104 research outputs found

    Taking two to tango:fMRI analysis of improvised joint action with physical contact

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    <div><p>Many forms of joint action involve physical coupling between the participants, such as when moving a sofa together or dancing a tango. We report the results of a novel two-person functional MRI study in which trained couple dancers engaged in bimanual contact with an experimenter standing next to the bore of the magnet, and in which the two alternated between being the leader and the follower of joint improvised movements. Leading showed a general pattern of self-orientation, being associated with brain areas involved in motor planning, navigation, sequencing, action monitoring, and error correction. In contrast, following showed a far more sensory, externally-oriented pattern, revealing areas involved in somatosensation, proprioception, motion tracking, social cognition, and outcome monitoring. We also had participants perform a “mutual” condition in which the movement patterns were pre-learned and the roles were symmetric, thereby minimizing any tendency toward either leading or following. The mutual condition showed greater activity in brain areas involved in mentalizing and social reward than did leading or following. Finally, the analysis of improvisation revealed the dual importance of motor-planning and working-memory areas. We discuss these results in terms of theories of both joint action and improvisation.</p></div

    Estudio de la concentración fúngica aérea de los depósitos del Archivo Municipal de Cárdenas, Cuba

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    El control de determinados par&aacute;metros en ambientes interiores, como la temperatura y humedad relativa, constituye un elemento esencial para la conservaci&oacute;n del patrimonio y la preservaci&oacute;n de la salud humana, dado el riesgo potencial que implica la presencia de microorganismos en estos ambientes, espec&iacute;ficamente los hongos. Los objetivos del estudio fueron determinar la concentraci&oacute;n f&uacute;ngica del aire del Archivo Municipal de C&aacute;rdenas (Cuba), realizar la identificaci&oacute;n taxon&oacute;mica de los aislamientos y describir el potencial biodeteriorante y pat&oacute;geno que representan para el patrimonio documental y la salud humana, respectivamente. Se emple&oacute; un biocolector SAS Super 100 y placas de Petri conteniendo un medio de cultivo adecuado para el muestreo microbiol&oacute;gico; posteriormente se determin&oacute; la capacidad biodeteriorante de las cepas. Los valores de concentraci&oacute;n f&uacute;ngica obtenidos en el local 1 fueron extremadamente superiores al compararlo con el local 2, permitiendo clasificar al primero como altamente contaminado. El g&eacute;nero f&uacute;ngico predominante fue Penicillium, registr&aacute;ndose 53% y 81,8% en los locales 1 y 2, respectivamente. Todas los aislamientos presentaron marcada actividad celulol&iacute;tica y producci&oacute;n de &aacute;cidos, mientras que el 58% excret&oacute; pigmentos al medio, comprob&aacute;ndose la capacidad biodeteriorante de las mismos. Los g&eacute;neros f&uacute;ngicos aislados representan pat&oacute;genos potenciales para la salud humana.Study of airborne fungal concentration at the Archivo Municipal de Cardenas, Cuba Abstract: The control of certain parameters in indoor environments, such as temperature and relative humidity, constitutes an essential element for the conservation of heritage, and preservation of human health, due to the potential risk implied by the presence of microorganisms in these environments, specifically fungi. The purpose of this study was to determine the airborne fungal concentration at the Archivo Municipal de Cardenas (Cuba), establish the taxonomic identification of isolates and describe the biodeteriorating and pathogenic potential represented for the documentary heritage and human health, respectively. We used a SAS Super 100 biocollector and Petri dishes containing an adequate culture medium for microbiological sampling, and later determined the biodeteriorating capacity of the strains. The fungal concentration values obtained at site 1 were considerably higher than those obtained at site 2, allowing classifying the first one as highly contaminated. The predominant fungal genus was Penicillium, registering 53% and 81.8% at sites 1 and 2, respectively. All the isolates presented marked cellulolytic activity and acid production, while 58% excreted pigments to the medium, verifying their biodeteriorating capacity. The fungus genus isolated represents potential pathogens for human health

    Déterminants protéiques de la voie de sécrétion Sec impliqués dans la formation de biofilm chez Listeria monocytogenes

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    Listeria monocytogenes est une bactérie pathogène impliquée dans la toxi-infection alimentaire à l origine de la listeriose, une maladie peu fréquente mais avec un taux de mortalité de 25 % chez l homme. Cette bactérie est capable de former un biofilm lui permettant de mieux résister aux stress environnementaux ainsi qu aux traitements de décontamination. Une nouvelle stratégie d analyse génomique a été développée et a permis de cibler des systèmes de sécrétion et des protéines potentiellement impliqués dans la formation de biofilm. L inactivation de la voie SecA2 entraîne la formation d un biofilm aérien et par conséquent fragile. Ce morphotype est capable de croître de façon sessile à 20C sur du polystyrène alors que ce n est pas le cas pour la souche sauvage. De nouvelles protéines sécrétées de façon SecA2 dépendante ont été identifiées par l étude de l exoprotéome du mutant secA2 en comparaison avec celui de la souche sauvage. Le rôle des lipoprotéines dans la formation de biofilm ainsi que leur maturation par les peptidases signal de type II, LspA et LspB, a également été abordé. La combinaison d'une analyse de l expression des gènes codant les lipoprotéines au cours de la formation de biofilm avec l analyse génomique basé sur le sécrétome a permis de cibler trois lipoprotéines, dont LpeA qui serait impliquée dans les phases tardives de formation de biofilm. Enfin, l importance majeure de LspA dans la maturation des lipoprotéines, a été mise en évidence par l étude de l exoprotéome des doubles mutant lgt lspA et lgt lspB en comparaison avec celui de lgt.Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogenic bacteria responsible for listeriosis, a rare but high mortality rate disease in humans (25 %). This bacterium can form biofilm allowing a better resistance to environmental stresses as well as decontamination treatments. A new strategy for genomic analysis was developed and allowed to target secretion systems and proteins potentially involved in biofilm formation. Inactivation of the SecA2 pathway leads to the formation of an aerial and fragile biofilm. This morphotype is able to grow in a sessile mode at 20 C on polystyrene whereas this is not the case for the wild type strain. New proteins secreted in a SecA2 manner were identified by comparing the secA2 exoproteome to the one of the wild type. The role of lipoproteins in biofilm formation and their maturation by the signal peptidase II, LpsA and LspB, was also tackled. Combining expression analysis of genes encoding lipoproteins during biofilm formation with genomic analysis based on the secretome allowed targeting three lipoproteins, including LpeA, which appeared to be involved in the later stages of biofilm formation. Finally, the importance of LspA in the maturation of lipoproteins,was highlighted by comparing of the double mutant lgt lspA and lgt lspB exoproteomes to the one of lgt.CLERMONT FD-Bib.électronique (631139902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The promise and potential pitfalls of chimeric antigen receptors

