1,134 research outputs found

    Engineering polycotton fiber surfaces, with an timicrobial activity against S. aureus, E. Coli, C. albicans and SARS-CoV-2

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    Pathogenic microorganisms are becoming a potential threat to the health of human beings and the environment worldwide. In this present study, we have developed a polycotton fiber, in which by incorporation and functionalization of aggregated Ag NPs are achieved by using the pad-dry-cure meth- od. Upon contact, this coating shows antimicrobial activity against S. aureus, E. Coli, C. albicans and SARS-CoV-2. The polycotton AgNP, inhibiting nearly of the virus was able to prevent cross-infections, and does not causes allergies or photoirritation, proving the safety of its use. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an antimicrobial coating that could rapidly reduce the infective load of bacteria, fungi, and inhibit SARS--CoV-2. Taken together, the antimicrobial coating reported herein holds great promise to be developed for further application in healthcare settings

    Fenologia e produção de cultivares de amoreira-preta em sistema agroecológico.

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    A amoreira-preta é uma espécie de exploração recente no Brasil. Nos últimos ano, s tem sido dada especial atenção ao cultivo orgânico ou agroecológico dessa espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o comportamento fenológico e produtivo das cultivares de amora-preta ‘Tupy’, ‘Guarani’, ‘Caingangue’, ‘Cherokee’ e ‘Brazos’, e das seleções denominadas ‘seleção 97’ e ‘seleção 787’ na região de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul(RS), em sistema agroecológico. O trabalho foi realizado na Estação Experimental de Cascata (EEC), Embrapa Clima Temperado. As plantas foram dispostas no pomar, em blocos varietais aleatórios, com 10 plantas por genótipo, perfazendo quatro linhas com duas cultivares por linha. Foram observadas as datas de início da floração e fim da floração, início e final de colheita, massa (gramas) e número de frutos por planta, teor de sólidos solúveis totais (ºBrix), produção média por planta (g pl-1) e produtividade estimada por hectare (kg ha-1). Para análise das características dos frutos, a média de cada ano de avaliação (três) foi considerada como uma repetição. Na região de Pelotas-RS, é viável o cultivo agroecológico de amoreira-preta. Não há diferenças de produção, produtividade, número de frutos e teores de sólidos solúveis totais entre os genótipos estudados

    Morphophysiological performance genotypes of semi-late maturity / late soybean under flooding

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    A região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul possui regiões de solos de várzea, as quais estão sujeitas a alagamento, e estão sendo cada vez mais cultivadas com soja. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar alterações morfofisiológicas cultivares de soja de ciclo semi-tardio/tardio, sob alagamento do solo no estádio fenológico vegetativo e reprodutivo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas, da Embrapa Clima Temperado, no município do Capão do Leão, RS. Três sistemas de manejo da água foram aplicados condição normal de cultivo, alagamento no período vegetativo e alagamento em período reprodutivo. Durante o ciclo da cultura foram avaliados altura de plantas, diâmetro da haste principal, índice do teor de clorofila, redução do índice do teor de clorofila, fenologia e número de nós na haste por planta. O alagamento reduz o número de nós na haste principal, reduzindo a estatura das plantas, sendo os efeitos mais acentuados quando o alagamento ocorre no estádio vegetativo. Altura de planta indica que a cultivar CLBRS 9911 apresentam maior tolerância ao alagamento, já as cultivares CD 219 RR, Embrapa 45 e PCL 06 - 08 os menores. Os valores de índice do teor de clorofila indicam como mais promissor a cultivar FT-Abyara. O alagamento do solo tanto no estádio vegetativo como no estádio reprodutivo, causa retardamento de ocorrência dos estádios fenológicos, bem como do ciclo total de cultivares de soja.The southern region of Rio Grande do Sul has several areas of lowland soils, which are subject to flooding, and are increasingly being planted with soybeans. The objective was to evaluate changes morphophysiological soybean cultivars of semi-late maturity / late under flooding in vegetative and reproductive growth stage. The experiments were conducted at Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas, Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Capão do Leão, RS. Three water management systems are in normal condition of cultivation, flooding in the vegetative stage and flooding in reproductive stage. During the crop cycle were evaluated plant height, diameter of the main stem, chlorophyll content index, reduction of chlorophyll content index, phenology and number of nodes on the stem per plant. Flooding reduces the number of nodes on the main stem, reducing plant height, with the most pronounced effects when flooding occurs in the vegetative stage. Plant height indicates that the farming CLBRS 9911 have increased tolerance to flooding, since the RR 219 CD cultivars Embrapa 45 and PCL 06 - 08 minors. The chlorophyll content index values indicate more promising cultivar FT-Abyara. The flooding both in the vegetative stage and in the reproductive stage, because of delay occurrence of phenological stages and the total soybean cultivars cycle.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Morphophysiological performance genotypes of semi-late maturity / late soybean under flooding

