438 research outputs found

    Substituição de embalagens plásticas convencionais de xampus por biodegradáveis - uma pesquisa

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    Packaging is present in our daily lives, however, packaging for cosmetics is based on polymers from petroleum, which cause environmental impacts. A promising alternative would be the usage of biodegradable materials, such as biopolymers packaging. The present work proposed a survey to map public opinion about hygienic products change. 151 people from different segments of society answered the survey (questions related to environmental awareness, possible acceptability of changing traditional shampoos packaging for biodegradable ones). It was also observed the influence of the level of education on these choices. A large part of the participants was willing to accept products encased in biodegradable materials, but these group of people would have caution due to probable increase of price. In addition, there is a correlation between level of education and the attitude towards the environmental perspective, so those who studied more, tend to have more positive attitudes towards the environmentEmbalagens estão presentes no nosso dia a dia, porém, as embalagens para cosméticos são baseadas em polímeros de petróleo, que causam impactos ambientais. Uma alternativa promissora seria a utilização de materiais biodegradáveis, como embalagens de biopolímeros. O presente trabalho propôs uma pesquisa para mapear a opinião pública sobre a mudança de produtos de higiene. Responderam à pesquisa 151 pessoas de diferentes segmentos da sociedade (questões relacionadas à conscientização ambiental, possível aceitabilidade da troca de embalagens de xampus tradicionais por biodegradáveis). Também foi observada a influência do nível de escolaridade nessas escolhas. Grande parte dos participantes estava disposta a aceitar produtos envoltos em materiais biodegradáveis, mas esse grupo de pessoas teria cautela devido ao provável aumento de preço. Existe uma correlação entre o nível de escolaridade e a atitude perante a perspectiva ambiental, onde aqueles com maior escolaridade tendem a ter atitudes mais positivas em relação ao meio ambiente

    A dificuldade de mensuração da corrupção e o caso da pequena corrupção

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    A corrupção na administração pública, praticada por políticos e agentes econômicos de grande poder é constantemente notícia na mídia muito em razão das grandes cifras que movimenta. Fraudes em contratos, desvios de verba e o famoso mensalão são exemplos do que é chamado de grande corrupção. Estudiosos e analistas buscam formas de medir ao máximo a ocorrência desse tipo de desvio de conduta, mas, por características próprias desse tipo de ato, se torna impossível medi-lo na sua totalidade. Quando se fala em pequena corrupção, o desafio de medir sua ocorrência parece ainda maior. Esse tipo de corrupção caracteriza os atos que não seguem as normas que ocorrem no dia a dia de cidadãos comuns, aquilo que é considerado certo, não necessariamente políticos ou poderosos, de todas as classes, cores e gêneros. Mas, se analisadas do ponto de vista agregado e não individual, seus impactos na sociedade podem ser enormes, diferentemente do que seu nome indica. O famoso jeitinho brasileiro resume bem o que se chama de pequena corrupção. No entanto, não é uma exclusividade do Brasil. Estatísticas mostram que há jeitinhos que parecem ser bem mais recorrentes que o brasileiro. Neste trabalho, os jeitinhos analisados em conjunto ao brasileiro serão os latino americanos

    Chemical changes of cell wall components of heat-treated wood / Alterações químicas dos componentes da parede celular de madeiras tratadas termicamente

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    The wood’s cell wall undergoes chemical modifications due to thermal action. The goal of this work was to analyze these changes in the Pinus caribaea var. caribaea and Khaya ivorensis, untreated and heat treated. The thermal treatment temperatures were 160° C, 180° C and 200° C, and the samples were then evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyzes were performed on samples with and without treatment, using a spectrometer in the Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) mode. The results were plotted in the Origin-Pro 8 program, obtaining comparison charts. In treated and untreated samples, the bands at ~1027cm-1 and ~3337cm-1 were more intense with increasing temperature. It suggests that the structural elements degraded, and small molecules were then obtained. It is concluded that the increase in temperature implied a greater absorption of infrared by the peaks related to cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin, indicating that they are undergoing changes

    Correlation of Human Papillomavirus types with the level of damage in women attended in a private laboratory

