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    The media, a controlling discourse, is presupposed to perform social power of groups that have ability to control the minds of other groups. The practice of this mind control involves more than acquiring beliefs. It encapsulates such specific and/or social dominance and hegemony of scarce social resource like “language” and “culture” (See Van Dijk in Schiffrin, 2001). Since mind control employs the acts, it is argued that Sundaneses’ attitude to their language and culture may be deconstructed by exercising persuasive power of narrator and media based on knowledge, information, and authority. In Rosidi’s article, Urang Sunda di Lingkungan Indonesia, the practice of ideological-hegemony deconstruction itself is conducted concerning to the fact that many Sundaneses become ignorant society. At this point, the paper intends to the research focusing on how such discourse controls mind and action of less powerful groups. Theoretically, recipients tend to accept beliefs, knowledge, and opinion through discourse from what they see as authoritative, trustworthy, and credible sources such as scholars, or reliable media (Nesler et al, 1993). The issue arises out of such particular strategies and function of the structure used in controlling mind. To learn the issue, critical discourse analysis is used. In this study, it is argued that deconstruction of ideological hegemony is executed by providing linguistic structure and communicative events formed by context-social structure and personal and social cognition


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    The action of mind control in Media is executed to reproduce dominance and hegemony. This mind control, however, should be performed less resist and even find “natural”. Van Dijk in Schiffrin (2001:357) argues discursive, a function of the structures and strategies of text, involve in mind control. To perform it, the use of particular strategy may trigger the use of structural relation. In reality, how Ajip Rosidi acted to control Sundaneses may lead to the questions: (1)cwhat textual strategy is applied in the discourse, and (2) what structural relations are developed to reproduce Sundanese critics’ ideological hegemony


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    Media is suggested to be an effective form to maintain certain local ideology on cultural base. The action of spreading indigenous language expressions, for example, may meet its goal through media since it goes less resist and entertaining. In delivering the language expressions to rise ethnic sensitivity, choice of language and ways in delivering message are argued to be implemented. The questions rise in function, ways, and indication of adaptation. To qualify the study, descriptive-analytic method is used. The results show that four functions involved in informal conversations and songs, making it easy to be accepted and adapted


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    Language is frequently performed, both oral and written, to communicate the ideology. Among indigenous speakers, ideology itself is able to be believed if it is delivered by local language. Therefore, it is no wonder if many critics or politicians, including Sundanese political actors, use local language in their political actions. These activities may be seen in local magazine published in West Java, ManglĂ©. From such comprehension, the research is conducted by focusing on one of its columns, BalĂ© Bandung. Theoretically, Althusser stated that ideology can be delivered by using state apparatuses such as churches, schools, families and through cultural forms–literature, music, advertising, sitcom, media, etc. ManglĂ©, one of the cultural forms, becomes an effective media to spread out the nationality and democracy ideology toward the Sundanese. The effectiveness of ManglĂ© is represented through the fact that ManglĂ© is read by the youth and them who work in government institutions. The issue is how the ideology is delivered in Sundanese. It leads the writers to identify the model of the deliverance. Conducting the research, the method used is analytic descriptive. The data are described and analyzed objectively. The result shows that language level use, undak usuk basa, involves in delivering the ideology. The ideology performed through loma in which sundanese use in their daily life

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda pada Masa Politik Etis di Lampung

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebijakan pemerintah kolonial Belanda dalam bidang pendidikan pada masa politik etis di Lampung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui teknik studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa Penyelenggaraan pendidikan pada masa politik etis semakin masif sejak Gubernur Jenderal Van Heutz mengizinkan pendirian sekolah-sekolah desa, dengan sumber pembiayaan oleh masyarakat desa. Pembangunan sekolah, pengadaan tenaga pengajar dan anggaran gaji guru bersumber dari keuangan desa. Subsidi biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan di Lampung baru diberikan pemerintah kolonial Belanda sejak tahun 1922 hingga 1942. Jumlah keseluruhan sekolah yang tercatat di Karesidenan Lampung terdiri dari 42 sekolah desa, 4 sekolah rakyat dan 6 sekolah lanjutan yang tersebar di Onder Afdeling Teluk Betung dan Kota Agung


