116 research outputs found

    A cost-sensitive constrained Lasso

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    The Lasso has become a benchmark data analysis procedure, and numerous variants have been proposed in the literature. Although the Lasso formulations are stated so that overall prediction error is optimized, no full control over the accuracy prediction on certain individ- uals of interest is allowed. In this work we propose a novel version of the Lasso in which quadratic performance con- straints are added to Lasso-based objective functions, in such a way that threshold values are set to bound the prediction errors in the different groups of interest (not necessarily disjoint). As a result, a constrained sparse regression model is defined by a nonlinear optimization prob- lem. This cost-sensitive constrained Lasso has a direct application in heterogeneous samples where data are collected from distinct sources, as it is standard in many biomedical contexts. Both theoretical properties and empirical studies concerning the new method are explored in this paper. In addition, two illustrations of the method on biomedical and sociological contexts are considered

    Variable selection for Naive Bayes classification

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    The Naive Bayes has proven to be a tractable and efficient method for classification in multivariate analysis. However, features are usually correlated, a fact that violates the Naive Bayes' assumption of conditional independence, and may deteriorate the method's performance. Moreover, datasets are often characterized by a large number of features, which may complicate the interpretation of the results as well as slow down the method's execution. In this paper we propose a sparse version of the Naive Bayes classifier that is characterized by three properties. First, the sparsity is achieved taking into account the correlation structure of the covariates. Second, different performance measures can be used to guide the selection of features. Third, performance constraints on groups of higher interest can be included. Our proposal leads to a smart search, which yields competitive running times, whereas the flexibility in terms of performance measure for classification is integrated. Our findings show that, when compared against well-referenced feature selection approaches, the proposed sparse Naive Bayes obtains competitive results regarding accuracy, sparsity and running times for balanced datasets. In the case of datasets with unbalanced (or with different importance) classes, a better compromise between classification rates for the different classes is achieved.This research is partially supported by research grants and projects MTM2015-65915-R (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain) and PID2019-110886RB-I00 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Spain) , FQM-329 and P18-FR-2369 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain) , PR2019-029 (Universidad de Cadiz, Spain) , Fundacion BBVA and EC H2020 MSCA RISE NeEDS Project (Grant agreement ID: 822214) . This support is gratefully acknowledged. Documen

    A cost-sensitive constrained Lasso

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    The Lasso has become a benchmark data analysis procedure, and numerous variants have been proposed in the literature. Although the Lasso formulations are stated so that overall prediction error is optimized, no full control over the accuracy prediction on certain individuals of interest is allowed. In this work we propose a novel version of the Lasso in which quadratic performance constraints are added to Lasso-based objective functions, in such a way that threshold values are set to bound the prediction errors in the different groups of interest (not necessarily disjoint). As a result, a constrained sparse regression model is defined by a nonlinear optimization problem. This cost-sensitive constrained Lasso has a direct application in heterogeneous samples where data are collected from distinct sources, as it is standard in many biomedical contexts. Both theoretical properties and empirical studies concerning the new method are explored in this paper. In addition, two illustrations of the method on biomedical and sociological contexts are considered

    Constrained Naïve Bayes with application to unbalanced data classification

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    The Naïve Bayes is a tractable and efficient approach for statistical classification. In general classification problems, the consequences of misclassifications may be rather different in different classes, making it crucial to control misclassification rates in the most critical and, in many realworld problems, minority cases, possibly at the expense of higher misclassification rates in less problematic classes. One traditional approach to address this problem consists of assigning misclassification costs to the different classes and applying the Bayes rule, by optimizing a loss function. However, fixing precise values for such misclassification costs may be problematic in realworld appli cations. In this paper we address the issue of misclassification for the Naïve Bayes classifier. Instead of requesting precise values of misclassification costs, threshold val ues are used for different performance measures. This is done by adding constraints to the optimization problem underlying the estimation process. Our findings show that, under a reasonable computational cost, indeed, the performance measures under con sideration achieve the desired levels yielding a user-friendly constrained classification procedure

    Percepción de la cultura de seguridad del paciente en enfermeros de atención primaria

