14 research outputs found


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    Chapter 8 Precarious Transition and the Renewal of Religion at Harvard, 1941/1948–1959

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    Bibliographie der Veröffentlichungen von Wolfhart Pannenberg 1953-2008

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    Verzeichnis der Veröffentlichungen Friedrich Niebergalls .

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    2. Religionskultur

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    International Social Survey Programme: Religion I-III ADD ON - ISSP 1991-1998-2008

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    The release of the cumulated ISSP ´Religion´ modules for the years 1991, 1998 and 2008 consists of two separate datasets: ZA5070 and ZA5071. This documentation deals with the supplementary dataset ZA5071. It contains all those, mainly national-specific background variables that belong to the current ISSP standard, but could not be cumulated for various reasons. The variables, however, can be matched easily to the cumulated file if necessary. A comprehensive overview on the contents, the structure and basic coding rules of both data files can be found in the following guide: Guide for the ISSP ´Religion´ cumulation of the years 1991, 1998 and 2008 Religion - (non-cumulated background variables of the individual modules) Variables for all countries and modules if available: country-specific education and degree; country-specific occupation (respondent as well as partner); earnings of respondent (country specific); family income (country-specific); country-specific party affiliation; size of community (country-specific); country of origin or ethnic group affiliation (country-specific); type of community: urban-rural area. Single variables: spouse’s working for private or public sector or self-employed 2008; self-placement on a top-bottom scale 2008, administrative mode of data-collection 2008, case substitution flag 2008