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    This research aimed to describe: (1) the metacognition activity of the male students on 7th grade SMP Negeri 1 Nanggulan Kulon Progo Regency in mathematical problem solving, (2) the metacognition activity of the female students on 7th grade SMP Negeri 1 Nanggulan Kulon Progo Regency in mathematical problem solving. This research was a qualitative research with case study method that learning the depth of metacognition activities in mathematical problem solving. Purposive sampling technique was used to take sample. The subjects of this research are 4 males and 4 females. The instrument of this study is the researcher themselves that assisted by problem solving test. The think aloud method was used to collected data in this research where student was asked to express their ideas and questions loudly in mathematical problem solving processes. The data validity in this research used triangulation of time. The data analysis technique in this research using Miles and Huberman model include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research showed: 1) the metacognition activity of the male students are : a) understanding the problems phase : (1) students understand the problem by reading aloud and followed by skimming, (2) students do elaboration is memorizing related materials activities by looking the problem and mention the material then choose the main idea by mention of things that are known and problem-solving goals; b) devising a plan phase : students use procedural knowledge by revealing the plan steps of work by looking at the problem, and pointing to the parts of the problem; c) carrying out the plan phase : (1) students do organizational is organizing the main idea of the problem by write the calculation in the worksheet, (2) students use procedural knowledge by writing problem solving steps in the worksheet while revealing; d) looking back phase : 1) students do cognitive control and monitor by checking the calculations performed with looking in the worksheet and examine the part one by one and 2) students expressed awareness of the presence or absence of difficulties while looking at the results of the calculation in the worksheet. 2) the metacognition activity of the female students are: a) understanding the problems phase : (1) students understand the problem with skimming are visible from eye movements and speech were not heard by the ear, (2) students do elaboration is memorizing related by looking the problem and mention the material then choose the main idea by mention of things that are known and problem-solving goals, (3) student do cognitive monitoring by questioning herself and then answer it while looking the problem, (4) students expressed confidence of understanding the problem by a short answer while looking at the given problem; b) devising a plan phase : students use procedural knowledge by revealing the plan steps work by looking at the given problem; c) carrying out the plan phase : (1) student do organizational is organizes the main idea of the problem by write the calculation in a worksheet; (2) students using procedural knowledge by writing the problem solving steps in the worksheet while revealing; d) looking back phase : (1) students perform cognitive control and monitor activities by checking the calculations while looking the worksheet and examine the part one by one, (2) students do cognitive monitoring activities by questioning herself and then answer it while looking at worksheet, (3) student expressed confidence of working ability by answer questions briefly and looked at researchers after doing examination, (4) students expressed awareness of the presence or absence of difficulties by answering questions while looking the worksheet then seeing the researcher. Keywords: metacognition, mathematics problem solving, gende

    Perbandingan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Number Head Together (NHT) dan Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) ditinjau dari sikap ilmiah siswa dalam pokok bahasan suhu dan kalor di Kelas X semester II SMA Negeri 1 Palangka Raya Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    ABSTRAKS Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) terdapat tidaknya perbedaan yang signifikan antara sikap ilmiah siswa dalam pembelajaran menggunakan model kooperatif tipe NHT dan STAD pada materi suhu dan kalor, (2) terdapat tidaknya perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan model kooperatif tipe NHT dan STAD pada materi suhu dan kalor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dan jenis penilitiannya menggunakan design quasi experimental dalam mengumpulkan datanya. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar pengamatan sikap ilmiah siswa dan tes hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Hasil analisis reliabilitas butir soal uji coba instrumen tes hasil belajar kognitif diperoleh sebesar 0,529 dengan kategori cukup.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas X semester II SMAN-1 Palangka Raya Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015, dengan sampel penelitian adalah kelas X-IPA 1berjumlah 30 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas X-IPA 2 berjumlah 30 orang sebagai kelas kontrol. Analisis data sikap ilmiah siswa, pretest dan posttest tes hasil belajar kognitif siswa menggunakan program SPSS versi 17.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) berdasarkan analisis uji hipotesis sikap ilmiah siswa menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sikap ilmiah siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dan sikap ilmiah siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD pada taraf signifikansi 0,05, dengan skor rata-rata kelas eksperimen adalah 64,33 dan kelas control adalah 60,16. (2) Analisis uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dari hasil posttest pada materi suhu dan kalor dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas control dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD. Hal ini dapat dilihat berdasarkan α = 0,05 lebih kecil dari nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,827 untuk posttest hasil belajar kognitif siswa, dengan nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen adalah 78,06 sedangkan kelas control adalah 76,94. ABSTRACT This study is aimed to know: (1) there is a least significant difference between the scientific attitude of students in learning to use the cooperative model type NHT and STAD on the material temperature and heat, (2) there is a least significant difference between the learning outcomes of students after participating in learning to use the cooperative model type NHT and STAD on the material temperature and heat. This study used experimental methods and types using a design quasi experimental in collecting the data. The instrument used is the observation sheet scientific attitude of students and students cognitive achievement test. The level of reliability analysis item test cognitive achievement test was obtained for 0,529 with enough category.The population in this study is the second half of the class X Palangka Raya SMAN-1 School Year 2014/2015, the study sample was X-IPA 1 amounted to 30 people as an experimental class and the class of X-IPA 2 were 30 people as the control class. The analysis of the data of scientific attitude of students and pretest and postest students cognitive achievement test using SPSS version 17.0 for Windows. Results of the study showed that:(1) based on an analysis of scientific hypothesis testing students attitudes shows that there are no significant differences between the scientific attitude of students using cooperative learning model NHT type and scientific attitude of students using cooperative learning model STAD type of at significance level of 0,05, with the average experimental class score was 64,33 and the control class is 60,16. (2) the hypothesis test analysis showed that there are no significant difference in student learning outcomes postest experimental class of results on the material temperature and heat with using cooperative learning model NHT compared with the control class student learning outcomes by using cooperative learning model type STAD. This can be seen by α=0,05 is smaller than the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,827 to postest cognitive achievement of students, with the average value of the experimental class is 78,06 while the control group was 76,94