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    Objetivo: describir la percepción que tienen 201 enfermeros en relación a la Seguridad del Paciente (SP) en sus centros, valorar cuáles son los puntos fuertes y las áreas de mejora en los Distritos Sanitarios de la provincia de Almería. Metodología: Se ha utilizado el cuestionario denominado MOSPSC (Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture), traducido, adaptado y validado para profesionales españoles de Atención Primaria. A través del programa estadístico SPSS, se calculó la media y el intervalo de confianza al 95% de cada una de las dimensiones del cuestionario. Resultados: se observa una percepción positiva de la SP en casi todas las dimensiones, a excepción de la “Comunicación sobre el error”, el “Seguimiento de la atención a los pacientes”, la “Comunicación franca” y el “Ritmo y Carga de trabajo”. Uno de los puntos fuertes de los enfermeros es el “trabajo en equipo”. Conclusiones: Los resultados de esta investigación también han destacado “el intercambio de información con otros equipos”; en cambio, entre las áreas de mejora que deberían tenerse en cuenta se halla, “la Comunicación franca y sobre el error”. Estos resultados deberían ayudar a evaluar la importancia de la SP en las organizaciones, para dialogar sobre los errores y crear un clima de aprendizaje y deseo de mejora en los profesionales que repercuta en la calidad de la atención ofrecida a los usuarios

    Coaching in clinical psychology: fundamental issues of possibilities and limits

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    En el texto se hace un abordaje de lo que es el Coaching, de las teorías dentro de la Psicología del que se basa éste y de su aplicabilidad en la Psicología clínica. Se podría definir el Coaching como el proceso interactivo y transparente mediante el cual el Coach o entrenador y la persona o grupo implicados en dicho proceso (Coachee) buscan el camino más eficaz para alcanzar los objetivos fijados usando sus propios recursos y habilidades. Esta definición se asemeja al rol que psicólogo y cliente adoptarían en las sesiones. Por lo cual, la psicología clínica ha empezado a interesarse por el proceso de Coaching en psicoterapia cómo una herramienta más a utilizar dentro de nuestro campo. De ahí la conveniencia de elaborar un modelo de intervención integrador con la inclusión del Coaching en población clínica. El “coaching” se hace interesante para la Psicología porque es una manera de intervenir con una persona. Esta manera de intervenir, propia del “coaching”, se aplica en los contextos naturales de la persona. En estos contextos naturales es donde se desarrolla e interacciona la persona con su medio. Es decir, que este modo de actuar con las técnicas adecuadas a cada caso se podría considerar muy positivo para aquellas personas que necesiten una intervención aplicada en sus contextos naturales.In this text we talk about Coaching, how it is based on psychological theories and its applicability in clinical psychology. The Coaching could be defined as the interactive and transparent process throught which the coach is the trainer and the coachee is the person that searches the better way to find his objective using its own resources and abilities. This definition is similar to the roll that psychologist and client would adopt in the sessions. Thus, clinical psychology has begun to be interested in the process of Coaching in psychotherapy, as one tool more to use within our field. Therefore, the convenience to ellaborate a model of intervention integrates coaching in clinical Psychology population. Coaching becomes interesting for psychologists because it is a way of intervention with the person. This way of intervention, own of coaching, it is applied in natural contexts of the person. In this natural contexts it is were the person with her atmosphere is developed and interacted. Therefore, this way to act with the techniques adapted to each case, it would be considered very positive for those people that they need an intervention applied in its natural contexts.peerReviewe

    Misión posible: mejorar el bienestar de los orientadores a través de su inteligencia emocional

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    ABSTRACTThis paper examines the benefits of emotional intelligence in various dimensions of personal and professional well-being such as engagement, life satisfaction and perceived stress in a sample of counselors, considering that emotional intelligence have been identified as necessary in the professional profile of the labor counselors and educational counselors.The study was carried out under a quantitative approach. Sampling was conducted a non-random sampling incidental voluntary sample and anonymous of 39 job counselors and 37 educational counselors, who completed translated into Spanish versions of the Scale of perceived emotional intelligence (Wong and Law, WLEIS), the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach y Jackson, MBI), Engagement Scale (Salanova, Schaufeli, Llorens y Grau Peiró, UWES), and life satisfaction Scale (Dianer, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin, SWLS)Overall, the results indicated, in both samples, positive correlations between emotional intelligence and engagement and emotional intelligence and life satisfaction; and positive correlations between emotional intelligence and personal fulfillment factor of burnout; and negative between emotional intelligence and the other two dimensions of burnout (exhaustion and depersonalization). Also, the results identify emotional intelligence as a predictor of life satisfaction, the engagement and burnout situation.The results go in the same direction as reported in previous studies. These findings suggest that level of emotional competence of counselors is a personal resource that helps them feel excited, motivated and involved with their work.   RESUMENEl presente trabajo examina los beneficios de la inteligencia emocional en diversas dimensiones del bienestar personal y laboral tales como satisfacción vital, compromiso en el trabajo (engagement) y percepción de estrés en una muestra de orientadores, dado que  las habilidades emocionales han sido identificadas como necesarias en el perfil profesional de los orientadores laborales y educativos.El estudio se llevó a cabo bajo un enfoque cuantitativo. El procedimiento de muestreo fue de tipo incidental no aleatorio, de carácter voluntario y anónimo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 76 orientadores (39 laborales y 37 educativos), que completaron las versiones traducidas al castellano de la Escala de inteligencia emocional percibida (Wong y Law, WLEIS), la Escala del síndrome de “estar quemado” (burnout) (Maslach y Jackson, MBI), la Escala de engagement (Salanova, Schaufeli, Llorens, Peiró y Grau, UWES), y la Escala de satisfacción vital (Dianer, Emmons, Larsen y Griffin, SWLS).En términos generales, los resultados indicaron correlaciones positivas de la inteligencia emocional con engagement y satisfacción vital; así como correlaciones positivas entre la inteligencia emocional y el factor de realización personal del burnout; y negativas entre  inteligencia emocional y las otras dos dimensiones de burnout (agotamiento y despersonalización). Además, los resultados identifican la inteligencia emocional como predictora de la satisfacción vital, el engagement y la situación de burnout.Los resultados obtenidos van en la misma dirección que estudios previos y sugieren que el nivel de competencia emocional de los orientadores es un recurso personal que les ayuda a sentirse ilusionados, motivados e implicados con su labor.ABSTRACT This paper examines the benefits of emotional intelligence in various dimensions of personal and professional well-being such as engagement, life satisfaction and perceived stress in a sample of counselors, considering that emotional intelligence have been identified as necessary in the professional profile of the labor counselors and educational counselors.The study was carried out under a quantitative approach. Sampling was conducted a non-random sampling incidental voluntary sample and anonymous of 39 job counselors and 37 educational counselors, who completed translated into Spanish versions of the Scale of perceived emotional intelligence (Wong and Law, WLEIS), the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach y Jackson, MBI), Engagement Scale (Salanova, Schaufeli, Llorens y Grau Peiró, UWES), and life satisfaction Scale (Dianer, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin, SWLS)Overall, the results indicated, in both samples, positive correlations between emotional intelligence and engagement and emotional intelligence and life satisfaction; and positive correlations between emotional intelligence and personal fulfillment factor of burnout; and negative between emotional intelligence and the other two dimensions of burnout (exhaustion and depersonalization). Also, the results identify emotional intelligence as a predictor of life satisfaction, the engagement and burnout situation.The results go in the same direction as reported in previous studies. These findings suggest that level of emotional competence of counselors is a personal resource that helps them feel excited, motivated and involved with their work

    Consideraciones para una óptima salud en el puesto de trabajo

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    La ergonomía desempeña un papel creciente en la solución del problema de rehabilitación de personas que en una u otra medida han perdido la capacidad de trabajo; también se estudian las aptitudes y peculiaridades psíquicas y físicas de las personas de edad avanzada y de aquellos individuos considerados como trabajadores especialmente sensibles. Por ello los principios ergonómicos se aplican para optimizar las condiciones de trabajo en relación al bienestar de la persona, su salud y su seguridad, sin olvidar la eficiencia tecnológica y económica. El abordaje de los factores de riesgo que intervienen en la producción de problemas de espalda en los profesionales, incluye al ser humano en sentido integral, desde el punto de vista físico, psicológico y social. En nuestro trabajo nos vamos a centrar en los factores físicos principalmente, destacaremos la adopción de posturas forzadas, movimientos bruscos, así como la inadecuada preparación física y el sedentarismo en una profesión sanitaria, la del técnico en transporte sanitario. Pero no debemos dejar de hacer mención de los otros puntos de vista: el estrés laboral, el apremio de tiempo, que da lugar a que se trabaje con mayor ritmo y no precisamente adoptando posiciones correctas. Aspectos relacionados con la satisfacción laboral también acentúan el estrés y la tensión muscular. La ausencia de una formación preventiva adecuada respecto a técnicas de movilización de enfermos. La falta de personal en los centros de trabajo, que implican una sobrecarga; el deficiente o nulo uso de medios mecánicos adecuadamente diseñados desde el punto de vista ergonómico.Ergonomics plays an increasing role in solving the problem of rehabilitation of people have lost the ability to work, it also examines the skills and mental and physical peculiarities of the elderly and those individuals considered workers are particularly sensitive. Therefore apply ergonomic principles to optimize the conditions of work for the welfare of the person, their health and safety, not forgetting the technological and economic efficiency. The approach of the risk factors involved in the production of back problems in the professionals, including the human being in integral sense from the standpoint of physical, psychological and social. In our work we focus mainly on physical factors, we will highlight the adoption of awkward postures, sudden movements, as well as inadequate physical fitness and physical inactivity in a health profession, the technician in health transport. But we must not fail to mention the other points of view: work stress, time pressure, which leads you to work with greater pace and not just taking proper positions. Aspects related to job satisfaction also accentuate stress and muscle tension. The absence of adequate preventive training on techniques of mobilization of patients. The lack of staff in the workplace, resulting in an overload, the poor or no use of properly designed mechanical means from the ergonomic standpoint.peerReviewe

    Prevalencia del dolor en pacientes hospitalizados en el Servicio de Neurocirugía de un Hospital Universitario Terciario en Madrid, España

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    Objectives: to measure the prevalence and intensity of acute pain in hospitalized patients in the Neurosurgery Service of a Tertiary Hospital, using a numerical verbal scale, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for its evaluation. Material and methods: observational, cross-sectional study to evaluate acute pain. All patients admitted to the ward during November 2019 are included and those with limitations to understand or evaluate pain according to VAS are excluded. Results: of the total of 120 patients admitted to the ward during the study period, 40 were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Eighty patients with a high prevalence of pain (76.61%) were analyzed, with a mean score of 3.47 ± 0.78. Of those who report pain, 20% is mild, 40% moderate and 40% intense. For pathologies, the highest values ​​correspond to post-intervention. Hospital analgesic protocols were applied in all cases and no patient went to the emergency room due to pain after hospital discharge. The main limitation of the study was that the VAS score was not adequately collected in all patients. Conclusions: the prevalence of pain in a neurosurgery ward is high (76.61%), with average scores (3-4, moderate pain) that require improving our analgesic strategies and its measurement. Malignant diseases, predominantly intracranial, were associated with greater pain.Objetivos: medir la prevalencia e intensidad del dolor agudo en pacientes hospitalizados en el Servicio de Neurocirugía de un Hospital Terciario, utilizando una escala verbal numérica, la Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) para su evaluación. Material y métodos: estudio observacional, transversal, para evaluar el dolor agudo. Se incluyen todos los pacientes ingresados en planta durante noviembre del 2019 y se excluyen aquellos con limitaciones para entender o evaluar el dolor según EVA. Resultados: del total de 120 pacientes ingresados en planta durante el periodo de estudio, son excluidos 40 por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión. Se analizan 80 pacientes que presentan elevada prevalencia de dolor (76,61%), con una puntuación media de 3,47 ± 0.78. De los que refieren dolor, en un 20% es leve, 40% moderado y 40% intenso. Por patologías los valores más elevados corresponden a post-intervención. Los protocolos analgésicos del Hospital se aplicaron en todos los casos y ningún paciente acudió a urgencias por dolor tras el alta hospitalaria. La principal limitación del estudio fue que no en todos los pacientes se recogió adecuadamente la puntuación EVA. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de dolor en una planta de neurocirugía es elevada (76,61%), con unas puntuaciones medias (3-4, dolor moderado) que requieren mejorar nuestras estrategias analgésicas y la medición del mismo. Las enfermedades malignas, de predominio intracraneal, se asociaron con mayor dolor