162 research outputs found

    Positive Behavior Support and Intervention Programs vs Responsive Classroom Programs: Impact on Perceptions of School Climate

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    School climate is an aspect of school life that has been examined closely in recent literature as it related to student interactions, behavior, and student achievement. A number of factors that affect school climate have been identified; these include student/teacher relationships, school safety and student relations, clarity of a school’s expectations, perceived fairness of school rules, and the presence of a strong, welldeveloped and widely-accepted behavior program in a school. Both Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) programs and Responsive Classroom (RC) programs have been identified as having a positive impact on school climate at multiple grade levels and across demographics. The Delaware School Climate Survey (DSCS) is a tool that has been used across the state over multiple years to examine perceptions of school climate in multiple informant groups: teachers and staff members, parents and guardians, and students. This study evaluates the Delaware School Climate Survey results both in a PBIS elementary school and in a RC elementary school to examine the perceptions of school climate between informant groups and across the two school intervention programs. Results of the study found that perceptions of school climate were predominantly higher overall in the PBIS school, compared with the RC school. At the domain level, results showed that teachers, parents, and students in the PBIS school reported higher scores in the areas of Teacher/Student Relations, Student Relations and Safety, Fairness of Rules, and Clarity of Expectations domains

    Removing Barriers for Contemporary Student Success

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    This paper examines the contemporary student in higher education and how to position this student for success. Through analysis of Leviticus chapter nineteen verse fourteen (19:14), which states “You shall not curse the deaf, and you shall not place a stumbling block before the blind”, the authors examine how to remove barriers often placed in front of the contemporary post-secondary student. Utilizing the analogy of the contemporary student and the institution of higher education being “blind” and/or “deaf” as in the Biblical verse, the authors propose institutional responses and institutional repercussions that can remove barriers and thereby allow the contemporary student to succeed in the complex arena of higher education

    Assessment of the Level of Team Cooperation in a Selected Sports Club

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá posouzením týmové úrovně ve vybraném sportovním klubu. Nejprve se v úvodu stanovují hlavní cíle práce, kterými jsou 3 výzkumné otázky, které budeme analyzovat na základě aplikování vědeckých metod. Teoretická část se dělí na několik podkapitol, které mají objasnit důležité pojmy, které se týkají týmové spolupráce. Následuje představení konkrétního sportovního klubu, u kterého se dělalo výzkumné bádání. Praktická část je složena z několika vědeckých metod, která zachycují potřebná data, která jsou následně implementována do SWOT analýzy, která je hlavním výstupem pro interpretaci výzkumných otázek. Na jejich závěrech jsou postaveny náměty a doporučení pro sportovní organizaci a celkové shrnutí a ohlédnutí je v závěru diplomové práce.The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the team level in a selected sports club. First, the main objectives of the work are set in the introduction, which are 3 research questions that we will analyze based on the application of scientific methods. The theoretical part is divided into several subchapters, which are intended to clarify important concepts related to teamwork. The following is an introduction to a specific sports club that was the subject of research. The practical part consists of several scientific methods that capture the necessary data, which are subsequently implemented in a SWOT analysis, which is the main output for the interpretation of research questions. Based on their conclusions, topics and recommendations for the sports organization are built, and the overall summary and review is at the end of the diploma thesis.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Jewish Midrash in Jesuit Classrooms

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    Storytelling is of paramount importance in the Jewish tradition. The retelling of ancient stories by rabbinical sages is known is as Midrash. This article examines Midrash on multiple levels. Topics include an analysis of how Midrash can serve as a case study for cultural change within higher education; how Midrash can assist with the process of creating a vision and mission statement for an institution; how stories from Midrash exemplify that components of the Jewish tradition of Midrash can serve as a fundamental component of the Jesuit classroom; and how to apply them in a Jesuit classroom setting