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    ASTI RETNO SARI, NIM. E0009064 2013. TINJAUAN YURIDIS PENGGUNAAN KETERANGAN AHLI BALISTIK DALAM PEMBUKTIAN DAKWAAN PERKARA TINDAK PIDANA KEPEMILIKAN AMUNISI SENJATA API ( STUDI KASUS PUTUSAN DALAM PUTUSAN PENGADILAN NEGERI SURAKARTA NOMOR : 7/PID.SUS/2011/PN.SKA) Penulisan hukum ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimakah penggunaan alat bukti keterangan ahli balistik dalam perkara tindak pidana kepemilikan amunisi senjata api dan bagaimanakah pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus dan memeriksa Perkara Tindak Pidana Kepemilikan Amunisi Senjata Api di Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta. Penulisan Hukum ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian hukum normatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui studi dokumen (Library Research), baik buku-buku, peraturan perundang-undangan, dokumen-dokumen, dan sebagainya. Analisis data mengunakan tekhnik analisis interaktif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu pertama, keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi ahli disini yaitu saksi ahli Balistik Kanit Senjata Api pada Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri menyatakan bahwa amunisi senjata api yang disimpan oleh terdakwa Muhammad Bahrunna’im Anggih Tamtomo dinyatakan masih aktif dan belum pernah digunakan, dan bahwa amunisi senjata api yang disimpan oleh terdakwa bukan buatan PT.Pindad, yang merupakan produk dalam negeri melainkan produk yang berasal dari Jerman peluru berukuran 9 mm dan produk yang berasal dari Eropa Timur (Rusia) berukuran 7,9 mm. Kedua, bahwa pertimbangan hakim Pengadilan Negeri dalam memeriksa dan memutus perkara tindak pidana kepemilikan amunisi senjata api oleh terdakwa Muhammad Bahrunna’im Anggih Tamtomo sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal yang bersangkutan yaitu Pasal 1 ayat (1) Undang – Undang No. 12 Drt 1951 bersalah melakukan tindak pidana “menyimpan amunisi” dari tuntutan yang diberikan oleh jaksa penuntut umum yaitu menjatuhkan pidana terhardap terdakwa dengan pidana penjara selama 5 (lima) tahun dikurangkan selama masa penahanan, namun setelah memeriksa berdasarkan saksi – saksi yang dihadirkan dalam persidangandan dan yang menentukan secara nyata adalah pembuktian yang diberikan oleh saksi ahli balistik sehingga majelis hakim menimbang kembali berdasarkan hal – hal yang memberatkan dang hal – hal yang meringankan, maka Hakim memutuskan terdakwa dengan pemidaan penjara selama 2 (dua) tahun 6 (enam) bulan dikurangkan selama masa penahanan. Kata Kunci : Keterangan Ahli Balistik, Pembuktian, Tindak Pidana Kepemilikan Senjata Api. ASTI RETNO SARI, NIM. E0009064 2013. A JURIDICAL REVIEW ON THE USE OF BALLISTIC EXPERT’S INFORMATION IN AUTHENTICATING THE INDICTMENT OF FIRE GUN AMMUNITION POSSESSION CRIMINAL CASE (A CASE STUDY ON SURAKARTA FIRST INSTANCE COURT’S VERDICT NUMBER: 7/PID.SUS/2011/PN.SKA). This research aimed to find out how the use of ballistic expert information evidence is in fire gun ammunition possession criminal case and how the judge’s rationale is in sentencing and hearing the fire gun ammunition possession criminal case. This study was a normative law research that was descriptive in nature. The type of data used was secondary data. Technique of collecting data used was Library Research, constituting books, legislation, documents, and etc. The data analysis was conducted using an interactive analysis with qualitative approach. The results obtained from this research were as follows. Firstly, the information given by the expert witness, in this case the ballistic expert, the chairman of Fire Gun Unit in Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri, stated that the fire gun ammunition stored by Muhammad Bahrunna’im Anggih Tamtomo was stated as still active and had never been used, and that the fire gun ammunition stored by the defendant was not made by PT. Pindad, or not home-made but the one from Germany for the projectile 9 mm in size and the one from Eastern Europe (Russia) for the projectile 7.9 mm. Secondly, the judge of First Instance Court’s rationale in hearing and sentencing the fire gun ammunition possession criminal case by the defendant Muhammad Bahrunna’im Anggih Tamtomo had been consistent with the provision of corresponding article, namely Article 1 clause (1) Act No.12 Drt 1951, in which he was stated as guilty for committing the crime of ‘storing ammunition” from the public prosecutor’s suit by imposing the defendant with 5 years imprisonment subtracted with detention period, but having investigated based on the witness presented in the trial and the significantly determinant factor was the authentication given by the ballistic expert witness so that the Chamber of Judge reconsidered on the basis of incriminating and alleviating factors, the Judge sentenced the defendant with a 2 (two) years and 6 (six) months imprisonment subtracted with detention period. Keywords: Ballistic Expert Information, Authentication, Fire Gun Possession Crime


