246 research outputs found

    El llenguatge sexual i la vergonya femenina segons Francesc Eiximenis

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    Resum: Anàlisi dels consells i les observacions de Francesc Eiximenis en relació amb el llenguatge sexual; la vergonya corporal, amb especial atenció a la vergonya femenina; les paraules obscenes i els eufemismes, els circumloquis i les perífrasis per substituir-les; la mesura del plaer sexual o el fluix menstrual. Al final s’analitza un curiós cas de censura, que és potser a causa de l’aplicació d’aquestes idees, en uns capítols d’un manuscrit del Terç del Crestià.Paraules clau: Francesc Eiximenis, sexe, vergonya corporal, mots obscens, eufemismesAbstract: This paper analyses Francesc Eiximenis’ advice and commentary with regards to sexual language: modesty, particularly concerning women; obscene language as well as euphemisms, circumlocution and periphrasis to avoid it; the measure of sexual pleasure; or the menstrual flow. Finally, a case of censorship in one of the manuscripts witnessing Eiximenis’ Terç del Crestià is discussed as possibly triggeredby the application of these concepts.Keywords: Francsc Eiximenis, sex, corporal shame, obscene words, euphemis

    Eiximenis, Alfonso IV, Pedro I de Portugal y sus vasallos

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    En la gran enciclopedia política del Dotzè del Crestià, terminada a principios del año 1387, el franciscano catalán Francesc Eiximenis dedicó un capítulo a comentar, desde los principios de la doctrina pactista, la guerra civil que enfrentó, el año 1355, a Alfonso IV, rey de Portugal, con su hijo, el infante Don Pedro. De la mano de Eiximenis este episodio se convierte en un exemplum histórico que pone en relieve, junto con otros exempla de contenido similar, el papel que, de acuerdo con la doctrina pactista defendida en el Dotzè, debía jugar la virtud cardinal de la fortitudo en la defensa del bien común contra los errores y las arbitrariedades de los tiranos.In the vast encyclopedia of Crestià Dotze policy, completed in early part of the year in 1387, the Franciscan Catalan Francesc Eiximenis devoted a chapter to discuss this cardinal virtue, since the principles of the doctrine pacts, during the civil war in the year 1355 between Alfonso IV, king of Portugal, with his son, the Infante, Don Pedro. Led by Eiximenis this episode becomes an example of historical highlights, along with other similar examples, according to the doctrine defended in Dotze Pactista, the role the cardinal virtue of fortitude plays in defense of the common good against the errors and injustices of tyrants

    Performance and emissions of an agricultural diesel engine fuelled with different diesel and methyl ester blends

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    This paper shows the results of an investigation carried out to assess the application of different fuels produced by blending diesel fuel with methyl ester obtained from mixture of 75% (v/v) sunflower oil and 25% (v/v) used cooking oil on a Kubota agricultural indirect injection diesel engine, natural aspirated, and with a rated horsepower of 19.7 kW. Seven fuels, namely diesel fuel; 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100 (%v/v) blends were prepared and tested for the performance of the diesel engine in accordance with the standardised OECD test code 2. The test results showed that the performance of the engine was satisfactory without a significant reduction in power output and torque with blends smaller than 50%. Fuel consumptions with biodiesel were higher than that when fuelled with diesel but differences were not very marked up to 30% blends. As the reduction of the engine thermal efficiency was less than the corresponding reduction in heating value of the different biodiesel blends, the latter resulted in a more complete combustion in comparison with diesel fuel. The oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions were found to be reduced as the biodiesel concentration increase, particularly with 70% and 100% blends. The emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) were lower and increased at a lower rate with the oxygen concentration of the exhaust as the biodiesel blends were equal or higher than 50%

    A note on the symmetric difference in lattices

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    The paper introduces a definition of symmetric difference in lattices with negation, presents its general properties and studies those that are typical of ortholattices, orthomodular lattices, de Morgan and boolean algebras

    Crisp sets as classes of discontinuous fuzzy sets

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    AbstractThis paper aims to show how, by using a threshold-based approach, a path from imprecise information to a crisp ‘decision’ can be developed. It deals with the problem of the logical transformation of a fuzzy set into a crisp set. Such threshold arises from the ideas of contradiction and separation, and allows us to prove that crisp sets can be structurally considered as classes of discontinuous fuzzy sets. It is also shown that continuous fuzzy sets are computationally indistinguishable from some kind of discontinuous fuzzy sets