    Organisation and Management of Sports Competition

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na organizaci a řízení sportovní soutěže, konkrétně se jedná o Krajský přebor družstev šachu. Cílem práce je analyzování soutěžního ročníku 2020/2021, který se stal velmi specifickým, a tak bylo zapotřebí hlubší analýzy, aby se ukázaly silné stránky organizace managementu a byly odhaleny případné hrozby, které soutěž ohrožují. Mezi hlavní body práce patří zejména organizování a řízení samotné soutěže, kterou má v kompetenci Moravskoslezský krajský šachový svaz, přičemž v řízení soutěže mu pomáhá instituce Sportovně-technické komise. Taktéž následná aplikace výstupních dat na základě využití výzkumných metod, které se v komparaci s dalšími faktory sjednotí do výsledné SWOT analýzy, která nám generuje případné připomínky, náměty a doporučení, které se mohou přenést do dalších ročníků soutěže. Během práce jsou užity různorodé techniky a principy, které se odráží ve všech sférách managementu nebo se i teoretická část zaměřuje na sekundární role sportu i šachu. K získání potřebných dat bylo využito mnohých výzkumných metod, například rozhovor, dotazník, práce s dokumenty nebo vlastní pozorování. K analýze z dotazníkového šetření bylo využito grafického znázornění, které se následně překlenulo do konečné SWOT analýzy, která zanalyzovala nejen silné stránky nebo právě hrozby, na jejichž odstranění se bude muset management MKŠS do budoucích let zaměřit.The bachelor's thesis is focused on the organization and management of sports competitions, specifically the Regional Chess Team Championship. The aim of the work is to analyze the competition year 2020/2021, which has become very specific, and so a deeper analysis was needed to show the strengths of the management organization and reveal potential threats that threaten the competition. The main points of the work include in particular the organization and management of the competition itself, which is the responsibility of the Moravian-Silesian Regional Chess Association, while in the management of the competition is assisted by the institution of the Sports and Technical Commission. Also the subsequent application of output data based on the use of research methods, which in comparison with other factors will be unified into the final SWOT analysis, which generates any comments, suggestions and recommendations that can be transferred to other years of the competition. During the work, various techniques and principles are used, which are reflected in all spheres of management or the theoretical part focuses on the secondary roles of sport and chess. Many research methods were used to obtain the necessary data, such as an interview, a questionnaire, working with documents or own observations. A graphic representation was used for the analysis from the questionnaire survey, which was subsequently bridged into the final SWOT analysis, which analyzed not only the strengths or threats that the MKŠS management will have to focus on in the coming years.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    SPG20 protein spartin is recruited to midbodies by ESCRT-III protein Ist1 and participates in cytokinesis.

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    Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs, SPG1-46) are inherited neurological disorders characterized by lower extremity spastic weakness. Loss-of-function SPG20 gene mutations cause an autosomal recessive HSP known as Troyer syndrome. The SPG20 protein spartin localizes to lipid droplets and endosomes, and it interacts with tail interacting protein 47 (TIP47) as well as the ubiquitin E3 ligases atrophin-1-interacting protein (AIP)4 and AIP5. Spartin harbors a domain contained within microtubule-interacting and trafficking molecules (MIT) at its N-terminus, and most proteins with MIT domains interact with specific ESCRT-III proteins. Using yeast two-hybrid and in vitro surface plasmon resonance assays, we demonstrate that the spartin MIT domain binds with micromolar affinity to the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-III protein increased sodium tolerance (Ist)1 but not to ESCRT-III proteins charged multivesicular body proteins 1-7. Spartin colocalizes with Ist1 at the midbody, and depletion of Ist1 in cells by small interfering RNA significantly decreases the number of cells where spartin is present at midbodies. Depletion of spartin does not affect Ist1 localization to midbodies but markedly impairs cytokinesis. A structure-based amino acid substitution in the spartin MIT domain (F24D) blocks the spartin-Ist1 interaction. Spartin F24D does not localize to the midbody and acts in a dominant-negative manner to impair cytokinesis. These data suggest that Ist1 interaction is important for spartin recruitment to the midbody and that spartin participates in cytokinesis

    The cardiovascular risk during treatment with NSAIDs. Commentary on the two studies