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    A região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul possui regiões de solos de várzea, as quais estão sujeitas a alagamento, e estão sendo cada vez mais cultivadas com soja. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar alterações morfofisiológicas cultivares de soja de ciclo semi-tardio/tardio, sob alagamento do solo no estádio fenológico vegetativo e reprodutivo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas, da Embrapa Clima Temperado, no município do Capão do Leão, RS. Três sistemas de manejo da água foram aplicados condição normal de cultivo, alagamento no período vegetativo e alagamento em período reprodutivo. Durante o ciclo da cultura foram avaliados altura de plantas, diâmetro da haste principal, índice do teor de clorofila, redução do índice do teor de clorofila, fenologia e número de nós na haste por planta. O alagamento reduz o número de nós na haste principal, reduzindo a estatura das plantas, sendo os efeitos mais acentuados quando o alagamento ocorre no estádio vegetativo. Altura de planta indica que a cultivar CLBRS 9911 apresentam maior tolerância ao alagamento, já as cultivares CD 219 RR, Embrapa 45 e PCL 06 - 08 os menores. Os valores de índice do teor de clorofila indicam como mais promissor a cultivar FT-Abyara. O alagamento do solo tanto no estádio vegetativo como no estádio reprodutivo, causa retardamento de ocorrência dos estádios fenológicos, bem como do ciclo total de cultivares de soja.The southern region of Rio Grande do Sul has several areas of lowland soils, which are subject to flooding, and are increasingly being planted with soybeans. The objective was to evaluate changes morphophysiological soybean cultivars of semi-late maturity / late under flooding in vegetative and reproductive growth stage. The experiments were conducted at Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas, Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Capão do Leão, RS. Three water management systems are in normal condition of cultivation, flooding in the vegetative stage and flooding in reproductive stage. During the crop cycle were evaluated plant height, diameter of the main stem, chlorophyll content index, reduction of chlorophyll content index, phenology and number of nodes on the stem per plant. Flooding reduces the number of nodes on the main stem, reducing plant height, with the most pronounced effects when flooding occurs in the vegetative stage. Plant height indicates that the farming CLBRS 9911 have increased tolerance to flooding, since the RR 219 CD cultivars Embrapa 45 and PCL 06 - 08 minors. The chlorophyll content index values indicate more promising cultivar FT-Abyara. The flooding both in the vegetative stage and in the reproductive stage, because of delay occurrence of phenological stages and the total soybean cultivars cycle.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Morphophysiological performance genotypes of semi-late maturity / late soybean under flooding

