficking, drug trafficking, counterfeiting, the illicit cigarette trade, illicit gambling, illicit waste disposal, loan sharking, and extortion racketeering) by region and type of mafia (Cosa Nostra, Camorra,\u2018Ndrangheta, Apulian mafias, and other mafias). The results estimate yearly mafia proceeds at approximately \u20ac10.7 bn (0.7% of the Italian GDP), discussing the impact on the regional and national economies and the differences among the types of mafias as to their geographical sources of revenue

    Skärgårdens mat

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    Skärgårdens mat – Mat och trender av Kristin Mattsson – Rimsaltning och rexning, sjöfågelpalt och kalvdans av Amanda Enberg – Mathantverk – en möjlighet för mångsysslare i skärgården av Heidi Barman-Geust – Föreningen för Mathantverk i Finland rf. av Katja Bonnevier – Fisken på bordet av Jessica Sundman – Snurror, yxor och kultur på energiska Pellinge av Thure Malmberg – Havtorn – skärgårdens guld av Jessica Sundman – Närmatsföregångare i Houtskär av Nina Söderlund – Skärgårdssmak – pionjär inom regional matkultur av Kristin Mattsson – Från fågelkropon till matsvinn av Nina Söderlund – Skärgårdspolitik av Annastina Sarlin – Ragnar Granit, en nervfysiolog med rötter i Korpo av Tom Reuter – HÒLA! av Aarón Blanco Tejedor – Bokhörnan: Våra krigshärjade, bortglömda utöar av Thure Malmberg – Skärinytt – Sista bilde

    The Thermal Infrared Sensor on the Landsat Data Continuity Mission

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    The Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM), a joint NASA and USGS mission, is scheduled for launch in December, 2012. The LDCM instrument payload will consist of the Operational Land Imager (OLI), provided by Ball Aerospace and Technology Corporation (BATC} under contract to NASA and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), provided by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This paper outlines the design of the TIRS instrument and gives an example of its application to monitoring water consumption by measuring evapotranspiration
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