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    Introduction: the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus capable of promoting various types of skin and mucosal lesions, which can be malignant or benign. Some of them can cause genital warts, and others can reach the cervix and cause a Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasm (CIN) that can progress to a more advanced stage, which is cancer. The sexually active population is more likely to come into contact with the virus at some point in life, and as a result, the human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the world. Objective: to evaluate the incidence of HPV in women attended at a private laboratory in Fortaleza/CE. Method: this was a quantitative, cross-sectional, retrospective and descriptive research, using data from the patients' medical records. Results: after analyzing the patient’s medical records, it was observed that the predominant age group in this study was concentrated between 16 and 34 years old. Furthermore, it was evident that the vast majority of women obtained positive results for HPV, and they arrived with observations in the search for screening. Furthermore, the most prevalent intraepithelial lesions were LSIL and ASC-US. Conclusion: HPV was more associated with young women, and screening is of paramount importance since HPV is asymptomatic, and this factor can lead to women's erroneous thinking that without evident symptoms there is no lesion

    Síntomas de estreñimiento funcional y métodos de alimentación complementaria : ensayo clínico aleatorizado

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    Introduction The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of different complementary feeding methods on the prevalence of functional constipation symptoms in infants at 12 months of age. Material and methods Randomized clinical trial in mother–infant dyads that underwent the intervention at 5.5 months post birth, randomly allocated to one of three complementary food introduction methods: PLW (parent-led weaning), Baby-led Introduction to SolidS (BLISS) and a mixed approach. The symptoms of constipation were assessed at 12 months with an online questionnaire based on the Rome IV diagnostic criteria and adapted to our sample. The data were summarised as absolute frequencies and percentages and compared by means of the χ2 test. The project was approved by the ethics committee of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre under number 2019-0230. Results We analysed data corresponding to 135 infants, 45 allocated to PLW, 48 to BLISS and 42 to the mixed approach. The prevalence of constipation symptoms was 49.6% in the overall sample (n = 67), 60% (n = 27) in the PLW group, 47.9% (n = 23) in the BLISS group and 40.5% (n = 17) in the mixed approach group. We found no association between functional constipation symptoms and the method used to introduce complementary foods (P = .183). Conclusions The prevalence of functional constipation symptoms was high in the study population. The presence of constipation symptoms was not associated with the complementary feeding approach.Introducción El objetivo del estudio fue investigar el impacto de diferentes métodos de alimentación complementaria en la prevalencia de síntomas de estreñimiento funcional en lactantes a los 12 meses de edad. Materiales y métodos Ensayo clínico aleatorizado realizado en díadas madre-lactante sometidas a intervención a los 5,5 meses del nacimiento, con asignación aleatoria a uno de los tres métodos de introducción de sólidos: destete dirigido por la madre, o parent-led weaning (PLW), método Baby-Led Introduction to SolidS (BLISS) dirigido por el lactante, y mixto. Los síntomas de estreñimiento se evaluaron a los 12 meses mediante un cuestionario en línea basado en los criterios diagnósticos de Roma IV y adaptado a la muestra. Los análisis se realizaron mediante la prueba χ2 y los datos se expresaron como frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes. El proyecto fue aprobado por el comité de ética del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre con el número 2019-0230. Resultados Se analizaron los datos de 135 lactantes, 45 asignados al método PLW, 48 al BLISS y 42 al método mixto. La prevalencia de síntomas de estreñimiento fue del 49,6% en la muestra global (n = 67), siendo del 60% (n = 27) en el método PLW, 47,9% (n = 23) en el BLISS y 40,5% (n = 17) en el mixto. No hubo asociación entre los síntomas de estreñimiento funcional y el método de introducción de la alimentación complementaria (p = 0,183). Conclusiones La prevalencia de estreñimiento y sus síntomas fue alta en la población estudiada. La prevalencia de los síntomas de estreñimiento funcional no se asoció con el método de alimentación complementaria

    Utility perception on virtual learning environments used in Brazilian blended learning

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    This research aimed to use a data collection instrument, previously proposed, with the purpose of evaluating 11 different factors related to the perception of self-declared utility by users of a virtual learning environment and its information and communication technologies, as pedagogical resources used in the implementation of the blended learning methodology. Based on descriptive statistics and the application of the non-parametric test of Wilcoxon posts, a comparative assessment was carried out between the levels of utility perceived by 71 students and their teachers, in three curricular components of different undergraduate courses of a public university in the state from São Paulo. In addition, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the data collection instrument used in this research. At the end of this study, it was observed that, although the subjects included in the sample of this research present different levels of perception of utility for most of the factors analyzed, there is a certain degree of convergence in relation to the factors considered most relevant by both, that is, teachers and students attributed a greater perception of usefulness to factors such as interaction and complementarity between classroom and online content, and also to the general utility of information and communication technologies in the respective virtual learning environment. In the specific case of students, the interaction between teacher and student was also considered as one of the most important factors, in the three undergraduate courses analyzed