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    A região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul possui regiões de solos de várzea, as quais estão sujeitas a alagamento, e estão sendo cada vez mais cultivadas com soja. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar alterações morfofisiológicas cultivares de soja de ciclo semi-tardio/tardio, sob alagamento do solo no estádio fenológico vegetativo e reprodutivo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas, da Embrapa Clima Temperado, no município do Capão do Leão, RS. Três sistemas de manejo da água foram aplicados condição normal de cultivo, alagamento no período vegetativo e alagamento em período reprodutivo. Durante o ciclo da cultura foram avaliados altura de plantas, diâmetro da haste principal, índice do teor de clorofila, redução do índice do teor de clorofila, fenologia e número de nós na haste por planta. O alagamento reduz o número de nós na haste principal, reduzindo a estatura das plantas, sendo os efeitos mais acentuados quando o alagamento ocorre no estádio vegetativo. Altura de planta indica que a cultivar CLBRS 9911 apresentam maior tolerância ao alagamento, já as cultivares CD 219 RR, Embrapa 45 e PCL 06 - 08 os menores. Os valores de índice do teor de clorofila indicam como mais promissor a cultivar FT-Abyara. O alagamento do solo tanto no estádio vegetativo como no estádio reprodutivo, causa retardamento de ocorrência dos estádios fenológicos, bem como do ciclo total de cultivares de soja.The southern region of Rio Grande do Sul has several areas of lowland soils, which are subject to flooding, and are increasingly being planted with soybeans. The objective was to evaluate changes morphophysiological soybean cultivars of semi-late maturity / late under flooding in vegetative and reproductive growth stage. The experiments were conducted at Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas, Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Capão do Leão, RS. Three water management systems are in normal condition of cultivation, flooding in the vegetative stage and flooding in reproductive stage. During the crop cycle were evaluated plant height, diameter of the main stem, chlorophyll content index, reduction of chlorophyll content index, phenology and number of nodes on the stem per plant. Flooding reduces the number of nodes on the main stem, reducing plant height, with the most pronounced effects when flooding occurs in the vegetative stage. Plant height indicates that the farming CLBRS 9911 have increased tolerance to flooding, since the RR 219 CD cultivars Embrapa 45 and PCL 06 - 08 minors. The chlorophyll content index values indicate more promising cultivar FT-Abyara. The flooding both in the vegetative stage and in the reproductive stage, because of delay occurrence of phenological stages and the total soybean cultivars cycle.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    The Brazilian Registry of Adult Patient Undergoing Cardiovascular Surgery, the BYPASS Project: Results of the First 1,722 Patients

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    Objective: To report the early results of the BYPASS project - the Brazilian registrY of adult Patient undergoing cArdiovaScular Surgery - a national, observational, prospective, and longitudinal follow-up registry, aiming to chart a profile of patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery in Brazil, assessing the data harvested from the initial 1,722 patients. Methods: Data collection involved institutions throughout the whole country, comprising 17 centers in 4 regions: Southeast (8), Northeast (5), South (3), and Center-West (1). The study population consists of patients over 18 years of age, and the types of operations recorded were: coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), mitral valve, aortic valve (either conventional or transcatheter), surgical correction of atrial fibrillation, cardiac transplantation, mechanical circulatory support and congenital heart diseases in adults. Results: 83.1% of patients came from the public health system (SUS), 9.6% from the supplemental (private insurance) healthcare systemsand 7.3% from private (out-of-pocket) clinic. Male patients comprised 66%, 30% were diabetics, 46% had dyslipidemia, 28% previously sustained a myocardial infarction, and 9.4% underwent prior cardiovascular surgery. Patients underwent coronary artery bypass surgery were 54.1% and 31.5% to valve surgery, either isolated or combined. The overall postoperative mortality up to the 7th postoperative day was 4%for CABG was 2.6%, and for valve operations, 4.4%. Conclusion: This first report outlines the consecution of the Brazilian surgical cardiac database, intended to serve primarily as a tool for providing information for clinical improvement and patient safety and constitute a basis for production of research protocols.Univ Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP EPM, Hosp Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Caridade Sao Vicente Paulo, Jundiai, SP, BrazilInst Med Integral Prof Fernando Figueira IMIP, Recife, PE, BrazilHosp Base FUNFARME & FAMERP, Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, SP, BrazilIMC, Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, SP, BrazilIrmandade Santa Casa Sao Paulo INCT HPV, Fac Ciencias Med Santa Casa Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFundacao Univ Cardiol, Inst Cardiol Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilInst Coracao Natal, Natal, RN, BrazilInst Cardiol Dist Fed, Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Fed Maranhao HU UFMA, Univ Hosp, Sao Luis, MA, BrazilHosp Evangelico, Cachoeiro De Itapemirim, ES, BrazilHosp Coracao Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, BrazilHosp Nossa Senhora Salete, Inst Cirurgia Cardiovasc ICCV, Cascavel, PR, BrazilHosp Wilson Rosado, Mossoro, RN, BrazilHosp Bosque Saude, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Univ Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, BrazilHosp Coracao HCor, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Coracao IP HCor, Ins Pesquisa, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilInst Coracao InCor, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP EPM, Hosp Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Environmental and sanitary conditions of guanabara bay, Rio de Janeiro