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    One important purpose of T cell engineering is to generate tumor-targeted T cells through the genetic transfer of antigen-specific receptors, which consist of either physiological, MHC-restricted T cell receptors (TCRs) or non MHC-restricted chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). CARs combine antigen-specificity and T cell activating properties in a single fusion molecule. First generation CARs, which included as their signaling domain the cytoplasmic region of the CD3zeta or Fc receptor gamma chain, effectively redirected T cell cytotoxicity but failed to enable T cell proliferation and survival upon repeated antigen exposure. Receptors encompassing both CD28 and CD3zeta are the prototypes for second generation CARs, which are now rapidly expanding to a diverse array of receptors with different functional properties. First generation CARs have been tested in phase I clinical studies in patients with ovarian cancer, renal cancer, lymphoma, and neuroblastoma, where they have induced modest responses. Second generation CARs, which are just now entering the clinical arena in the B cell malignancies and other cancers, will provide a more significant test for this approach. If the immunogenicity of CARs can be averted, the versatility of their design and HLA-independent antigen recognition will make CARs tools of choice for T cell engineering for the development of targeted cancer immunotherapies

    Subcellular localization of extracytoplasmic proteins in monoderm bacteria: rational secretomics-based strategy for genomic and proteomic analyses.

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    Genome-scale prediction of subcellular localization (SCL) is not only useful for inferring protein function but also for supporting proteomic data. In line with the secretome concept, a rational and original analytical strategy mimicking the secretion steps that determine ultimate SCL was developed for Gram-positive (monoderm) bacteria. Based on the biology of protein secretion, a flowchart and decision trees were designed considering (i) membrane targeting, (ii) protein secretion systems, (iii) membrane retention, and (iv) cell-wall retention by domains or post-translocational modifications, as well as (v) incorporation to cell-surface supramolecular structures. Using Listeria monocytogenes as a case study, results were compared with known data set from SCL predictors and experimental proteomics. While in good agreement with experimental extracytoplasmic fractions, the secretomics-based method outperforms other genomic analyses, which were simply not intended to be as inclusive. Compared to all other localization predictors, this method does not only supply a static snapshot of protein SCL but also offers the full picture of the secretion process dynamics: (i) the protein routing is detailed, (ii) the number of distinct SCL and protein categories is comprehensive, (iii) the description of protein type and topology is provided, (iv) the SCL is unambiguously differentiated from the protein category, and (v) the multiple SCL and protein category are fully considered. In that sense, the secretomics-based method is much more than a SCL predictor. Besides a major step forward in genomics and proteomics of protein secretion, the secretomics-based method appears as a strategy of choice to generate in silico hypotheses for experimental testing

    High-power-load DCLM monochromator for a computed tomography program at BMIT at energies of 25-150 keV

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    The research program at the biomedical imaging facility requires a high-flux hard-X-ray monochromator that can also provide a wide beam. A wide energy range is needed for standard radiography, phase-contrast imaging, K-edge subtraction imaging and monochromatic beam therapy modalities. The double-crystal Laue monochromator, developed for the BioMedical Imaging and Therapy facility, is optimized for the imaging of medium- and large-scale samples at high energies with the resolution reaching 4 mu m. A pair of 2mm-thick Si(111) bent Laue-type crystals were used in fixed-exit beam mode with a 16mm vertical beam offset and the first crystal water-cooled. The monochromator operates at energies from 25 to 150keV, and the measured size of the beam is 189mm (H)x8.6mm (V) at 55m from the source. This paper presents our approach in developing a complete focusing model of the monochromator. The model uses mechanical properties of crystals and benders to obtain a finite-element analysis of the complete assembly. The modeling results are compared and calibrated with experimental measurements. Using the developed analysis, a rough estimate of the bending radius and virtual focus (image) position of the first crystal can be made, which is also the real source for the second crystal. On the other hand, by measuring the beam height in several points in the SOE-1 hutch, the virtual focus of the second crystal can be estimated. The focusing model was then calibrated with measured mechanical properties, the values for the force and torque applied to the crystals were corrected, and the actual operating parameters of the monochromator for fine-tuning were provided.Peer reviewe

    Commission de patronage

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    Renier Léon, Waddington William-Henry, Maury Alfred, Defrémery , Bréal Michel, Monod Gabriel. Commission de patronage . In: Rapport sur l'École pratique des hautes études, 1879-1880. 1879. pp. 151-152