132 research outputs found

    15 Years of Information System Design Science Research: A Bibliographic Analysis

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    The publication of the seminal work of Hevner et al. [34] generated a noticeable shift on the part of researchers, leading to greater interaction between research and practice, in particular through the development of Information Systems Design Science Research (ISDSR). Fifteen years later, the time appears ripe for a retrospective analysis of this research paradigm in order to understand the logic and dynamics of its development. Recently, a small number of researchers have attempted to provide such an analysis through literature syntheses based on their subjective interpretation of the field. We seek to pursue this effort through a Co-Citation Analysis of ISDSR articles published in the AIS basket of eight journals. As such, we offer an original analysis of the ISDSR literature that sheds light on its intellectual foundations. Our contribution is twofold. First, we show the distribution of ISDSR articles and the composition of the intellectual core. Second, we discuss our quantitative results and identify an integrative framework for ISDSR

    Cell-binding IgM in CSF is distinctive of multiple sclerosis and targets the iron transporter SCARA5

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    Intrathecal IgM production in multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with a worse disease course. To investigate pathogenic relevance of autoreactive IgM in MS, CSF from two independent cohorts, including MS patients and controls, were screened for antibody binding to induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons and astrocytes, and a panel of CNS- related cell lines. IgM binding to a primitive neuro-ectodermal tumour cell line discriminated 10% of MS donors from controls. Transcriptomes of single IgM producing CSF B cells from patients with cell-binding IgM were sequenced and used to produce recombinant monoclonal antibodies for characterisation and antigen identification. We produced 5 cell-binding recombinant IgM antibodies, of which one, cloned from an HLA-DR + plasma-like B cell, mediated antigen-dependent complement activation. Immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry, and biochemical and transcriptome analysis of the target cells identified the iron transport scavenger protein SCARA5 as the antigen target of this antibody. Intrathecal injection of a SCARA5 antibody led to an increased T cell infiltration in an EAE model. CSF IgM might contribute to CNS inflammation in MS by binding to cell surface antigens like SCARA5 and activating complement, or by facilitating immune cell migration into the brain

    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR = 2.05, 95%CI = 1.39–3.02, p < 0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR = 0.42, 95%CI = 0.18–0.99, p = 0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon

    A Longitudinal Study on Feeding Behaviour and Activity Patterns of Released Chimpanzees in Conkouati-Douli National Park, Republic of Congo

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    Wild chimpanzee populations are still declining due to logging, disease transmission and hunting. The bushmeat trade frequently leads to an increase in the number of orphaned primates. HELP Congo was the first project to successfully release wild-born orphan chimpanzees into an existing chimpanzee habitat. A collection of post monitoring data over 16 years now offers the unique opportunity to investigate possible behavioural adaptations in these chimpanzees. We investigated the feeding and activity patterns in eight individuals via focal observation techniques from 1997–1999 and 2001–2005. Our results revealed a decline in the number of fruit and insect species in the diet of released chimpanzees over the years, whereas within the same period of time, the number of consumed seed species increased. Furthermore, we found a decline in time spent travelling, but an increase in time spent on social activities, such as grooming, as individuals matured. In conclusion, the observed changes in feeding and activity patterns seem to reflect important long-term behavioural and ecological adaptations in wild-born orphan released chimpanzees, demonstrating that the release of chimpanzees can be successful, even if it takes time for full adaptation

    Projet P-WAC

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    Du fait des activités anthropiques découlent des phénomènes écologiques dramatiques dans les forêts tropicales du Bassin du Congo, comme la disparition des grands singes, nos plus proches cousins, ainsi que l'altération de la biodiversité locale. Les populations locales dépendent de cet environnement, et voient également leur quotidien impacté par ces activités humaines. L'objectif de cette recherche est de décrire une approche fémino-centrée de nos plus proches cousins, lors de la mise en place d'un projet de conservation P-WAC. Cette étude, qui s'inscrit dans un travail multidisciplinaire, dont l'anthropologie et la primatologie, permettra de comprendre les interactions entre les grands singes et la communauté locale, dans une perspective féminine, communauté bien souvent négligée. La population sauvage des grands singes est en déclin constant du fait de la pression anthropique. Les grands singes ont vu leur nombre diminuer significativement depuis une trentaine d'années, et ils sont toujours aujourd'hui menacés de disparition du fait du braconnage et de la destruction de leur habitat. Le marché de viande de brousse conduit à une augmentation considérable du nombre de primates orphelins. En effet, les grands singes adultes sont fréquemment trouvés sur les étales du marché de viande, les individus enfants se retrouvant alors orphelins, sont placés dans les sanctuaires. P-WAC est un projet conservationniste qui vise à récupérer ces individus victimes du trafic illégal d'animaux de compagnie, afin de les réhabiliter à leur environnement naturel, et ce, avec le soutien de la population locale, en particulier la communauté féminine