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    Tujuan dari penelitian tindakan sekolah ini adalah sebagai upaya peningkatan kemampuan guru SD Negeri 06 Tapang Pulau, Kecamatan Belitang Hilir, Kabupaten Sekadau dalam menetapkan Kriteria Ketuntas Minimal (KKM) melalui Workshop selama dua siklus. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 12 orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada pra siklus kemampuan guru yang dinilai sangat baik berjumlah 1 orang atau 8,33%; dinilai baik ada 2 orang atau 16,67%; dinilai cukup ada 5 orang atau 41,67%; dinilai kurang ada 4 orang atau 33,33%. Pada siklus I kemampuan guru yang dinilai sangat baik berjumlah 2 orang atau 16,67%; dinilai baik ada 5 orang atau 41,67%; dinilai cukup ada 4 orang atau 33,33%; dinilai kurang ada 1 orang atau 8,33%. Pada siklus II kemampuan guru yang dinilai sangat baik berjumlah 7 orang atau 58,34%; dinilai baik ada 4 orang atau 33,33%; dinilai cukup ada 1 orang atau 8,33%; yang dinilai kurang tidak ada. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan guru, menetapkan KKM.  IMPROVING TEACHER’S ABILITY OF SD NEGERI 06 TAPANG PULAU IN DECIDING PASSING GRADE (KKM) THROUGH WORKSHOP Abstract: The purpose of this school action research is to improve the teacher’s ability at SD Negeri 06 Tapang Pulau, Belitang Hilir District, Sekadau Regency in deciding Passing Grade (KKM) through a two cycles-workshop. This research was conducted in the year of academic 2019/2020 involved 12 teachers as research subjects. The results showed that in the pre-cycle the teacher's ability considered very good was 1 teacher or 8.33%; 2 teachers were considered good or 16.67%; 5 teachers were considered fair or 41.67%; 4 teachers or 33.33% were considered to be insufficient. In the first cycle, the teacher's ability considered very good was 2 teachers or 16.67%; 5 teachers were fair or 41.67%; 4 teachers were considered sufficient or 33.33%; 1 person was considered insufficient or 8.33%. In the second cycle, the teacher's ability considered very good was 7 teachers or 58.34%; there were 4 teachers or 33.33%; 1 person is considered sufficient or 8.33%. Keywords: The teacher’s ability, deciding passing grade


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tokoh utama Razka dalam melakukan tindakan agresi dan bagaimana bentuk-bentuk perilaku agresi yang ditunjukkan tokoh utama Razka menurut teori Emotional Behavior Leonard Berkowitz dalam novel Pion Memorabila karya Elwin Padmaraksa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian kualitatif. Objek penelitian adalah tokoh Razka sebagai tokoh utama yang dalam novel pion memorabilia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perilaku agresitivitas pada tokoh Razka muncul karena pengaruh beberapa faktor yang menjadi penyebabnya. Perilaku agresi tokoh Razka dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan keluarga, yaitu kondisi tak menyenangkan yang diciptakan oleh orang tua. Kondisi tak menyenangkan tersebut meliputi pengaruh langsung, diantaranya perlakuan keras dari orang tua, dan disiplin yang tidak konsisten yang diciptakna orang tua. Perlakuan keras yang dilakukan oleh ayah Razka, seperti perilaku menghina atau mencaci maki, mengancam, dan memukul. Disiplin yang tidak konsisten yang diciptakan orang tua, yaitu pertentangan ayah dan emak yang tidak memiliki sikap dan perlakuan yang sama dalam cara mendidik. Ayah dan emak tidak sependapat dalam melarang atau membolehkan tingkah laku tertentu kepada anak. Sikap konsisten orang tua dalam menerapkan norma juga tidak ditunjukkan tokoh ayah dalam mendidik Razka. Misalnya saja, ayah mengajarkan Razka agar berperilaku baik, sopan, dan jujur, tetapi ayah sendiri menampilkan perilaku yang sebaliknya, sehingga Razka mengalami konflik untuk menganut standar disiplin yang kurang jelas. Akibatnya seorang anak akan menggunakan dalih ketidakkonsistenan orang tua dalam mendisiplinkannya. Pada banyaknya fenomena perilaku agresi, tidak menutup kemungkinan kalau anak tidak akan melakukan apa yang menjadi perintah atau keinginan orang tua, bahkan akan melakukan suatu imitasi atau berperilaku sama seperti orang tuanya. Seperti halnya yang dikatakan Berkowitz bahwa kekerasan akan melahirkan kekerasan. Agresivitas yang dilakukan oleh Razka disebabkan oleh pengalaman Razka dalam menerima didikan keras dari orang tua. Cara mendidik ayah Razka selalu menunjukkan perilaku agresif seperti menghina dan memukul. Agresivitas Razka disebabkan oleh hasil peniruan dari ayahnya yang selalu menunjukkan tindakan agresif. Bentuk-bentuk perilaku agresi Razka ditunjukkan melalui tindakan agresif fisik langsung dan agresif verbal langsung. Tindakan agresi fisik langsung oleh Razka dilakukan melalui perilaku yang kasar, yaitu memukul dan menjerat korban. Agresi verbal langsung dilakukan Razka melalui kata-kata menghina dan mengintimidasi target yang menjadi sasaran luapan emosinya. Kata Kunci: Agresivitas, Disiplin, Kekerasan Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the factors that influence the main character Razka in carrying out acts of aggression and how the forms of aggression behavior shown by the main character Razka according to the theory of Emotional Behavior Leonard Berkowitz in the novel Pion Memorabila by Elwin Padmaraksa. This study uses descriptive methods with qualitative research. The object of the research is Razkas character as the main character in the novel memorabilia. The results of the analysis show that the behavior of aggressiveness in Razkas character arises because of the influence of several factors as the cause. Razkas aggressive behavior is influenced by the family environment, namely the unpleasant conditions created by parents. These unpleasant conditions include direct influence, including harsh treatment from parents, and inconsistent discipline that is created by parents. Violent treatment carried out by Razkas father, such as insulting or abusing, threatening, and beating behavior. Inconsistent discipline created by parents, namely the opposition of fathers and mothers who do not have the same attitude and treatment in educational ways. Father and mother disagree in prohibiting or allowing certain behavior to children. Parents consistent attitude in applying norms was also not shown by the father figure in educating Razka. For example, father taught Razka to behave well, politely, and honestly, but the father himself displayed the opposite behavior, so Razka experienced conflict to follow a standard of discipline that was not clear. As a result, a child will use the pretext of the inconsistency of parents in disciplining it. On the many phenomena of aggression behavior, it does not rule out the possibility that the child will not do what is the command or desire of the parents, even if they do an imitation or behave the same as their parents. As Berkowitz said that violence will give birth to violence. The aggressiveness carried out by Razka was caused by Razkas experience in accepting hard training from parents. The way to educate Razkas father always shows aggressive behavior such as insulting and beating. Razkas aggressiveness is caused by the imitation of his father who always shows aggressive actions. Razkas forms of aggression are shown through direct physical aggressive and direct verbal aggression. The act of direct physical aggression by Razka was carried out through rude behavior, namely hitting and ensnaring victims. Verbal aggression was directly carried out by Razka through words of insulting and intimidating targets that were subjected to emotional outbursts. Keyword: Aggressiveness, Discipline, Violenc