    New chemical profiles for the asteroseismology of ZZ Ceti stars

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    We compute new chemical profiles for the core and envelope of white dwarfs appropriate for pulsational studies of ZZ Ceti stars. These profiles are extracted from the complete evolution of progenitor stars, evolved through the main sequence and the thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stages, and from time-dependent element diffusion during white dwarf evolution. We discuss the importance of the initial-final mass relationship for the white dwarf carbon-oxygen composition. In particular, we find that the central oxygen abundance may be underestimated by about 15% if the white dwarf mass is assumed to be the hydrogen-free core mass before the first thermal pulse. We also discuss the importance for the chemical profiles expected in the outermost layers of ZZ Ceti stars of the computation of the thermally-pulsing AGB phase and of the phase in which element diffusion is relevant. We find a strong dependence of the outer layer chemical stratification on the stellar mass. In particular, in the less massive models, the double-layered structure in the helium layer built up during the thermally-pulsing AGB phase is not removed by diffusion by the time the ZZ Ceti stage is reached. Finally, we perform adiabatic pulsation calculations and discuss the implications of our new chemical profiles for the pulsational properties of ZZ Ceti stars. We find that the whole gg-mode period spectrum and the mode-trapping properties of these pulsating white dwarfs as derived from our new chemical profiles are substantially different from those based on chemical profiles widely used in existing asteroseismological studies. Thus, we expect the asteroseismological models derived from our chemical profiles to be significantly different from those found thus far.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. To be published in Ap

    3 i 2 fansín

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    Descripció basada en: Núm. 10 (1985

    Evolution of white dwarf stars with high-metallicity progenitors: The role of 22Ne diffusion

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    Motivated by the strong discrepancy between the main-sequence turnoff age and the white dwarf cooling age in the metal-rich open cluster NGC 6791, we compute a grid of white dwarf evolutionary sequences that incorporates for the first time the energy released by the processes of 22Ne sedimentation and of carbon/oxygen phase separation upon crystallization. The grid covers the mass range from 0.52 to 1.0M⊙, and is appropriate for the study of white dwarfs in metal-rich clusters. The evolutionary calculations are based on a detailed and self-consistent treatment of the energy released from these two processes, as well as on the employment of realistic carbon/oxygen profiles, of relevance for an accurate evaluation of the energy released by carbon/oxygen phase separation. We find that 22Ne sedimentation strongly delays the cooling rate of white dwarfs stemming from progenitors with high metallicities at moderate luminosities, while carbon/oxygen phase separation adds considerable delays at lowluminosities. Cooling times are sensitive to possible uncertainties in the actual value of the diffusion coefficient of 22Ne. Changing the diffusion coefficient by a factor of 2 leads to maximum age differences of ≈8%-20% depending on the stellar mass. We find that the magnitude of the delays resulting from chemical changes in the core is consistent with the slowdown in the white dwarf cooling rate that is required to solve the age discrepancy in NGC 6791.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Evolution of white dwarf stars with high-metallicity progenitors: the role of 22Ne diffusion

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    Motivated by the strong discrepancy between the main sequence turn-off age and the white dwarf cooling age in the metal-rich open cluster NGC 6791, we compute a grid of white dwarf evolutionary sequences that incorporates for the first time the energy released by the processes of 22Ne sedimentation and of carbon/oxygen phase separation upon crystallization. The grid covers the mass range from 0.52 to 1.0 Msun, and it is appropriate for the study of white dwarfs in metal-rich clusters. The evolutionary calculations are based on a detailed and self-consistent treatment of the energy released from these two processes, as well as on the employment of realistic carbon/oxygen profiles, of relevance for an accurate evaluation of the energy released by carbon/oxygen phase separation. We find that 22Ne sedimentation strongly delays the cooling rate of white dwarfs stemming from progenitors with high metallicities at moderate luminosities, whilst carbon/oxygen phase separation adds considerable delays at low luminosities. Cooling times are sensitive to possible uncertainties in the actual value of the diffusion coefficient of 22Ne. Changing the diffusion coefficient by a factor of 2, leads to maximum age differences of approx. 8-20% depending on the stellar mass. We find that the magnitude of the delays resulting from chemical changes in the core is consistent with the slow down in the white dwarf cooling rate that is required to solve the age discrepancy in NGC 6791.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa