44 research outputs found

    Krooninen vÀsymysoireyhtymÀ : Etiologia, diagnostiikka, hoito sekÀ kuntoutusinterventiot

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    TÀmÀn kroonisen vÀsymysoireyhtymÀn (KVO) diagnostiikkaa, etiologiaa ja hoitokeinojen vaikuttavuutta koskevan selvityksen menetelminÀ ovat systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja kysely. Aiheen laajuuden vuoksi liikkeelle lÀhdettiin julkaistuista systemaattisista kirjallisuuskatsauksista, ja nÀistÀ saatavaa tietoa tÀydennettiin uusilla alkuperÀistutkimuksilla. Katsausten ja hoitotutkimusten laatu arvioitiin ja nÀytönaste arvioitiin lopputulosmuuttujittain. Suomen hoitokÀytÀnnöistÀ haettiin lisÀtietoa KVO-potilaille sekÀ heitÀ hoitaville lÀÀkÀreille suunnatulla kyselyllÀ. Työ on tehty elokuun 2015 ja marraskuun 2016 vÀlisenÀ aikana. Kroonisen vÀsymysoireyhtymÀn riskitekijöitÀ ovat traumaattiset kokemukset, aiempi masennus, yliaktiivinen elÀmÀntapa ja tÀydellisyyden tavoittelu mutta toisaalta myös passiivisuus tai liikunnan vÀlttely. ImmuunijÀrjestelmÀ, neuroendokriininen jÀrjestelmÀ ja autonominen hermosto ovat osallisia oireyhtymÀn patofysiologiassa. PitkÀkestoisella stressillÀ nÀyttÀÀ olevan tÀrkeÀ vÀlittÀvÀ rooli. Kroonisen vÀsymysoireyhtymÀn diagnostiikassa oleellista on muiden vÀsymystÀ aiheuttavien, mahdollisesti henkeÀ uhkaavien, sairauksien poissulku. Erotusdiagnostiikkaa tehdÀÀn myös muiden vÀsymyksenÀ ilmenevien oireyhtymien tunnistamiseksi. TaudinmÀÀritykseen on kÀytettÀvissÀ useita erilaisia kansainvÀlisiÀ diagnostisia kriteeristöjÀ. Kansallisia hoitosuosituksia tarvittaisiin yhdenmukaistamaan KVO-potilaiden nykyisellÀÀn kirjavaa diagnostiikkaa ja hoitoa Suomessa. Porrastettu fyysinen harjoittelu ja kognitiivis-behavioraalinen terapia ovat pitkÀÀn olleet ainoita hoitoja, joiden vaikuttavuudesta on kohtalaista nÀyttöÀ. KÀytössÀ on myös lÀÀkkeitÀ ja terapioita, joita on tutkittu vain hyvin vÀhÀn tai ei ollenkaan. Rintatolimodi ja rituksimabi ovat laskimonsisÀisesti annosteltavia lÀÀkeaineita, joilla nÀyttö KVO-potilaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn parantajina on heikko. Sama pÀtee muun muassa suun kautta annosteltuun hydrokortisoniin, yrttilÀÀkkeisiin ja ravintolisiin.peerReviewedVertaisarvioit

    Individual Oligodendrocytes Have Only a Few Hours in which to Generate New Myelin Sheaths In Vivo

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    The number of myelin sheaths made by individual oligodendrocytes regulates the extent of myelination, which profoundly affects central nervous system function. It remains unknown when, during their life, individual oligodendrocytes can regulate myelin sheath number in vivo. We show, using live imaging in zebrafish, that oligodendrocytes make new myelin sheaths during a period of just 5 hr, with regulation of sheath number after this time limited to occasional retractions. We also show that activation and reduction of Fyn kinase in oligodendrocytes increases and decreases sheath number per cell, respectively. Interestingly, these oligodendrocytes also generate their new myelin sheaths within the same period, despite having vastly different extents of myelination. Our data demonstrate a restricted time window relative to the lifetime of the individual oligodendrocyte, during which myelin sheath formation occurs and the number of sheaths is determined

    Axonal domains:role for paranodal junction in node of Ranvier assembly

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    SummaryA new study shows that communication between axons and glia at the paranodal junction can orchestrate the formation of the node of Ranvier

    Time-Lapse Imaging of the Dynamics of CNS Glial-Axonal Interactions In Vitro and Ex Vivo

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    Myelination is an exquisite and dynamic example of heterologous cell-cell interaction, which consists of the concentric wrapping of multiple layers of oligodendrocyte membrane around neuronal axons. Understanding the mechanism by which oligodendrocytes ensheath axons may bring us closer to designing strategies to promote remyelination in demyelinating diseases. The main aim of this study was to follow glial-axonal interactions over time both in vitro and ex vivo to visualize the various stages of myelination.We took two approaches to follow myelination over time: i) time-lapse imaging of mixed CNS myelinating cultures generated from mouse spinal cord to which exogenous GFP-labelled murine cells were added, and ii) ex vivo imaging of the spinal cord of shiverer (Mbp mutant) mice, transplanted with GFP-labelled murine neurospheres. We demonstrate that oligodendrocyte-axonal interactions are dynamic events with continuous retraction and extension of oligodendroglial processes. Using cytoplasmic and membrane-GFP labelled cells to examine different components of the myelin-like sheath, we provide evidence from time-lapse fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy that the oligodendrocytes' cytoplasm-filled processes initially spiral around the axon in a corkscrew-like manner. This is followed subsequently by focal expansion of the corkscrew process to form short cuffs, which then extend longitudinally along the axons. We predict from this model that these spiral cuffs must extend over each other first before extending to form internodes of myelin.These experiments show the feasibility of visualizing the dynamics of glial-axonal interaction during myelination over time. Moreover, these approaches complement each other with the in vitro approach allowing visualization of an entire internodal length of myelin and the ex vivo approach validating the in vitro data

    Suku, sisu, sotu : Suomalaisen sosiaaliturvan historiaa

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    Sadassa vuodessa Suomi on kehittynyt köyhÀstÀ ja maatalousvaltaisesta maasta pohjoismaiseksi hyvinvointivaltioksi, joka on monilla mittareilla parhaita maita maailmassa. Sarjakuvatarina Valtasten suvun vaiheista tuo konkreettisesti esille elinehdot eri vuosikymmenillÀ sekÀ vÀhittÀisen kehityksen kohti parempia elÀmÀn edellytyksiÀ, turvatumpaa elÀmÀÀ ja valoisampaa tulevaisuutta.20,00 euro

    A pilot study of the feasibility of a Swedish multimodal group intervention for severe migraine - The migraine patient school

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    Objectives: To evaluate a multidisciplinary group intervention, the migraine patient school (MPS), for patients with severe, mostly chronic migraine. Method: A 13-week group intervention program including seven sessions of patient education, practical body awareness and relaxation exercises, and home assignments was performed in small groups with 5–11 participants. Four groups were consecutively included from spring 2014 to fall 2015. Headache diaries and standardized and study-specific questionnaires were used for evaluation at baseline before MPS (pre-interventional phase), and at follow-up. Results: Twenty-four of 30 included patients completed the study, i.e. attended ≄ four sessions. Most participants found it rewarding to participate in the MPS and easy to take part in, understand and complete home assignments. Validated standardized questionnaires delivered before, and after (follow-up) MPS showed that the impact on life (HIT-6) and avoidance behavior (PIPS-A) were significantly improved whereas quality of life (MSQL), anxiety and depression (HAD) and perceived stress (PSS-14) did not show a statistically significant change. Conclusion: The Migraine patient school with a multimodal educational and behavioral group intervention program was feasible to perform and seem to benefit patients with severe (high-frequency or chronic) migraine. © The Author(s) 2021