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    Częstość powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych podczas stosowania niesteroidowych leków przeciwzapalnych (NLPZ) jest duża. Wszystkie NLPZ (poza kwasem acetylosalicylowym) mogą powodować powikłania sercowo-naczyniowe, jednak ich częstość zależy od rodzaju stosowanego leku oraz od obciążeń kardiologicznych pacjenta. W artykule omówiono wyniki dwóch prac, w których oceniano bezpieczeństwo kardiologiczne NLPZ. W największej metaanalizie obejmującej ponad 350 tys. pacjentów wykazano, że u pacjentów obarczonych podwyższonym ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym naproksen był bezpieczniejszy niż inne NLPZ. Największy wzrost ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego obserwowano po leczeniu diklofenakiem. Na tej podstawie Europejska A gencja Leków wydała ostrzeżenie przed stosowaniem diklofenaku u pacjentów z chorobami układu krąż enia. W drugiej z prac wykazano, że stosowanie NLPZ u pacjentów z RZS powoduje mniejszy wzrost ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego niż u innych pacjentów. Nie było istotnych różnic pomiędzy naproksenem i ketoprofenem, ale badane grupy były bardzo małe. W grupie kontrolnej ponownie najbezpieczniejszy był naproksen.The incidence of cardiovascular complications from (NSAIDs, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) is large. All NSAIDs (except acetylsalicylic acid) may cause cardiovascular complications but their frequency depends on the type of drug used and the patient’s cardiac history. The article discusses the results of two cardiac safety assessments of NSAIDs. In the largest meta-analysis of more than 350 thousand patients , naproxen was shown to be safer than other NSAIDs for patients with elevated cardiovascular risk. The highest increase in cardiovascular risk was observed after treatment with diclofenac. On this basis, the European Medicines Agency has issued a warning against the use of diclofenac in patients with cardiovascular disease. A second study showed that the use of NSAIDs in patients with RA causes a smaller increase in cardiovascular risk than in other patients. In such patients there were no significant differences between naproxen and ketoprofen but the treatment groups were very small. In the control group, naproxen was again the safest

    Identifikasi Salmonella pullorum pada Ayam Petelur Periode Grower dengan Uji Aglutinasi dan Makroskopik di Peternakan Ayam Kabupaten Sidrap

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    ABSTRAKPenyakit pullorum merupakan penyakit yang sering menginfeksi ayam yang disebabkan oleh Salmonella pullorum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi ada tidaknya penyakit pullorum pada ayam petelur periode grower di peternakan ayam kabupaten Sidrap. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel serum dan organ diambil dari 19 peternakan ayam di Batu-Batu. Sebanyak 57 sampel serum diuji dengan uji aglutinasi. Diperoleh sebanyak 26 sampel serum yang positif dan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan makroskopik. Pemeriksaan makroskopik ditemukan adanya hepatomegali, lesi berwarna kuning-pucat, konsistensi lunak, dan nodul-nodul di permukaan hati serta adanya kardomegali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peternakan ayam layer periode grower di kabupaten Sidrap telah terinfeksi Salmonella pullorum dangan gambaran patologis yang bervariasi.  Kata kunci: ayam petelur, identifikasi, Salmonella pullorum, makroskopikIdentification of Salmonella Pullorum in Grower Period of Laying Hens By Agglutinated and Macroscopic Test in Layer Farms of Sidrap RegencyABSTRACTPullorum is a bacterial disease that commonly infected the chicken infected by Salmonella pullorum. This research aimed to identify Salmonella pullorum in the growing period of laying hen in Batu-Batu. The research used a purposive sampling method. The organ and serum samples were collected from 19 farms. Agglutination test for serum and macroscopic test for organ was performed. There were 26 samples that tested positive from 57 serum samples. There were 26 organ samples of macroscopic treatment that resulted in liver damages in the forms of swelling, pale yellow lesions, soft consistency, and nodules on the surface. The heart also experienced changes through swelling, soft consistency, uneven surface, and a mixture of fluid and fibrin inside the pericardium. It can be concluded that layer farms in Sidrap districts have been infected by Salmonella pullorum affecting the growing period.Keywords : laying hens, identification, Salmonella pullorum, macroscopi

    Mapping of the Coronavirus Circulating in Asia Based on Sequence of Gene Spike and Membrane Protein Used MEGA-X Aplication

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    Coronavirus are viruses that can be transmitted to human and animals. Severe acute respiratory syndrome, middle east respiratory syndrome, and Coronavirus disease 2019 are disease can be caused by several subtypes of coronavirus.  The aims of this study were to mapping of the coronavirus circulating in Asia based on sequence of gene spike and membrane protein virus. Totally of 67 coronavirus spike protein and membrane gene sequence were accessed via GenBank® (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/) matched with the ClustalW Method MEGA-X. The result of the study are 20 groups of coronavirus were found based on spike protein gene sequences and 27 groups of coronavirus were found based on membrane protein gene sequences which were different with the first group of coronavirus found in Wuhan. Therefore, it can be concluded that the coronavirus circulate in several Asian countries had been mutate on gene spike and membrane protein. Keywords: Asia, Coronavirus, MEGA-X, Membrane Protein, Spike Protei