341 research outputs found

    Barthélémy Toguo

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    “En tant qu’immigrant, surtout aprĂšs la chute du mur de Berlin, j’ai rĂ©alisĂ© combien profond est le dĂ©sir de partir, de voyager et de dĂ©couvrir. L’exil est une notion inhĂ©rente Ă  la condition humaine sans distinction de race ni d’origine culturelle.” “Nous sommes tous en ‘transit’ permanent. Qu’un homme soit blanc, noir, jaune, peu importe. Il est de toute façon un ĂȘtre potentiellement ‘exilé’.” La CitĂ© nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration a acquis, en 2005 et en 2010, trois piĂšces majeur..

    Entretien avec Karim Kal

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    Karim Kal est nĂ© en 1977 Ă  GenĂšve, de pĂšre algĂ©rien et de mĂšre française. Il vit et travaille en France. Une dĂ©marche identitaire et un enracinement culturel multiple commandent sa recherche. Son travail se veut ainsi le reflet de ce qu’il nomme lui-mĂȘme un “besoin d’ancrage historique de sa propre destinĂ©e” et se traduit par une Ɠuvre souvent allĂ©gorique

    La place de l’art contemporain Ă  la CitĂ©

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    H&M : Dans quel contexte avez-vous mis en place les collections du mu­sĂ©e d’histoire et des cultures de l’immigration ? Jacques Toubon : En 2007, avec l’ouverture de son exposition permanente “RepĂšres”, la CitĂ© nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration a tentĂ© de proposer une forme musĂ©ale originale, Ă  la croisĂ©e du musĂ©e d’histoire, du musĂ©e de sociĂ©tĂ© et du musĂ©e d’art. DĂšs le dĂ©part, les collections ont abordĂ© ensemble le passĂ©, le prĂ©sent et le futur de l’immigration. La CitĂ© se situe Ă  l’..

    Quels liens entre climatologie, occupation des sols et inondations dans le bassin versant de l'Yzeron (ouest Lyonnais) ? Apport de l'analyse conjointe de données hydroclimatiques et d'images satellitaires trÚs haute résolution

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    Le bassin versant de l'Yzeron, situĂ© en pĂ©riphĂ©rie immĂ©diate de la ville de Lyon, est un bassin reprĂ©sentatif des bassins versants pĂ©riurbains français. Il connaĂźt, depuis les annĂ©es 1970, une augmentation importante de son urbanisation. Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, des crues importantes, entraĂźnant des inondations Ă  l'aval du bassin versant ont marquĂ© les esprits, posant la question de l'impact des modifications de l'occupation des sols dans le bassin versant sur le rĂ©gime des crues. Dans cet article, nous utilisons l'analyse combinĂ©e de donnĂ©es hydroclimatiques (pluie, tempĂ©rature, Ă©vapotranspiration de rĂ©fĂ©rence -ET0, dĂ©bits) et de cartes de l'occupation des sols dĂ©rivĂ©es d'images satellites SPOT Ă  haute et trĂšs haute rĂ©solution pour aborder cette question. L'analyse des dĂ©bits montre l'existence d'une Ă©volution du rĂ©gime des crues, avec une augmentation significative des crues sub -seuils pour des durĂ©es de 1,5h, 3h, 6h, 12h et 36h sur la pĂ©riode 1970-2010. L'analyse de l'Ă©chantillon de crues obtenue par cette analyse dĂ©bit-durĂ©e-frĂ©quence montre que les crues les plus importantes sont plutĂŽt liĂ©es Ă  des Ă©pisodes ayant conduit Ă  un cumul de pluie important (> 80 mm en quelques jours). Une corrĂ©lation significative est aussi obtenue entre dĂ©bit de base et coefficient de ruissellement, ce qui montre que ces crues peuvent ĂȘtre associĂ©es Ă  des Ă©coulements sur surfaces saturĂ©es. Les Ă©volutions du climat (pluviomĂ©trie, tempĂ©rature, ET0) ne permettent pas d'expliquer l'augmentation des crues observĂ©es. En revanche, l'occupation des sols entre 1990 et 2008 montre une augmentation des sur faces impermĂ©ables qui passent de 15,2 % de la surface totale du bassin en 1990 Ă  18,2 % en 1999 et 22,6 % en 2008. Cette Ă©volution de l'impermĂ©abilisation est mise en regard de l'accroissement de la population du bassin sur cette mĂȘme pĂ©riode. Enfin, nous illustrons la rĂ©ponse hydrologique du bassin versant avec deux Ă©pisodes pour lesquels le rĂŽle de l'occupation des sols est diffĂ©rent. Le premier, celui du 02/12/2003 est typique d'une rĂ©ponse par saturation du bassin, avec une contribution majeure des zon es rurales, suite Ă  des cumuls pluviomĂ©triques importants. Le second, celui du 09/08/2009 reprĂ©sente un orage d'Ă©tĂ©, trĂšs court mais avec des intensitĂ©s importantes, conduisant essentiellement Ă  une rĂ©ponse rapide des zones urbaines et pour lequel l'occupation des sols joue un rĂŽle majeur

    Importance of a Thymus Dysfunction in the Pathophysiology of Type 1 Diabetes

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    peer reviewedThe autoimmune nature of the diabetogenic process and the major contribution of T lymphocytes stand now beyond any doubt. However, despite the identification of the three major type 1-diabetes-related autoantigens (insulin, GAD65 and phosphatase IA-2), the origin of this immune dysregulation still remains unknown. More and more evidence supports a thymic dysfunction in the establishment of central self-tolerance to the insulin family as a crucial factor in the development of the autoimmune response selective of pancreatic insulin-secreting islet beta cells. All the genes of the insulin family (INS, IGF1 and IGF2) are expressed in the thymus network. However, IGF-2 is the dominant member of this family first encountered by T cells in the thymus, and only IGFs control early T-cell differentiation. IGF2 transcription is defective in the thymus in one animal model of type 1 diabetes, the Bio-Breeding (BB) rat. The sequence B9-23, one dominant autoantigen of insulin, and the homologous sequence B11-25 derived from IGF-2 exibit the same affinity and fully compete for binding to DQ8, one class-II major histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) conferring major genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. Compared to insulin B9-23, the presentation of IGF-2 B11-25 to peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from type 1 diabetic DQ8+ adolescents elicits a regulatory/tolerogenic cytokine profile (*IL-10, *IL-10/IFN-g, *IL-4). Thus, administration of IGF-2 derived self-antigen(s) might constitute a novel form of vaccine/immunotherapy combining both an antagonism for the site of presentation of a susceptible MHC allele, as well as a downstream tolerogenic/regulatory immune response

    Amplification biases: possible differences among deviating gene expressions.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Gene expression profiling has become a tool of choice to study pathological or developmental questions but in most cases the material is scarce and requires sample amplification. Two main procedures have been used: in vitro transcription (IVT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the former known as linear and the latter as exponential. Previous reports identified enzymatic pitfalls in PCR and IVT protocols; however the possible differences between the sequences affected by these amplification defaults were only rarely explored. RESULTS: Screening a bovine cDNA array dedicated to embryonic stages with embryonic (n = 3) and somatic tissues (n = 2), we proceeded to moderate amplifications starting from 1 mug of total RNA (global PCR or IVT one round). Whatever the tissue, 16% of the probes were involved in deviating gene expressions due to amplification defaults. These distortions were likely due to the molecular features of the affected sequences (position within a gene, GC content, hairpin number) but also to the relative abundance of these transcripts within the tissues. These deviating genes mainly encoded housekeeping genes from physiological or cellular processes (70%) and constituted 2 subsets which did not overlap (molecular features, signal intensities, gene ID). However, the differential expressions identified between embryonic stages were both reliable (minor intersect with biased expressions) and relevant (biologically validated). In addition, the relative expression levels of those genes were biologically similar between amplified and unamplified samples. CONCLUSION: Conversely to the most recent reports which challenged the use of intense amplification procedures on minute amounts of RNA, we chose moderate PCR and IVT amplifications for our gene profiling study. Conclusively, it appeared that systematic biases arose even with moderate amplification procedures, independently of (i) the sample used: brain, ovary or embryos, (ii) the enzymatic properties initially inferred (exponential or linear) and (iii) the preliminary optimization of the protocols. Moreover the use of an in-house developed array, small-sized but well suited to the tissues we worked with, was of real interest for the search of differential expressions

    The Quality of Life of Children Facing Life-Limiting Conditions and That of Their Parents in Belgium: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Paediatric palliative care (PPC) aims to improve children’s quality of life, but this outcome is rarely measured in clinical care. PPC is provided in Belgium through six transmural paediatric liaison teams (PLTs) ensuring continuity of care for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions (LLC/LTC). This study aims to measure the quality of life (QoL) of children with LLC/LTC followed-up by PLTs and the QoL of their parents. Methods: During interviews, an original socio demographic questionnaire, the Children palliative outcome scale—version 2 (CPOS-2), the Fragebogen fĂŒr Kinder und Jugendliche zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen LebensqualitĂ€t (KINDL) and the Quality of life in life-threatening Illness-Family caregiver (QOLLTI-F) were filled in by PLT members. Statistics were used to investigate significant differences between scores. Results were discussed and interpreted with six PLTs. Results: 73 children aged 1–18 were included in the study. Especially for items focusing on emotional items, children reported their QoL as higher than their parents did. The QoL scores were not significantly associated with the child’s condition’s severity. Conclusions: This study provides, for the first time, an overview of the QoL of children and parents followed-up by PLTs in Belgium