    Estratégias de aplicação do exercício resistido no pós-operatório do LCA contralateral

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    OBJETIVO: Buscou-se por meio deste trabalho, analisar se a utilização do exercício resistido isotônico unilateral é mais efetivo do que a forma bilateral na obtenção de maiores níveis de simetria do desempenho muscular entre o membro doador e receptor durante tratamento fisioterapêutico na fase pós-operatória do LCA contralateral. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo clínico randomizado, cego, com 88 pacientes divididos em Grupos Controle (N=44) e Intervenção (N=44). Os indivíduos eram de ambos os gêneros, praticantes de esportes em nível recreacional e encontravam-se ao final do 3° mês de tratamento pós-operatório. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos e submetidos a um programa de oito semanas de exercícios resistidos. O Grupo Controle realizou um programa convencional de exercícios bilaterais. O Grupo Intervenção adotou conduta alternativa, com a realização de exercícios unilaterais. Anteriormente e ao final do período de intervenção todos os indivíduos foram avaliados quanto à presença de sinais inflamatórios, amplitude de movimento, estabilidade articular objetiva (KT-1000TM), desempenho muscular (Pico de torque e Relação isquiotibiais/quadríceps à 60°/s), funcionalidade objetiva (Single Leg Hop Test e Y Balance Test) e subjetiva (Questionário de Lysholm e Escala de Atividades de Vida Diária). RESULTADOS: Ambos os grupos evoluíram com a intervenção, principalmente em relação à perimetria, amplitude de movimento de flexão, Y Balance Test na direção anterior, estabilidade articular objetiva e questionários funcionais. Embora ambos apresentaram evolução, observa-se predominância do grupo intervenção (unilateral), em relação ao grupo controle (bilateral). CONCLUSÕES: Conclui-se que a utilização do exercício resistido isotônico unilateral é mais efetivo que a forma bilateral na obtenção de maior nível de simetria do desempenho muscular entre o membro doador e receptor durante a fase pós-operatória da reabilitação fisioterapêutica do LCA contralatera

    Can the complementary feeding method be a strategy to reduce the offer of ultra-processed foods?

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    Objective: To verify the prevalence of the offer of ultra-processed foods (UPFs), and to analyze their associated factors in the child's first year of life. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 119 mother-infant pairs. At 5.5 months of the child, the mothers received guidance on complementary feeding (CF) according to three methods: Parent-Led Weaning (PLW), Baby-Led Introduction to SolidS (BLISS), or mixed (a combination of PLW and BLISS). At nine and 12 months, the mothers answered a questionnaire about the offer of UPFs. The NOVA classification, which classifies foods according to the nature, extent, and purposes of the industrial processes to which they are subjected, was used to list the UPFs. Descriptive statistics and multivariate Poisson regression, following a multilevel hierarchical model according to the proximity to the outcome, were used to estimate the association between dependent and independent variables. Results: The prevalence of UPF consumption was 63% (n = 75) in the first year of life. Receiving guidance on healthy CF in the BLISS method showed to be a protective factor for offering UPFs (RR 0.72; CI95 0.52-0.99). Attending less than six prenatal consultations was a risk factor for the UPFs provision (RR 1.39; CI95 1.07-1.80). Conclusion: The prevalence of UPFs offered in the first year of life in this study can be considered high, and future interventions aimed at avoiding UPFs offered in this population should consider the CF method


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the main motor and functional changes before and after physical therapy of a patient with spinal cord injury caused by diving in shallow water. We analyzed previous records of a patient with spinal cord injury by diving in shallow water, who had rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Clinical of Oeste Paulista, between 2008 and 2011, attending two one-hour-sessions a week. The patient improved muscle strength as consequence of the rehabilitation program. The treatment also helped the patient improve functionality observing the development while being transferred, in other words, during position changes, between 2008 and 2011. It is understood that patients with spinal cord injury show muscle strength and functional pattern improvement when undergoing physical therapy