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    Guanabara Bay is the second largest bay in the coast of Brazil, with an area of 384 km2. In its surroundings live circa 16 million inhabitants, out of which 6 million live in Rio de Janeiro city, one of the largest cities of the country, and the host of the 2016 Olympic Games. Anthropogenic interference in Guanabara Bay area started early in the XVI century, but environmental impacts escalated from 1930, when this region underwent an industrialization process. Herein we present an overview of the current environmental and sanitary conditions of Guanabara Bay, a consequence of all these decades of impacts. We will focus on microbial communities, how they may affect higher trophic levels of the aquatic community and also human health. The anthropogenic impacts in the bay are flagged by heavy eutrophication and by the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms that are either carried by domestic and/or hospital waste (e.g., virus, KPC-producing bacteria, and fecal coliforms), or that proliferate in such conditions (e.g., vibrios). Antibiotic resistance genes are commonly found in metagenomes of Guanabara Bay planktonic microorganisms. Furthermore, eutrophication results in recurrent algal blooms, with signs of a shift toward flagellated, mixotrophic groups, including several potentially harmful species. A recent large-scale fish kill episode, and a long trend decrease in fish stocks also reflects the bay’s degraded water quality. Although pollution of Guanabara Bay is not a recent problem, the hosting of the 2016 Olympic Games propelled the government to launch a series of plans to restore the bay’s water quality. If all plans are fully implemented, the restoration of Guanabara Bay and its shores may be one of the best legacies of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro

    Incidence and risk factors for Preeclampsia in a cohort of healthy nulliparous pregnant women: a nested case-control study

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    The objective of this study is to determine the incidence, socio-demographic and clinical risk factors for preeclampsia and associated maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes. This is a nested case-control derived from the multicentre cohort study Preterm SAMBA, in five different centres in Brazil, with nulliparous healthy pregnant women. Clinical data were prospectively collected, and risk factors were assessed comparatively between PE cases and controls using risk ratio (RR) (95% CI) plus multivariate analysis. Complete data were available for 1,165 participants. The incidence of preeclampsia was 7.5%. Body mass index determined at the first medical visit and diastolic blood pressure over 75 mmHg at 20 weeks of gestation were independently associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. Women with preeclampsia sustained a higher incidence of adverse maternal outcomes, including C-section (3.5 fold), preterm birth below 34 weeks of gestation (3.9 fold) and hospital stay longer than 5 days (5.8 fold) than controls. They also had worse perinatal outcomes, including lower birthweight (a mean 379 g lower), small for gestational age babies (RR 2.45 [1.52-3.95]), 5-minute Apgar score less than 7 (RR 2.11 [1.03-4.29]), NICU admission (RR 3.34 [1.61-6.9]) and Neonatal Near Miss (3.65 [1.78-7.49]). Weight gain rate per week, obesity and diastolic blood pressure equal to or higher than 75 mmHg at 20 weeks of gestation were shown to be associated with preeclampsia. Preeclampsia also led to a higher number of C-sections and prolonged hospital admission, in addition to worse neonatal outcomes9CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ401636/2013-5Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationGates Foundation [OPP1107597]; CNPqNational Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [401636/2013-5