107 research outputs found

    Memory Effects in Spontaneous Emission Processes

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    We consider a quantum-mechanical analysis of spontaneous emission in terms of an effective two-level system with a vacuum decay rate Γ0\Gamma_0 and transition angular frequency ωA\omega_A. Our analysis is in principle exact, even though presented as a numerical solution of the time-evolution including memory effects. The results so obtained are confronted with previous discussions in the literature. In terms of the {\it dimensionless} lifetime τ=tΓ0\tau = t\Gamma_0 of spontaneous emission, we obtain deviations from exponential decay of the form O(1/τ){\cal O} (1/\tau) for the decay amplitude as well as the previously obtained asymptotic behaviors of the form O(1/τ2){\cal O} (1/\tau^2) or O(1/τln2τ){\cal O} (1/\tau \ln^2\tau) for τ1\tau \gg 1 . The actual asymptotic behavior depends on the adopted regularization procedure as well as on the physical parameters at hand. We show that for any reasonable range of τ\tau and for a sufficiently large value of the required angular frequency cut-off ωc\omega_c of the electro-magnetic fluctuations, i.e. ωcωA\omega_c \gg \omega_A, one obtains either a O(1/τ){\cal O} (1/\tau) or a O(1/τ2){\cal O} (1/\tau^2) dependence. In the presence of physical boundaries, which can change the decay rate with many orders of magnitude, the conclusions remains the same after a suitable rescaling of parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures and 46 reference

    The TNF Receptors p55 and p75 Mediate Chemotaxis of PMN Induced by TNFα and a TNFα 36–62 Peptide

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    The present study was performed to examine whether residues 36–62 of TNFα contain the chemotactic domain of TNFα, and whether the p55 and p75 TNF receptors are involved in TNFα induced chemotaxis. The chemotactic effect of TNFα on PMN was inhibited by the mAbs Hrt-7b and Utr-1, against the p55 and p75 TNF receptors, respectively. Both receptors may therefore be required for mediating the chemotactic effect of TNFcz. The synthetic TNFα 36–62, similar to TNFα, had chemotactic effects on both PMN and monocytes. The chemotactic activity of the TNFα 36–62 peptide on PMN, was inhibited by Htr-7b, Utr-1 and soluble p55 receptor, which shows that the peptide possessed the ability to induce chemotaxis through the TNF receptors. In contrast to TNFα, the peptide did not show a cytotoxic activity against WEHI 164 flbrosarcoma cells. It is suggested that different domains of the TNFα molecule induce distinct biological effects

    Creating Ioffe-Pritchard micro-traps from permanent magnetic film with in-plane magnetization

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    We present designs for Ioffe-Pritchard type magnetic traps using planar patterns of hard magnetic material. Two samples with different pattern designs were produced by spark erosion of 40 μ\mum thick FePt foil. The pattern on the first sample yields calculated axial and radial trap frequencies of 51 Hz and 6.8 kHz, respectively. For the second sample the calculated frequencies are 34 Hz and 11 kHz. The structures were used successfully as a magneto-optical trap for 87^{87}Rb and loaded as a magnetic trap. A third design, based on lithographically patterned 250 nm thick FePt film on a Si substrate, yields an array of 19 traps with calculated axial and radial trap frequencies of 1.5 kHz and 110 kHz, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures Revised and accepted for EPJD, improved picture

    Scheme for generating entangled states of two field modes in a cavity

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    This paper considers a two-level atom interacting with two cavity modes with equal frequencies. Applying a unitary transformation, the system reduces to the analytically solvable Jaynes-Cummings model. For some particular field states, coherent and squeezed states, the transformation between the two bare basis's, related by the unitary transformation, becomes particularly simple. It is shown how to generate, the highly non-classical, entangled coherent states of the two modes, both in the zero and large detuning cases. An advantage with the zero detuning case is that the preparation is deterministic and no atomic measurement is needed. For the large detuning situation a measurement is required, leaving the field in either of two orthogonal entangled coherent states.Comment: Accepted in J. Mod. Opt.; 12 pages; Replaced with revised version. Extended discussion of experimental realizations, earlier studies in the field and on the frequency dependence in the adiabatic eliminatio

    Relative Spatial Positions of Tryptophan and Cationic Residues in Helical Membrane-active Peptides Determine Their Cytotoxicity

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    The cytotoxic activity of 10 analogs of the idealized amphipathic helical 21-mer peptide (KAAKKAA)3, where three of the Ala residues at different positions have been replaced with Trp residues, has been investigated. The peptide's cytotoxic activity was found to be markedly dependent upon the position of the Trp residues within the hydrophobic sector of an idealized α-helix. The peptides with Trp residues located opposite the cationic sector displayed no antitumor activity, whereas those peptides with two or three Trp residues located adjacent to the cationic sector exhibited high cytotoxic activity when tested against three different cancer cell lines. Dye release experiments revealed that in contrast to the peptides with Trp residues located opposite the cationic sector, the peptides with Trp residues located adjacent to the cationic sector induced a strong permeabilizing activity from liposomes composed of a mixture of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine and negatively charged phosphatidylserine (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-l-serine (POPS)) (2:1) but not from liposomes composed of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine, POPC. Fluorescence blue shift and quenching experiments revealed that Trp residues inserted deeper into the hydrophobic environment of POPC/POPS liposomes for peptides with high cytotoxic activity. Through circular dichroism studies, a correlation between the cytotoxic activity and the α-helical propensity was established. Structural studies of one inactive and two active peptides in the presence of micelles using NMR spectroscopy showed that only the active peptides adopted highly coiled to helical structures when bound to a membrane surface.publishedVersio

    Macroscopic Interference Effects in Resonant Cavities

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    We investigate the possibility of interference effects induced by macroscopic quantum-mechanical superpositions of almost othogonal coherent states - a Schroedinger cats state - in a resonant microcavity. Despite the fact that a single atom, used as a probe of the cat state, on the average only change the mean number of photons by one unit, we show that this single atom can change the system drastically. Interference between the initial and almost orthogonal macroscopic quantum states of the radiation field can now take place. Dissipation under current experimental conditions is taken into account and it is found that this does not necessarily change the intereference effects dramatically.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Towards quantum computing with single atoms and optical cavities on atom chips

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    We report on recent developments in the integration of optical microresonators into atom chips and describe some fabrication and implementation challenges. We also review theoretical proposals for quantum computing with single atoms based on the observation of photons leaking through the cavity mirrors. The use of measurements to generate entanglement can result in simpler, more robust and scalable quantum computing architectures. Indeed, we show that quantum computing with atom-cavity systems is feasible even in the presence of relatively large spontaneous decay rates and finite photon detector efficiencies.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure